B H T8 » F R , » ¡S B ? . ' “ ^ S . i » . ! r - Y .» v o . » r 7 ■•"!■"— P .M T r u ' r X - T « !„ck . g.to „ „ „ . I h . t to d w Um. u ,, j „ „ k stork ■ n „ ou,d "W/NCffiSTeK b x W M H . a n d A A. W IL K E G E R W m . H . W h e e le r , E d it o r . A lr * ' , A, A W h e e le r , B ualneaa M e n a c e r u-nd L o c a l N e « > E d it o r . come from Chicago C. O. D. Then the girl did what she might have done in the first place She sent the money and a descrip B u b a c rlp tlo n a , »1 50 a y e a r In a d v a n c a . T r a n s ie n t a d v e r tla ln a . 25c an In c h ; p e r - tiou of what she wanted to tb< » <,v,!r t ls ln g , 20c N „ d is c o u n t Hamilton store at Albany, who • o r t im e o r space. In P a id - f o r P a ra g ra p h s ,-' 5c a lin e advertisements appear in tho En N o a d v e r t is in g d is g u is e d as new s. erprise. She did this one day aud IIA I.S H V , Linn Co., Ore.. July 27, 1922 received a dress the next d.ij which gave her perfect satisfaction The mail order house did it- mail order business bast, and returned the girl’s mone> Hifty year« ago, wLeti A. Mont, *• promptly as tbs traoaacti-.» ginnery Wurd, with a boy assiat- eoa’d he put through the routin. ant, initiated the mail order buai- of its offices, but after more than a nesg in a email room in Chicago, month s delay and disappointment there was a big field for him to it failed in its attempt to give the flourish in and flourish he did. desire I service. There w as no parcel post, and the Reeders o, this paper can find wonderful transportation srfctem dealers in Halsey or nearby tow rot of America was io announce their readii readiness to ui in its infancy, I who ’” 1° ■nnouuc« but Mr. Ward sont out honest d e -|5UPP,Jr ordinary wants, Read scriptious of what he had to sell tb« •dvertisemeute. undone order Jed to another until '"* Tbsre are settlers far from town the business occupied many-floored who aorvice from ■ wvupicu many - noored wuu can get better sorvice k..:u:__ . buildings, covering scree of . ground mall order bouse than m any other Hud employing thousands of peo- way. They go to town but seldom pie, aud the profits be and hi. « J when they dogo they lack thè partners accumulated reached far tf»® to go from one store to into the millions. another and aearch out the vari- Competitors arose ; in proportion ou* art'cles. as they followed his example and Such • family, if it can bave a sent their customers exactly the from a big central house articles described they prospered Ican **1 down at leisure and make or fdi|ed- ou ta » «»■* o' wants snd send or H« want« Some of these established branch <0 order and remittance. In due »uses in ir im i« n a v i. of the a , I time notice comra comee that 1 freight is houses in V various parts ____. ____„ „ at the d’Pot- The settler can country, but fora long time Mont gomery Ward & Co., as Mr. Ward’. H " 79 to lowu' l ° ' d bis purchases wagon in a few minutes firm was known, stuck to lh Ihe e l° n . aud go home happy original plan. But nine of every ten, if not Mr. Ward is dead and the busi ninety of every hundred, ’ in - these ness in the haiids successors . . . . . of bis T U lA v M U J I I l — days ‘ ? can nk 89lbeU get better all has bruncheil out a. other mafl Z " « satisfaction ‘‘«f‘ ction al order houses had done. Whether >y P*tronixing local deal- this is a good business policy is in I i*™ sending abroad, if they doubt. I only knew it. Which of These Winchester Tools Do You Need? Good Tools for Fall Repairs I l’S the little repair, which are neglected that hasten depreciation and pile up big repair bills. Save money this season by doing the small repair jobs about the bouse or farm before the cold weather returns. You will fin d . Winchester Tool made for accomplishing whatever work you undertake-« tool that makes the job.’easier for the .ma- , t ur and adds to the »kill of the expe­ rienced workman. Mide by the manufacturers of the fa­ mous Winchester guns, a Winchester tool has special steel correctly hardened and tempered, snd many refinements of design and construction that stamp it a superior tool. m s o A person in the territory of ona RoK°way furniture store of the branch Imuses asking tor a u , y an Enterprise man on catalog gets not the great list of i f°“nd the proprietor goods tho parent house used to ? , “ ° haira io a E i la n d •end out, with its description, and ° X' Mr- Kogoway pointed prices, hut nm, fn»m *i-A i------ ». i “ several in the store exactly one from the branch like those in the catalog except ••in vyit.i lists of articles alleged to he kept there and supplementary r tb at ‘H his ta price P" M in the “ etore was Hats that may b« had from the fu0“ .20.!