rA ü i i ■A LSEY u a l à îc i E N T E R P R IS E M le n d e a t— N O T n e u t r a l— news- p u b lis h e d e v e r y T h u r s d a y . by H . and A A. W H E E U E R . ■Wm H . W h e e le r . E d it o r . „ ir » . - — g n tl L o c a u l New» Editor. S u b s c rip tio n » , 11 10 a y e a r In a d v a n c e . T r a n s ie n t a d v e r tla ln s . 25c a n In c h : p e r - m a n « n t a d v e r tis in g , 20c N o d is c o u n t f o r t im e o r space. Jn " P a id - f o r P a r a g r a p h s /* 5c a lln « . N g a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d as new s. America to compel any man to work againet big will since Lin­ coln’s day, or ever will be. Soviet * Russia compels men, and women, too, to work at cleaning streets, and other tasks, but there is no such slavery here. Of the tariff bill the Portlsi.d Journal says: Alba? 7 j? „ 1,e«e » II— » V _ l _ _____ I D ____ 1 * _ Evcelknt, Enlarged Faculty. u ___ e . Most . a » »Ranges & Heaters ■__ a e ____________ Stadeat’a Money Reorganized Department« of Instruction Classical and literary course» leading to degree. Bachelor of Arts Complete course« in Business Anunidratioa and Commercial Law. Special arrangement of courses articulated with technical and graduate ourses in other institutions: C PAB E PaBjOPEN AUrrJC n GINBBBING „A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. Aug. 24, 1922 X You should not miss this place il in need of a new range or heater this fall. W e have the largest assortm ent of each in Linn county and can supply your wants at a P bb -L boal P bb -M bsic If there had been a way to avoid The first two veer» of practically any course, if the student plan» to it tbe measure w uld not have been crowd all hi» preparations into four years above tbe high school. WHO OWNS YOUR CHILD ? p tsaed prior to tbe Novenilier elec­ For catalog or description of courses apply Io tion, because of tbe reaction tbal Tbe argument is made by op. has always resulted from a high President ponente of tbe compulsory edu­ tariff law. Albany, Oregon Iron Beds Chiffoniers cation bill that children belong to Unless congress shows an un- their pareute and not to the state, wonted burst of speed there is no Springs Bedroom Sets therefore parents should he allowed danger of the tariff bill becoming An Altruist bymn book was entitled “ Th. Mattresses Dining Room Sets to educate them as they please, a law before November. Don’t Christian Lyre.” One Snndai A teacher who picks the small That theory cost the life of a 4- worry. there were not enough of the book.* est communities she can get— to go around, and just as Broths11 Dressers year-old boy in Portland last week Tbe child died of diphtheria after Tbe State Federation of Tax such an anomaly is Miss Mar­ Chadaey ended an nhortatioi garet V. Thomas, a student in the father bad refused to allow payers claims tost tbe cost of tbe the University of Oregon sum­ Cramer arose and asked;. “ Ia there another ‘Lyre’ in th> medical treatment. Tbe cranks I state government can be cut 25 p;r mer session. Miss Thomas never A L B A N Y F U R N IT U R E E X C H A N G E who think their prayera are good cent without loos of eflk e icv. tries for a big school she selects house ?’• Noticing a ripple in the andienc« enough to take tbe place of medi- There is no doubt of that, but will the smaller places from choice, he reeliaed that hie words wen Albauy Oregon cioe and that doctors aie unneces- 1 it be done? Not if such meu as realizing an opportunity to do u misconstrued and added; sary forget that Cbriit cbose a 1 baries Childs of this county, who great deal besides simply teach “ I mean a Christian Lyre.” Then somebody guffawed alone i physician as one of bis apostles, hzs been in the tas-increasing the school subjects. Miss Thomas’ outfit includes and Mr. Cramer gave it up and | thus by inference indorsing that legislatures for years and on tbs stereoptican slides and a carbide »at down. calling, like those of fishermen and ways and means committee of generator, and an occasional e«.A others. litc, are kept as lawmakers. motion picture film is shown Schools hern and at Shedd open ¡ In some countries parents are “ We produce the 'movies’ in Sept. 18. permitted to sell their child into The purchasing power of the the darkened schoolhouse,” Mie? slavery or to slay it. In thia farmer’s income is 25 to 40 per Thomas explains.” and a vie couutry they are not- The child cent less than before tbe war. The trola plays between the pictures does not belong to ita parents ab- railway employe’s wages last year while we ventilate the room. The children are eager to help. They so'utely. In a civilized country it would purchase 51 per cent more Key, Grata, stock hauling. etc. Heav) are happy to be allowed to run hauling a specialty. ie the duly of the state to see that fian before the war and that of the the victrola or even open the I hone it has protection in life, and is coal miner 30 per cent