Jots and Tittles KITCHEN RANGES ever seen in Ilalscy is On dis­ play at the store of H I L L & CO., P P M C D A I ■ . . with bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up-to-date cooking ap- latest improvements. ,R^ L H A R D W A R E P A IN T S and O IL S F U R N IT U R F P A . n jtc Our price, are with the object of in . lung JU LY 27, 1922 W despair before her. HALSEY KN TB RPRISB “John. 1 suppose we can take this,“ I •aid «he. In a low voice, reluctnntly £ £ Ü S Ï . u « • (Continued froui page 1) laying a little pile of silver on the' desk; “there's Just ten dollars there.” ! Mrs. L. C -Merriam v.sited lb . 5 2 S * * s' " l « L a Then she recoiled In terror, so wildly county seat Mouday. did her hnsband dutch the money ' ° f Saturday. Nobody came near. get t h ls r he gasped 1 divorco by b t* U io ‘ eo Sheriff Dunlap confiscated it f I saved It from time to time out | ™ r ** Dave Waigamot and Morria and forty gallons of raisin and fig of the household money. I meant you H r. G arn jo b st a n iv e d hnln, discovered a still On the mash. • should take It and go out to Cousin S atu rd a y from S ea ttle Blain place, four mile« east of Frank's for a rest and vacation after c a ttle . Up to Saturday the county clerk Brown» vtlle, which showed signs of this was over,” said she doggedly "Vacation ! Mary— vacation I” he ex had tsiued 2663 dog license«; claimed, with unutterable scorn. Then **« • L. E. Nixon of Oregon he fumbled In his pocket and brought C ity waa a visitor with Mrs. Cum- out a little change w ith trwnhlhj.J “ 7 / ” 7" “ .’ w,lor w*“ » fingers he picked out teu pennies and I 8 for tbe week «<>d. a flve ,ent piece, putting a lone quar Andy Brown and Charles Moro- ter back In his empty pocket. hinweg went to Portland Sunday “Thank God, Mary, we've done H i' to work in the railroad shops. ; and the man's voice broke. New Tear’s night there was » j n Miss Gertrude Porter is given hllee meeting in the town hall. The great praise by those w ho heard Reverend John Grey hurried through Jer sing at the M. E church Sun. his bread-und-mllk In some excitement He was to preside, and must not be Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Mr. Tohl from the av u t was nop missing iiuehing Iron) th t The hall was full to overflowing. Ou W fo d w u rth drug store in A lh an v . .1, u u r ug store id A lb au y ?£■ 6 platform With ln lu f o » sat ant thi au. 'tbits »'Part Asvmen L. . . . the with tin* the m minister deacons of the First Congregational I ___ — — » ^ » s » « b - - - - church— and the Honorable Petei Wentworth. The well fed. well Howe of Brownsville groomed honorable gentlemun himself went to Portland Monday on busi­ looked about with a complacent «mil» ness lor tbe Howe garage. Mrs — this was Indeed a most del'clitful «owe accompanied bitn. occasion. Clarence McKern aud DeLos Tlie Reverend John Grey's address was an eloquent tribute to the grout Clark went to Newport Thursday generosity o f their distinguished fel­ »Ite.-noon and returned Monday low townsman. The minister's volet after enjoying their brief vacation. trembled sffeethigly, and his thir Miss Lillie Reynolds accidentally Cheeks flushed with emotion. Ths First Congregational church was deep HHustan arm through a window ly Indebted to the Honorable Petei ° f Hie hotel Monday, receiving Wentworth, and would fain egnreas wounds in which Dr. Marks took Ils grntltude. four stitches. The minister's wife listened IV. it, Little Alice, daughter of O. M. faraway look on her face, and little K a ^ s : ^ ^ 1^ t; T r t a ,,¡ ‘ ,r t 0 r ” liM Donald Marsh gazed with ii round round eye» eyes i '"’»"P of Shedd, tried to use Of awe at tlie great man vbn had been • n e»«ctrio wringer as she had seen SO very generous; while over In „„ i , d|raO,l'ei d° a" d 8 '’‘ h tr hand T iu a w o o « C ovwtv nxAcars NxweokT bv - t h « obscure corner of the hall a pale lit • adly crushed. O beoo n ' s Foal M T Ti N4TI° n u Paa,t tie woman stealthily rearranged the O?