HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSEY. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUG. 24. 1922 Brownsville Briefs Wash., and John and William of [ Halsey. Mrs. MuClaren died nearly two years ago. Ji Jots and Tittles NO 51 ! |op. Lester Tycer and family of Shedd Shots xnard. Cal , will meet them at Gold Beach and all will then go to (By EUjne Woodworth) the Oregon caves iu Joaphine (By Anna Pkunell) S. L. Boyce and wife came over o J i V ^ p ^ G?ovecbijii. R ^ I Sh!>rtStorie8 of Happenings in Linn County Generally county. —Saturday’s H erald’s Let- i McCumber and wife and j. front Lacomb to bear Rev. Earl ter from Brownsville. Grace Farwell were Albany ehop­ and in Halsey Particularly Cochran at the union service« Sun­ C. T. Cook officiating Friday Mr», Harry Park of pers Saturday. day. Brownsville brought over M ia. INDIANS' "SUICIDE PLANT" Harry Sprenger and family and Joe Pittm an is back on the rai'- that a single ing innocent oue suffer Ella McUargue to take the train Margaret Stvagc cut her knee. for her home at Jenninga Lodge, Mr. aod Mrs. Josling spent the rosd job. nili from slander. It became badly infected but »be The "wild parsnip” is best known ue#r Portlaud, after a few daya in week end at Cascadia. ha» beeu improving. Lebanon telephone wires are J. S. McMahan and wife were Brownsville, where ahe attended as ‘ water hemlock,” and other com­ Knnneth Robson and wife re­ Corvallis visitors Tuesday. The new flume at the woolen mon names for it are spotted hem­ g ling under groun 1. the funeral of her sister, Mr». turned Friday afternoon from mill» haa haan fiuisbed and one Mrs. M. Robnett of Brownsville Dick Wrigbt aod Clive Stafford ' Peter Hume. lock, beaver poison, musquash root, Newport. laid to the flouring mill«. both advertise insurance this week. cowhane and spotted cowbane. Sev- • ns,ted Saturday, C. A. Troutman and wife spent (Continued on page 3) The Browosvillitea are all bu»' eral specie» of the water hemlock The Brownsville fair is ret for Grace, daughter of Will Kirk, Sunday at Waterloo, planning for the fair to be held Sept. 15 aud 16 and it promises to has been visiting her cousin, Miss W H EN BUGS GET A LL L IT UP Mr. and Mre. McElvain went to Sept.1 5 and 16. Thia fair is to grow comiponly in Canada. Parts be a hummer. Ruth Frum. advertise Liun county produc’a of some of these are deadly in their Salem last Thursday to visit their Ivy Flowers Provide a Voritabla Bac­ Dr. Oren II. K ent has moved his W. H. McConnell’s new model effects. Ibis fact was well known daughter, Mrs. Ivan Daeon, chanalian Festival for Numer­ Prof. R. Baker is planning to to the Indian, by whom the root, the family from Brownsville to Salem, barn a t Shedd ia labeled “ Midway ous In tecta. A rthur Albert spent the latter to t ike charge of bis Albany resi­ Jersey F arm .” where he will make his home. part <>f the week with hie parents dence eoou. H i rnauy friends most poisouous part, was sometimes used for self-destruction, being very J. C. Bramwell and wile visited Mrs. Portia Stewart and little The ivy flower» provide a veritable iu JetTeraon. regret hie going. rapid in its action. It was known their sou-in-law, W. E Hover, and Jsa n went to Eugene Saturday | bacchanalian festival for a number Miss Edna Gregory is aaalating Miss Helen Travick of Ontario, to the Indians as the "suicide plant.” ! wl,e near H arrisburg Sunday. eyeniug and returned Tuesdiy, of insects. Men of science are wont with the ditiing room work at the Canada, is visiting here with her The roots have a sweetish and not Travel goes over the uew con­ Miss Willamiua Corcoran was to sally forth at night with lanterns county rock crueller. aunt for a couple of weeks. unpleasant taste, and a rather par­ crete pavement from the city line employed at Corvallis during the Io capture the intoxicated moth« 1 M as Francis Freerksen spent J. V. Handkee was here for n snip-like odor. Cases have been re­ to the Falk crossing south of the greater part of her vacation. She , that crowd around the greenish bloa- Saturday night and Sunday with few days overseeing prospects for ported of horses beiDg killed by eat­ city. is at home agaiu. i roma. When the willow ia in bloom her pareuts, Pete Freerksen and establishing a men’s furnishings ing roots upturned by the plow. M. O. Mills, whose farm is a J . A. Hill aud wife, B. M. Mil­ i they find a similar scene of dissipa­ wife. store. Animals have also been reported to • mile and half east of Brownsville, ler and wife end Mrs. Miller’s tion around its yellow catkins. Mrs. H. Braun, with her daugh­ Mrs. B. C. Howe and daughter have been poisoned, especially in the * a* over here other day selling mother, Mr#, Young, attended There is a fly addicted to wine. ter, left Saturday night Io.' Mon­ Emma have returned from New­ spring, by drinking - • •• water from wet ¡good, ripe new Burbank potatoes c a n p u e jtiu g a t Cottage Grove ! The larvae of this little fly disdains tana, where her mother ia ill. port after a two-weeks stay. places where the water hemlock ex­ Mrs. Mary Hume of Portland, Sunday. to feed on anything but wine Or Mrs. Hammond and daughter isted. i who was buried in Brownsville The Reverend J. C. Templeton beer, which, like Boniface in the Oregon ia Erudite Huldah have returned from the last week, lift in estate valued at and wife will spond Suuday with ’ play, it may be said both to eat and coast after a threc-weeka stay. NEW VACCINE IN PNEUMONIA •20,000. Reverend Albert McClain in Ltbbeus Smith Shumaker, Eugene ; drink. J. B. Moore aud wife are on a professor of philosophy and edu. Elisa, the last ol the Calapeoia Brywusville.