/. t -Li HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSEV, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. Brownsville Briefs J f ’.’J New Concrete Garage M r. Gauze), who waa expae^gd (By Carmelita Woodworth) ‘° í ui,d B concrete garage on S m - „ a . .1 ' oud street, back of the McCttlh M. S Woodworth and daughter. ; building, baa been coo p erin g Elaine and Carmelita aad Mi6ses' other Second-street locations cos Ireue and Gretia Harnaon left last of which he ia expected to take if Monday for an extended trip the title provea aatisfao$ory. through Oregon. They contain, The latest ¡information ia that plate stopping at McMinnville, through W. J. Ribelin M r. G«»««< Portland, Columbia City and N e w - haa practically oloeed a deal for | port. the property •party on the loqthwwt •I Second See« and H . streets, A Baptist Sunday school picnic corner of was held in the park Suuday. All where Postmaster Bramwell re­ report a very entertaining time. sides. He will probably move the dwelling back and build the g a r-! Mr, and Mrs. Blain and eon are age on Second street. surgical patients at the Corvallis hospital this week. Soldiers’ Compensation eiv . * NEW PRICES. N E W COOK new O LD S M O B ILE IceCream Maker Try our Cafeteria now and let us supply your party and picnic IC E C R E A M . Wholesale and retail. R. W. Tripp W a have received a drop in our prices, so you can now buy au 4-Cylinder lor $1315.00 6-Cylinder for 1735.00 Irvine Hoed delivered to your door. Ask about our easy payment plan. MORTON & D O T SO N Phono Jots and Tittles Albany, Oregon Mrs, Charles Howe and daugbtei Miae Edith Forraat, Red Croc o . ----------------------- Emma are spending two weeks at K. K. K. Defeated Newport. nurse, waa in town Thursday and Snort Stories of Happenings in Linn Countv Generally announced that any ex-ear vice man In the recall election in Jackson that any sx-service man and jn Halsey Particularly Mrs. Hazel Moyer was here from announced will he assisted In making out his i county S'turday the sitempt of Creswell last Friday. (By Anna Pennell) - applcation for disability oompansa- the K. K. K. to head off Olcott’s Mrs. Fay Duncan arid fam ily of Mrs. R B. Mayberry visited were consumed in quantity. A prosection ot hooded bnchtrs by Cecil Harriaou was in Albany tion or for medical treatment if be Albany visited relatives In and and Corvallia Monday. will call on her at 217 Lyon street, Albany Monday. postcard album was given her as a the recall of the sheriff who was about Shedd last week. Albany, or that ahe will bring the token of remembrance Mrs. G. trying to enforce the law was a Bert Clark went to the county blanks and «all on him for that pur­ “eat Monday. failure. W. Mornhinweg presided. M r. and Mrs. Webstar, who lived pose at hia home on request. A t Ashland and Central Point in Shedd, have moved hack to Mr, Dawson, proprietor of tbe Charles Arnold and eon Karl Applieations must be filed by Brownsville bakery, was in Halsey D. M. Lowe, the klan candidate, Portland. Thrashing ie getting along well Aug. 9—next Wednesday—and as a were week end visitors. Monday. Tbe quality of Dawson’s had big majorities, but he was Miaa Vera Cornett left laat week doctor’s examination and certificate Albany has an automobile de­ unexcelled bread, cake, etc., has badly beaten in the county as a H arry Porter look a carload of must ba had first there ia no time livery of the parcel post. whole and C. E. Terrill remains for Monmouth. She expects to go cattle to Portland Tuesday. made that establishment famous. on to Portland. to lose. Anensen, whom Dawson sheriff. Andrew Brown is working for M r. Nate Smith has been up to his Donations of all kinds, especially In the grand jury investigation Miss Margaret Forbes, Portland, brought from Portland, waa an old home place and will move men's, women’s and children’s the Southern Pacific at Ashland. of outrages in that county and in is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jack expert, but when be le ft Dawson a " “ " " n back October 1. clothing, new or not so worn as to D*u Gaylord, 25, perished Sun- campaign it developed Cornett. took charge of the overi9 and ap- 1 rho recall * near that klansmeii are taught that they W A. Cummiugs and wife spent be unserviceable, will be thankfully ‘J*? in McDowell creek, paratfts in person anti proved It ><• thought heart H arry Sprcuger and wife and may deny, uuder oath or other­ Sunday at the C. C. Camerou received at Red Cross headquarter*, Waterloo. 