LA 4 0 H ALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUG 17, Brownsville Briefs no Jots and_Tittles re!, it wag stated, had arisen over a lady. One of the balked duclirt% ( B / Elaine Woodworth) a doctor’s son, took the affair very much to heart. The fact that be Cecil H arrison, Jack Bertram Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally and Clarence Doggie made a busi­ was unable to give hie opponent sat­ isfaction preyed on his mind to such and in Halsey Particularly ness trip to,Purtlaud M onday. an extent that be derided to take Fred Harrison and fam ily ara hie own life. He wrote letter« to W ill Beene ahd wife were visitors ja r to the car, at every jo in t contemplating a trip to Riddle, his father and his fiance telling n A lbany F rid a y . Modern welding can be done w ith­ O re., the latter part of thia week them of hia intention, then locked out placing the iron in a forge, ar G. T . K itchen a n ! fa m ily went F ra n k Newland baa been qnite himself in hia room and shot him- o Goshen Sunday. of old, and a crew of meu has been worried because someone has stolen welding enough steel to each end of , aelf. bia Slutz Bearcat automobile. A n y . one knowing its whereabouta ie requested to return it to the owner. MEMORY PLAYS QUEER TRICK Educated Finger» ef T yp ew riter Op. H arold Stevenson has a good ereter Retain T h e ir Skill radio outfit which he constructed for Fifteen Years. himself. M r. Stevenson said th a t tw enty dollars covered all the Memory plays some queer tricks expeoee». at times. There ia a Leeds mau who, Harvest was delayed somewhat until fifteen years ago, spent a por­ for a while by the recent rain, bui tion of each day in typewriting let­ the farmers were glad to sej it . ters. In retrospective mood, be nevertheless, k’ .. lately looked back on that period, M . 8. Woodworth motored to and tapped the table with hia finger- the county sedt Thursday of last tips as if beginning a letter. w eek. "Dear Sir,” be picked out with­ Rev. E arl Cochran, a former out trouble, hia fingers finding the pastor of Brownsville Baptist right places for the conventional churoh, w ill pyeacli a t the union opening; fam iliar phraseology, he discovered the M elhqdist Church. H is many that the place of every letter in the frieu dt »ry glad to bear the news keyboard had remained lodged in Irene J p rriio n and C arm elita his niemery for fifteen years. W o jd w o rth bayo recently made He could not write out tbs arrargem ynta to do light house­ board without reflection, but onia keeping and attend college in his finger« were moving they found M cM innville t h ’« wiuter, every letter and figure and pusetus- tion mark without effort. “T a t the queer thing is,” lia said, EXAGGERATED IDEA OF HONOR “ that I cannot be sure of renumber- Vienna Student Kills Him self Because ing birthdays and a certain wedding day nnlesa I mark them in a diary.’’ Unable to Give Enemy Proper Satisfaction. —-Tit-Bits. The recent tragic death of a young engineering student in Vien­ na shows to what the exaggerated code of honor still upheld in gome Continental countries ia liable to lead, remarks the Vienna corre­ spondent of the Times. A few weeks ago the police raided the rooms of the Saxenia Student«’ association and prevented a duel which was about to taka place be­ tween two of its members. The duel was no ordinary “menrur” bout, but a serious encounter which was to settle an affair of honor. The qnar- W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many H U M A N IL L S If your eyes give you trouble or your glasses »re annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You Bancroft Optical Co. t 313 1st S t IV. Albany. Phone BOB I T I I f long hair goes it may take fool­ ish hats and dresaez with i t When men wore long hair they dressed foolishly. Bobbed hair will save time. Every woman could read Plato in the time the wastes twist­ ing around her finger wisps of hair pulled from her comb and depos­ ited in a paper cornucopia, to be made later into a rat, “all my own hair.” > I f every woman read Plato she would know enough to have her children after thirty and select a father old enough to have a brain full grown, nOt a mere fox trot rec­ ord. Time ia our only possession. Bobbed hair «avet it. Bob your hair. But than forget it a« men do. Don’t fuss over it.