AUG . 17, 1922 f t * M n d o w . AgulnsT tbe eastern 's ly , HALSEY E N T E R PR ISE PAG E 3 The* face" was huge, big and gannt already wan aud pale from the en­ of tame; and particularly one would croaching dawn, the long ridge o f a year, as the same conditions are notice the mouth. I t would tie noticed niountuln stood In vivid and startling reported in adjoining stab s, even before the d ark , deep-sunken silhouette. The edge of It was curi­ eyes. It was a bloodhound mouth, Frank Bond will move into the ously Jagged with many U tile upright the mouth of a man of great and te r­ points. T. P. Pattou house. M r. Patton rible passions, and there was an un­ There was only one person who has bought the Baptist church mistakable measure of cruelty and would have been greatly amazed by property and will build a fine resi­ savagery abo.’t It. But there was that outline of the rid ge; and the dence there. strength, too. No eye could doubt ever seen in lia is e ; is on dis­ years and distance had obscured her tlint. But It wus not an ugly face, The district attorney ie p-oceed. long ago. This was a teacher at an or play at the store of for all the b ru ta lity of the features. phimnge in a distant city, who once ing against J Frey tag of Thomas ■It was even handsome in the bard, had taken a crude draw ing from the for violating the state law by de­ mountain wav. One would notice hands of a child. H ere was the original livering less than 128 cubio feet of straight, black lia lr— the man's age at last. I t was the same ridge, wood to Mrs. L. Ward and o b lig ­ w ith b righ t porcelain and wns about thirty-nine— long over rather covered w ith pines, that little Bruce ing her for a cord. shining nickel which need no dark ears, and a great, gnarled throat. had drawn. polish. Up-to-date cooking ap- T?ie words when he spoke seemed to at J. W. Seaver's Yard The name of W- A. .Volletedt ap­ X -* r— a I f— r - > * ■ . P»r»tns; latest improvements. come from deep w ithin IL pear# in place of M r. S kitvin ’s ou (To be continued.) "Come in. Dave," he said. one tnlle south of Corvallis, ou or the Tangentse d wareboces. What In this little rem ark lay sciaethlng ha# that to do with the Volstead O ur prices are made with the object n . k ng À e f the man's power. The visitor had act? come unannounced. H is visit had been W ill pay 50c per box A protest has gone tip against j unexpected. H is host had not yet Good camp ground seen his face. Y et the man knew, (Continued from page 1) the prosecution of those negroes at before the door was opened, who It Good water The Mayberry family were iu Shedd for gambling because it is excursion w ld t this prospective parent was that had come. Sawed store wood town again Sunday. their custom and they play for homelike In It to little Bruce. were extrem ely dim and vague, lie The reason went back to a certain Straw for beds small amount#. The law ought to ' The other lasting memory was of did not know to w hat city he went, II. A. Renninger waa t t the quickening o f the senses that Is the One table for each camp be impartial. Iu thia case the ' nor had he any recollection whatever i Linda. She represented the one liv- peculiar right and property o f most county seat Saturday. 1 Ing creature In all tils assemblage of demand is that it be stretched in ' Store on place o f the people he met there. But he did men who are really residents of the Frank K irk and Glenn Chance favor of a race which more often M eat delivered every day remember, w ith rem arkable ciearneas, ’ phantoms— the one person w ith whom wilderness. This muu was the son W ill meet tram s and carry the perplexing talk that the man and lie could claim real kinship. H e had of the wild as much as the wolves that visited the county seat Saturday. suffers fro«! that process. pickers in, and out alter p ic k ­ the superintendent o f the Square done a bold thing, a fte r Ids first few ran In the packs. Soft though It We got enough rain Thursday to , Deer season opens Sunday, j years with the Duncans. He planned ing i t over, free house bad together on bis return. was, he had heard the sound of ap­ do some good aud mighty little That is as good a day as