An ln d e p .n d .n l- NOT n .u t r .l —n .w . ******* PublUbed every Thursday, I by wji h . and a a . WHKELJ-.K T. May, Grain, stock hauling, etc. hauling a .penalty. . th ro ug h ou t the effort« to settle ~ >‘ * • ‘■op»«»'. strike the S outher- Phone Pacific company baa refused to be ■ fl**t*re d or bullied in to breaking 111 pronj,se 10 “ •« »ho rem.SIKd C lo s in g O u t UP lbe Santiam riv e r from 1-eb.inon supplies the largest w . H. B E E N E and i-ocai N ew . Editor. • m ount of berries to the Lebanon Halsey, Oregon cannery. Over th ir ty acres of T r .X n t loganberries, raspberries, black- t ernes and strawberries are in fu ll our heaters i ” ?n« * ^ r VV X e '• 2#c I at work sod new men who tool bearing, about h a lf Using in straw - *’ " X V i X T ^ S a S S - ' J * ^ « ' ! * * ’rork, ‘i a t ‘ h , ir M n io ri‘ y "K h U . AT ACTUAL COST ■ berries. About fifteen acrea are — i.. ___ acquired under tbe company's rule- ; devoted to cantalopes, squashes 2-hurner Florence A utom atic IIA LS B Y , Linn Co., Ore. Ang 1, 1922 wben tbeT ,ace^ danger to give lan d other fru its and vegatabiea used by the canuery. Five acres service, should not be taken from 2- burner Alcazar.................... of potatoes also present a th rifty , them. sta te stea l STOPPED appearance. I Tbe se niority rig hts are prom ­ 4-bnrner Alcazar ......................... g ij QQ W ater is pumped from tbe San- The decision o f Judges K e lly ised to secure continuous servic. tiam at tbe rate of 300 gallons t< « n d S k ip w o ith th a t the spending and lessen tbe p ro b a b ility o f jus 3- burnor Florence A u to m atic tbe m inute, and is carried in flume of m arket road funds on the state such events as this strike. Th to the high points. The soil, bejn; Doing Fancy Work highways by road men were warned a sandy loam, s im ila r to m any o to iv return by I s w the Oregon fUSU — — .w iw tu ujr is s »tram On the eyes, but if you the irriga te d districts east of tin commiasiou is illegal is concurred uerl“ iu date or fo rfeit those rights wear glasses especially made for you the m ountains, carries tbe water and in by the supreme court. The company may be expected tt »train is entirely eliminated. high-grade fabric spring guaranteed for olds m oisture for long periods. O fficials are reported as say. keep its word. I t appears that He grind lenses (o your prescription I he raspberry vines in the lo w « 20 years, 40-lb. m attress. Our ing th a t in this decision “ Oregon’s M r. H rd;og, for tbe general pub­ so they will be as required. Don't neg part of the field have made a price o n l y ........................... ........... road b u ild in g program received a lic relief and tbe reputation be le.t your eyes. Let us examine them wonderful growth this year, tbe today. uew shoots averaging about ten m ig h t gain as a pacifier, would severe b lo w .’ ’ feet in length. have had tbe railro ad coo panics I t was the m arket road pro- I rorn a ton and a h a lf to two tous of berries per day have been g rtrn and the hope o f developing re iege, and he found eomeof them A L B A N Y F U R N IT U R E E X C H A N G E going to the cannery. On account lire state th a t received a severe w illiu g . of sea ra cily o f pickers, about four Now comes word th a t a j the O p t o m e t r is t . blo-v when the money was stolen 415-421 West F irs t street A lb a o n Oregon tons of berries dried up ou tbe from the m arket road fund and r iilr o a d heads stand p a to n sen- vines. A L B A N Y ORI ORCO 1 u to n state highways where there torily. In looking over this farm , one Southern Pacific also announces already were good railroads instead can see a great future for th is val- H a ro ld A lb ro . 