The mort enticing line of have to decide that," he replied. "I'm • ■■u arpíateos scorn, iu»n ae draw going to see some one else, tod." back and let Bruce pats on up the "Koine one named—Linda 1" road. buVau*lietinM ’ MiU* r --~ Marrie* the attention of a physician, "Yes. Ton seem quite Interested.- u g Bulletin. — Harrisburg Bulletin. They »ere standing fate to face in (To be continued.) 1 he stats highway coiumiwiou The daily papers at the countv the trail. For once Brace was glad of , his unusual height. He did not have I bid- «ip lo „ext Tuvs- seat are thiowing •« x . ’ y n X < to raise hla eyes greatly to look I day for the butldiug of the budge gays at each other that there ie ever seen in Halsey is on display squarely Into Simon s. Both faceo ‘ ;r .n d bei™ n T a u -1 d a ,,‘ # r ° f • in at the store of were flushed, both set; and the eyes (Continued from page 1) of the older man brightened slowly. (Continued on page 4) K. C. M iller visited Tangent “I am interested." Simon replied. Not all the crops are short this ' 1 —— — —— — "You're a tenderfoot. You're fresh Sunday. year. Some fe l ’s of wheat have with bright porcelain anJ shining J. J. Corcoran visited the county from cities. You're going up there to given uncon monly large yields. nickel which nsed no polish. Up- learn things thut wou't be any pleas­ eeat Monday, There is a good crop of vetch seed to-date cooking apparatus; latest ure to yon Yon're going into tbe improvements. Andrew Brown and wife cams and sltike for seed has dene well. real mountains— a man's land such as never was a place for tenderfoot. A home for the week end. Mrs. Amy Standish of Browns. good ninny can happen up Shelton of Brownsville . - things .— —........ “o i Dr. was ville on h ridny brought over her RUGS there A good many things hare hap- J in Halsey Mouday evening cousin, Mrs. Edith Cross of Port­ poned up there. I 1 warn you— g o ’ ** L IN O L E U M S Th« Mayberry family were here land who has been visiting her. buck!” Onr prices «eli goods Mrs. Cross went Io Eugene to visit CO NG O LEUM S Bruce smiled. Just the faint flicker »gsin from Eugene Sunday. a sitter. of a smile, but Simon's eyes narrowed Mre. George Hayee was a paa- when he snw It. Tlie dark face lost a Last week 37.000 joung rainbow little of Its insolence. He knew men. senger to Albany T u n lay, trout ware let loose in the Cals- to come true. The whole adventure tlUs huge sou of the wilderness, and Guy Merriam want Saturday pooia and 4000 in Brush creek, was of the most thrilling and Joy­ clearly "us words. he knew that no coward could smile In for a visit in Southern Oregon" bicb empties into the former at J. W. Seaver’s Yard ous anticipations. H e did not feel i Bruce flushed, and his blood made rseeb this. He was ac- 7 7 ’ a moment ? D,nJe" t ns « “ »• He the load of his heavy suitcase. It a curious little leap. Miss Thelma Bowers returned stream between Brownsvil'e and He slowly CU8,0lned ,0 implicit obedience nnd on« tulle south of Corvallis, ou or Crawfordsville. was nothing to his magnificent yonng turned. His gaze moved until It rested ! was not used to seeing men smile to her home in Eugene Saturday strength. I full upon the man's eyes. It took all when he uttered a threat. “I've come evening. Jessie Tyburn of Brownsville Tlie sun rose higher, and be began i of Bruce's strength to hold that gaze, i too far to go back," Bruce told him, Stanley Henry and family of want to Portland Tuesday to take to feel its power. The sweat came i The moment was charged with a mys- ! “Nothing can turn me.” W ill pay 50c per box out on his bronze face, but he never terlous snspense. "Men liuve been turned before, on shedd visited Mrs. Henry of the the place of her sister, Mrs. M a't Good caiup ground felt better In his life. There was but Morgan, in the Montgomery Ward trails like this,’.’ Sluion told him. hotel Sunday. The stranger’s face changed too. He Good water one great need, and that was break­ did not flush, however. His lips curled I “Don't misunderstand me. I advised A Co. s store. Mrs. Morgan was Mrs. Glenn Cleak, Mrs. Enoch fast. Sawed stove wood ever so slightly, revealing an Instant's ' you to go hack before, and I usually Cunningham’s guvs’, visited the here and went with her. Straw for beds A man of his physique feel^hungsr glimpse of strong, rather well-kept | don’t take time or trouble to advise The man who sella only for cash quickly. The sensation Increased In teeth. His eyes were narrowing too; | any one. Now 1 tell you to go hack. county seat