• *AL.«5iiï at«» 1 LKi Klar. , which occurred laet Juoe, and »e-1 »«seed the coats to Plaiotiff Rob- North South ertsoo. Ne. 18, 12:01 p. m. No, 23, 11:29 a. m. dv 1 have installed a QjJ 24, 5.50 p. m. Mrs. Mildred McMahan, Oregon I 17, 5,39 p. ' head of the Rebekah*, got home R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y J Sunday from her state-wide trip of SUNDAY M AIL HOURS inspection of lodges of the order. L i The delivery window of the that that cleans cleans all all kinds kinds ot ot erain grain C C L L E E A A N N “ THE Raleigh Templeton and family Halsey poetoffice is open Sunday« ¡returned Thursday from a week at from 9:15 to 9:45 ». m. and 12 20 ^¡F e e d chopping and grain cleaning done to 12:35 end 4:*5 to 5.00 p. a ! Newport. promptly at any time. Mrs. Mary Taylor arrived from zp PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Corvallis Thursday for a visit with her sister, Mr». M B- Southern. /¡! I buy and sell all kinds of Grain, Feed, Admittance Here 5 Cents She went home Saturday. Hay, etc., at best cash prices. ‘ The story of a mighty dog that guarded aW F. M. Coshow, Art Powell and & a Line 1 girl and guided her to love in the hills of thrills. W Jack Bartrgm ot Brownsville, ac- Dr. E. W. Barnum , dentist at 1 Strongheart’s the star—and what a dog'M/ cused by Sheriff D unlap of boot- Hotel Halsey every Tuesday aod i John Bowers and Katherine MacGuire head a w egging. withdrew their plea of not Friday. guilty and paid fines of $50 each. i splendid cast. Hal G. Evarts wrote it! AndM/ E. S. Marstera, two miles east of God's Own Country sweeps with hill and cragW Triplets, all girls, were born to | Halsey, has about fifteen heifers Rex Ohe’& ou and wile at Milt City . behind. w and milch cowa for sale and will Monday, Apparently they are) PLATIN G ON A L U M IN U M trying to colonize th at section »bad to journey from his home in make farther announcement soon. with women voters and go m ain­ Medford, Oregon, to receive the dis­ Also ' tinction and be g-ueet of honor at the I Some time ago there were report­ tain the prohibitory law. 2 bottom 4-horse gang. Ex­ dinner which accompanied it. ed the details of a method invented change for single tottom . V C lust a country newspaper boy who for plating on aluminum, an achteve- Domui, Halsey, R. 2, Box 79. ' started in to write big stories of ro­ mance, adventure and nature lore in j ment that had long been striven for Old papers, 5o a bundle, En- his native mountains. His second with little success. The chief diffi­ bock, “The Strength o f the Pines,” culty appears to arise from an in­ terprise office. has duplicated the success of the first visible film, which forms on alu­ Corvallis Sunday to visit O. B. Jots and Tittles The High Sierra Mountains, one one. We have been fortunate enough Stalnaker and wife. to secure it as a serial for this paper. minum when exposed to the air. of n atu re’» greatest handiworks, N. T- Sneed and son Ercell, By the method mentioned this formed the background for the a d (Continued from page 3) film is dissolved off in a bath con­ tioo of "T he Srient C a ll,” which II. Cliugman was a visitor at the accompanied by Jim McWilJiam- Art ur Griffith, founder of the taining soluble. fluorides. A little comes to the Rialto theater Friday. and Lynn Norton, motored to the county aeat Friday. hion Fein and the first president county metropolis Friday. Never before has the beauty of this T. P. Patton nnd wife went to of the Irish cabinet under the treaty free hydrofluoric acid appears to region been transferred to tjbe sil­ The paving of Firat «treat to act best. Then a coating of zinc is Albany Sunday. with Great Britian, is dead from town is completed so that travel formed on the aluminum in a plat­ ver sheet as in this Lgurence heart trouble. The Laubners and Penlaude are goea ou the new surface from the ing bath, and upon this coating cop­ Trimble-Jane Murfin production io borne from their vacation. which the players include Strons- south epd of Halsey to Shedd. per, silver and other metals may be hesrt, the dog; JohtP Bowers, Mie« Irm a Strome of Eugene is A SERMON The Reynolds family, on thoir deposited. K athryn McGuire, James Mason, visiting Mias Helen Armstrong. way to New .Mexico, stopped