7 wbeu, ? he b u l< o f i l improved " f being used in m aking roada to that it w ill not re-employ strikers M an ufa ctu rin g o p tic ia n . like the W itm a n ranch. farms and mines that are yet in- kuown to have com m itted outrages against workers. accessible p a rt or a ll o f the year. No Choice Between Tyranfs P robably if there had heeu no (Senator Warren G. Harding in Desperately seeking an issue on state commission and h a lf as much 1919) winch to base th e ir organisation money had bean raised and spent In my private pursuits as a pub­ and rake io in ita lio n fees, the K K by the counties on roads th a t were H E EXCHANGE lisher, I am an employer o f organ- ------------- Ies. 5 ' » ’•«dropped the plan needed wo should be paying less • red labor, h a vin g uever know a taxes today and thousands of in i- L , «0V8ru,n« Am erica by means o f controversy, and I beleive most In Which the G ift and the Giver Tell Each a Separate m igrants would lie helping to pay ‘ dlsg“ 18ed n l«h t rid e r« and are work- co rd ia lly in ratio na l unionism. tbem from the income they would n 8 f° r * w orld orK8 u i*»l>on of RED STAR Oil Stoves Tale ----- nUUlU Organization and collective bar. * be - deriving -••• from products 3 of land Protestants— and more fees. gaming, under wise leadership By ELEANOR PORTER now inaccessible and undeveloped. nave done more to advance thé Author o f " Pollyanna,” “ Just David,” Etc. S jubo men sre proud of quoer Other Oil Stoves causa o f labor than than a ll other “------— - things. A candidate for tho legis­ Bl,*n<,r «• p°r‘«r •gencies combiued, and any one not a r e lig io u s issue lature boasts of the length of his — ----vr nvvvvC u p " h o thiuks to destroy sane union. f J 'H E Hapgood Hai)?nnri twin« . . twins n-»»,«, were s born In the I Miss Tabitha's shoes along the hark i«m by legislation or otherwise, is service in th a t body which has O lco tt's mistake was to take the Everything at bargain prices, t -, .„T the k 81 road , I » thought » « - . M Rachel i: “ 8.nt.,of .U,M° n,8m I» <>ne th ing 1 >sa crowd th a t breaks into homes cake, ' she said aloud. “It must be In • nd the dom ination of organized S . ”, , ,lS l •“ « . i r •» w ith o u t shadow of legal rig h t, drags We make a Ît°hr 'f i qU»lte 5n° th e r* 1 « ^s c rib e The non-partisan league ( anyway. I ’H go back.’ in •coring It for homes of their own be­ citizens out in tbe n ig ht and flogs to the first and oppose the latter came „ d -w. ..«Mira ui ineir own u be- Specialty of ue- Again the click of the door brought th e n or hangs them n u til N orth Dakota has aotnina ted a I do not believe in any c l,g , d0Iu. « m e distasteful to them, and thev tae small boy dose to the table. Kill- looked with stant favor upon the oc- U nited States senator in tho p ri. Friendship, near death ahd orders them to nn *°,n, ,n d lb * '«ng fig h t to re- cosional village youth, who sauntered tug both hands with sandwiches he' move the com bination of capital •lipped behind the shrub Just as the' leave tbe co m m un ity arid never re. maries, being helped in doing so Engagement and' bent ,a th presumabIy on courtship Udies came out of the house together! now fa ir ly won, is |ogt i f ubor’ tu rn cannot be taken too seriously. by tbe wave of progressivism that W edding Rachel carried a small tray laden wltl.l dom ination is substituted in its Rev. John Hapgood— a man who the c o u n try feels, b u t has A ll this klan members are acoused lost Rings Muce and tarts; Tabitha, one with stead. niled himself and all „bout him with " f doing, and, as governor, 01- everything else by big m ajorities. « 82d 8tean,,n« tea. As they h J . , iaV?.r ‘ b? a n ti-« fik e clause r g'd old schoot orthodoxy— I » F. M . f r e n c h & s o n s h r iS .