Monday. One table for each camp W. L. Norton and fa n fly went is able to make lower prices. He Intensity, and the suitcase grew cor­ This Is a man's land, and we dou't Store on place and they seemed to come to life with respondingly heavy. And all at once singular sparkles and glowingg be- j want any tenderfeet here.” to Blachly Sunday to visit M r. Nor. has no losses from had debls, no Meat delivered every day he stopped short In the road. The “The trail is open," Brace returned. ton’s brother and family. expense of coPeclion and no loss W ill meet trains and carry between the lids. Impulse along hie nerves to his leg Tt was not Ids usual manner to speak “Well J” he suddenly demanded pickers in, aud out alter pick­ Dean 1 veer sent a deer from of the earning power of money due. muscles was checked, like an elec­ In quite this way. He seemed at once Every man in the room—except one— ing is over, free Sutherlin Tuesday. I t furnished Foote Bros, announce that they tric current at the closing of a switch, to have fallen Into the vernacular of started. The one exception was have gone ou a cash basis. 1 3 0 acres, on high trellis a feaet at J. \V. Morgan’s. and an lastluct of unknown origin Bruce himself. He was holding hard the wilderness of which symbolic ref­ Clean yards struggled for expression within him erence has such a part. Strange us Mrs. McNeil will live in the on his nerve control, and he only eon Dr. Garnjobst and Red Pearl Please register early. W rite In an Instant be had It. He didn't tlnued to stare coldly. the scene was to him, it was in some house on First street recently va­ left town in the doctor's auto Sun­ know whence It came. It was noth­ i fam iliar too. It was as If this “Are you the merchant ?” Bruce W . L. B U T L E R , box 277, day for ao auto load of venison. cated by the Mayberry family ing lie had read or that any one had asked. meeting had been ordained long ago; and Arthur Foote and family will told him. It seemed to be rather the Corvallis, Oregon, that It was part of an Inexorable des­ J. W. Rector and grandaon James j “No, I ain't," the other replied. “You occupy the house she vacates It or phone 7F2 result of some experience In his own usually look for the merchant behind tiny thnt the two should be talking to­ larted Sunday fora vacation along belongs to Douglas Taylor and is Immediate life, an occurrence of so the counter.” gether, face to face, on this winding the Oregon coast from Newport in the northwest part o f town. long ago that lie bad forgotten It. He There was no smile on the faces of mountain road. Memories—all vague, northward. suddenly knew where he could find the waiting mountain men. usually to all unrecognized—thronged through I he Mountain States Power com­ him. his breakfast. He set his suitcase Archie Cornelius yielded to the down, and with the confidence of a Many times, during the past year», lure of the wild and wrnt to south- pany shut off our harnessed lig h t­ ning from about 7 Sunday morning man who hears the dinner call in his he had wakened from curious ilreams rn Oregon Bunday to huut detr ¡until 5, while work was being done own home, he struck ofT Into the that In the light of day he had tried (or a few days, thickets beside the cteek bed. In­ ou the line, which made Halsey in vain to Interpret. He was never stinct—and really, after all. Instinct able to connect them with any remem­ Mrs. Marcella K irk returned Io a r ither dry town, as our water- is nothing but memory—led his steps bered experience. Now it waa as If the Good Samaritan hospital at works pump is driven by an elec­ true. one of these dreams were coming true. Portland Tuesday, after rpendirg tric motor. There jvas the same silence about blin, He glanced here and there, not even her vacation here. Howard Turnen last Thursday wondering at the singular fact thnt the dark forests beyoud, the ridges laid a cigaret on the porch floor at stretching ever.» There was soma he did not know exactly what manner M r*. Rrekine of Portland, widow J. C. Bramwell’s. His employer of food he was seeking. In a mo­ great foe thnt might any Instant overt of a former Methodist pastor here on the highway cams along and whelm him. ment he 'came to a growth of thorn is a strain on the eyes, but if you war visiting Halsey friends the* covered bushes, a thicket that only " I guess you henrd me," Simon Howsrd went away with him wear glasses especially made for you the f «repart of the week. the she-bear knew how to penetrate. said; “I told4you to go back." Soon after the Skirvin fam ily, a strain is entirely eliminated. But It was enough for Bruce Just 'Aud 1 hope you beard me too. I'm , M rs. A D. Cornelius has gone I er”’»‘le of Nocks awsy, saw a hlaz. We grind tenses to your prescription, going on. I h a d n 't any more time to to aUud at Its edges. The bushes to her parental home in Lane ?