any to It long and carried It out w ith Infinite " Ila won't do,” the stranger had proaching feet in the pine needles. harm. 1 3 0 acres, on high trellis care as to details. H e wrote to Linda, kill a man for a deer. Nobody said. “I tried him out and he won’t As surely as he would have recognlxed Clean yards in care of the superintendent of the S. G, Simon is spending 14000 wants to do that on any day. Sea fill In In my fam ily. Aud I ’ve fetched the dark face of the man in the door­ Please register early. W rite orphanage. him back. way, he recognized the sound as on improvements ou his faim near what moves the bushes before you T he answer only deepened the Shedd' W. L. BUTLER, box 277, shoot. If you hunt, get a good Dave's step. " I believe in being frank, and I tell mystery. Linda was missing. W hether T he man came In, and at once an you there's something vicious In that Corvallis, Oregcn, she had run away, or whether some Dr. Barnum and Sidney Smith gun and shoot straight. Don’t let observer would bave detected an a ir boy's nature. I t came out the very the wcunded deer get away and, or phone 7F2 one had come by In a closed car and and fam ilits spent Sunday at C. of deference In his attitude. Very first moment he was In the house, suffer. Good guns are advertised eorrled her off as she played ou the F. Stafford's. plainly he had come to see his chief when the Missus was introducing him in the Enterprise. lawns, the superintendent could not He was a year or two older than his to my eight-year-old son. ‘This Is lit ­ H. Zimmerman and wife and tell. They had never been able to Foote Bros, arc so fond of being tle T u rn tr,' she said— and this boy trace her. H e had been fifteen then, host, lees powerful o f physique, and |une Layton have gone to C#-cad- called up at night by autoists who his eyes did not hold quite so stralghL sprang rig ht at him. I'd never let i* for a stay of a week or so. a tall boy with rather unusual musen- want gasoline that th e y had a tele­ T here was less savagery hut mors little T u rn e r learn to fight, and this !ur development, nnd the girl was Dr. Marks and wife got home phone connected up to their home. d i a l l i n g In Ills sharp features. hoy was on top o f him and was pound­ eleven. And In the year nineteen hun­ He blurted out his news at once. Monday from their vacation trip S till, ;f you need gas it w ill be as ing him w ith his fists before we could dred and tw enty, ten years a fte r the “Old E lm ira bus got word down to pull him off. I didn't understand it well to get it in the day time, (lung the Oregon seashore. reply to his letter, Bruce had heard the settlements at last,” he said. at all." . no word from her. H e had given up D. I I . Sturtevant ai d wife got There was no muscular response In Andrew Brown has taken em­ N or did the superintendent under! all hope of ever hearing from her home from Portland and "buyers’ the larger man. Dave was plainly ployment at Turner. Mrs. Brown stand; nor— in these la te r years—• again. "M y little sister," he said disappointed. H e wanted his news went with him as far as Shedd. week" Saturday. Bruce, either. softly to a memory. Then bitterness to cause a stir. It was true, however, H e was quite a big boy, nearly ten. — a whole black flood of it— would A rainstorm th it struck Albany at Attorney A. A. Tussiug of when he finally left the Square house. come upon him. “Good Lyrd. I don’t that his host slowly raised his eyes. noon Saturday overflILd sewers, Brownsville is home from a trip 11 llooded street« anil nade late# of And there was nothing flickering or even know that slip was my sister." Dave glanced away. "W h a t do you mean?" the man de­ a month through thecentral part of dim about the memory of this occasion. But now lie was going to find her is a strain on tlie eyes, but if you in’ersrctlons. Six miles eastward manded. Canada. A tall, exceedingly slender man sat and Ills heart was fu ll of Joy and eager wear glasses especially made for you the no raiu fall. “Mean— I m«an Just what I said. W e beside the window— a man well anticipation. strain is entirely eliminated. Mr«. Ilelspeth of Eugene, n oth­ should have watched closer. B