South 'ru n siu ick “ STRAFFO RD” P eriod M old Wanted! Vetch- Clover- Grass- SEED In Adam Horwn, Red Ma­ hogany or W alnut $310. 00 Electric Bring us your seed to clean Proper equipm ent Ex perienceil men j A ccurate A ccounting MURPHY’S SEED STORE $360. 00 ■ ALBANY, OREGON i Your old Phonograph taken in as part payment. Easy term s on the hal ance. W ood w orth D ru g Co., Albany, Ore. Jols and 1 ittles M is t P earl Hoeflichof Albany is enjoying a visit of a few week» with her aunt, Mrs. L. V. Chance. $ Meadamea M att Morgan and Bella Check of Portland arrived Monday for a few days’ visit with heir enter, Mrs. Enoch Cunning­ ham. O' J C h op p in g a t an y tim e I $ All k in d s o f feed on h an d i M'S, Frauk Hadley sent Cascadia for her vacation, J. E. True it hauling gravel for I new sidewalk. Ha is going FO R SALE 2 J e r se y C ow s 1 Sow and 6 P ig s 1 D riv in g H o rse P R U IT T Blackberries wanted— We will commence to receive Evergreen Blackberries Aug 111 and w ill fnrnlsh crate* to handle them is. L. W. B y erley H e m stitc h in g d6ne at Sawyer left Tuesday morning for Tacoma, whence the former will go to Lewiston, Idaho, where be has rented a hot^l. Vernon expect» to remain hare with Mr». Chialvo Brownsville. Returned on tbe next mail for a few weeks. M attie R radm ck . Tycer-Elmore Millinery The heaviest rainstorm sioce June cams yesterday. I t made the sidewalks actually look damp, but did not have much effect on the dust. FOR R E N T 400-Acre Farm Pair buildings. Mrs. L. C. Merriam, accom Halter. panied by Alice and Ruth Sturte­ Wheal ia turning out rather vant, want to Turner Thursday Letter than expected. afternoon to visit the Cornelius The Grant Keynotes family »tart, family, who recently lived here cd Tuesday on their eoulheattern One week from today, uniats the trip. powers that be interfere, the deer The M ivberry and M oKinuej season opens and soon we shall fam liea were in town from their bear of the foole who shoot first ».i tv homes in Eugene Sunday. and then find out that i t ’s man instead of a deer. The Htnrtevant fam ily returnod Dr. Kent's cow at Brownsville from Lebanon Saturday. The la ly e a inter there ia still very low, broke her reck while picketed cat Sunday ni^kt. differing from cancer. j Three m ilei from (Co.illnucd from paye 1) W J . RIBELIN ONLY $3.90 H A L SE Y to P o rtla n d No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 17, 5.39 p. tu. S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS that cleans all kinds of grain CLEAN The delivery window of the Halsey poet office is open Suudaye from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. to Chester Stsrr, after many years away, baa been visiting his old hauois at Brownsville. E E A NEW CLEANER Ma. JS, 12:01 p. m. 24, 5 50 p. m. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS «-B est ca sh p rice fo r an y k in d “ grain« 1 Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line 1 O. W. FRUM The great action romance of the northwest. “ North of the Rio Grande,” which comes to, tbe Rialto tomorrow night, captures Vacationists Learning to Walk everybody who sees it by its whirl­ install a complete water systeaijiu wind sweep and mighty climaxes. (Continued from page 1) his house.— Cor. Herald. Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at James Bond and' wife, parents can of milk when Sis wasn't looking.” Holel Halsey every Tuesday and of Mrs. J. W . Moore, were with “ Well, then, let's go!“ snaps the Friday. • the Moores at their Cascadia out­ commander of tbe expedition. This party Is traveling light for real distance. Another mast expect to make a shorter hitch or else be count­ ing greatly on Its power of endur­ Sam Sawyer and son are ex­ ance. Perhaps the camp Is not far pected to start up the Loeb saw­ off because tbe group Is equipped for m ill at Brownsville in a few days. sn over night stay with heavy blanket rolls, hatchets, lanterns, canvas »a- Sigurd Meyers was electrocuted terpalls, rubber ponchos, kettles, pots, last Thursday when be accidentally new fangled flreatand, etc, etc. The touched a lire wire in the Mount­ blankets sre laid ont for a better ain States Power company’s plant parking of the bags and cans of food. the party commences to load at Albany. j When np tbe members bristle all over with H arry Sturm, teacher, transfers camp tools and equipment rom Lebauon to Shedd thia year. Back to the Farm The veteran from the crowded city M r. G’lltra visited the county tenements has found a new territory j metropolis Sunday. to roam and one almost unknown to Miss Gertrude Porter sang at the his associâtes. He Is Introducing them Methodiet chnrch in Albany Sun- to this newly discovered land and teaching them how Independent ic a in n ifc m em u u w to i u he I»er ■ uuvp ru ucut ¡day. of any transportation bnt tbelr own Charles Arnold and son Kar] good legs and of any subsistence but were iu town from Shedd Monday. what they can carry and prepare. "W alk and cook your own,” la bla • Miss Catherine Arnold of Sbedd motto. Who will say the leaven thus fer­ spent a few days visiting with her menting In the city crowds w ill not sister, Mrs. Aodrew Brown. bear fruit In a keener appreciation of Rale gh Templeton and family country delights, especially as these have gone to Newport for their are added to by Increased comforts on the farm. With his radio hitched vacation. np, the farmer listens In on the best Mesdames George Hayes and entertainment the country hns to George Alford were passengers to offer. Modem home devices wlps out many hardships formerly Imposed the county seat Saturday. upon Isolated dwellers There Is, In Bill K irk was among the Hals up? Robertson and points iu call club work. The an- in the present conflict. The farm ­ childreu left Tuesday iioou (or lertauiment was provided by tbe in stock o r can get its See for er finds that there is no likelihood their home at Tacoma, They Union «took yards of Portland. Hirst class work guaranteed lhat the average reward per person A M G O LTRA have been visiting Mr». Kobert- yourself w hat the Fisk T ire has Phillip Merriam want to the engaged in farm work will tie as eou’a grandmother, M '». M. E county seat Saturday nooo on a to offer in extra size and strength* great »s *760 for 1822, while it Hn4»elt, for mine lime, pleasure trip. was le»s than $700 in 192). how its resiliency compares when Adolph Chialvo and wife and Dr. M»ika and Messrs. Penland Electric H aircutting. Massaging Against these figuree he sets an Mr-«. Aggie Sawyer and »on Ver­ average compensation for railroad you flex the tire under your hand, and Laubner and their wives left and Shampooing. non arrived a week ago Friday fur employes of *1686 in 1921 and an Wednesday tor Pacific City, intend­ how the depth of the non-skid Cleaning and Pressing. estimated avorags of $1540 lor it visit at the George Maxwell ing to tour (h i coast northward to home. Mr. Chixlvu and Mr». 1922 — Oregonian. Seaside, th e y took a complete tread looks beside other treads. Southern Pacific Lines gA N IT A R Y Barber Shop and Baths T BA R BE R SH O P E. C . M IL L E R This is the way to buy tires! T N t c ' j a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, S T O IL T S O A P S t 4 4 9 * F F * F F F F î F F S u c c e s s f u l G rad u ates Kirko 1 . »!»'• ‘-lii. ing '-lick Colgate'* Shaving Powder I tlBi- llvc Stiaentg Cream Menttru'. Shavian < ream Shaving Rru«l,e* K«- >r Strop* I’ h nd illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, Oregon W Tima Io RottroT