217 Lyon street, Albany, the pro- failure caused him to drown while himself a top-uotcher. Anensen wise, that they are members, jus­ Mrs. Emma Arnold went to ¡Salem home in Albany. is now running a bakery in Leba­ ceeds to be devoted to the relief of bathing. tifying themselves by the claim Saturday. non and it is a success. that they are members, only when Ouefourth of the timber of the John Rob »on and wife and son, Mamie Robertson, Mrs. M. E. participating in a meeting of the Vuited States is in the northwest daughter of Albany viaited their The slogan of tha society is / Z ""? uear Bassett's granddaughter, who has klao. and more in O-ejon than in any sen and his wife last Sunday. Give what von don’t nead; bay Br° WD' v» l#- " * nt Bend Mon- been visiting here for some time, It also developed at the grand other st\te and more in Lauo day to reside. has gone to Portland for a few jury meeting that some of them are what you do need. Mrs. J. M. McCutubers is in than in any other county T. J. Conkright of Woodburn days. very nimble at evading subpenas Corvallis having her throat treated. in Oregon. Jease Tucker ia palaotaa and was here over the week and but About 400 attended tbe tele­ when the law reaches out for them. C. Thompson and wife returned Saturday afternoon fire destroyed raanfacturer of a apoka tightening bad business to attend to that pre- phone picnic at Kiger's island and Sunday from eastern Oregon, at the U. of O. at Eugene the davica. H ia factory ia in Califor­ vented him from visitiug frisnds he tha general good time usually had a here they havn been visiting. Brownsville Grange Notes brick art building and the frame nia. His father, R Tucker, trav­ would have liked to call upon. at this annual event was enjoyed. The Linn and Benton Counties Mrs. Agnes Clark went to Eu­ building of the ■ department of els in tba interest of the factory. Miss Josie Munkers of Browns­ district Pomona mat st Browns, Mrs. Robert Crittenden visited physical education with nearly all He entered Vick Bros.'garage io at the F- O- Salmon home Sunday. ville came io on Saturday night's villa Saturday, July 29, in the W. gene one day last week. tberr contents, and practically Albany tha other day and waa O. W . hall. on her way home: Lyle Pennell, while working at M r*. W illiam Davidson and sfaT ruined the journalism building, the told the device was carried in bout 50 persona enjoyed the the rock plant, got hit with a cable, Hurley Wallace and wife srri ter, Mrs. Johnuie Porter of Los stock there already. When shown contents of which were saved, Tiie „ lendid dinner, which was served which hurt bis leg. roofs of several other structures where the articles were stored he Angeles, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Saturday night for au indefi cafeteria style on the picnic grounds said : “ That is the exaot spot there and Mrs. Clint Morse of Browns­ visit at the J. W. Rector home. Raymond Shedd came home from were damaged. Loss 160,000 noon’ After dinner eight can- ray son, inventor of the device, ville atteuded tbe reunion of tbe Their daughter Grace has bean n , didates were initiated in the Pomona summer school Friday. Morris family at Harrisburg Suu­ visiting here for some time. was horn thirty years ago ” degree. The work was doue in a A bundle wagon driven by Dale day. Mrs. Dayidson before her The fellow who can read Eleanor very pleasing manner and wus en If the prices the fermer receives Lamar near Shedd, with Misses The editor received a viait a week marriage was a Morris, being a - . for the important crops about to be Myrle and Katherine Pugh and ago Saturday from hia son Marlon daughter of George Morris, Linn H. Porter’s story in this week’s joved by all present. Lecturer's hoor wa3 occupied by harvested cover tbe cost of pro­ Grace Saleh well in it, overturned and wife and a 8-year old grandson. county pioneer. M rs. Porter was paper without emotion is hard music and readings. and the only harm done was the They came in their machine from visiting her at the time of the re­ boiled. duction, allow the farm er 110 I be discussion of suppressing spraiuing of Katherine’s ankle their home at Greenleaf and were union.