„ Braruwel1 ’• •»»«1 gave the alarm, so they will ba as required. Don't neg­ give you." were bent down with a load of de­ With kitchen Mrs. county and will rusticate and pi k ' W lt" water ” “**r from f" 'm the 1 k* Yit-.i-—. z»~ lect your eyes Let ns examine them “And I'm not going to take any licious berries. Bramwell was able to quench a today. b.’rriee for a few weeks. More, either. But let me make one He wasn’t In the least surprised. He pretty big blaze io time to save tbe thing plain. No man, told to go back had known that he would find them. W . I I Brent's truck has been home, by me. ever has a chance to be told Always, at this season of the year, the again. This ain't your cities— up here. pretty busy hauling farmers’ grain woods were rich with them; one only* A young man by the name of There ain't any policemen on every to the mills at Shedd. John Stand­ Ingram from near Halsey Wes had to alip quickly through the back* corner. The woods are big. and a ll ish helped him Friday. door— while the mother’s eye was else­ 'juite badly hurt Tuesday while Kinds of tilings can huppen In them— where— to find enough of them not wrestling in a friendly way with Two-year-old Helen, daughter of only to pack the stomach full hut to and be swallowed up— as I swallow a i IDs neck was John Putman and wife of Browns, Chide Perkins. a íu n v oaco. these leaves In my hand." stain and discolor most of the face. twisted in some manner, at least Harold Albro. But It seemed to him that he reached His greut nrm reached out with ville, fell from a porch and dis­ it was serious enough to necessi- Incredible power and seized a hand­ located her arm not loug ago. them easier than tie expected. Either Manufacturing optician. ful of leaves off a near-by shrub. It the hushes were not so tall as he re­ A. M. Goltra went to Albany seemed to Bruce that they crushed membered them, or—since Ills first like frait and staliied the dark skin. by the Ortg >n E'ectric Sunday knowledge of them—his own stature His mole and sum, We sell Tre already decided. I'm going mnruing. had Increased. “I Would Like to Have You Tell M j,’’ W. H. Goltra and wife, are serious on.” When be had eaten the last berry He Said Quite Clearly, “The Way to Once more they stood, eyes meeting ly ill there. he could possibly hold, be went to Mrs. Roes’ Cabin.” eyes on the trail, and Simon's face was the creek to drink. He lay down be­ A1 Thompson and wi'e of Seattle side a still pool, and the water was be expected when one of their num­ darkening with passion. Bruce knew that his hands were clenching, and *nd Mrs J F. Taylor of Monte- cold to his lips. Then he rose at the ber achieves repartee on a tenderfoot. Come in aud hear it play his own muscles hunched and made sino. Wash., were guests at tbe | sound of an approaching motor car Nevertheless, the tension was broken All phonograph records aad needles. ready to resist any blml of attack. behind him. home of M E. M iller and wife. Bruce turned to the merchant. The driver—evidently a cattleman— But Simon didn't strike. He laughed They were former residents of thv " I would like to have you tell me," T iie bast dish for children, at well at ■topped his car and looked at Bruce he said quite clearly, "the way to Instead—a simple .deep_nnre of utter Shedd vicinity, where they spent grown people, during tlie bot days of with some curiosity. He marked the Mrs. Ross' cabin.” their childhood, Mrs. Thompson, summer lime, is a plate of pure, rich ice perfectly fitting suit of dark flannel, . The merchant seemed to watt a long cream. There is nothing so cooling and the trim, expensive shoe* that were time before replying. His eyes stole nourishing as this. T ry it sad be cool. already dust-stained, the silken shirt to the giant's face, found the lips Cold drinks on which a Juicy berry had been curled In a smile; then lie flushed. g Bereaved friends committing to my care for preparation and burial «3 crushed. "Howdy," the man said after “Take the left hand road," he wild the western fashion. with o trace of defiance In Ills tone. fe the remains of beloved ones may feel assured of the same respectful and * "How do you do," Bruce replied. "It soon