“ “ * “ “ ’" ‘>‘ " ’ '1 because it applies to a public ser- H e frn ien ,n e tW," S WCre tW' Uty: " nd I “ c o ttis rig h t in dem anding that The creature who helps to supply ALBANY OREG. vice under governm ent regulations the accusation bo,proved or dis- 1 e . . ® 'vorann wh(>' 08 his 'Vfe. . . y Y ’ wberes ™y caker« intoxicants to a victim of the hab­ ’ wbi.cb.. congress exercises its in lli f°ir ‘ *lrty 5 ear8 llved and movc ’ proved. And my sandwiches?’* ■ole y because he expected breath and Power to lim it tn e c a p ita l invested, 1 it who wants to go stra ig h t but is 118 burglar»—robbers I” Hschet motion of her, followed soon In h l, Nobody but tbe klsnsm en and fixes rates at which the public must i too weak to resist the tem ptation is i?r ADd ""*n the tRlng "ere over her 8h° nid« . th e ir odvocatos claim th a t religious Und8errVek ’ 1,16 C°n J itio n g on th" ’ ly C8k#;" aIffl08t " ,be ereat 8<’ uare house ^ h ^ d ¿ U h T ¡ £ X Sb” -o contem ptible th a t he would be “ " ¿ Y » fi'c h service m ust be ren- on the hill. motives actuate O lcott. Wo do not honored if a decent man should i s i t ’ ,“ nd fl,,a llJ- in t h8 «'•‘ i- n i 1'.? Tabitha and Miss Rachel were Wa* y°nr8* too.” said the know whether O lo oll is a C atholic Fine ■pit on him . îÎih n ‘ «U“ \ • capital T h L L v. °,nLy children of the family. S m h 8 c , tch her vo|c<* "Oh, • Mob immedan or a Jew. and do trib u n a l for the adjustm ent of all ? ‘ d bceu 8 8O° —tbe first born, at can have happened to tt?" Dress Shoes a Specialty n ot * care. H is course thus far labor grievances s0 «bat no in te r­ and four years their senior. The trare’ uno'o’ re ha<’ 1#Dg ag0 ’ « Im perialism is as u ap op ula r in rup tion in transportation need be ei 8d8t™nS b°y *n« • n A m rican protective ta riff g |u l. den word In the faulty. Tnblthe o ? bar’ Inr" w" 8 declared. ‘ ed tbe market and beat down the Tears had since passed—years of Tabitha only gasped. Seualor Reed 0, Missouri, dem­ pnod. —A lbany H erald. peaceful mornings and placid sfter- tb J hem'mv" Pl" e#d the '° ° d "Pon ocrat, fought W ilson and the W , are glad i , learn why i t ¡. league of nations to the h itter end. h8d Der,>r "bPc-red. P» tM and Hacbels ilps ftfti i Jun*' ,be’ r tb,rty t S m A ’ haf h# r " ,ni8i'y th a t b ed . fresh op canued. has be- He was defeated for renom iuation fth birthday, the place never had k ^ o u 0 arn,nge “ ,n 8D - d- ' > Round Trip Fares afford greater savings b>oked so lovely. A small table laid come so wuaderfuUvcheep Have th is week. with spotless linen snd gleaming .¡| I in travel costs this year ma'am- t h * t looks pretty you n o tic e it? I , , . , it WQnd " ^ M o o d beneath the largest apple • o ^ e p r t i i 8nnounced » ’“ • Progressives «how gains or tri- lu l ? I to umphs in every republican state .niw’J ’ n the house and . ,. ^ * bl/ ha ttl,d* 8,1 '"voluntary gen- T illamook C ounty R r* n n a r e i d 2 0i ,d i ' Urpr‘ M ,b# sniffed the air Joyfully. p rim ary nowadays. C . a v „ lack N s , m s»,. ,.A. K O hkc . os C a 7 , s " m l«ht re Ravl,el ,au«h*> reader jo - l , a r„ Jim bow « Delicious I” she murmured. “Some- sreS; her f , l 'e « " w «ud.Unly O regon ' s F o » „ t , L a m P ,» E. » s „ » M onumknt u gg »is there are among b ig buaf eveW w / * * °f JUM " « •• I ta .