off ( In order to form a gold plating William Dyer and others Mire Geraldine Cook ie the at Hollywood and avoided being the zinc covering the aluminum guest of Miss Nora Pehreson this marooned in the desert when the Dr. Larimore C. Denise, assist­ must first be coated thinly with cop­ strikers abandoned traioa there week. per, as otherwise the gold sinks into ant superiutendeut of (be National Christian Church, Sunday the zinc, and in a few weeks almost Reform association, demands Sun- The second prospect oil well at Rev. C. T. Cook was at the big Jay laws "as a protection to the Cottage Drove campmeetiog, as a Siyeet Home is reported to hedown disappears. workingman from the greed of em­ 800 feet and the vail of secrecy matter of course. W E A R E B U Y IN G ployers, but in the same speech th a t ia being m aintained by the N E W USE FOR A L U M IN U M Misses Amy and Gertrud« Por­ cr^w ia exciting expectations of •pposes m aking it " a holiday” aud ter have gone io Newport for a startling developments. lenouuces amusements on thst Owing to the property which alu now, a nl w ill pay the highest cash price Vacation of a couple of weeks. lay as causing "sp iritu al starva- niiuum possesses of producing s Mr»- J. C. Curry and her daugh­ One of the youngest of American going. At present the price rauges from | S. I*. Brock of Shedd has a ter, Mrs. Stinson, visited another writers to achieve instantaneous sue very high temperature when burned ’io n ." He need not worry about 17 TO 23c A D O Z E N hat greed. The day is past when white I .eg horn pullet hatched daughter ¡at Leona early in the eess. His first novel, “The Voice of with substances that give off oxy­ -mployers got Sunday services L. W . U Y E R L E Y . March 23 that began to lay in four week. Mr». Stinson expects to go the Pack,” was published in 1920, gen, it has been employed for mak­ without paying for them. and a half months. ing a detonator for firing explosives to her home in Washington S atur­ and was one of the most noteworthy F O R SA LE— % horsepower books of that year. which do not readily respond to the Sidney Smith nud family and day. C. I*. Stafford and wite motoied to action of the detonating composi­ Then success came to him from a Among the juryman summoned tions generally used. different kind of literary effort, for to appear Tuesday are P. H Used very little he won the O. Henry prize for the The aluminum is used in the " * '» * * * 9 '9 * * 9 W * » ^ < ,. (•reerksen aod Thomas Acheson of best American short story of 1921. Enterprise office, form of a powder mixed with tin Shedd and Mrs. Audrea Tussing. Ths award is an annual offering Ila lre y , Oregon. Ians Boles, J . T. Been« and Dr. made by the Society of Arts and other substances filliug the percus O. H. Kent of Brownsville. Sciences of New York as a memorial sion caps or detonators. The sud­ to O. Henry. In addition to the rec­ FOR SALE to den high temperature induced by A high-grade Jersey cow belong­ ognition it carried a cash bonus of the pulverized aluminum results in <500, which was ample for Mr. Mar- ing to T. D. Brock of Shedd fell b Assorted talcums a greater mechanical energy than over a high hank into the river aud <[ Liquid face powders remained there helpless fifteen) can be produced with compositions hours, it Ie beleived. When res­ not containing aluminum. — New p Compact rouge and return cued she w j i unable to stand w ith­ York Herald. d Perspiration powders E. E. P R U IT T out help, hut she soon recovered. | Silent Call A NEW CLEANER j 99 * J o . W. FRUM 1 Two Good R eels o f ' Comedy “ W here W e Stand and W hy ” E ggs ;Graded B ase Electric Motor $30. ¡¡1 $ D R U G S j! « 8 3 ONLY $3.90 HALSEY Miscellaneous 2 Jersey Cows 1 D riving H orse Lip sticks Nail paste Depilatories Complexion Soap A Eyebrow pencils A Assorted sachet powders i Lilac Vegetal 0 Assorted peiluiues Assorted (ace powders ASS «rted I .w>tli (Mîtes I noth btuslies. IS to Me 4 • X , W. A. Riligo, Druggist J SB, runsivict << STRAFFORD »9 Period Model rate r Î A The city council at its regular meeting 'Monday d'seussed the entneetiug of the crosswalks with th«4 paving on Firat street but con­ cluded to do nothing about it until tlia contractors finish their job A shoulder