nio9t enticing line o f Cud you cannot give It up—just let me a n u , t r ie r all, little rooms are Iota cheaper to heat than big one»." And I know and It w ill be all right. Just there the m atter ended for the time i ,bink “ °v e r Hll then," he said kindly, balng. the dumb woe in their eyes appealing M r. Hazelton and the law yer with to him as the loudest lamentations the necessary papers appeared a few could not have done. "But If you don’t days later. As the law yer took off his mind, r d Uke to have an architect, who hat he handed a le tte r to Miss nachel. Is tn town just now, come up nnd look ** <” * « w ith me,” he finished. “I stepped Into the office and got your m all," he said genially. "Certainly sir, certainly," said Rn c h e l, longing for the man to go. "Thank you," replied the lady, trying to smile. “I f , front Ralph -h a n d in g M r. Hazelton appeared the next morning with tw o men—an architect ■ It over for her sister to read Both the ladies were In somber and a landscape gardener. Rachel wns In the summer-house, and the first she black ; a ribbon or a brooch seemed knew o f their presence was the souhd out of place to them that day. Tabitha broke the seal o f the letter, and re of talking outside. tired to the light o f the window to "You’ll want to grade It down road It. there she heard a strange voice say, . J ? * P“ P«r« were spread on the "and fill In that little hollow ; clear table, and the peu was in Rachel's away all those rubbishly posies, and Wi eD 8 screaro ,rnm Tabitha mass your flowering shrubs in the background. Those roses are no par­ shattered the oppressive silence of the room. ticular good. 1 fa n c y ; we ll move such KITCHEN RANGES ever seen io Halsey i t on dis- play at the store of hill & co., w ith bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up-to-date cooking ap- PAI n k NE?£ l w U a r IT e U '“" P A I N T S and O I L S h a r d F RN r f ” ° " ” « '• - b >>« o n « , 5 ¿LURt- ROGOWAY Secon d an d B a k er A lb a n j A big line of . t li s ? 4 « etui“ p Big stock. (TENTS A ll kinds } FURNITURE Gold Seal CONGOLEUM Low, medium aud high prices $15 9x12, 9 x 1 0 » , $ 1 3 .5 0 ss are worth anything, and make u Stop— Stop— oh. stop!" She cried "W hy, sister •— «ell» Oh. no we roae-bed on the south side— we’ll talk rushing to her sister aud snatching the " ’ « h in t do that I - she shuddered. over the varieties you want. Inter. O f pen from her fingers. “We don't have But what con we do?" course these apple trees and those l o - s e e - rend " - p o in t in g to , h, . . ¿ I>OV~ Why ,OU| ot tl,lnrs -'” Rachel’s lilacs w ill be cut down, and the sum­ script w ritten In a round boyish hand lips come together w ith a soup. " It ’s mer-house w ill be out of the wav coming berry time, and there’s onr Ton’ll be surprised—u few changes will V> S° ‘ * * u'l>rlae fo r you ihlckens, and the garden did beoutl- do wonders, and— ’’ ra . L' * 1 ¥* be,n »»raing to , ully last year. Then there’s your lace He stopped abruptly. A woman, tall, h o te l, here the whole tim e I ,-e got V” *? b° Z' n a rh «'-" «he broke work and my knitting - they bring flushed, and ungr.v-eyed stood before T v e m i ? ?" ' n V raon , y tor «'<1 Second and B a le r st'eets, Alba y In , only think of It— Paul's boy!" • II .¿5 * c,‘“ nce to w o rk fo r m y board something. Sell? O h - w e couldn’t do him lu the path. She opened her lips, ■"d she dropped the bit of paper and tnat I I m lt W by b“ p,n'1 P r ® i» « o r H eaton 1 É U but no sound catne— M r. Hazelton was r la h t' £ * « h ,F ’ th l* ■"'m m «r, and h e’, the " d ,n * i0Dd but teefOre H * '1* : be bad aakad "> Rachel had reati thls aleuti, but he. • round I.aiteCreek. “You poor dear— they've goue now," I u k a , H . R . Satchweli of Shed< voice ended In a sol, of * d ,o < ° t0 » « * • " canjPlng and fishing with some o f hla she comforted. and farmers about Peoria, Jeffer boy a n a m a jjj* H la story was quickly told. His school friends. H e was expected home C ’eona Smith was Rachel raised her head. » pas’enge •«»n and Albany, wag shipped ti her was long since dead, and his of hla h u u d ..c r o s s hia eye«, and to Albauy Saturday. « week before the college opened I T h e y re going to cut down every­ d X Mount Vernon, Wash. fath er hod w ritten on his dying hed however. ' " , e n ‘ ,y o " ' " In 1 thing—every single thin g!" she gasped the letter that commended the bor— Amos Ramsey’s step -daughter flou. l or a moment tliers wag a al Tabitha grew more and more rest­ W. R. Hooker of Crabtree a " - I know choked Tabitha, — «e. It," ci.i.Rru im m u n , "and -an« Florence Able. subject of fits of extreme absent. and care o f his grandparents. The "I'd ftimhled rods ,d ‘S |Uu:d«y eveuing from Can- miodednes.1, disapp eared “ Rachel, we'll have to sell— there Inside, and build In Windows and from sisters trembled and changed color at II}' with the pnpera. sn t any qther way. It would bring a things, Oh. Rachel— what shall we the story of the boy’s hardships on the home Tuesday and next day was "Ladles I w ithdraw ,„y offer, ” he ICL she continued hurriedly, before do?” way to F a lrto w n ; * n rne : ~ I 7 C" n't 8ff0" 1 t0 buy «»>'8 Mrs. Georg« Hayes went to the found wandering on the Lebanon her sister could speak, “aud we could . Do? Why, we’ll stand It, of course. . evenlBg 'vLen ,be b°y "»■’ safe And some pretty rooms somewhere. It s S « ; : " 1 ° u a b— - p mad, unable to tell where he had hous. I e a n t possibly Hffor)| | We Just mustn’t mind If he turns the In b e d - c le a n , full-stomached. and Km expensive." And without another »pent the night or where he was wouldn't be so very d re a d fu l!” house Into a hotel nnd the yard into | sleepily content, the sisters talked I t 1 word he left the room, motioning the going, ‘ Don't, Tabitha I Seems as though • 8 pasture!” she said hysterically A l'teru »„d Frank Koontz are lawyer to follow. • over. Rev. John Hapgood, In his will, I couldn t bear even to spenk of It “We must Just think of Ralph and ot I The road from Foster to the had cut off h!s recreant son w ith the O f course. I f I had an o ff e r - a good The slaters looked Into each other’s ho ne from Newport and went to his being a doctor. Come, let’s go to | Salem Saturday, letiiriiing in the Vaecadia ranger station and four proverbial shilling, so, by law, there big one— that would be qqulte anoth the village and see If we can rent that i eV" ^ V e , d^ V tS ’r ^ " ’ bre8th evening. 8 miles round Shea’s hill, impassable was little coming to Ralph. This, how- er th in g ; but there’s no hope of that.” tenement of old Mrs. Goddard’s." ever, the slaters overlooked in calm .>H’ a p p ^ troes! a n ^ r X Rachel’s lips said "hope," but her at times i„ winter, is expected to W ith s long sigh and a smothered cnHhi‘f .C ,uSler ,ng of Brownivil e disdain. be put in good shape by the heart said “danger.” and the la tte r was sob, Tabitha went to get her hut. nlbd at the W’h.eier home Th u n- that we are th e re !” We must keep him anyhow," said what she really meant. She did not Mrs. Gcxldurd greeted the sisters e f­ day. looking as proiperou. and full county io the tune of $38,000 and And hand In hand they went. Rechel with decision. kuow that but two hours before u fusively, and displayed her bits of the govotnment in a like amount. ot life and joy Ma e v e r. ‘’Yes, indeed— the dear child. stranger had said to a Falrtow n law ­ rooms and the tiny square of ynrd with y e r: Glen Wodd’e. 16 years old, of “ H e ’s twelve, for all he’s so small, As a collateral of the strike the plainly expressed wish that the but he hssn t had much schooling “I w ant a summer home In this local Licom b becamo ¡1| with ¡nHarn- place might be their home. We beeU n t,On Herb"rt »«^bwell has A R C H IE C O R N E L IU 8I m il« » eno «« roust see to that— we want him well Ity. You don’t happen to know of a The twins said little , but tlieir eyes been on guard at the Southern roatory rheumatism « „ j typhoid educated,” continued Rachel, Complications at a Sunday school They left with the a pink good old treasure of a homestead for were troubled. U cific wate. tankatSuedd. •pot showing In either cheek’ sale, do you?” rally July J7 anj j ie , on thfl 23d promise to think It over and let Mrs. •In d e e d we do—w e ll send |,lm to Oscar Stewart and wife, both „ do n o f” replied the law yer I.z p e rt Goddard know. workmanship. Watches and college! I wonder, now, wouldn’t ha deaf mutes, and two girls, who can Tho premium list of the county Thera s a place on the edge o f the v il­ ’T didn’t suppose rooms could be so clocks a specialty. like to he a doctor?” lage that would be Just the ticket, but llttlg,” whispered Tabitha, a t they hear, from near Har Uburg, were fair, to bo at Albany October R to H A I.S B Y ’T erhap s,” admitted the other cau­ O R EG O N visiting closed the gate behlud them. John LaRue F ridty 0 inclusive, »hows $4000 offered tiously, “or a minister. for horse races and nearly as “We couldn't grow as much as s sun ’’Sure