„. me«. K u»r y ( h y every year. ’ I 1 dn you njean by such 1« careful, uplifted hand, she bore ■Ctfons? she demanded. rooeivps anoogh new copy w ith n - i u c t . f „ r / f ee p u b lic ., ¡ « ^ Io • round frosted cake. , i w a „ the chief r e /r e r 8™ / * ! 1 ,n d hi8 cbe« * 8 showed OIL S T O V E S 10 ",ako. room i-r 59 qq 21 *00 SPECIAL—2-in. Post Iron Bed, , $35 5)) BARTCHER & ROHRBAUGH O Txxm xjxxxxxxn GLORY AND THE SACRIFICE E. L. Stiff $30 to $75 $15 A- Peterson C .C . B R Y A N T I T ’S T R A V E L • paper twice the sis*, o; tire Tunes — Juuctum q t y T im et. FRANCISCO fisli, Goodyear a n d Gatso ’^ •« » o n e y these p. opI# fillin g- e d it« ,» ,Ta„ e baskets would tu y m lo to fa d v e rtla in g . Ajtomol>ile sccetsonei ft Ford repairs W illard battery Mrv.ce Automobile repairing Irm ib lf call, given prompt attention I rom the fact tJlMt water p rs are com plaining th a t they have the ca rry in g o f o nly 7,0(X).. « M |. mnde of our wool this y . , r — ‘ • ra ilro a d , having got the bulk of tbe tra fiio by reducing rates it m ay he gathered th a t tb is p a rt o f X •' ’ " • • k e g jiv lo g I U ... k ,ii( fibiug to l ari«, whore tlre o u ly d r jw h , to b n f.v o rite airtimemsut ¿( , (a> •• • law » N - ir in g those who appear on ,b< »’ •g e to wear at least °ne a rticle <*I c lo th in g . EOS ANGELES ' SAN DIEGO \ ia the Scenic Shasta Rout© " and to Im p .® H alsey M eat M arket ■ • I I , » . b „ c H I , 'h „ iouo.l , . . . i T IM E BACK EAST CITIES Th© Through California ay to St'© Moro o f the U S A Dealer in Fresh and Cured M eats days' credit C A L K B R O S ., Props. For f.res, r e w r v .tio ., snd other particwlsra ask agent, * SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, treasure of the birthday f , a,t. The cake was covered with the tiny col through th® tun. “ I vas hungry.’* 2re,iu r.“ n,,l 7 80 rt " I in « r’Ut.h'll<1“ 2 j 0U know “ WB8 8tw>'- • child. Miss Rachel always bough, “I her face 8°f'cn'ug. hoae candles nt the village store, win, I dldn t atop to think—It looked so tn* apology: toed I vonldnt help takln’ it." He “I "a n t them for Tabitha's birthday do« hit bare toes in the grass for a coke, you know. She thiuks so much " > ’ ed n'a h's ret»». .•11 ? ’ n. r ' thr rn n b\'- raised of pretty thing« and stood sonare; re r 2 ì* i » 8r.'ab,y n” d* ,he eak* ?? f**L ba!n t «°t snv m one/ and « a.# « r sw t , u . ' 7 " — 8h* dr° W * d the " Ork t0 bay for It-b rin g ln g Mt. tne bu' ’ W tt of colored nugar t» sugar into place ebe she ’ 8od 10 »r •omethln’. »omethln ." or,nP n« JUln ATntaln » ••. » •’T'h.« «__ child ___ I" would explain to Huldy, who occasion The dear murmured two ally "helped" In tbe klfcheo • voices softly. wJ5«w taMn‘! th* C,ndy for «** b u / n / X ! r e flnd “ y fOlkS 80metlme, " ^ d- m y sister th in k, so much of h iu r li ? , he ’ Ortt flrSt? M« W * ■" ho^L t0' '™o«t r — He looked So each deceived herself with this h^ ^ " y ,n‘° Ml8« Rachel's face. wbaTsbe b‘ ftf,lnn 8nd y « bad h u .il,? J° W fO,k” " 8he » h a t she herself, most wanted. Rachel <»refnlly p |„ e d the cake In ..J ? L " 8y * Dt'rrT hs ”tit a the center of the tab... „ „ «oUoJ. crumpled envelope for her In re ™ J " foo,hs<,U5* loveliness, then X H . p ^ kkh * 88 - 1» - . ' htreed and hurtled back th, hou8(1 The door had scarcely shut hak,nd her "Why—tfa father!” at ree" r* re M urchln d 8r,M * "W hat!" exclaimed Tabitha. ¡L l .t 2 ? ' ’ na,ch*<’ ‘ be cake n° '’ ’ * * “ and. at a sudden sound from the a h a k re g 'fln n ^ * -T.M.W General ravsenger Agent. The sou,,,, fc, „ bo* wre the japping o( the heel, of B 8d ”dtb ■ >ck he.R.’tJBI re^l~ ,>• ' , , '" 8he breathed. X ,£ • “ moment *■ Then 8b’ ‘ •">«1 bor « « tie d eye. on the boy . who w .. m- her with Hvety fntoree,.