of crushed rook I’ yet to ba placed on each side of the asphalt. Because the default judgment tn [the case of H arry Robertson cf Eugene against L. W. Sbialer of Harrisburg was the result of a mistake o f one of the parties it was reopened by stipulation and fustics Clark heard it yesterday sfternoon. U irdon Welle uf Eu­ gene appeared as attorney for Robart'on and A rthur McMahan •f Albanv for Shisier. Justice Clark decided that neither party was responsible (or the auto bump, Portland Blackberries wanted— W e w ill commence to receive Evergreen Blackberries Aug 10 and will furnish crates to handle them in. Vetch- Clover- Grass- SEED MURPHY’S SEED ST07E ALBANY. OREGON; U sed R anges, $20 to $40. m iles from O Rirher a Barber Shan Shop and Baths M SOLTRA BA R BE R SH O P Electric 1 Ha rcutting. Massaging and Shampooing. Cleaning and Pressing. E. C . M IL L E R S u c c e s s f u l G raduates Are the Best Recommendation of O. A. C. lit Adam Brown, Red Ma' hoiranr or W alnut $310“ $360“ Electric trie Your old phonograph taken in as part paym ent Easy term s on the bal­ ance. W oodworth Drug Co., Albany, Ore DR. ROYAL J. GICK Eyesight Specialist OF EUGENE Will make h is next regular visit to Halsey on A U G - 2 7 id the HOTEL Glasses carefully fit­ ted. Charges reaaun- able. S a t i s f a c t i o n guaranteed. W ait for him. I lis institution offers a thorough, practical an I standard education at a cost w ith in reach of the high sahoo’ graduate. ft offers tra in in g for collegiate degrees in : Agriculture Mines C om m ent I harmacy Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education foreatry Chemical Engineering Home Economies M ilita ry Science and Tactics tt offer» training also in tion, lu d u s tru t Jou raafisti, T h e Sctiool of M ad e, Physical E-toc» Fall Term Opens Sept. 18 For circulars of inform aticn m d illustrated booklet w rite to 1 lie Registrar. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallia, Oregon Fifteeu-Day and Season Fares Frequent service at convenient hours w ith all modern travelin g comforts For further particulars ask agents Southern Pacific Lines First-class work guaranteed A ASK AGENT ABOUT A ll at ÇJANITARY J O H N M. SCOTT, General Passeuger Agent Fisk, Goodyear an d Gates Amo»- A. Tussing Automobile accessories A- Ford repairs W illa rd battery service Automobile repairing Trouble calla given prompt attention LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville , O regon Halsey Garage, Foote Bros. Telephone 15x5 ¥TT T Very good condition. bargain prices. 422 West First at., Albany, Oregon. W J . R IBELIN Proper equipm ent Experienced men Accurate accounting Return lim it Tuesday follow­ ing sale date USED FU R N IT U R E 400-Acre Farm Biing us your seed to clean FURNITURE EXCHANGE on hand aud are getting more everv day FOR R E N T Three E. L. Stiff We have lots of good L. W. B yerley F air b uilJtn g i. H ilse?. Sale dries Friday, Satur­ day and Sun­ day Props. ARCHIE CORNELIUS W ATCKMAKER&Jeweln E xpert Automobile Season is all the year around, especially since and the paving. Probably h alf our subscrib­ ers own autos. And they tee the adver­ tisements tn the Enterprise. OREGON workmanship. Watches clocks a specialty. HALSEV F. M. GRAY, Drayman. All work dona promptly and reasonably. Phone No. 269.9 I. O. O. F. W ILDE Y LODGE NO. 65. Regular meeting next Saturday night. W R IG H T & PO O LE L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Fh^neAS Phone 15 Branch«« at Brow^svitle. Phone i ' Q t n ta lM v Phene 16«, Frank K irk , Mgr New Furniture M any of our subscribers when they come home from their summer ontings w ill put in new articles of furniture for the winter. The dealer who keeps his nams and basinets before them in these columns w ill get his share of their trade The one who don’t w ill n o t N n f ced. The Harvest I'rom now on the farmers w ill ba get­ ting cash for the tu m m e r’a products. T hay are the backbone of the country's strength end their trade ie tbe backbone of the merchant's businesa They bay Ms granaries, h it d ry goods, his hard ware— whatever he has to sell—and their tride i t worth going after. T ell them what you have for sale. They w ill see your atory if it is puhiiahe 1 in the E n­ terprise.