—Sunday’« There are bees and flower« whose A harmless vaccine treatment, re­ , tribe oi ludians, was found dead Register. lour through the Cascades in a random meetings result in the «ante ¡cation at Linfield Baptist College, quiring three injections at intervals iu her bed at Brownsville Saturday.v flivver. Mrs. Geoigia Mitchell is fore- of four or five days, has proved its ! She 01 was ------ more than 100 years old* ms i of the grand jury which meets Obituary value in the epidemic of pneumonia and had long baen totally blind. at the court house Aug. 80. John dahlias and gaillardia« of the gar- Rev M g Woodworth, after a 9ar he united with the Baptist where an attack dees follow its use, That there are more college« in it is usually a mild one.—Scientific i rier, with bis bicycle were run aiuaily fair, wheu a team wilt be flower gj1(j in 4 very abort time is church and lived in the faith. ¡over by au automobile at Albany. ¿elected to Ormpjte with other again in ita former state of imbe­ western Oregon than In an equal In 1879 he with hie young fam ­ .American. cility. One may pick it up again area anywhere else in the country, I He emerged with a ruined pair of cuuuty teams at the state lair. ily moved to Wisconsin, whore be •>ew pants and some scratches and and have a rejietition of ths per­ notwithstanding ths sparreness of NEST OF GOLDEN EAGLE was engaged in farming and lum H. E. Davis took Jo h n Pittm an { bruises, but the bicycle, which bad population. tiering until coming to Oregon in and wife aud Miss Lillian Bsrber formance. T h at Oregon colleges occupy a Seton Gordon, the Englibh natu­ probably borne the weight snd to bis oar wueo be went to Cor­ 1911, settling on the home farm where he lias resided. ralist, in a recent lecture upon the saved hie life, wsb a total wreck. vallis oo business a went ugo Sun­ DANGERS OF HAND-SHAKING higher plane in scope and efficiency than those of any other state. The closely r> lated family arc: birds of Scotland, assured his audi­ N. D. Conn, wh i drove the car, day and they visited Douglas P itt- That Oregon public schools have promised h u i a naw bike Australian Natlva Way of Salutation his only brothers, Douglas of Cres ence that the golden eagle which iiiBo and family, io superior. Is Recommended by British cent City, Oregon, and Duncan of increased during the war, was now You will be able to find your Joker. Portland and Charles of Halsey, Elton Sawyer of Tatum s has way to Brownsville and so will holding its own. The bird, he said, Law vs . Justice Mrs Jescie Camp of Bellingham, for ten years spent every school sometimes carried fir branches for the stranger touring through the ) vacation with his grandm other, Before long it will be Impossible (Dearborn ftidcjM-ndent) five miles to build its nest. MY. land, when those n*w guldeboarde | M's. George Maxwell of this city, for ua to greet friends without in­ ■ < re erected. There are forty of Immediately upon conviction Gordon said he had seen eagles nest­ curring the wrath of our doctor«. them reading “ Brownsville, the i as be bus done this year. of a wealthy man, or one with ing in Scotland with three feet of woolen mills city” and 145 we» For many years we have been political influence, the machinery W e H ave W. H. Beene got the contract snow on the ground. The nest was ¡raised by subecrip ion for their warned by the medical profession in set in motion to obtain a p a r­ to haul sixty tons of gravel for EVERY THING the only black object distinguish­ coat. On® will be a large bulletin the cemeut work on the new gar­ against kissing, observes London don or a m itigation of sentence. O ptical able for miles. board on tin Pacific Highway at age on H aud Second streets from Tit-Bits. Now we are told that The poor man stays in prison, Halsey, (tie Newt Cummiugs place, west of shaking hands is dangerous, and forgotten by all except perhaps E Y E STR A IN I • to w n . is the Cause of Many may be the means of passing ill his immediate family. The pen One man struck another on Please Pay Up HUMAN ILLS health front one person to another. alty of poverty is alar» felt in the I First street the other day. A They have muscular thieves at If your eyes give you tronble oi < T A L L P E R S O N S k n o w in g them - third ’ party intervened and the Harrisburg. They stole a black­ What aro we to do about it? adm inistration of the altern a­ your glasses are annoying selves indebted to Stewart A •quabble ended. It developed that SEE US. We can Relieve You smith's anvil not long ago aud i It would not help matter« to Imi­ tive of fine or iinprisonine.nl. Price are requested to settle before Sept. ihe m tu first