< gom V " AND R bsobtj The Browusville chamher ol folds of her gown, thnt she might ‘t n . c v . «• cavrs N ational P ark S hasta M ounta . n R m o . ts Y os « m , „ N at , owal F aux hide from Inquisitive eves the great commerce has passed a resolution darn on the frout breadth of her worn Paeifi?' o lc ‘?n‘ 1" 1" " « or Central black cashmere. Pacific and Southern Pacific rati- (To be continued.) roads under one control. TE BANK ' Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L A NEW ENGLAND IDOL By ELEANOR PORTER r Author of “ Po’lyanna.” “ Just David,” Eta. . . ? X Copyright by Eleanor H. Patter. -puK *lS .X ”,’ ! " 1“ ,'»" i,‘ , ^ i T T t r * * <**<***w*t^ AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 VACATION TRIPS „1 " r S n °^ a — iiiuu, nriu when he appeared at the prayer meet- wlth rich candles, and Deacon White tng on that memornble Friday eve lost his temper over a tin trumpet he nlng there was at once a most irrelig drew in a grab hag. At the end of the loua Interest manifested by every one week there were three cases of uerv present, even to the UreJ little mlu ous prostration, one of pneumonia, two later himself. The object o f their amazed glances fortunately did uot. of grippe— and one hundred dollars *'^ P the good people long In suspense. , and five cents In money. The ladles drew a long breath ond After a timid prayer—slightly (neo- I looked pleased; then their faces went icreut, but abounding In petitions for suddenly white. Where was ninety- ’ Ingle mlndedness and worshipful rev- nine dollars and ntnety-flve cent« to erence from the minister's wife, the come from In the few days yet re­ Honorable Peter Wentworth rose to maining? Silently and dejectedly they »"’ feet nnd loudly cleared hi« throat: went home. Ahem! I.adle« and gentlemen—er It was then (bat the Reven-id John ah—brethren," he corrected, hastily The Linn county juvenile clubs The federated churches of Aroer- Grey rose to the occasion and «but faint menmrtes of „ gOfllv yoBth ■ ro having their effect. At the himself in bis study all night, strug­ ica have decided that censorship prompting his now unaccustomed lips; Holstein picnic at Corvallis they' *—er— I understand that you are de­ gling with a last appeal to he copied of screen films is futile. Cei sor on the faithful mimeograph and dellv- held their own with the grown sirous of building u new church. A ei-ed by his patient youngest burn differs from censor as much as any people in stock judging tesla. very laudible wish—very," with his That appeal was straight from the censor from the producer as to eyes fixed on a zigzag crack In the heart of an all hut despairing umn which playa are objectionable. 1 he D . S. McWilliams expects to wall across the room; “and I under- question remains; “ Who represent the New York life ingur- «tnnd tliut your funds ure— er— Insuf­ Was two thousand dollars to be lost— old and because of a paltry ninety-nine shall censor the censors?” ficient. I nni, In fact, Informed c°">P»«»y i»> this territory dollars and ninety-five cents? that you need two thousand dollar«. after celebrating his release from The pressure was severe «nd he Ahem I Ladies—er—brethren, I stand the postoflice with a few holidays came crushing as the holidays ap here to unnounce that on the first day or January I will place In your pas­ proached. The tree for the Sunday A M. Gultra had another jo y. UwVER5nY»0BBGON( cU h: J a\ S,,nIJ“^ He went L tor's hands the sum of one thousnnd school had long since been given up dollars, provided''—nnd he paused and but Christmas eve a forlorn group of V I. . r- ,ir T,lree world fa,1,ou» »“ d beautiful cities me»dh '’ WhfFv h '# M" d f" 'n ily wlstfuleyed children gathered In tlie Visit C alifo rn ia'. Na,i„ nilI Park. Charming Seashore Rckirt. put the tips ot his forefingers togeth met him with their auto and all church and spoke Christmas pieces er Impressively—“provided you will went into the country ami enjoyed Oregon Outdoors" and ••California for the T ou rist,” beautifully raise an equal amount ou your own nnd sang Christmas carols, with long our glorious climate. 