HALSEY ENTERPRISE VO L. X HALSEY, L IN N CO UNTY, OREGON. THUR SDAY, A U G . 10. I '.’2 Brownsville Briefs (By Elaine Woodworth) S ihey Goodman and Miss Katie Cochell surprised their friends by a quiet wedding last week. W ill Rogers of Albany is visit­ ing hi- sister, Mrs. Thomas H a rri­ son. • Vacationists With Shelter Tents and Tin Cow Learning to Walk AH Over Again. PITIFUL PIFFLE NEW PRICES. du»« That makaa roe fe»! your Umbo are That drive» away your Xor th . took* of alatara » • . hlooi O T ’ f l i S r s s : 4-Cylinder for $1315.00 8-Cylinder for 1735.00 terertkn tho Miss Helen McClain, who has been attending a summer session -P lattabu rsh Marahln* Sea», at 0 . A. C., has finished her high school course while there and ex­ Stringing ont from Hie suburban pects to return to the college next transit terminals ot New T o r t every fall. H er many friends wish to Sunday and holiday goes the army of congratulate her. khakl-elad hikers. There may be an The Fordsoo caravan will be in Browusville August 10. I t ia on a 4000-mile tour. Miss Irene Harrison h ill spend the week in Portland visiting friends. Mrs. Thomss Harrison is now locate! at tha Cecil Harrison home as housekeeper. Miss Carmelite Woodworth, who l.as been visiting in Brownsville for tbe past few days, returned to Creswell today. Mrs. J. Moore’s niece from Portland is visiting here for tbe summer. Most Oregon winter wheat grow­ ers report a better crop than ex­ pected. The crop ia estimated at 15,000,000 bushels, against 20,- 000,000 last vear. Oats promise a 60 per cent crop, barley 78. coru about 80, potatoes 75, hops 80 and all kinds of fruit short from 20 to 60 perc«nt. In tbe grain harvest ‘‘cninmoo labor” is being paid 13 to $3 50 per day. S*ck sewers, $4 on the smaller and <5 on tbe larger machines. The basic rate for separator tenders is $8 per day. In a lew cases *10 to 112 per day is being paid. All these rates in ­ clude board. Deputy Sbrriff W. E. R o iiu n of Ym cotver. Wash., was killed and J- A, Morgan, prohihitiou officer, badly Wounded by Paul Hickey, whose moonshine still they bad discovered, near Stevdnaon, W ash., Monday, Morgan won’t be slobbered over by sympathisers and tbe governor won't be asked to parole or pardou him to preveut his executit d , for be was killed too. W e H ave EVERY THING OlTICAL E Y E S T R A IN is the Cense of Many HUMAN ILLS If yonr eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You Bancroft Optical Co. Aak about our easy payment plan. M ORTON & D O T SO N Phone 66 Albany, Oregon Jots and Tittles catch its real aig&ifleanee the hike Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally meant a great deal more. I t Is tbe and in Halsey Particularly cheapest form of recreation and therefore appeals te those living In crowded districts and unable to avail Three miles of the A lb an y-T an -' reception Tuesday evening at th themselves of the. more expensive gent pavement is finished. 'Cornett farm borne, near Shedd amusements. And these people, be .. , | „ , It noted, era Just those the country Southern got lioffi« Poultry culling demonstrations Is so anxious to have spread out and ,rom h#r v»oatl°n Saturday. are planned for August 28 at 2:30 settled In the farming sections. The Miss Elaine Woodworth of Ralph Dannen s, Snedd; Aug. hike, indeed, haf possibilities as a ! Brownsville was in tuwu Monday. . ® ** .^0 at W illiaui Anderson's, real starter for the “back to tbe farm- i i Plainview; same hour at M. Cum- movement I Douglas Taylor was a passenger mings’, Lake Creek; Sept. 5 at 2 Doughboy and Bey Soout U U Way tbe county metropoli. Saturday. at Mrs. O. C. Karsten’s. Har- - - - Cormier - - - is - vice­ motiy, aud Sept- 6 at 2 39 at E. H Just a brief survey of the rollicking Mrs. Nettie Henderson’s, Brownsville. Pou!- groups which move off from the out- president ot tbe county republican trymen are advised to attend, as lying terminals on holidays estub- ; central committee. these schools will not be held next llshes a few general types There Is M rg q year. the ex service man and his friends and c ia u d e w en t to Philomath to who will hear from him the story vigit M „ C ook,g kigter. Miss Helen Cowgill, assistant of more serious excursions on the state club lender, will be present muddy roads of Trance. Ha tig h t- 1 Ben Mayberry and family left at a meeting of the canning club ana a strap here and another tbw a S n n d ,v fo r Eugene w ith th e ir last at the Quimby borne at 10 oti load of household furniture. on ton blanket roll adjustment or tka Monday morning. At 3 there “shelter half,” la which the commlu- W . A. Allen bought the S. A. Will be a similar meeting at the aary Is packed for * • mid-day feast Robertson property on First street Large home, Brownsville. by tbe roadside. ICxpert directions last Thursday and will make it come from him on the method of h's home. Irritated by flies, F. M. G ray’s slinging the pack io It w ill net toe! Mrs. Fred Roberts and child and delivery horse, which is famous for so heavy or Interfere with tbe free Miss Blanche Forster were pass­ the faithfulness with which it body movement. He will peae along engers to Eugene Saturday noon, stands when left, goes when told the Information, gained In bis army to or backs if required, took a run returning in the evening. days, of hew that same peck was vntFirst street Friday with the evolved after numerous experiments Linn county is eighth in Oregon wagon, “ all by its lonely.” The to find the easiest way of carrying in the number of automobiles. atii ra l made pretty quick time the hesvleat load. W ith results ha There are 3843of them snd they northward for a few blocks and now compliments, but which he char­ pay *93,381.50 in registration fees. perhaps outdistanced its winged acterised when a doughboy as a The Brownsville legion advertises tormentors, for Frank, who fol­ “blankety blank total failure." that it will receive bids up to Aug lowed, drove sedately back again, Then there are tbe bey scout par­ 14 for ths construction of the with no harm done. ries. adept at everything pertaining foundation of its community build­ Brownsville keeps on the map to “shanks mare“ traveling and wood­ ing. The Brownsville Canning company craft. The ex-eervlce man and the A rthu r Robnett and family operates at Corvallis snd not at boy scout are pioneers In tbe hiking game. Listen to one ef them right moved to Eugene tbe first part of Brownsville. The Brownsville off the train and making ready for a last week. M r. Robnett w ill woik woolen m ill stores in various cities twelve mile Jannt: “Get that can­ at bis trade under a contractor, have had no connection with teen over the side, Jimmie, and who guarantees him three years of Brownsville these many years till It won’t keep bounclug off your leg stndv work. now their proprietor is prepat ¡ng every step. Ia it filled? Well, then, we drink. How abont tha eats? Let'» Lonzo Neal and wife, accom­ to open mills and store at tbe C»l- check 'em off. Yon got the spuds. panied by bis mother, Mrs. O. F, apooia city. B ill: tha bacon Jimmie. Who has the Neal, and Melba, motored Io the The J. C. Penney stores of Al­ coffee end the Borden tla c o w r county eeat Tuesday, where I.ouzo bany. Corvallis and t^banon bad "Bight here." annonarea a freckled,,, , comrade of the road, patting his knap ' I ? 1, , * Otd ¡u exchange for an all.day meeting at tbe county j sack. J1J 1st St. W. Albany. Phone U' C ook aod G, raldi M A Few Groceries for Harvesters Flavo F lo u r............................. Î1.65 Olympic or Crown.............. 2.40 Golden W est Coffee.............. ... 45 M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs........ 1.00 Shasta Tea, 1 lb...................... 60 Tree Tea, 1 lb........................... 75 Mother’s Delight C o rn ......... 15 P. S. Bantam C orn................ 25 Prem ium Tomatoes. 3 cans 50 A. & I». Tomatoes ....... 20 Darimade Milk, 12 cans ..... 1 .2 5 ' Cornflakes............................... IO Macaroni, 12 lbs..................... 1 .0 0 G uittard’s Chocolate, 1 lb...... 35 Bulk Cocoa............................. 12lc Tru Bln G raham s................... 20 Tru Blu Cookies, 25 to 40c pr. lb. ' Zan Brooms. -50c, 75 and $1 EVERY KIND of FRUIT JARS and TRIMMINGS AH price* lew 5% lor cash M. V. KOONTZ CO. Shedd Shots Chanticleer Imagines He Makes the Sun Rise The voters have about reach«d the stale of mind whero they be- eive that all senators are interest, ■•d, personally or on behalf of theii «mnslituenls, in a tariff on some, thing and t b it afly tariff made i« fongreea will have smalt relation 'o the facts which should govern but will be the result of log-rolling among tbe various interests. They believe (hat both parties want pro­ tection for their favored industries; that inoit of their members ar. tour-flushing when they pretend •therwise, and t in t a g m l tarifl is impossible when made by poli­ ticians of either psi ty .— Portland Oregonian. Clarence W">er, as many as there are weeks short time. He expects to work ; •n *he T«»r, enjoyed a picnic in the in the hop yards as soon as the Par*- followed by swimming, ssason opens. games, etc. A t 8tenberg Bros.’ grocery on Sturtevant ami wife have Lyon street, Albany, can be seen ■io,;e 10 be in Portland during buy- a cucumber grown in a glass jar er* WRe*t- Mrs. Mary West of ready to make a jar of pickles, and Brownsville is caring for the home. another ia growing in a larger jar (Continued on page .1) in the garden. J. H. McMahan’« cattle got out Saturday and Sunday nights and did some damage to grain in the neighborhood but tbe principal mischief dona by them was tramp­ ling a lot of soft concrete pavemeut out of its smooth quietude. If all tbe straw stacks that have been burned in tbis valley and all tho e that now lie rotting on tbe farrta had been spread upon tbe dele’s where they grsw there would be nr ora humus in the soil and more grain would have been pro- luced in tbia year of drouth. (By Auna Pennell) Mr. and Mrs. Keunetli Robson lalt ¡Saturday for Newport. The Alhvny Herald says it learnt that Glenn Ktbby of Portland speut the Enterprise “ measures the value of a tariff by the price the consumer pays.