W ANTED ! Vetch Seed Clover Seed A NEW CLEANER that cleans all kinds of gram C L E A N 4 lots and house____ f 1500 5 lots and b a r n .......... 1500 6 lots, house and barn 2000 She detested him because of h it fam ily all in Halsey 160 acres good land YET SHE LOVED HIM $65 per acre. Located near Halsey ID A M . C U M M IN G S , Albany, Ore She loathe«,' him because of his ja il record YET SH E LOVED HIM Blackberries She hated hem because of his degenerate past wanted— W e w itl commence to receive Evergreen Blackberries Aug 10 and w ill furnish crates to handle them in. * YET SHE LOVED HIM *0 m e strange story s to r y of ________________, ______ „ „ South Sea outcast, who The Steve Packard, . ja ilb ird „ and won the most wonderful g irl in the west, in spite of bis reputaliou and / n h i i enemies, is portrayed in v iv d scenes by « HARRY CiREY in "MAN TO MAN” ¡¡¡j H em stitching dine at Tycer-EIrnore Miilinery W B ro w n sville . R etu rn e d on the t e x t mail M attie B nadrick . hidileu iu the {erne, closed on the chief’s deputy's hand and lie lost interest in that basket, i t is said th i basket carrier had waited three hours for Brotvn to come along. County seat papers assure ns that taking the county together as touch money will come in for crops this year as last. The shortage proves, on thrashing, to be less than feared, and prices are slightly over those of last year. All kinds o f feed on hand « B e st cash price for any kind ? grain! | O. W. FRUM ! of clover iu the valley dried and shriveled and ought to have been cut for bay, but still quite a bit of good seed was raised. Miss Blanche Forster, who is employed in the office of the Lane county clerk at Eugene, is at home on her vacation. Mre. A. V. (Jmstead has been seriously ill but is recovering. Miss Niue Kump took a trip to the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Esther Bond bad as a guest over the week end Lydia Aernie of Oswego, who was her schoolmate when both went to school to Mrs Bond's father. The Bonds took the lady as far as the county seat ou her way homa, FOR R E N T 400-Acre Farm F air buildings. Halsey. Three miles from W J . RIBELIN We are prepared to pay the highest mar- kat price for seed. Give us a chance to bid on yours. Custom Cleaning L. W. Byerley ... W f l \ A super western picture with a terrific panch and a powerful heart app at Chopping at any tim e fore the 15th, Joseph Warwick, | oo Wednesday. After thebusiners the late propietor, taons t*0 acres cessionthey enjoyed ice cream and of land near BrownpBh in the cookies. AH members take notice. deal. The missionary society of the Charles Whitlatch and wife and Christian church will meet next child came from Portland Thurs­ day to visit the lady’s father, Tuesday at Miss Mary LaRue’s. Mrs. George Taylor will be the Grant Taylor, and other relatives. leader. Come and bring a friend. C. R. Evans and wife were at the Corvallis Holstein meeting. W. Allingham, internal revenue officor under Clyde Huntley, was in town Friday and Saturday on a business trip. He is a cousin of Postmaster Bramwell. Thomas Miller of Brownsville was in town yesterday, on his way home after taking the last load of hie big crop of loganberries to the canuery at Eugene. He has about ten acres of evergreen blackbairies which will yield their first crop this year. Y our seed will be care­ fully and properly cleaned with the least possible waste at our warehouse, foot of Jackson street. Murphy's Seed Store Albany Oregon H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E N°« h South N'°. IS, 12:01 p. in. No, 23, 11:29 a. it T. G. Hockensmith aud wife of 24, 5.50 p. in. 17, 5,39 p. it Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant went Albany visited Mrs. M. C. Boud to Lebanon by auto yesterday on Sunday. receiving word that the lady’s eis- SUNDAY' MAIL HOURS Rev. C. G. Morris, Methodist te*, Mre. Dr. Booth, was seriously pastor at Browusville, and Rev. The delivery window of th ill. Mr. Foote was chauffaur. Seed wheat has been duly certi- Halsey postoffice is open Sunday C. T. Co ik of the Methodist church tied ou two acres for Charles Pugh Last night the M. E. church from 9:15 to 9:45 a. nt. and 12:2 here wi 1 exchange pulpits Sunday. to four for It. Cornett and sixteen held its last quarterly conference to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m. lor Ed Zimmerman, all of Shedd. D. S McWilliams and wife. B. for the year al the church, S. A. M. Bond and Earl Scott were Hal- Danford, district superintendent, Betty Helge», wh> has betn presidiug. Mr. Danford said that PAID-FOR PARAGRAPH! seyites seen in Albany Friday. staying at the hom-i of her sister* in-law, Mrs. Ilosia Powell, for Mrs. H. L. Straley and Mearle Halsey had the best financial and return some time, left Wednesday fcr went to the county seat Saturday. standing in bis district, everything Admittance Here 5 Ceni J- W. Moore has quit baling hay being paid np in full. Tacoma. a Line and is wailing for the thrashing of Mrs. B M. Bond visited with * J. E. Bailey and wife and two straw which he is to bale. Sale dsteä The Christian church proposes her cousin. Mrs. Mauds Hender­ daughters from Portland visited at Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, a to build that two-story addition as The county republican ceutral Friday, Satur­ son, at Albany a couple of days A. J. H ill’s Sunday and the two Hotel Halsey every Tuesday an soon as the summer rush slackens. committee will meet Saturday at the latter part of the week. day and Sun­ families visited Sodaville. The Friday. the eounty metropolis. day Mrs. Hazel Wallace and child Portlanders went home that eve­ F. M. French, Albany weather went to Shedd yesterday. ning. Hecker, the elayer of Bowker, reporter, says July thia year was Return lim it For Sale: Ten yearling am the driest mouth in the history cf has b22, heu * Fall Term Opens Sept. 18 close for a while that be shivered. at 10 o clock A , $f., hat been duly ap ­ pointed bv said coart for the ll•a rln g of The I). S. McWilliams family Ib a 47t> Veer Opens October î. I 9 J J For circulars of inform ation «nd itlnstrated booklet w rite to O. W. Wodeworth. a banker, objections to seid final account and the propose to take their vacation at formerly of Oklahoma but now at settlement thereol. at which tim e a n r Foeocetofogue or any inform ation Caacadis. person interested in said estate mav ap The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Gervas, with his family, visited pBtr u’ore TA» Registrar, (Zntvarsrtp o f atid ft la objections thereto in w rit- ||K en n sth Croat it nursing a four- th«ir old Oklahoma neighbors, the Corvallis, Oregon mt and oontMt the same. Dragai», Fugane. Oregon inch scalp wound received while Mornhinweg family, here over Dated and first published July 6. 192 2 Sunday. working at the Saddle Butte quarry J a„ A d» ' Aforesaid. .A mo * A. T cssing , Atty for Adrax. ONLY $3.90 HALSEY Portland Southern Pacific Lines For the Eest Fisk, Goodyear an d Gates E IB s '*'***'«-% ANITARY Barber Shop and Baths F“* BARBER SHOP W. A. Ringo, Druggist ♦ S u c c e s s f u l G r a d u a te s O. A. C. I. O. O. F.