tU - J. C M iller has been appointed dressed but w ith hard lines about hts We grind lenses to your prescription, er of Mrs. W . L. Wells, cann in Young B ill, I mean—saw a city chap mouth and hard eyes. Yet the superin­ administrator of the estate of Id illa so they w ill be as required. Don’t n eg­ CH A P TE R III Just In the act o f going In to see on Saturday’s train, btiuging htr tendent seemed p articu larly anxious A. McDonald, which consists of an lect your ej es. Let us examine them her. H e had come onto the plateaus twin babies. to please him. “You w ill like this T here had not been tim e to make In­ merest in the estate of A. W . Stan- today. w ith his guide— Wegan was the man's sturdy fellow ," lie said, as Bruce was quiry as to the tand Bruce was going J. C. Bramwell and wifu went to ird, valued at $1500. name— and BUI said he stayed a lot ushered In, to. H e ouly knew one tiling— that longer than he would have tf he hadn’t he county seat last week Mond ty T he man's eyes traveled slowly from it was the wilderness. T h e fact that Obituary taken a messnge from her." and A. D Cornelius tossed the the child's curly head to his rapidly he had no business plans for the fntnre "How long ago was this?" nail bags around. P. C D n i Ison, an old-time resi­ growing fe e l; but no gleam of In ter­ nnd no financial resources except a “Week ago Tuesday.” dent i f Brownsville, pav ed awav at est cun,e into the thin face. "I sup­ few hundred dollars that he carried “And why have you been so long Last week the Enterprise said. his h< me in gulem Aug 9 at the pose lie’ll do— as good ns any. It was In Ills pocket did not m atter one way In telling me?” “ Let ns pyay for ra in .” And a ■ ce of 07 years. He leaves his the w ife ’s Idea, anyway, you know. or another. H e wus w illin g to spend When Dave's chief asked questions plentiful rain A L B A N Y ! O A tB . c a u io before the W h a t about parentage? Anything de­ all the money lie had; a fte r It was widow, Mr#. Auiney V. Dividgon, lu this tone, answers always came papers were all printed. Harold Albrn. cent nt all?" gone, he would take up some work In one daughter, Mr#. Mary E Pish quickly. They rolled so fast from the T he superintendent seemed to wait life anew. Manufacturing optician. mouth that they blurred and ran to­ About thirty people went to the op, both of Silent, and one son, a long tim e before answering, L ittle He had a moment's wonder at the gether. “Why, Simon— yon ain't been Station and saw the outside of the Rupert. Davidson of this place. Bruce, already full of secret conjec­ effect Ids departure would have upon where I could see you. Anyway, there Mr. Davidson was an bonnrel ar iu which Vice-President tures - ms to his own parentage, thought the financial problem that had been was nothin’ we could have done." mender of Calapoois Grange No. tliu t some key might he given him nt tils father's sole legacy to him. H e Joolidge rode through Ilalrey. “There wasn'L eh? I don't suppose 4 '4 , recently tr m fs .-r iig from last. "There is nothing that w-e can laughed a little as he thought o f tt. Office 1st door aouth of school house you ever thought that there's yet two Douglas Taylor and Guy Brain- Liberty grange, rear Salom, where tell you, M r. Duncan,” he said at But the Idea that others also— having months before we can clinch this well and fam ily, Grant Taylor Halsey, Oregon. last, "A woman brought him here— no business relations w ith his fath er be waa a charter member, that thing fo r good, and young Folger .w ith an In fan t g irl— when he was — might be Interested In this western my c irc for prepiration and hartal — dows of his bedroom at night. The the remains of beloved ones may feel assured of the same respectful and lights that could he discerned In this E very 3 tender treatment I would wish to be given m y own dear ones. strange, dark sky were largely nn- -- wish carried out in detail and prices guaranteid to satisfy, Best of ag fa in llla r to Brace, because o f the equipment and complete stock. smoke-clouds that had always hung above the city where he lived. There were Just stars, hut there were so many of them that the mind « a s un­ ^LIC EN SE D M ORTICIAN AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR § able to comprehend tbetr number. There was also a moon that c a ft a L E B A N O N , O R E. little square c f light, like a fa iry j Ce Day or night. Phone 9 Lady attendant 3 tapestry, on the floor. It was not such j a moon as leers down red snd strange through the smoke of cities. It was [ vivid and quite white— the wilderness moon that times the hunting hours of the forest creatures. But the patch that tt cart on the floor was obscured , In a moment because the man who i! had been musing In the big chair be Ü aide the empty flreplac* had risen and "But I ’ll Taks the L ittle Beggar, Any­ lighted a kerosene lamp. w ay." T he light prevented any furth er li nahle." he «aid significantly. "B ui I ’ll scrutiny o f the moon and start. And w hat remained to look at was not take the little beggar, anyway." And thus Brace weut to the cold nearly so pleasing to the spirit. It fireside o f the Duncans— a house In was a great, wblte-walled room that ’ i* great and distant city where, lc the would have been beautiful had It not . years that had passed, many things been for certain unfortunate attempts ; T here waa a atone j scarcely worlh remembering had tran ­ to beautify It. fireplace, and certain massive, dust1 spired. It was a gentleman's bourn— as far a t the meaning of the word covered chairs grouped about IL But We tell usually goes—ami Bruce had been a f­ the eye» never would have got to these. They would have been held and forded a geullenian's education. There fascinated by the face and the form was also, for a while, a certain amount of the man « h o had Just lighted the C I f you have been d riftin g along—spending all, saving nothing—stop o f rather doubtfnl prosperity, a worn . _ and think. an who died a fte r a few months of lamp. Come in and hear it play No one could look twice at that mas­ casus I Interest In him. and many.* You must realize that i t cannot go on forever. O ne’s earning days are sive physique and question Its might. A ll phonograph records aud needita. many hours o f almost overwhelm'ng numbered. Now, w hile yoar earning power i t the greatest see to it that He seemed almost gigantic In the yel­ jooellncss. Also there were many each payday pays S o m s T r im o toward your futnre InDxeewDXMCR, low lamplight. Io re a lity be stood A question that is easily answered is thoughts such as are not especially six feet and tlm o rt three Inche«. and what to offer your lady friend in the way W e w ill velCMSa yoor account and help you save. goo.1 for the spirits of growing hoya. his fra m e waa p e rfe c tly In proportion of refresh men ta. Just bring her here T he place where the Duncans lived and treat her to some of our delicious He moved slowly, laxity, and the ice cream She w ill appreciate your v as a house, hut under no liberal In- thought fin died to tome great monster thoughtfulness and generosity. terpretatlon of the word could It be of the forest that could uproot a tree ' Where Savings are safe ” ro u r per cent and no worry. Pour celledv'a home. T here was nothing f lU i # b l o w . ------- --- ^ * * * * * » * * * * * » * * * » * * * * * * » * * * » * * < * « h » * « i» * M * * » * » t» * t# i» W Cold drinks --------- -— The moat enticing line of Wanted! Hop Pickers KITCHEN RANGES HILL & CO., o a , k Ì Ì o NE.R AL h a r d w a r e P A IN T S and O IL S F U R N IT U R E about Sept. 5 Jots and Tittles Doing Fancy Work O p to m e tris t. W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. F O R S A L E IN H A L S E Y Jay W. Moore, Realtor. N. C . L O W E 9 XiHlSIiSiSiiSiSiiiiSiiiiiiifiiiiSifc'SSfifflHfiiX Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collisicn, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. j Be Honest With Yourself ET SOMETHING that is stout, that is, C A B L E , in place ef rope -stro n g er and lasts a lifetimo. V\ hen jo u buy m achine oil don’t think any old grease ¡soil. Wo have a heavy red Ü E N G IN E OIL, host that can bo bought, at 5 0 a gallon. Try it. T W IN E is here. G. W. Mornhinweg the Claxtonola The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon Clark’s Confectioner)