* « PAGE 2 HA LSEY E N T E R F B IS E AUG. 10. 1920 A Walla Walla bootlegger was Has Watched Halsey Grow shot in the leg by a prohibition, A quarter of a century ago a SENIORITY FORFEITED In tbe bootleg, we eup-1young physician was advised by A n tn < to p « n 4 M it— N O T n e u t r a l— n e w » - p a p e r, p u b lis h e d e v e r y T h u r s d a y , au Albany fellow-practitioner to by W M . H . a n d A A . W H E E L E R So Ruled the Federal Rail ‘(M * loyal* in Haleey. He visited this W m . H W h e e le r . E d it o r , M r s . A . A . W h e e le r , B usiness M a n a s e r place and stopped at tbe hotel a road Labor Board a n d L o c a l N e w s E d it o r , few day* without telling anybody I SV who he was or what hit business, ) S u b s c r ip tio n * . 11 1« a y e a r In a d v a n c e . New Turk. — The keynote of the Hay, Grain, stock hauling, etc. Heavy further than to inscribe bis name S V T r a n s ie n t a d v e rtis in g . 21c an In c h ; p e r - hauling a specialty. reply made by railway executive« on the register. m a n e n t a d v e r t is in g . 20c N o d is c o u n t Phone A T A C T U A L C O S T representing more than ISO C la u 1 f o r t ir o * o r space. He found a store or two, black­ In H a d - f o r f 'a r a a r a p h s ,'' Sc a U s e w railroads of the United 8lates to the W . H. B E E N E smith shop and a few residence«, N o a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d as n ew s. proposition of President Harding that S V 2-burner Florence A utom atic...... Halsey. Oregon and a few rivers of mud called "A1J strikers be returned to their work ¡streets. And it rained all day HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore,. Aug. 10, 1912 and their former positions, with sen 2- burner Alcazar............................. every day. iority and other rights unimpaired," Tbe young M. D. decided that lies In the last paragraph of their $ 4-burner Alcazar ............................ GREAT IS THE ALIBI he had seen ail he wanted to ol reply to the president, as follows: Halsey, but before going home ' l l Is ••Jbm ittvS th a t th « s trlk ln a fo rm e r em ployee« can not be given 3- burrter Florence A utom atic...... Mr. Weller'* trust in the power went to Albany to tell his friend (reference to e m p loyee* e t present n Ih e servlee w ith « « » doing v io ­ f of the alibi is shared by many why the prospect failed to appeal Dealer in lence to e v e ry p rin cip le o f rig h t an d lo e tire In volved In this m a tte r to him. The Albany man an. crooks today. Burglars are known end w ith o u t the grcseeel breech nt and another of the profession fa ith on Ih e p a rt of the ra ilro a d * to on occasion to carefully instruct th e men at p resen t In th e ir service talked to him to such purpose that I ’nder these circum stances, It their pals, before the fsct, to testi­ high-grade fabric spring guaranteed for becomes a p p a re n t (h e t th e r a il­ he faced about, came back to this roads can not consider a n y s e ttle ­ fy on trial that the principal was town aud hung out his sbiogle m en t of th e present e lr lk e which 20 years, 40-11». m attress. Our doe« not provid e p ro te c tio n In th e ir somewhere else when the crime was More or Jess practice came to present e m p loym ent both to the I In yal em ployees w h o rem ain ed In him and be found bis patrons ¿0 days' credit committed. th e service and to th e new em ­ more proue to paying their bills ployees e n te rin g It ." Striking labor unions, when B R O S ., Props. than had been tbe case at his for The executive* hid accepted the F A L K SV violence is visited upon employers first two condition* proposed by the mer location. The outlook im­ or strikebreakers, spring the alibi president, namely, that both employ 1 proved over his first impressions, by declaring the offenders were not ers and employee* accept the deci for in time he married a local A L B A N Y F U R N IT U R E E X C H A N G E girl aud they set up their home strikers nor members of their or­ alone of the labor board, and that all 415-121 West First street Albany, Oregon law cults growing out of the *trlke here. ganization, but unknown outside be withdrawn; and In relation to the For tweuty-five years Dr. Marks third condition state. not only as sympathizers. hts practiced medicine hero. He above, but also a* follows: Iu the Eog'ewood i c dentatl-oe made Shedd his home for an inter­ Agee* W ith the Fresldent. Angeles the alibi of the raiders was val, but even then he was in Hal- "The railroad executive* and man­ say nearly every day, and lie re. shocked when an officer of the law ager* agree entirely with the presl dent * statement In h i* letter that it turned and again became a resi put identification marks on three Is wholly