becomes a tra il, hut keep fe tender treatment I would wish to be given my own dear ones. Every "How fsr to Martin's store T' So wish carried out in detail and prices guaranteed to satisfy, Best of Tlie man filled his pipe with great right on going up It. At the fork In the trail you'll And her cabin." ^equipm ent and complete stock. care before he answered. "Jump In "How far Is It, please?” the car,” he replied at last, “and I'll “Two hours’ w alk; you can make show you. fm going up that way my­ Seven-iootn house, large barn, 8 lots, plenty of fruit. A bargain if It easy by four o'clock.” self." taken at once See 5 licensed mortician and funeral DIRECTOR8 “Thank you.” Hla eyes glanced over the stock of goods and he selected a CHARTER V I g L E B A N O N , O R E. few edibles to give him strength for £ Day or night. Phone 9 the walk. 'T il leave iny suitcase here Martin's was a typical little moun­ tain store, containing a small sample If I may," he said, “and » III call for of almost everything under the sun, It later." He turned to go. “W att Just a minute,” a voice spoke W W W W w W and built at the forks In the road. behind him. It was a comtnaudlng Bruce entered slowly, and the little tone— Implying tlie expectations of group of loungers gazed at him with obedience. Bruce half turned. "Simon frank curiosity. wants to talk to you." the merchant Only one of them waa of a type explained. sufllclently distinguished so that " I’ll walk with you a way and show Bruce's own curiosity waa aroused. yon the road," Simon continued. The This was a huge, dark man who stood alone almost at the rear of the build­ room seemed deathly quiet as the two ing—» veritable giant with savage, j men went ont together. They walked side by side until _ a bloodhound lips and deep-sunken eyea. turn of the rood took them ont of eyo- There was a quality In his posture Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited range of the store. "Tills Is the road,” that attracted Bruce’s attention at Simon said. "All yon have to do Is once. No one could look at him and follow I t Cabins are not so many doubt that he waa a power la these »»»,»»»»>»»♦»» » W f A SAOA that you could mistake It. But the mountain realms main thing la— whether or not you He was dresseu much as the other want to go." mountain men wLo had assembled In Bru<« had no mlsunderstandlus the store. He wore a flannel shirt over " ” ..................... ” hla gorilla cheat, and corduroy trou­ about the man's meaning. It was sim­ ply a threat, nothing more nor less. sers stuffed Into high, many-teamed “I've come a long «ay to go fo that C II yon have been drifting along—spending all, tarin g nothing—stop riding boots. and think. The dark eyea were full upon cabin.” lie replied. "I'm not likely to * Bruce's face. He felt them— Just as turn off now. Y ob must realize that it cannot go on forever. One's naming days are "There’s nothing worth seeing when • r ! If they had the power of actual physic­ numbered. Now. while your earning power it tbe greatest, see to it that you get there. Just an old hag— a I al Impact—the Instant that he was each payday pays SOMgTBiKO toward your future I SDaeanuanta, wrinkled old dame that looks Ilka a Inside the door. Nor waa It the W e wilt waleoust yonr-aeixuat and help you save. witch." ordinary look o f careless speculation h Bruce felt a deep and little under, or friendly tutereet. It waa such that uo man, to whom self-respect la dear, stood resentment at the worda. Yef since be had as yet established no could possibly. ^disregard. I t spoke ' Where Saving, Poor per p .r cent and no w w fy relations with the woman, he had no z are r arts »«>e " Four worry, grounds for gUffiriBg the mag, J U 1 ^ » * * t M » » M » t»SS J S » s a » t i s > s i n a v . > a . a « a . . . f . f K IT C H EN RANGES 7'“ Jots and T ittles HILL & CO., Wanted! Hop Pickers FU R N IT U R E about Sept. 5 Doing Fancy Work O p fo m d ris t. the Claxtonola Clark's Confectionery FO R S A L E IN H A L S E Y N. C. L O W E t Jay W. Moore, Realtor. HALSEY STATE BANK Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. I lalsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. ¡1 Be Honest With Yourself T he F irst Savings Bank of A lb a n y , Oregon |ET SOMETHING that is stout, that is, C A B L E , in place of rope— stronger and lasts a lifetime. V\ hen >ou buy ui'ichino oil don’t think any old grease is oil. We have a heavy red E N G IN E OIL, host that can be bought, at 5Oc a gallon. Try it. T W IN E is hero. G. W. Mornhinweg ,