enough— he might like that Oft’gon has moro varieties of flower lu that yard," faltered Rachel. much more for premiums on agri, L i n 8 “/ " * 8 ’’ y o lb e r s , a l « ’ b etter; I'm going to ask h im !" and “Well, anyhow, we could have house- she sprang to her feet and tripped Linn Lane and Benton counties cultural aud other exhibits. Tabitha tried to speak cheer­ «cross the room to the parlor bedroom »tale 184lJ lh 'S refPect in tb« A week ago Sunday F. M. Brown fully. door. “Ralph.” she called softly, after shoved his hand into a fish basket “Indeed we could!" agreed Rachel, turning the knob, “a re you asleep?” • rising promntly to her slater’s h eig ht; "Huh? hi t|0, ma’am.” The voice r u » \‘?Ui G Y lBnd ol ^«banon will covered with ferns that he found “Do I belong to yob f lously. ‘ I - I don’t know. Who are y o n - w hat s your name?" ’■Ralph Hapgood.” w a 7 rtlvo hrd can I>«y or night. Pl,one 9 "and the view Is g r a n d h e continued,’ yoa over tomorrow, i f , owned by two Lady attendant his eyes on the distant hills. Then hs old maid«, and they worship «vary turned shntptly. ”I.adles. I believe In s«ck and stone and blade of grass that coming straight to the point. I want belong» to It. However. I happen to a summer home, a n d - I want this one. know that cash la rather ecarce with ’ an I tempt you to part with It?" them— and there’s ample chance for ',nd,*M “o ’" began Rachel almost love, If the money fslls," be added, y ,T hen b«r voice sank to a with a twitching of hla lip« bl’ r e r ; 1 - 1 tb" ,k Xou could.’’ UTictl the two man drove into the But, «later,” Interpoaed Tabitha. yard that Angnst morning, the Hap- her face alight, “you know you aald_ good twin« were picking nestartinra» that la. there are circumstances— per­ and the flaming yellow« and scarlets haps he would—-p-pay enough—" Her lighted up their somber gowna, and voice stumbled* over the-hated word made patches of brillian t color against then stopped, while her face burned the gray bouse. ecarlet. • By jova, it’s a picture!“ exclaimed “ f a y : — no human mortal conld pay tne woul^bf purchaser. for this house I” flashed Rachel indig­ The law yer trolled ta d sprang to the nantly. Then she turned to Hazelton, ground Iotrodoctlona quickly fe|. ner slight form drawn to Its greatest lowed, then be cleared hla throat la height, and her hands crushing the ^O TIC M o r P i n a l _______ _ some emharraaameat. flowers she held till the b rittle stem» I '• bev«?»y given that the nmler- “Ahem ’ I ra brought M r. Hasalton snapped, releasing a fluttering shower ngued ho«file«] h i* final account a eased, w ith the er.unl- clerk ot Miss Rachel smiled— the smile of to onr hearts, we need money We proud possession ; then somethlag w ith­ w ill show yon the place, and—and we in seemed to tighten, and she caught Office 1st door sondi o i school house w ill consider your offer. ” she finished herj>rrath_ sharply. fa in tly Halsey, Oregon objections, if any, to said final account In the end. Hazalton s offer was so I ’ll have t h , naoeeaary papers ready D e a le r in R ea l E s ta te . 8ni L j eetllement of said estate fabulously enormous to their unw iiii»« fo sign la a few daya,’ said the lawyer Dated thia 6th day of July 192’ _________________ Handles Tow» and Country Propertr e«rs that their conscience forbade * 7 Adnnnistrat-w of the • • ,h* f o geotlem -a turned to go to refuse IL oi S u m o Zigler. daceaaad. w B aym taro B D a w v a t t . Attorneys for Adm inistrator. rnu a« th« democratic C andida, • man carrying near Holley. He »at seeking to le irn i f the man • or stAte senator Be Honest With Yourself"’" '’ HALSEY STATE BANK C T h e F irs t Savings B a n k o f A lb a n y , O re g o n N. C . L O W E ¡ D 3 uifii'im : H a ls e y , O regon C A P IT A L AN D Commercial and Savings account! Solicited í w E C A B t ER , l ,'N ,i H«»t i» stout, that ia, U ír,d ¡ " f e t t e o f ">P «-»tr«ngor s ¿ S SO - . K S , ' í S ! ‘ ” " ' 0 * ! !' a 5 1,.! Î Î . M /* f owe in and hear it play All c. P. STAFFORD, », . Agent. .K I '//h , *>»•*^>>»•«0^4 'I raute " the Claxtonola Protect you rself against W. J. Ribelin Ï We rail Fire, the ft, collisi. n. property dainago and x___ Ï G. W. . ar* Mornhinweg i . va UUHI VV CK ~ . ^ ^ . * ^ ^ ’^ ^ ^ * * * * * * * * i**»*****»*» M Automobile Insurance personal liab ility. loss. $35,000 SU RPLUS records and needles. O ur Ice C ream .hw.1..1? ",8d* for **•« of US. We u u tï. y • " “. î ï * ” ’•« » • ''o not v i Z - I ’ drVd PP « • ” her iB ’ “ rd ,.r in