1 J Ing gnze fixed on the empty corner Part. The first day of next January, Illustrated folders, are FREE on request. remember. You have nearly a year, where was wont to be the shining tree. For further particulars ask agents m.T ?6 fif8t woman to perform a It was on Christmas day that ths ai you v III notice, In which to raise the merrtage ceremony in Linn county widow Blake fought the good fight In money. I —er—I hope you will be suc- • ’ aid to be M i„ Mary j aryiH * her little sfx-hy-nlne room. On the bed cesaful." And he sat down heavily. Pk c ” ’» orda,n‘;d minister of the The reinnlnder of that meeting was lay a black cashmere gown, faded and not conspicuous for deep spirituality, rusty and carefully darned; on the J O H N M. SCO TT. The UNIVERSITY f» OREOON S .” C li" ” d J ” »” and after the beuedletton the Hon­ table lay a little heap of bills aud sil­ eontaies: General Passenger Agent orable Peter Wentworth found himself ver. The woman gathered the money T he college o f Literature. Science surrounded hy an excited crowd of In her two hands and dropped It Into grateful church members. The hon­ her lap; then she smoothed the bills •nd the A rts with 22 d i r i m e n t , «rriyetl Thursday evening f,,r a orable gentleman was diatlnctly neatly one upon another, and built lit The profeasional schools o f A rch i­ M ~ ‘•l" 0 F h» " '" pleased. He had not given anythiug tie pyramids of dimes and quarters tecture-Bueinew Administre tion - awny before since—well, he had the Fifteen dollars I I t must be live years M ■ bent is an accomplished IS, tducebon-Graduate S tu d y -U w - same curious choking feeling In his now that she had been saving that U k in » ‘ a and !’ cor,t* n“plh«i«g throat now that he remembered to money, ond she did so need a new Medadne— M usic— Physical Educa- u- S o B i i U .i f f — - have felt when he gave the content« dress! She needed It to be—w h y - bon—Sociology of his dinner pall to the boy across even decent I—looking sourly at the frayed folds on the bed. the aisle at the old red school house. to I f . ’ T im ?’ . UrgM Brownsville It was on Christmas day, too, that After all. It was a rather pleasant hiJhw Ru,deb?ards on M ain-line (sensation; he almost wished It had the little cripple who lived across the F orac«tolo t u , or onÿ inform ation i iJ w f W , n ,ntH,'8 ,he " av ’« ‘ »’ •f bridge received a five-dollar gold piece oftener been his. ^ « e J f ,, n ^ titr a r . U n lo r r .a , o( ' S ’ • 4I<’- A double one Donald's eyes I t was not until the silent hours of by registered mall. Owgon, Eugene, Oregon. sflone and his thin fingers clutched the |p .c f ig c h k ,,orlh “ou«h,)n “ »• Bight brought a haunting premonition f.c ific highway in H a,M y at the of avtl to the Reverend John Grey yellow gold greedily. Now he could Brownsville road, ought that the little minister began to real­ have those books!—his eyes rested on men. ize wbat the church had undertaken. kf) open letter op the floor by DI» One thousand dollars! The village chair; a mimeograph letter signed w as small and the church society “John W. Grey.” Gradually hit fin­ smaller. The Honorable Peter Went­ gers relaxed: the bit of money slipped Bereaved friends committing to my car- f , „ W e sell worth was the only man who by even from the Imprisoning clasp, fell to the f e t h . remains of beloved one, ,„xy feel a s s a rt of P^ep,r4" o,, ,nd b«"« ' ; floor, and rolled In flashing, gleaming the politest fiction could be called rich. * tender treatment I would wisb ,o be give m' " ' T ! Where, Indeed, was the thousand to be circles round and round the letter, in wish carried out in detail .nd price, g u.r.n te Jl , " ° a" Every ' ending In a glistening disk, like ■ seal. found? equipment and complete stock F'urantewl to satisfy. Best of J P.v •!