— Atlanta Geor­ gian. Havi >g about i’ou' lad tba price tba minara' a'rike haabaen reltle 1 in several aaotioua of tba oountry. Mr. Hoovar r«ki con. grass to (top thia profiteering. of coal, A Few Groceries for Harvesters Mr«. H ugh Leeper made a visit each ra il to bring it back to it« i f a couple of days at Tangent this original level with the rest of the week. rail. Frank Potter's honaehold goxls Undertaker Delbert S tarr of were shipped to Portland this Brownsville met Saturday'« train viek. from Portland with hia b e irie and John Reese Mallow and Mies took the remains of Mrs. M ary □ora H arris, both of S h e ld , were Hum e of Portland, widow of Peter Hum e, to Brownsville. Mrs. married Mouday. Hum e resided a t B row nsv'lls for Mrs. Stewart, late of S tiw a rt A many years and ber funeral was Price confectionery, and Jean went at 2:30 Sunday at the residence of to Lebanon Tuesday. ber brother-in-law , Joseph Hum e 11. E . Davie aud w ife went to of that city. Albany by auto and returned by “ W h y Girls Leave H om e” at train Monday. the R ialto Mouday draw the first M r. and Mra. W in n ifo rd and fu ll house since vacation tim e be­ friends from Albany went to C rab­ gan. The play was fu ll of interest tree Sunday on a picnic. and ita moral toue unquestionable Lawrence T a y lo r, Glenn and I t emphasized the part of parental Sarle Frum left this morning for negligence in the delinquencies of Jrater Lake in ihe Frum car. the young and the need of in te lli­ They w ill be gone about two weeks. gent, comprehending eymphathy and comeradeship between pareuts M ia. C. If . Koontz and sons aud children. H»rin«n and M artin arrived borne Mrs. M . M. W ard, K a rl B ram ­ •londay evening from their vaca* w ell’s grandm other, 81 years old, ion »t Newport. resides at Brownsville. 8be a r­ H 'r r y H « rg e t of Harrisburg rived in Halsey Tuesday, after a lied la ri Wednesday. H e fell tour including A lb a n y , Eugeue rom a load of bay in a field near and other places. M ra. W ard is Innction C ity Ihe previous Sat- as spry as the ordinary person of *rd»y and fractured his skint 60 and seldom w«ar oyegla'se:. Eugene, K a r l’s M r. France, recently in charge Mrs. M ille r of if the railroad station here, has mother, came with her from there ocated at North Bend. C. E. libers of Portland is handling the •flics line, A permanent appoint- oent of an agent here is expected •y September 1. Mrs. Ida C uuiuiingr cin ie from the county seat Tuesday to loo'< after real estate property here, re­ turning horns the nvxt day. She {topped at thu home of her broth­ er, George Maxw ell. Á Golden W est Coffee........................ 45 M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs................ 1 .0 0 Shasta Tea, 1 lb.............................. 60 Trco Tea, 1 lb.................................... 75 Mother's Delight C o rn ................ 15 P. S. Bantam Corn........................ 25 Guittard’s Chocolate, 1 lb. ,......... 35 Bulk Cocoa.................................... Tru Blu G rahams................. k...... Ti n Blu Cookies, 25 to 40c pr. ,b. Zan Brooms, 50c, 75 and 11 12lc 20 Intermediate League. 0:30. Epwuil'a League, 0:30. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thnradey, 8. Rev, C. T. Cook, Parlor, Shedd Shots (B y Anna Pennell) Altou Coatee of A lbany, with bia fa m ily , visited hia father and Fuad I, New Ruler ef Egypt, Checkmated the British Reeident. Roy K eudall is carrying mail for Kenneth Robson while be is on his vacation, Tn 1913 Fuad I, the new king FfD'Pb was an unsuccessful can­ didate for the Albanian throne, after having been colonel of artillery in the Italian army. When he bet’ame ■ultan of Egypt his role under the protectorate of England was not al­ ways easy to maintain. Due day a messenger of the B rit­ ish resident asked him to sign an ordinance against tha Egyptian na­ tionalist«. He refused. ’ And the messenger of the resident signified to him with the utmost courtesy: I shall then to my regret have to- arrest and imprison your high- Fred Sprenger aud Z e ll* K en ­ nedy were A lbany shopper Tues­ day. Hew ti'ta.” “ Permit me,” replied Fuad Pasha to go to my room for a moment to reflect.” A few moments later Fuad came back in the uniform of an Italian colonel. M r*. L. G . Thompson «pent the week in Portland. Mra. Bud M c E lv a in of Portland ia vitiliog her huabaud in Shedd. M r. and Mrs. T routm an and daughter G a il, M r. and Mr» Meyar and daughter Thais and A rth u r A l i a t viviled at Barnes' at Jeffeiaon Sunday, Alice Power« of A lbany is visit­ ing her sieter, Mr*. Jack Cornett. Grace Elizabeth B eall ol Browns­ at E lm e r Marge- ron’a. ville is visiting Rev. M r. Reed left M onday for Portland, where h it ton was op­ erated on for a growth in hia nose. Home-Made Dress Forms? »3 The dress-model invention th a t has beeu introduced by departm ent Tribune. of agriculture exports and the O. A. C . was demonstrated Tuesday GONGS BRIf.'Q FORTUNE at tbe residence of Mis* Nettie Spencer, she being tbe aubjeet. Sirs. Carrie Jacobs-Bond, the D ie O. A. C. furnishes an o u tfit American woman who has made a for $1. T hia consists of au under­ fortune as a writer of popular songs, shirt. a razor and enough gutniued was a poor widow when she took to paper tape Io me ke the d res* form. song writing. She obtained the Sound: funny, doesu’ t it? Here is the process: T h e subject means for publishing her first songs by painting china— and also by go­ dona the Undergarment and take* ing without food and warmth. A l­ position. The operation takes a together she has written more than wearisome length of tim e, d urin g which she moat stand rigidly in four hundred songs, and has built position, therefore assistants sup­ up an immense publishing business, port her arm * aud help her. which her son now manages. W earing the undergarm ent, aha ia wound about with tbe gummed H E A V Y T R A F F IC paper tape until she ia completely Covered with it from neck to waist “M in t's Ihe name of this townP and half way to the elbows. “Chiggersville," said the eon- As soon as ft ie d ry the razor ie ductor of the limited. used to cut the tape-covered gar­ ment apart down the front and “ What did you stop here for?” hack and it i* taken off in two “ Io take ou hooch and water.” part«, fastened together again ami "Eh ?” "(h e re ’s a tank up where the en­ tilled with excelsior on which to tit your dress. gine is and 1 notice the smoking ear Fifteen Indies were present and is catching a good many rough-look­ each of them ill tu rn , w ith tbe ing citizens with paper suitcases.'' of t h ' othsre, ex pacta — Birmingham Age-Herald. to have one of the»a tnojela in ide, upon which she can fit ber dresse« Stayton had a ftO.COO fire yea- hereafter. terday which d is lro y e l the Com- uiercial hotel and two gcnoral Congrega is asked for 130,000 -tores and damaged other build­ for an eloctric lig ht plant for the ing*. Oregon caves. He was not arrested.—New York Saturday Special!! FABRIC TIRES % • I 30x3 Tires $6.30 30x35 “ .......... 7.30 CORD TIRES MASON CORDS $12.50 This 30x3] Mason cord is as large as a standard 3 I x4. 10, Bible achonl. 11, L o rd ’« Supper. Sermon. A Halsey girl danced in private the- 7, C hristien Endeavor. ‘ a tries! ■ in Portland and had her "plcter 8. Sermon. I tuk " but will not show It except to the L eder Jone«, pastor. Preach)»;. II. - -a,— — Can You Guess Her Name ? Church A nnouncem ents Junior League, 8, — --------------- i - — H»« a Settlem ent Where the Fair 8 rx Bring Up the Pearls. C hristian: All prices less 5% for cash M Japan Halsey Christian Clinrch EVERY KIND of FRUIT JARS and TRIMMINGS OjengSaturday Evenings W H ERE W OMEN DO TH E DIVING KING'S ESCAPE FROM ARREST 30x31 Methodist Sunday School, 10. M. V. KOONTZ CO. ~~~~ Near the city of Ishinomonsky, m Japan, is a settlement in which woman’s rule may be said to be complete. The wives support the husbands and are the acknowledged . There were two pairs of baby heads of the family. The men keep twins at Ihe Christian cl.urch last Sunday and an effort w ill be made house aud do other work that usu­ o have four pairs there next Sun- ally is performed by women. lay and have them photographed, This condition of affairs is due it looks as though th a t chinch was »imply to the fact that the women {rowing. are more proficient in the chief in­ K a rl Bramwell has bought the dustry of that vicinity than the men The settlement is on Schiam bay, oretty modern dwelling owned by Prank Porter on the corner of Foutb where pearl shells are abundant and jn d J streets and moved in. M r. are taken from the bottom of the Genzel is expected to fo rw itli pro­ sea, says Asia Magazine. These ceed with bia garage plans on the women pearl-divers think nothing of place the Bramwell« have occupied. working at their task for ten hours Mrs. O p ’ l Higbee and tw in boya * day, remaining for two or three Clair and Clarence of Tangent are minutes at a time below the surface visiting Mrs. Higbee's sisters, of the water. Mrs. W . H . Robertton, Mrs. E . The birth of a boy is considered C. M illa r and Mrs. I. E. Gardner. The boy* celebrated tbeir second bad luck, while great rejoicing hails the arrival of a baby girl. Men are birthday M onday, August 14 regarded as inferior in every seuse. The Southern Pacific has had a ! A t the early age of four years girls crew of men doing a job th a t a are taken to the sea and taught to 'ew year* ago would never have swim and dive. A t fourteen they been thought of. Ralls wear fast­ begin in earnest A t forty they er at the euds, where wheels first usually "retire.” strike them, than anywhere else, I t is not uncommon for many of with the result th at there is a little depression, which causes a them to have become grandmothers Flavo F lo u r.....................................$1 .6 5 Olympic or Crown............... 2 .4 0 Prem ium Tomatoes, 3 cans ... 50 A. A L. Tomatoes......................... 20 Darimade Milk, 12 cans .............. 1.25 Cornflakes...................................... jo Macaroni, 12 lbs................. 1 .0 0 (Continued on page 3) at that age or a little later, and the rest of their lives is spent in edu­ cating younger generations in the art of swimming and diving. very elect among her friends. The photographer being bound by no prom­ ises, let a copy out to an engraver. You ntver taw the coalnme. I f you recognize her in this disguise jnst ask her and she will probably not deny ber identity, bat don't ask the printer man. for be is not permitted to tell. She wore French heels only in the play, and would not wear thort akirta even there. Sensible girl I LI f t .«» W rite us today. W e will mail you as many as you want N eed not pay until delivered at your door. AH orders sent c. o. d ; TIRE HEADQUARTERS I K GARAGE First and Baker Streets, A lbany, Oregon