unthinkable that the rail­ dent of this city. His first wife o' the hooded raiders, firing raid road labor board can be made a use­ died and in time he married marks from a gun. Klansmen de ful agency of the government In main­ Doing Fancy SVork » nothor Halseyite and a son dared that the lawless raid was taining industrial peace In the rail­ i* a strain on the eyes, but if you ba« grown to young manhood. way service unless employer* and He has seen the city make the n >t the work of the order and the workers are both prompt and unques­ wear glasses especially made for you the greater part of its growth and the fact developed that the meeting tioning In their acceptance of It* strain is entirely eliminated. tt e grind lenses to your prescription, streets improve until all of them adjourned and the crime was plan decision*. ntvigable by wagons (and Many men In the service refused so they will be as required. Don’t neg­ are ned by the adjourned members to Join the strike and In so doing lect your eyes. Let ns examine them automobiles) the year around, and Great is the alibi I were assured of the seniority rights today. now one ol them has a modern type of pavament. The couutry In the Jacksonville investigation accruing to them and of the perman Author o f " T h e V o ice o f th e Back' ence of their position*. On some im roads, too, have mostly been re- it was testified that leaders taught portant line* 50 per cent or more re­ desmsd f om tbe status of caoais niurfrationar by klansmen that they coulJ properly fused to Join the strike. To these old of mud in winter. There ate none loyal employee* have been added ► wear that they were not members I r w in M gertf of them with which be is not fa­ thousands of new men who were era O p t o m e n tru s t. of the order, salving their con ployed and could be secured only up­ miliar, and in obeying the calls of his practice he lias seen every step aei-uces with the theory that they on a definite promise that their serv­ A L B A N Y ORCO. io the improvement of each of ices would be retained, regardless of were members only while attend­ them. Harold Albro. the settlement of the strike, with all ing a session. The plain Engliah tha right* appertaining to such em­ In the homes along all of them Manufacturing optician. na nes for such a cowardly couist­ ployment. Including that of seniority are growing up clliztns whom Ü,. C o p v jn q h t bq L i t t l e , B r o w n , e n d C o under the working rule* and regula are “ perjury” and “ treason.” Marks helped to bring into the For the first time he was revealed tlons previously approved by the rail book one world, while helping many others The proper defense against a road labor board. plainly. His was a fam iliar type; hut to stsy. at the same time the best type. too. .ow ard who violates the law uodei "Juat the Opposite Effect." the call of the blood We make a T ha medical practice has grown He had the face and the body of an We especially point out that a re cover of darkness and a mask is to Specialty of and now the increased pop.ilat on athlete, a man who keeps himself fit; fusel to the old men who remained CHAPTER I in irk him with a piece of )ea< in the service and to the new men who and there was nothing mawkish or ef supports two practitioner« instead Friendship, foe identification, whether tin accepted service of the rights of sen I of on», and they work iu as co n- Bruce wns wakened by the «harp femlnnte about him. It Is true that Engagement and plots harmony and co-operation as ring of hl« telephone hell. Instantly men did look twice at Bruce's eyes, * V r ‘ «**.»* Giro ig,i the h-art or lorlty Incident to their employment would have Just the opposite effect he wag fully aroused. In complete con­ set In a brown, clean-cut face, never do the people of this qui?t burg W edding o ily breaks a limb. Against such to that desired by the president, and trol of nil his faculties. And this Is knowing exactly why they did so. This summer tbe doctor decided a mark the alibi fails. Rings would most seriously discredit the not common to tuen bred In They had startling potentialities. to make this place his permanent the especially labor board. security of civilization. Rather They were quite clear now, wide­ re-ddencs (twenty-five years was It Is a trait of the wild creatures; a awake and cool, yet they hail a M. F r e n c h & S o n s "The board itself prescribed The proposed incorno tax is not rule* only a transient period) and has little matter that Is quite necessary strange depth of expression and of seniority under which ALBANY OREG. bought and remodeled the house If they care at all about living Fron­ shadow that might mean, somewhere el tsa legislation, as its opponents m»o referred to have secured which he and his family occupy tiersmen learn’ the trait, foo; twit as beneath the bland and cool exterior, a • lami. 1 he rich are not in 01 e their seniority rights, and (he rail and made an up-to-date home of Bruce was n dweller o f cities It capacity for great emotions aud pas­ road companies have neither the legal class and the poor in another h sions. it. seemed somewhat strange In him nor moral right to deprive these men Practical Shoe He had only a few minutes to w ait) Anierica. The pioposed luw would of those right* By public utterances Then he grunted rebMUousl.v and Peterson Repairing. gbtDced nt his watch beneath the pil­ then Barney Wegan dapped at his Linn county schools gets $15, derive publii funds from (hose who »Ince the strike began the board has 047 t)0 from tbe »tate in this dis­ low. He had goqe to bed early; It door. This man was bronzed by the are able to pay. That is the whol. recognised and emphasised these Pine. sup. never more fit, never stralghter ws* Just midnight now. rights, and to deny them now would, tribution. case in a nutslwll, and the op instead of upholding the authority of He had no doubts whatever concern­ aud taller and more lithe. He had Just poslfiou comes from those who arc the labor board, overthrow Its rulss Dress Shoes a Specialty ing the nature of this calf. There had come from the far places. The em­ W. J. Lane is displaying an heen one hundred like It during the barrassment that Bruce had detected ahlo to pay aud who want to com­ and discredit Its authority The chair interesting collection of rare metal previous month. His faster father had In his voice was In his face and man­ man of the labor board at the time 501 Lyon st.. Albany, Oregon. pel the weak to bear the same the itrlk e was called made the fol­ and paper money in the window recently died, his estate was being set­ ner, too. • of bis jowelry store in Browns­ tled up. ahd Bruce..had been having a burden as the strong. "You 11 think I ’m crazy for routing lowing public statement: ville. somewhat strenuous ‘ time with his you out at this time of night, Bruce." t non <>ne question (he e trlk ln s C. C . B R Y A N T HALSEY ENTBRPBUI C lo s in g O u t TRUCKING OIL S T O V E S 40 Tur herS s for ▼ SV $14.50 J4 00 W w 23 00 21.00 w H alsey Meat M arket SPECIAL—2-in. Post Iron Bed, SV I Fresh and Cured M eats »rice on,y ............................... $25.50 BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH The Strength Of The Pines fry Edison M a r sh a ll A. “ It was farmers «bo originally dimanded and finally obtained» • he direct primary legislation, sa. ila enemiea. Yes, and the system brought hack to the farmers tomr of tho power of which I ho bosses had succeeded iu depriving them T he farmers can get justice under our government il they will pull together, as so m my other ioteieet» - do. Ihe «Jiiedlion in asked “ Who nro the tank« greatest men in tlregon?- p Smator Stanfield were in Oregon it would bo easy t<» name one of them. No other r Oregonian is able to stay at home tedding a profitable sheep busings, half a year at s time and contiuu< to draw M l pay for services eup- posed to he loudered in Washing ton. • t\ tt could look with tquatniuify "t the high rate of automobile fataHttM at railroad crossings as a prooees of improving the race by the elimination of foole if it were not »’»at the driver* take unoffending passengers with them when they commit suicide by runniug ¡their ca n in front of tn in i. e m p ie .e e e shetild n e t be d e c * " , 1 T h jflr ' « " » r hae said th a t the • t r lk e r e a re no longer employ -••• o f th e ra ilw a y s , s ad th e , h s v i * hue •q ta m a H c a H y abandon Ad all tho .... '"*IP they po sm m un'lfi under their th e b o e ri, in c lu d in e their een- A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Cusick Rank Building, Albany, Oregon. tien i t t* th e ir ow n. M a n y c ar * * r* _ * r î f»V lng tk e lr fo rm e r enj- U ,,. th e o p p o rtu n ity to re en te r (h e e ■ V y lc e w fth tn a U ntiled ln a n ti' " tim e ft m m uet be understood now th a t r_e” . r ho ’‘• " ’ » In w ’ In th e service Siili Z h 2 . , r , . now » h te rln g It X* ttk h t» o f s en io rity th. hat th » board could not i— -------- ignore Whet the Frapoted Plan Meant It su n t be understood that any propaaal that employees now on strlka shall be permitted to return to the service without Impairment to their »•atoefty. it A erely another way of •uggebttug that those men who took «mplojopent Ifc this crisis In good faith, relying da the promise* of tha railroad» to protect them In their position*, these promises being Jnetl fled by the authoritative utterance» of the labor board, and thus have made possible the continued operation of th e , railroad*, shall now be sacri­ ficed In fat or of men now on strike, who not only brought about the crisis' but, by their own action and deelara »ton are no longer employees of the railways, under the Jurisdiction of the United States Railroad Labor Boar-1, or subject to the application of the transportation act ' In addition to the necessity of up­ holding the labor board and maintain­ ing the pledges made by the rallroade te the m»n now at work, there la the practical effect on the supervisory of­ ficer« of a *la)aUon of the pledgee they were authorised to make Their dlscouragemeat slid demoratWitfot would be far more d|aaatron» than thia ■r say ether s trik e " A religion which parents can nyt sufficiently instil into the In Missouri the republicans ex- Olinda of tbeir children outside ol pset to defeat a divided democratic the few hours of the secular pub msjority in the election of a tens- lie schools need lots ol bolstering tor and m Oregon tha democrats have the seme kind of a hope for a We are getting weary of Oregon gubernatorial victory. “ Divide b iug dry. Let us pr*j—for rain. aodcooquer” it an eld motto. i I T ’S T R A V E L T IM E Round Trip Fares afford greater savings in travel costs this year to • ** * * « - . I ill a woo* C ountv R eaches N ewport zv - jthr S ka C rater L m u N ational P ark O regon C avr S N at 'I. M onum ent O regon s P urest , L ake , R ivex and M o untain R esorts S hasta M ountain R esorts Y osemite N ational P arr SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO \ ¡ft tho Scenic S hasta Rout« ” and to BACK EAST CITIES Through California “ Tho W ay to Soo More o f tho U. S. A. gr I creditors. H e understood the mans he began. "And I'm going to get this real flnuiirlal situation at.h ist: at his matter off my chest as soon as possible death the whole h.uslness- structure and let you go to bed. I t ’s all batty, collapsed like the eggshell it w#g. anyway. But I was cautioned by all Bruce had supposed that most of the the devils of the deep to see you— the debts had been paid now; he won­ mom»nt I came here.” dered. as he fumbled Into his bedroom Cigarettes on the amnklng-stnnd." slippers, whether the thousand or so Bruce said steadily. "And tell away ” dollars that were left would cover the “But tell me something first. Was claim of the man who was n o w call­ Duncan your real father? I f he was, ing him to the telephone. 1 11 know I'm up a wrong tree. I don’t "Tills Is Mr. Duncan," he said coM» •pean to be personal—" ly Into the transmitter. “He wasn’t. I thought you knew It. My real father Is something like you "How do you do, Mr. Duncan voice answered. "Pardon me If I got —something of a mystery.” you up. I want to talk to your son, “I won’t he a mystery long. He’s Bruce." , - . not, eh-rthat’a what the old hag said. Bruce emitted a little' gasp of Excus< me. old man, for waving ‘hag.’ amazement. Whoever talked at the But the was one. If there Is any such. end of the llt^e obviously didn't know Lord knows who she Is, or whether or that the elder Duncan wag dead. not she’s a relation of yours. But I ’ll Bruce load k moment of grim humor begin at the beglnulng. Ton know I In which he mused that thia voice was way back on the Oregon frontier would hove done rather well if it —hack In the Cascades. I wu« fishing could nyouse his foster father to an for steelhead In a river they call the swer )t "The elder Mr. Duncan died Bogue. While way up on the upper last mm)th," he answered simply, watera I heard o f a place called T ra il’s There wds not the slightest tr»ce of End—a place where wise men do not emotion Mn his toqp No wayfarer on go." the strict could have heen, as far at "And of course yog went?" facts went, more of a stranger to h im ; Of course. The name sounds silly there was no sense of loss at Ms death now. hut It won t If you ever go th e r e . and no cause for pretense now. “Thia There ore only a few families. Bruce, la Bruce speaking." miles and miles apart. In the whole He heard the other gasp. "Old­ teflon. And It’s enormous— no one man. I'm sorry," his contrite voice know* how big. j ugt ridge on ridge came " I didn't know of your loss. One uoe qp—right away. May IT ' "Of c o u rs e — ’’ how she looked I II let vou see for ’ H l he there In a minute." yourself, if you care to fallow out her An,J now the stranB Bruce hung up. slowly descended to instructtpoa. Ash Swale people sav the crops ! are nearer a total failure from : drouth this year tbaa they ever saw before. utdoore, California foe the Tourist” and other beauti­ ful folder* w ill be mailed V R E F ON REQUEST f fares, retervstioni and other particular*, ask agent» SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JO HN M SCOTT. • leneral r*«*enger Agent. fcl* U kao. £24 flashed on the Ught^