The m o s t e n tic in g lin e o f L ow er T ir e P r ic e s KITCHEN I RANGES with bright porcelain «nd shining nickel which need no polish. Up-to-date cooking ap latest improvements. fipMCD A I ■ <•« R/ \ L H A R F A I N T S and O I L S Olympic F lo u r... D HILL & CO., a in j t q Save money ou your nippli»» Snow fake Flour. We are still quoting prices below our competitors, and even below Portland price». jj to the fact that we con- duct tire store« both at Albany and Lebanon, we are able to buy in large quantities and pass the additional discount to tbe consumer. These prices w ill convince you : ever seen in Halsey is on dis­ play at tbe store of P Hop Pickers and H arvesters F A B R IC S 30x3 30x3j 32x3» 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 D W A R E f i j o m it i i d c Onr prices are with the object of $6.45 7.25 9.40 10.80 11.85 12.65 13.10 Dinmade M ilk, 1? can» Bulk Coffe» .. ___ . . . . . . Best bulk Coffe», 3 lbs... TUBES Tree Tea..................... 1.20 1.35 1.45 1.85 2.05 2.15 2.35 $1.50 2.25 1.15 25 1.00 60 Cornflakes, 3 lbs. tor___ Bulk Cocoa _________ Tru niu Grahams . . . . . . Zan Brooms, 50c, 75 »nd EASTBURN BROS. ALBANY OREGON Wanted! Hop Pickers A LBA N Y Tire and Service STATION at J. W. Seaver’s Yard one tulle south of Corvallis, ou or about Sept. 5 W ill pay 50c per box Good camp ground Good water Sawed stove wood Straw for beds One table for eacli camp Store on place Meat delivered every day W ill meet trains and carry pickers in, and out alter pick­ ing is over, free 1 3 0 acres, on high trellis Clean yards Please register early. W rite Jots and Tittles wife and daughter are here with day to visit her brothers, James Brownsvillo haa been issued. It is m from California. My brother Carothers and A. M. K eu d ill. valued at I92OS.66. came with them, but could'nt M |s A. H . Turner of Missouri Jack Bertram, Brick Coshov s ta y.” sod Mrs. Mary Johnroa of Albany, and Art Powoll of Browusvjlle a sister, visited at the homes of W have been arrested for bootlegging |G . and W. F- Carter and Harty and propose to fight the charge. L .r . U,e Brem an old friend of forty Cord Tires in all sizes at Dealers’ Prices along finely, long ’ she cried, In the queerest, sob­ bing way. Then she took heart and years’ acquaintance, Matt Johnson of Los Angeles, formerly from A new var ety of wheat mined begun again. is shown at the Murphy reed This Newton Duncan had a son— Michigan. M r. Johnson was ac­ store, at the county real h foster-son—named Bruce,’ she told companied by his wife and two U'own beside the Kinney, also an me. And then I said I knew you. j .daugh era, Mrs. Ethel Walton of improved variety, on drouth- “You can’t Imagine the change that ( Eugene aud Mrs. Morrison of Rose- aftli ted land, it produced 2<> came over her. I thought she’d die ' ¡bueh. Mich; also M r. and Mrs of heart failure. The whole thing, Huckborough of Ix x lt, Cal. With'- bushels to the acre against 15 of Bruce— If you must know—gave me '** an houa of the arrival of Mr the Kinney, and on the Btuilli the creeps, ’Tell him to come here,’ Johnson’s party Mrs. M ills' brother, farm, near Albany, it yielded -»0 Day Motor Building 2d and Ellsworth Sts. she begged me. Don't lose a moment. G. Y. McClatcbie, and hie wife and bushels per acre this year. As soon as you get heme, tell him to daughter Winifred of Palto Alto, Albany, Oregon come here.’ Ona M Shelton, a Scio butcher, Cal., drove up, making a party of “O f course 1 asked why she hadn’t was killed nnd his two so s aud an w.’ r.lee” > and “R foimerly from written to Duncan. The answer adult passenger slightly injured ’ “ Michigan. simple enough—that she didn't knov. when he ran his auto into the side The Brownsville M illing com- how to write. .Those In the mountains after which she expects to return of a moving railroad engine near that could write wouldn't, or couldn’t I PanY declared a half holiday, shut home. Lebanon Sunday. That w**s one —she was trifle vague on that point down tbe mill and eutertained tbe (Continued from page 1) G. R. W Jto u look the noon time when the motor driver killed -dispatch a letter. Something Is up, friends with a dinner iu tbe city himself and nobody she by reck­ Bruce, aud I don’t know what. But park. James Rector has built that new tram for Albany Mouday. lessness at a crossing. she said—for you to come back and Mr. McClalchle returned home sidewalk. C L. Carey went to Salem Mon- find—Linda.” , by way of Cooa Bay to visit a sis Tbe Murphy Seed store, Albany W- H. Kirk took John Salas!) day for a stay of a d iy or two. Bruce suddenly leaned forward. ter at South Bend. Mra McClat- and wife to Cascadia Sunday mor­ is owned by the estate of the late The brown face had grown quite AlforJ Savage took Frank Pur- chie and daughter retqain fora few ning for an outing of a couple of Mr. Murpliy and managed bv Mr white. ter e cattle to the fair at Gresham Merrill. W. H. Murphy of North "What else did she say?” Bruce weeks. The party are now at Bal- weeks. W. H . retur n jg about Monday. Dur­ 1)000. Dakota, brother o, the former asked. He spoke slowly—with evident kusp Springs for a vacation. Miss Nin i Kutnp has been ill for owner, visited there a week, coming ing Mr. McClatchies stay they difficulty. Mrs. Martha McBridt of Albany T week or ten days. Her illness from I.os Angeles, where he had Barney answered with the same drove to Portland to visit Mr. arrived Thursday for a visit of is laid to overwork. slowness—each word distinct. “For Mills (lHUghter. been enjoying the climate, and Mrs. Mills wrote last week from several days with her sister, Mrs. you to come— and she made me swear A decree of final settlement of went on hie way home Monday to tell >ou—on the first train. That Belknap hot springs; ‘ ’My brother’s Josie Smith, going to Shedd Mon­ the estate o, Irene L. H illeary of The Man’« Vole« Broke and Changed "Isn’t That Queer, Bruce?" $1.00 25 10 Macaron,, 14 lbs................ Cold drinks Clark's Confectionery I f y o u r fa rm w ill be fo r ro u t th ia fa ll to u c h w ith me. I h a re aovoral good fa rm e r, wmntmg t , re n t farm». F ire i,.¿ i,ra n ce fS S ™ Jay W. Moore, Realtor.