more. Tl e windows.” W . H. B EEN E properly nourished, is not reared miners and railroad mon are strik­ Author o f "T heV oice o f Hie Pack’ Not only does Miss Thomas Halsey, Oregon I in v cicui ways and is given the ing against any reduction, while take the slides to those people Wuitraiions hy rudiments at least of education. tbe farmer keepa plodding along. who are far from cities and towns of any size, but after mak­ I r w in M y e rs The child should be protected ing them interested in doing from insane, vicious or faddist The Scio Tribune meutious the things on a community scale she parents. expense Charles Hall has under­ organizes children and adultsj The parent who refuses medical gone in the bootless recount pro into groups and manages basket Dealer in aid whewit is needed and depends ceedings. Don’t Worry, Brother aocials, picnics, plays, all with on prayer alone is in tbe class to McAdoo ; the K. K. K. bore that the intention of helping them Copyright by Little. Brown, on'4 CHAPTER IV wh obi I*aul said “ faith without expense. Mr. Hall keeps a close raise the funds which enable them to bring in slides more works ia dead” and: “ abow me tby grip on what is “ hie’u .” The train came to a sliding halt often. faith without thy works and I will • t Deer Creek, paused an Infinitesimal “ They are so responsive,” alio fraction o f ■ second, and roared on In show thee my faith by my works.** Mr. Hughes is a good lawyer, Ita ceaseless Journey. Ths»t Infinitesi­ said. “ If you love them and do Ô# days' credit If that Portland man had united judge and diplomat, but he is a mal fraction was long enough for things for them, they will love works with bis faith and done bis poor politician. This was proved you—almost to death. And F A L K B R O S » , Props Bruce, poised on the bottom step of a sleeping car, to swing down on to the part towards healing bis child when he ran for president and now those children are not ‘fed up ’ gravel right-of-way. His bits, hurled by calling in medical aid while al­ he lias put his foot in it iu the on city movies; they get a good by a sleepy porter, followed him. so praying for tbe result, h i faith notorious Newberry case. deal out of the university films. Duncan's next Impression wns one We make a of Infinite solitude. He hndn't read 'The people in the small would not have been without works any guidebooks about Deer (Teek. and Specialty of and dead. And probably tbe boy, The Pacific Co-operative Wool- settlements are .pioneers; their he had expected some sort o f town. fchudren are the children of pio­ Friendship, too, would not have been dead But here was one little woodeji struc­ growers association, first organized neers, and are the finest in the ture with only three sides,—the open- A good woman died in Eugene in OiSgou, is the largest wool, Engagement and eoudtry. They deserve the best ’nB facing the track. I t was evidently a abort time ago after the services growers marketing organization the state has to offer.” Wedding the waiting room used by tbe monn- of a surgeon bad been refused by west of Iowa. talb men as they waited for Oielr Miss Thomas taught last year Rings local trains. her friends, who bad depended up­ at Ileeeta and next year she will There were no porters to carry his F. m . F ren ch a S ons be near Reedsport, i on faith without works. They re­ You name your salary. bag. There were no shouting officials A L B A N Y OREO . lented,, when tbe end was near, Hla only companions were the g-tars and the moon and. farther up the and asked lbs surgeon to operate, A Christian Liar ? slope, certain tall trees that tapered but he refused because it was ton should you become disabled by any ac About 50 years ago, aa perhaps to Incredible points almost In the re ­ cnlent or any sickness. See gion where the stars began. late to do any good. Their faith to thia day, religious services were P IC K 1IA Y 1.5, Hotel Halsey, The whole scene, for causes deep.v held in the schoolhouse at Way’s was dead, and so was the patient. than any words may ever seek and re­ North American Accident Insurance Co., Mills, province of Qnebec. Job No lazy shirker has enough faith ris e veal, moved him past any experience Chadsey and Adam Cramer, breth­ to heal the sick by neglecting bis In his life. It was wholly new. Oliver ren, had a falling out and ceased Dress Shoes a Specialty He turned about until the wind was duty in the matter and calling on Plow to epeak as they passed by. Cra­ In Ills face. I t was full of fragrance»,— in good running order, coui tbe LoiM to do it all. mer was leader of the choir and tbe strange, indescribable smells that The n i^ it hours pisse.’ . The sei PIe” ............................... T_ _ SOI Lyon a t, Albany, Oregon. The law does not attempt to of p e::3 seemed to deepen on i seemed to call np a forgotten world They carried a message to him. but as man. preveut |>areuta fsotu giviog their yet he hadn't made out Its meaning. wei*h t 1500 pounds, broke him. 1' children a ooe-sided education, as $ wered his head nearly He only knew- It was something mys­ FKHP ROGGA, R. 2, Harrisburg his hat hat rested In his lap, th does Voliva o fiio n City, who has terious and profound: great truth» waited •I live minutes more. that flickered, like dim lights. In hie tiem taught tbal thfe world is flat, FOR SALE Then opened his eyes. Tl censclousness. hut whose outline he light hi but tbe proposed set would allow Town around him. Il could not quite discern. hands v quite plain. Slowly, i those children to see tbe other side Round Trip Fares afford greater savings Perhaps there were sounds, hot they a man s his eyes to a mlracl only sosmed part of the silence The also. in travel costs this year he Ilftc. B IG Saving in Price A. M. WILLIAMS, All at New Low Prices. BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH TRUCKING The Strength Of The Pines Edison Marshall Halsey Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats We pay it, *• Www ESS,“ - Bull Tractor; Young Mare $50 IT ’S TRAVEL TIME 2 Jersey Cows 1 Driving Horse NOSLAVFRY HERE E F I R l 'I T T II Gompers and the foreigners who run a few of the big labor FOR RENT unions would stop repeating the falsehood that the outlawing of etrikea would “ force men to work HittMV Thr" "»«I«1» from against their will” and “ set up elavary” we might next expect to W- J . RIBELIN . »ee a crop of white blackbirds. Every roan should be free to work whenever he can get aatlsfactory pay. Electric Haircutting, Massaging Half the- men out on strike lo-J and Shampooing. day are suffering, with their Cleaning and Pressing families, because a few salaried E. C. M IL L E R leidera refute them the priv lege of earning an honest living. C .C . B R Y A N T A combination among employers ATTORNEY A T LAW to keep wag«« down or to keep prices of products up ia an il egal Cuaick Rank Building, conspiracy. So are such strike» a» Albauy, Oregon. — — — « m » -. those in the coal and railroad in- daatries, byconnnoo law, sod they FOR SALE— horsepower entitle thoee iniured to damages. Cowardice of courts and law offi. c r fires, reservations and other perticwlere, eek »gents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JO H N M . SCO TT, General Pe.eengrr Ageet. _______________________ s face. faintest rustle In the world reached The f was no longer nbscur« him from the forests above of many Th-< great trees ha little winds playing a running gam* In darl emerged d only the dusk as < between the trunks, and the stir of i left between. He sa the L ittle People, moving in their mid­ twilight plainly.— their aymmetriri night occupations. Each of these them sounds had Its message for Brttce forms, their declining limbs, their ta He saw thei They all seemed to be trying to tell tops piercing the sky him something, to make clear some as they were.—those ancient, etemi great truth that was dawning In his symbols and watchmen of the wlldei ness. And he knew them at last, h i consciousness He was not In the least afraid He qualntances long forgotten but r< felt at peace as never before He membered now. "The pines!" he cried. He leape< picked np his bag. and with steal'ns steps approached the long atope be­ to his feet with flashing eves. “ hind. The moon showed him a fallen have come back to the pines I" •eg. and he found a comfortable seat CHAPTER V on the ground beside It, bla back against Its bark. Then he waited for The dawn revealed a narrow roar the dawn to come out. The night hours passed The sense along the bank of Deer creek— I of peace seemed to deepen on the man. brown little wanderer .vhlch, nlndlnj here and there, did not seem to' know He ©at relaxed, hla brown face grave Wa «res lifted. Tbe stars began to exactly where It wished to go. B in « fflw a n d draw back farther Into the ' dldn t know which direction to take, rsiwsscs of the aky. The round out- whether up or down the creek. He gave the problem a moment's **“ • * * ,h* moon seemed less pro- thought. "Take the road up the Pounced. And a faint ribbon of light Divide," Barney IVegan had M id ; and hegsn to grow lD the east It widened The light grew. The at once Bruce knew that the coarse lay up the creek, rather than down. night wtnd played one more little game between the tree trunks and A divide means simply the high places •lipped away to the Home of Winds between one watershed and another, that lies somewhere above the moun­ and of course Trail s End lay some- tains The tittle night sounds were where beyond the source of the stream. The creek Itself was apparently a slowly »tilled. Bruce closed his eyes, not knowing • ’■»’-tributary of the Bogue, the great *h y. His blood was leaping In his river to the ©outh. Bruce was iu a mood to he delighted, veins. An unfamiliar excitement, «1. these early morning hours He was on moet an axalUUon, had come upon the way to'l.tod»i ; d m Rbo,,. i 1 I I I