bit had made remarks last Monday Dr. Baronm discov-' tate the Arab, whose "good morn­ The rich man pays his fine with­ Bancroft Optical Co. 1, as I am leaving town. Call or send iu degrogatrwn of the reputation of ered th at a wagon load of brick bad ing” is a vigorous hug. Other Asiat­ out suffering even tem porary 113 1st S t W. Albany. Phone a remittance to Clark a confectionery, , a Halsey girl and the aggrescr had been stolen fiom where II bad beeu i ics nib cheeks or noses. Hindus fall inconvenience. The poor man MRS. PORTIA STEWART. forcibly resented them. Innocent stored. in the dust when they meet their pays his debt to society with hi» women of (he m ost’.unblemished body, by the sacrifice of hia lib­ W. C E'more and family and superiors, which ia hardly any bet­ character have gone through life erty. under a clou 1 because of the ite ra ­ Mr. and Mrs Bud Tycer and their ter from a hygienic point of view; Thomas Leg Woolwine, dis­ tio n and reiteration of idle gossip granddaughter, Virginia, will leave mid South Sea ialanders often fling trict attorney for Los Angeles Better that the wrong-doings of town by auto Monday for an ax a jar of water above the head of a A Fe.v county, says; ten guilty ones g 1 unputvsiied than tended trip through southern Ora- friend. “ I am convinced afte r many If you telephone greetings to years of experience th a t I am your acquaintance you never know justified in the assertion th at who has been using the mouthpiece fully 75 per cent of the attorneys before you. The only thing to do who make it their buainesa to de­ Flavo F lo u r................................... «1.65 is to take a tip from the Auatralian fend persona charged with crime Olympic or Crown..................... 2.40 native«. They simply stick their are suborners of perju ry and Golden W est Coffee..................... 45 tongues out at each other I should , la* in the penitentiary M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs............... 1 .0 0 themselves. • FLIGHTS IN FOG MADE SAFE “ There is no single force in the Shasta Tea, 1 lb............................ 60 United States today th at so men­ A French navy lieutenant has Tree Tea, l i b ........................... 75 aces the lives and property of perfected a system whereby the prin­ Mother’s Delight Corn 15 the j>eople of thia country aa ciple of the submarine cable for di­ these crooked criminal lawyers. P. S. Bantam C orn....................... 25 recting ships 1» now applicable to They do not hesitate to corrupt Halrey C hristian Church Premium Tomatoes, 3 c a n s ........ I sirplanes flying by night or in a and terrify witnesses and in 50 fog. Two or three amperes of al­ many instances to drive them A. & k Tomatoes......................... 20 Church Announcements ternating current are aer.t over tele­ from the jurisdiction of the Dari made Milk, 12 c a n s ............... 1.25 C h ristia n : graph wires; electromagnetic appli­ courts of the state. In my own 1O 10, Bible school. Cornflakes..................................... ances aboard the plane are tuned experience if has often been 11, Lord's Snpper. Sermon. to the same frequency. The pilot is necessary to have arm ed guard” Macaroni, 12 lbs................ 1 .0 0 *' In the Spirit on the L ord’s «aid to pick up vibrations easily accompany the witness«-» for tin* G uittard’a Chocolate, 1 lb............ 35 Day.’’ Voice Upstair«— Martha, if that from a distance of three miles, and people, to protect, them night 7 , Christian Endeavor. Bulk Cocoa.................................... 12lc ia Mrs. Talkem st the door I’m not to follow the wires without diffi­ I and day from the machination» 8, Sermon. ” The Great Con­ in. Tru Blu Grahams.......................... culty.—Scientific American. 20 , of these scoundrel». q u est.” Mrs. Talkem — Yet, it’s Mrs. . The politicians who make our Tru Blu Cookies, 25 to 40c pr. lb. Lester Jones, pastor. AN UNFORTUNATE BABE i Talkem and she’s glad to hear it. I laws, the lawyers who interp ret Zan Brooms, 50c, 75 and SI Methodist: them, and the peace officers who Domestic servants are being Tba proud mother waa showing enforce them arc fundam entally Sandav School, 10. EVERY KIND of FRUIT JARS and TRIMMINGS trained in a college of domestic , off bar ion to a neighbor. Preaching, 11. »cience in London. The govern-1 “He grow» more like his father a parasite clas« as they co n tri­ A ll prices lea» 5% for cash bute nothing in an economic sen»«* Junior league, 8, meat haa appropiated a quarter of every day,” she said. Intermediate League. 6:80. to society. Vet they constitute a million dollars for the project. The neighbor did not expand with a vital part of our social stru ct­ Epworth League, 6.80. Cookery, laundry work, house­ appreciation. “Dear me!” be eaid. ure. They m ight be »aid to be Preaching, 7:30. wifery, needlework, iofaut welfare, Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. O pen Saturday Evenings bygieoe, tinging and piano playing “And have you tried everything inflicted upon hum anity because London Tit-Bits. are taught. Rev, C. T. Cook, Paetor, of its sins. . . Groceries for H arvesters M. V. KOONTZ CO.