* I Saturday aod fcuoday in Shedd in It’s funny how some people, in Josh Bit. the interest of the paving plaut. lings' language, “ know so many things I Miss Pearl Thompson returned that a nt ai." last week from Newport. The Herald also says that ths lack of Glenn H ill and family returned a protective tariff during the Wilson administration mi no,'lately following last week from Belknap Springs. the war did not make lower prices for fin­ ished products but that “ The packers, by buying livestock for less and maintain­ H arry Hartaell and wife of ing the same selling price, made extra bal-m . who formerly Ijved in profits. Tbe American farmers got lei s c.bedd, drove up here one eveniog for their products." last week. 6 Prices of farm products have dropped Messrs. McElvaiu and Pennell since the war, of course, but does any­ body notice that they are any lower than •pent Sunday m j«ffer«m. they were before the in.quitoua Wilson J. R. Hobba and wife of Albauv administration played hob? were in Shedd Sunday vtauiug 1 lie Herald tells a sob story about friends. “ 1893, when tlie democratic pauic hud closed li ctories and sh o p s'a n d a penni­ Me«damea Zella Kennedy and less unemployed man saw a suit in a Agnes Clark were visitors at the window marked >10 but couldn't buy it. county seat last Tuesday. Democrats must be a “ peppy ’• bunch if they produced a panic in 189?. ' T. T. H am ill and wife of Canada They had not been in office half as long hive been visiting their ,,jece and as the republicans have now, and the >i“Ph'’'r, Mrs. C iarles Troutman latter have done little more than to jaw of bhedd and Fred H am ill of ’ at each other abont the tariff and the Brownsville. bonus and the ship subsidy and New- W . F. M . S. b.-rry and Henry Ford. The fact is that the panic had its ori­ One of (lie most pleasant after­ gin in events long preceding the change noons in the yaar’a history of th- of party control in 189? and present cur- A . F. M. S. was spent Inst F ri. ditions are traceable to causes e x itin g ‘ V 1» Hie country home of Mrs belore Harding w as nominated. To a - Ernest Gourley. tribute busiuess prosperity ordepreraion The lesson was conducted by to either party it piffle Chanticleer Mrs. B. M. Bond, acting as teach­ crows aud the sun rites and he atruts er ol a district school, and the and says: “ Sec what 1 have done I '* «ociety Its pupile. G xxl crops or good prices are eujoytd There were classes in history, and the lickspittles who adhere to the arithmetic, geography, reading ind party in po,Ver say “ See what we have ’ belling, which cover a review of done I" the work done in the foreign field. “Snitched the mocha and the an G a k ia n d . ( Continued on page« ) -»Open Saturday Evenings delivered to vour door. automobile for every twenty of the country’s population, but a host of city folks disprove tbe theory e f • , 1 future leg-enfeebled dOsenry and are lenrnlng to walk ell over again. To tbe more casual minded, the hike Is Just exercise, but te thoee who We have received a drop in our prices and you cm now buy an O LD S M O B ILE Ohi It’s no« the peek that roe carry on year b«eh Nor the rlfl. oo your rtoal4«r. Nor th , fly* inch eruat of khaki-ootorod rrowla« oliar; And 1rs c o t » , hlko oa tka NO ruAAL i zys At the close an oral examination was given. Mrs. M iller, with a little fern, which added to the In ­ terest of the school, mails the le«- als *140.51; of city suporinten- i’> districts of the Arsil class *2983.88. f ¡M L A ItK , FRIDAY Jack ¡R HOLT * a Bebe ' ÌH DANIELS “ North of the Rio Grande” s A sweeping dram» of The Great Southwest. MONDAY SPECIAL Church Christian : 10, Bible school. 11, Lord’s Supper. Sermon, “ A good Soldier of Christ Jesus.” 7, Christian Endeavor. 8, Sermon, sermon, " Waat is a Christian? ” Lecter Jones, pastor. Do you know “ Why Girls I-eavs loma” ? if not, come to the Rialto Monday night and see tbe greatest human interest drama ev r made. “ Why Girls Leave Home” oomes to Halsey as a special attraction. This picture is making a full week’s ruu io Salem tbis week and just completed a two-weeks ruo io the Methodist: Blue Mouse theater at Portlaod Sunday School, 10. aod comes highly recommended. Preacbing, 11. Junior League, 8, Now ths Albany papers give the Iqtermediata League. 6:30. gams of Miss Vera Cornett’s Epworth League, 6:80. husband as Brann, instead oi Preaching, 7:30. Brand, as stated last week. She Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. made a Brann mash, as it were, dome fifty people attended their Key, C. T . Cook, Pastor, The g r u t o t human luuieat dra.na ever tnade, ! Why Girls t Leave Home With Anna Q. Neilson and an all-star cast Admission 15 and 35c ggC