® 30 C9nt'' ’«war than City’ ,0 which height central house. How this works cm be illustrated by a few in­ l would r ee 1 to be adi’ed. — — , stances: (•erman officials guilty of cruelty A farmer far from town seut iu *nd other crimes in violation of » • H ..I1 . „ . U r lo r . I¡„ |, . » r l r a l « u, "I ................ . p K „„r t . . . d U ï ; : : „ ,h ; . x ' - O' — — »»«UlUIV lie received word that part of the were turned over to the Oerman goods had been sent from the authorities for trial on tb proui- branch house and part from tbe I iae that if guilty they would be parent concern. he naa punished, few few were had I I puniennu. . ..... .............. When ' «" tried N and receivud them and paid freight on their trials were farcical This pocket catalog of Winchester Tools is a very helpful haudbook for the man who likee fine tools. Free for the asking at our store. . I T T ARCHIE W ATCHMAKER&feweld f o . .i .c o « h,,,, (h„ , h. y ,h „ .. n„„d, — «Ulivi Would have cost in the I town town to tz* I for for trial Ir.el in French . ■ courts. And w hich he had to go to get the I ahe is right, freight. 1 occured in lb a n y , |_ Ca,ifor» - Another .o u o r c c u , e eocjured jn A A)ban v .,„ o r a ia i. highway highway I?thorities authorities hardw are THE ^W C ff£ST£H store oreg ° n Fresh and Cured Meats cO days' credit •' . P r o D s ¡ D ° , n e F , n c ’ ' WOTk » t 1« p a. | /V J J Ay > is a straln on the eyet^ but i{ wear glasaes especially made for you the strain*»» entirely elim inated. We grind lenses lo your prescription, so they w ill be as required. D o n't neg- ! «ect your eyes. Let ess-ume them ' today. FURNIIURE EXCHANGE $30 to $75 A! Harold Albro. Manufacturing optician. $15 f F. a. A. F in e Drew Shoes « One-year teachers’ certificates were given to Linn connty ----- people ----------------- — at the state examination as follows: . Office ,s t do° r south of school house Basil Hoe ye, Anna Heckcox. Heel Ell n Halaey, Oregon, Adams, - lams, Muriel G. g . Smith. Smith Miuuie, I Healer in ------- Real ------- Estate. Del Markart, Bessie Cairuee, Lil- | e Handle* Towo «»d Ccmntry Propert liau Earley, Eva Weeks J H l - I * _h,ra a and *e e >f«J«canl Gambill. Frances Leave ngood, Doris Leevec A nene Smail, M .mie R IG H T & POOLI Karstens, Rachel Betts, i - ° r a n a - J .W L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R B n i Z V ° t f ba C*r,er' Martha H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON f Z k? ’ rr' Il'JoreTnce Soo“ . Call« Thone 33 Phone ,5 S . v Lue/ “ Jenkuw- Mildred ______ _ „ U| u u |ij|i Branche» at Carl Morris, ¿mnaa^Mattk? GUd’ l u i BroWB,vi,le' Phone J7C1S. ys Thunton, Ralph McPnn.M Phoaa ,66' Kirk, Mg, Laura B. Oliver. Vida Richardson ' 7------- -------------------- Alnion ^ ln?0,n, ' Fitzgersl I fnez Inez Smith' Smith’ 1 ° ™ 0,1 Appo,’,TMB!‘ publish«,1 this 131 hr.LUC118 Ci,èmaD’ Nora 7 °f J"ly’ R osa I’ owki . i ., umphrey», Lena Schulte, M. 8 Am o, a t E xecutrix Aforeasid Woodworth, Clara B Lawrence Amo> a - T e is m o . A tty, for E xrx B umy eraH VbetSl° ‘v ’ M"- U ura K lees’ r ir* F’ ley' Ma” 0 N o tic x o v H babing o f F inal A ccocni Klage. Erica Moore, Mildred P .r ^un»eJ \ hr"T,by ff*eB ",8t ,he fin!l1 M Huston as adininistra ton. Zalma Grove», Alta Gilbam “ J* M ? le o f ,oel B Huston, dc and Martha Gilham i “ b e e n fil«d >n the County A special one-year certificate .5 ? rL°*. J?0 " county, State of Oregon, was g r a n ts Mrs. E ll. W o X i ? h d* y 01 August. 1922, F rii r ’ Tr rHJ of Panted b r said court for the hearing of Hed Gallegly of Albany and I V ob,ec,lons , 1(, fin<| and« lh<. Kaus of Gates received five year M r^ nen. here?f' a* wh,ch Mra* certificates. J M s r .n a nl 7 e*L'd “ ,d e ,u te “ l v *P- H n m ’r c . C. B R Y A N T atto rney a t l a w Cusick Bank Building, Albany, Oregr ion. Amor A. Tussing LAWYER a n d NOTARY B R o w N S V it.t.E , O rvoon T O S U ; WO-Acre Farm First class work guaranteed A M COLT RA Z2ÍL ¡H a la e y . 8 Tl,ree from W J . RIBELIN BARBERSHOP 7p,tB.P0 i i . ¡ , , ? FARMERS ,« r „ Kleetrio Specialty WILDEY LODGE NO. 05. Regular meeting next Saturdai night. W. J. Ribelin Dealer in I I. 0 . 0 . F. T e i e r a Certified » . >s . . and was mentioned in the Enter- wau‘ «65.000,0(^0 this ye.r for the I ha lim a tin»». _____ I | prise at tbe time. With __ an •_ in­ I repair repair of of pavaments that have B cubator full of eggs, a man sent to broken down. Our highway k Port’and home for a brooder, commission hopes to complete it, figuring that thero would be plenty syatm. of through roads in five of tune fir it to arrive before he l u i ' t rePa,ra w-Mild need it. Then, with Lis »ill probably coat aa much in por- RED STAR Oil Stoves chicks due to hatch in a few day» portion to mileage aain California bo got word that the branch house •cd the automobile« will be more was out of stock and tbe brooder ‘han bu.y paying o ff,be 00nstru