— Brownsville cor. Albany In making repairs on his place national patriotism iu our school a week for bis own labor aud five nearly all day doing to, being held Democrat. Sidney Smith last week overturned history textbooks by substituting per cent on his invested capital, you and I reed not worry. W e’ ll up at Junction City by word that some brooding boxes ----- and - - forgot o ’ -1 English propaganda was well The state highway inspector , . , be steadily em>loved making or they could not cross the ferry at to replace them. As a result some wrought out by different speakers, doing thing* for tbe farmer, who W e H ave Harrisburg. They made tbair condemned tbe sand which was huo Plymouth rock chicks that An invitation w .s accepted that being used iu the coucrete on lire constitutes forty per cent of the way to Irish Bend to cross the had been u fiiii tlnm w ja tio w.t b the pouioll, grai)gB ,lflld itB L EVERY THING river and lost much lime finding Halsey-Harrisburg road and the o her chicks, overcrowding, and meeting at grange hall No. 10, population and who for forty years O ptical bas worked for nothing a week, their way to Halsey. Hera they mixer was shut down Saturday nineteen of them perished. - - R cast of the county seat, September donating the use of his capital in learned by phone that tha Harris­ forenoon. The sand waa of the E Y E S T R A IN m eting order to retain his job. — Sunset Mrs. Margaret Stinson of Nor­ 30, after which the Is the Cause of Many burg ferry, though declining heavy same kind which he accepted when adjourned. Grange Reporter. the paving commenced. A carol Magazine for August, ton, Wash., is at the home of her H U M A N IL L S truck business, would have pul I f your eyes give you trouble oi them across and they went home d R elia b le T. W ork S h o es For Men and Boys A Few Groceries for Harvesters Flavo F lo u r................ $1.65 Olympic or Crown.......... 2 .40 Golden W est Coffee........... 45 M. V. K. Special. 3 lbs........... 1.00 ¡Shasta Tea, 1 lb....... 60 Tree Tea, 1 lb.............. 75 Mother’s Delight C o rn ............ 15 P. S. Bantam C orn........... 25 Premium Tomatoes, 3 c a n s ........ 50 A. »S' L. Tomatoes......................... 20 Dari made Milk. 12 c a n s ............. 1.25 Cornflakes................... IO Macaroni, 12 lbs............................ 1 .0 0 G uittard’s Chocolate, 1 lb...... 35 Bulk Cocoa.................................... 12ic Tru Blu G rahams......................... 20 Tru Blu Cookies, 25 to 40c pr. Ih. Zan Brooms, 50c, 75 and >1 EVERY KIND of FRUIT JARS and TRIMMINGS All prices less 5% for cash M. V. KOONTZ CO. Open Saturday Evenings Men’s Work Shoes Alec Powers came over here with Charles Poole ou a visit with old frisnds Saturday. He repotts that Mrs. Booth, sister of Mrs. I). H. Sturtevant, ia very low in health. Mr. Powers, who has been iu very poor health for the past sixteen months, is feeling much better. The teed wheat certified on sev­ eral farms at Sbedd t ie other day is a new variety which E. Z ru- merinan of that place devevoled from a large-kerneled head hi* children found some yea's ago “ in a field of vetch. SB» ill Mark Hereford calf Hliivher, chrome tanned, built for heavy QQ service, half double oak sole, Munson last, p r ic e d ...... . . . . . V “ ’ a r O Men s tin Krotue Keif Blucher ; specially tanned upper, w ill resist barn- yard acids; grain leather inner sole, half double outsole. fl»Q I F Munson last, price......................... ................ , ..... .............. ___ _ tp O -^ xt) Men • black chrome tanned lllucher, plain toe, half double oak sole, grain leather insole, leather counter, full-fitting roomy last, QQ l> r n e Hslaey Christian Church ..................... Church Announcements Boys’ Shoes C hristian: 10, Bible school. 11, Lord's Supper. Sermon, Grace, G rit and Greenbacks.’’ 7, Christian Endeavor. 8, evangelistic serviee. Sermon, Modern Jonslie.** I-ester Jones, pastor, Tbe $1000 fountain on Main arreet, Brownsville, presented by Lieutenant Raymond E. Temple­ ton of that city, who lost hia life in an aeroplane accident in Micbi- Methodist: gau in the government service, Sunday School, 10. wae solemnly dedicated Saturday Preaching, 11. iu presence of a great gathering Junior League, 8. Intermediate League. 6:30. The R. B Mayberry family Epworth League, 6:80. migrated to Eugene yesterday. Preaching, 7:30. Monday eveuiug Miss Cecile’s Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. mates io the intermediate league Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, gave her a good-by party on the Methodist church lawn, in which many of their elders participated, Pine Grove Church: Sunday School, 10. and a merry time was enjoyed Cookie«, aandwtebes and punch j i ’rayer-meetipg, 7. .p- Men’s Brownstone Blucher, medium weight, half double oak sole, soft tip, full vamp leather counter, leather insole. Munson la s t... d»Q Q f? "t-s Brown retan was lllucher, half double sole, Kromelk out- aula, grain leather (tasóle, Munson army laat. $2.75 Boys' Chocolate Wolverine K ip storm outing hel, service tip, pinched cuff, full gus­ set, two full oak- tanned tolee, price Boys’ chocolate Wolverine Kip, regular 6~n. Blucbar, soft cap toe, full guseet, books and $3.25 ...... $3.75 ? A lbany Hamilton’s OREGON