>» *nd of the week an urgent Jnst at the left of the signature. The appeal for ntoaay bad entered the door lad looked at the yellow, whirling Come in and hear It play thing with frightened eyes, then cov of every house In Fnlrvltle. AU phonograph raeords and needle,. This was In Febrnary, yet by the •red his face with his hands, sad g LICENSED mortician and funeral irector end of May there was only four hun­ hurst Into a storm of sobs. On the 2>5th of December, the Rev­ dred dollars In that fund treasury. L E B A N O N , O RE. Tlie pastor sent out 8 second appeal, erend John Grey entered on bis list; following It up with a house to houss “Mrs. Blake. US; Donald Marsh, gfl." in-’d ^ i - x ^ ,T r : ; ; ,br ; ,n S 5 ? Lady attendant g The little minister’s face grew pale vis it Tim sum grew to six hundred .l.n g e ro „,.m i ttX » i m y ra “ and drawu. The money came In bit dollars. Then the ladles held a mass rgsejlng by bit. but It wanted twenty dollars 0,1,1 ‘¿r,.oka Lunches In the damp. 111 smelling vestry. The and plnety-flve cents yet to complete result was a serie« of entertainments the needed thousand. Op tlje 27tb ths varying from a strawberry festival to teacher of the Infant class brought a the "passion play" lllustratsd These dollar, the gift of her young pupils heroic efforts brought the fund up to On the 28th, nothing cams; on the eight hundred dollars. Two hundred 20th, five cents from a small boy who fur the money p ,ld. Makea * " « which offer e x c e p tio n ., value, « yet to be found—and It was Novem­ rang tbe bell with a peal that brought Ketnember, we cam* a f t ® tfco Reverend John Orey to the door ber! ascaa be h.d .a a town of t h i . " L u“ 1“ of • « “ »»«MW snppl,,, W ith anxious faces and puckered with a startled hope lu bis eyes, ne will get it for you re What £ « brows, the ladles held another meet­ took the live pennies front the small I dirty Ungers and opened his mouth to ing In that cheerless vestry—then hast­ ened home with new courage and a speak his thaDks. but his dry lips re­ fused to frame the words. ¡new plan. The morning of the 30th dawned W »5» . B its o f silk and tissue paper, gay- raw and cloudy. The little minister colored worsteds and knots of ribbon neither ate nor slept bow . Tbe door appeared as by magic In every cottage. bell rang at brief Intervals through .W eary Cogers fashioned Impossible out the day. end stray quarters, dimes fancy articles of no earthly use to any and nickels, with an occasional dollar, coe. and tired housewives sat up till were added to the precious store until n X 1" " ................................... - - w . , midnight dressing dolls In flimsy mus­ It amounted to nine hundred and lin. T lie church was going to bold a elghty-flve dollars and elghty-flve cents. ■ 2 Z r ^ " “ vi'w while yo, 7 e ^ n , '“ ° n* '* ar< f a i r ! Everything and everybody suc­ It was nearly midnight when there cumbed graclouaiy or ungraciously ta come a gentle tap at the study door -the Inevitable. ............. Without waiting for pormlsalno tbs The fair and a blizzard began sim­ minister's wife turned the knob and e will w alci u i your acc >,int an I kelp you save. ultaneously the flrst day of December. entered the room. Her hnsband sat The one lasted a week, and the other with bowed head resting on his out­ three days The people consclenrl- stretched »nay on u,8 Jexk ipualy plowed through the «low, ut- Where Savings are safe ” — 4 * ' * * ' * * * * * *-’ * • » ♦ * * > * .* - * » * a a I L ______ " * Four par « cant aad no worry. Cost Less This Year Eastern Cities I via the Scenic Shasta Route On your way east stop over at San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Southern • r S t V'” ! ,'’ nt Pacific Lines ’■»'«•»•J Ey .S 0 « El'H IN G th at is stout, that iV.d i i f e & e ° f rope - ’ fo n g e r or, V\ i e n J ° u buy machine oil don’t think E M C i ’8 Vi'u Wo havo a hea' y red E N G IN E OIL, host Unit can be boueht at 5Oo a gallon. Try it. T W IN E is h X ‘ . G. W. Mornhinweir the Claxtonola g N. C . L O W E D Our Ice Cream RED T O p T lS K ^ ^ ^ *1 Stewait & Prfce Confectionery If your farm will be for ronf fhi« fi,n • touch with me. I have X r a jvantmg t , root farms. Fire in /u ran e?; S ™ Bros. | Automobile Insurance ; f I I « Jay W. Moore, Realtor. Be Honest With Yourself Eire, theft, collision, property damage - - ---- and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon