A HOWL FROM HALL Proclaims His Impartiality and Patriotism H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E S u c c e s s fu l G raduates Are the Best Recommendation of South No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 17, 5.39 p. m. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS Charles Hall baa availed of the The delivery window of the opportunity given him when Gov­ Halsey postoffice is open Sundays ernor Olcott talked to reporters from 9:15 to 9:45 a. ni. and I’-’- oq abont the recount suit and has T h is institution offer* a thorough, practical and standard education at to 12:35 and 4A5 to 5.00 p. m" ” .asued a statement which reveals in Eleanor Ü ly n 's a coal w ith in reach of the high school graduate. him as a pitiful, pettifogging, pre­ I t offers trainin g for collegiate degrees in : varicating pleader, among the PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS A griculture Mines »mall *‘p’a” in a pod—and a few Commerce Pharmacy k’a.’’ Admittance Here 5 Cents Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education He begins by saying he omits w ith Forestry Chemical Engineering reference to Mr. Olcott’s tone in a Line Home Economics the very same phrase in which be M ilita ry Science and Tactic* refer» to it, and is equally consis­ Gloria Swanson Coming I t offers trainin g also in T h e Schoo 1 of Music, Physical Educa tent all the way through. tion, Ind ustrial Journalism. Glorious Gloria Swanson, beaut­ Sk roinanticidrarar of passionate young lore struggling against Because Olcott called for prose- iful Paramount star, will bo »ecu • r. c'>nvenWAn— gay Paris night*, disxy adventnre on Alpine ou'iou of violators of the law who Fall Term Opens Sept. 18 C * ,t " " J ’ •’.'.« U tte rin g world of English high society. at the Rialto theater next Friday chanced to be supporters of H»K \v itn glorious G lo ria wearing the 50 latest and moat gorgeous in a new picture, “ Beyond the For circulars of inform ation and illustrated booklet w rite to the latter siys the governor his I aria gowns. Rocks.” It is based ou Elinor A big special at regular prices. "introduced religious issues,” Glyn’s famous novel of the same which is not true. The Rogistrar, Oregon A gricultural College, name which scored a big bit several Also Financed by an assessment upon Corvallis, Oregon year» ago. Rudolph Va'entiuo, in a two-reel comedy Ihe ms ubers of an organization who supported Dorothy Daltm in which makes war, on certain re­ ‘‘Moran of the Lady Letty,” is ligious sects. Hall promises, it her leading man and he head» an made governor, to be impartial tv unusually strong cast of players all sects. This pre-t l.'Ction prom­ olic, anti-Jew or anti-negro. It Jo ts and T ittle s seems to be “ ull things to all ise may be takeu for what it is Edith Robnett R. S. N, O., Belle Jots a n d T ittle s For Sale: 8everal second-hand men.’’ Gormley L. 8. N. G., Mary worth : 0. (Contdnued from column 2) steel drums, 50 gallons capacity, Hall agrees with the Enterprise Gray R. 8. V. G., Rove Intelligent Americans need not (Continued from page 3) 12.50 each, Foote Brothers io advocating compulsory edu­ Miss Louise Robnett is in the worry over these bugaboos. The M i« » Pearl Thompson of Shedd Robnett L. S. V. Q , Emma True cation in the public school». We I- G ., Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg telephone oflice during the absence has been ill but is recovering. Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at give him oredit for the profession, Catholics, the Jews, or the Sun­ of the Stafford». O. G . Nellie Frum Con , Minnie Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and The Brownsville W. C. T. U. Cross ¡W, Mrs. Robnett is also whatever might be bis practice. day law propagandists, are no gave 1200 toward« the children’« Amos Ramsay got kicked by a Friday. Mr. Hall shows sensitiveness to nearer the obtaining of control mnsiejan. They enjoyed a socia’ homo near Corvallis. t • , Ford which cracked the bone in the assumption that he is the than they were in the days of goodtims also To Beat the Devil ** n a bound and obligated agent of the the Know Nothings or those oi hi» arm yesterday. E. B. Penland and wife were at Harold Stevenson, the Browns , K ... “ You’re the P. ¡0. S. A. And there is no Shedd Monday. Mr«. Penland it ville druggist, and his wife, form- I K. ' K. K. by shou'ing: Guy Layton is seriously ill again "If the church work is really ‘ g.’ . ou re sai sa d l . .u i •• |a n o th e r," and claims, w ith o u t pro- danger that they ever will be. with an abscess on bi9 jaw, which worth while, then it is worth get’ing over a dose of poison oak. erly M.ss M.Uer, both H i t al..,.ten | ducing Evidence, that the Knights America may not be as free as was caused by an ulcerated tooth. »pending money on,” declared walk over t of Columbus favor Olcott. Col. Ben Sndtell of Albany took started to she ought to be, ,but she is too Halsey Sunday. Just as they wen his family to Newport for a week’« Miss Gertrude Porter arrived in Frank L. 8now, head of the de­ He also charges, without citing outing Sunday, but he cani£ home beginning to decide that the task evidence, that Olcott has used hi» free to ever submit to religious Halaey Sunday from her trip tc partment of industrial journalism, Tuesday. •iw’ "-' ' was serious John Miller cam« position to secure personal sup­ control by law. Americans are California, where she has Le-n on in speaking before the Presbyter­ ian synod at O- A. C. Friday. with bis auto and made it n port of officeholders. I, he pro­ free to worship according to a concert tour. Enoch Cunningham baiv a job along •'Advertise to beat the devil,” their own consciences, and they pleasant one. a» engineer on the »rata nauljDg duced proof of this the Eutorprite will not, as the Puritans tried to The Neighbors of Woodcraft mrt continued Prof. Snow. “ With A d ice cream social was enjoyed would publish it. It sounds much do, compel others to worship as Wednesday night. rock front the Saddle Butte quarry After the 100) counter attractions all clam­ at J . . C. Carry's Saturday like his other bombastic assertions they do. to the crusher. usual buainees all members and oring for attention through print­ i >.Y ’ night and tha luxury was inanu Because Olcott ask» for a re- visitor, Mr». Hill, eujoyed ice er’s ink, the church stands littb Dr. Garojobst left Sunday for factored at home, where all tb couut of the whole slate vole, in COMPULSORY EDUCATION cream and cookies. «how of successful competition un­ Boat tie to aiteod the j>ost-gradu- ingredients were known beyond stead of in certain precincts, hand­ less it nse» the earn) method» of alc lectures given at the Univer­ question. If compulsory non sectarian C. W. Baea of Halsey is UDdsr attracting attention. Pis I ly ad­ picked bv Hall, the latter makes sity of Washington. education of the young at public The Skirvin family went to Eu the false claim that the governor schools six hours a day and five $1000 bonds to appear before the vertising pays and pays well.” grand jury on a charge of attempt, Nick Kennedy fpll from the en­ Pane Sunday ned on the way horn* objects to any recount. There are two widely separated days a week during eight or ten ing a felouious aeaulton Mrs. Will­ gine of a rock train at Shedd Kot orowded into a ditch and it It was reported that Marconi in Thursday and wan hurt so serious­ was two hours tiefore they got faction» existing in the republican months a year will deprive them iam Price at her home near thi the Mediterranean had picked up of the necessary amount of reli­ city last Friday. ly that he had to quit work. towed back into the road. One ranks ou this question, and if the gious instruction, the inculcation 150,000 meter wave length mess­ wing that is defeated in the logal wheel was damaged. N. C. Lowe and wife and Alec Wednesday evening the Rebek­ contest is augry enough to vote for of religious greeds must cost a Powers aud wife were over from ages that he thought came from Mars. Conau Doyle says those C. F. Stafford and wifo went t< * d—d—democrat we may have a lot of time. ahs installed Mrs. Andrew Brown The first messages came from spirits, who N G ., Mr». W A. Ringo T.. Oregon City 8und*v for a coupl democratic governor. If there were any way of de Lebanon yesterday. Mrs. Charity Clark S. and Elfa weeks’ vacation. Mrs. Stafford' eiding what is religious truth, named gentleman is a funeral "know all all about radio,” to at Lebanon and the bat. which the Oregonian replies that, Moore V. G., Mr». Callie Frum hrother came down Saturday in hi perhaps in the seven-eigths of director RELIGIOUS BUGABOOS Chap., Esther Bond P. N. G., ogr and they went home with him the hours of the year when the named couple are well-known knowiug all about radio, they Since the days when impostors children are out of school there former business residents of this must be fool» to try to talk to us They intend to visit various sum with wave lengths which they mer resorts, such as S<*s»ide and ruled mankind in the name of might be time to start them city. And deities, and people abjectly sub straight, but when we remember other points. Lester Stevenson and family know we cannot receive. nutted to “ prophets” aud priest» that there are hundreds, if not of San Francisco drove to Halsey then Marconi kicks the attenuate W. J. Ribelin_was at Nixon who proclaimed “ Thus saith foundation from under the wholo Monday and there met Mrs. Fran, Baal,” or “ Thus saith the thousands 'of denominations each last week to visit Mr. Stevenson’s argument by saying he never re­ parents, J. A. Stevenson and wife. cex Gray, who was on her way oracle,” or “ Thus saith the with a distinct belief different They visited his brother Gleun in ceived auy such messages nor any from all the others and each front Cottage Grove to visit her son Clawood Lem on Portland the latter part of last that he thought came from Mars. Frank at Salem. Mrs. Gray own« Lord,” and the later days when certain that all the others are week, returning to Halsey Sun church and state were combined wrong, )>erhaps 100 per cent or C ream some real estate in Halsey. ' Senator McNary has »ecu e l lor outing trips, sunburn, w ind- and the laws of the land were even 1000 per eent, of all the day, and went to Yoncalla M n the appointment of a joint con­ burn, chapped hands, face and day to visit Mr. Stevenson’s sister, While Mias Carmelita Wood, ¡relieved to be the laws of the time would uot be sufficient. bp*. 6 O c . gressional committee to investigate Mrs. Lloyd Robnett, who formerly Omnipotent. th eir lias been a worth ia having her vacation at But supporters of the free pub Hinds' Itoucy and Alm ond Cream the feasibility of government in­ Creswell bar sister Elaine it sub great change, of which we in lie school system, on which lived here. Santiaeptic Lotion surance of farmers’ crop. stltuting' for her es our Browns­ America, with our constitution Americanism largely rests today, Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams, in a Orchard W hite ville correspondent. prohibiting the union of any ire of the opinion that one.eighth card published elsewhere, express Talcum Powder An Enterprise representative church with the federal state, of the hours during school age their appreciation of the attitude T h e coarse of study for Oregon grade at pope- are not too much to be devoted waa in Shedd Monday and found have the benefit. la r prie«* the public while they have had and high schools for the neat two years Religious wars have eder been to the practical education on of it a very lively place, that being Syrup of Fig» the postoffice. We are sure the provide* for twenty minutes of physical Castori* ■* ’ headquarters for the pavers work­ the most devilish of thdff time, which the child will have to de people of Halsey have been as well education d aily for «very pupil, during and the “ pogroms” against the pend in fighting the battle of life pleased by the kind and courteous the regular school period and not * t re- ing between that city and this. Lydia 1’iukha n 't Vegetable Com ­ ■Jews in «'astern Europe and the Parents who would deprive their treatment they haVe received at the ce»». Special games and sperts in pound Mrs. Hasel Mutikers’ ( baby is atrocities of the Turks against offspring of this are so unjust postoffice. Moreover, there is which o n ly part o f ths children can Fiere«'* Favorita Prescription seriously ill at the Straley home Christians in Asia Minor are fair that it is the duty of the state to reason to expect equal suavity participate are not to be substituted. Iron lied Yeast samples of them. Dan derine from the Bramwell», who now- constrain them. Prof. English's mother and sis Though religion is barred M u tu fie d Cocoanut Oil have the office. ter earns from their Eugene hom< Swamp Root from federal legislation, it is NOIICX OF ArroIWTMKNTOF E xkcutrix and spent Sunday. CROW TALL IN COUNTRY Scott's Emulsion Scout Executive Cook of Albany sometimes very active in political Notice is hereby given that the un­ was down to visit the Halsey scouts dersigned, by an order of the Superior A. J. Hill has painted his home, squabbles, as we have seen it According to the investigations of Saturday night to explain the Court of Linn County, Oregon has, formerly the Miller bouse, white here in Oregon. appointed executrix of the last Deniker, well known for his anthro­ particulars of the summer encamp­ been The bugbear most often par w ill and testament of T. A Powell, de­ “ *fCoatinn«d in column 5, ****** ment at Camp Cascasan, near Cas­ pologic studies, the influences of ceased. A ll persona having claims aded to scare the voters has been Said estate are required to pre­ the alleged designs of the Cath­ city life tend toward a decrease of cadia, which will be August 1 to against sent them w ith in six months from the olic Church upon the govern­ human stature. It is away from 16. Several of the Halsey scout» date of this notice, with the proper ment, though that organization the large cities that the beneficent intend to go in spite of the short- vouchers, to the undersigned at her res is not the only one that has had effect» of the general amelioration age o f harvest hands. Mr. Cook idence in Halsey, in Linn county, Ore- also explained the efflfct being ffOO» such distinction. of social conditions and improve­ made to increase the members fn Dated and first published this 13th The “ Know Nothing" jmove ments in hygiene of modem times day of July, 1922. R osa P owkll , efficiency and told how the Executrix Aforesaid. ment in the earlier years of the most clearly manifest themselves by summer camp will be conducted. A mo « A. T ossing , Atty, for E x rx . republic spent itself and died. distinct increase of stature. This Each member attending will have The cry of “ rum, Romanism and rebellion,” raised by a supporter increase has been marked among to pay 110 for expenses. N oticxof H karincof F inal A ccount of Blaine, resulted in the def«'at several of the European races dur­ Notice is hereby given that the final ac­ count of M M. Huston as adm inistra­ To All Jersey Owners of the plumedi knight and the ing the last fifty years. Where the trix of the estate of Joel B. Hnston, de­ republican party. It was a most people are subjected to urban influ­ This to call your attention to a ceased, has been filed in the County ences the gain is less notable. efficient boomerang. special dairy meeting to he held in Court ol Linn county, State of Oregon, Forty years ago the .“ Patriotic Albauy at 8 p. m. July 26 a t the and that the 7th day of August »922, 10 o'clock A . M., has been duly ap­ HIS RECORD Order of Sons of America" Raraeseum theater, under the at pointed bv said court for the hearing of sprang up like a mushroom auspices of the Oregon and Linn objections to said final account and the Horace Snapp is dead," relatM Oounty Jersey Cattle clubs. F. B settlement thereof, at which tim e any among secret orders, hut when the principal part of its “ Ainer old Riley Rexxidew. "He was rail­ Astrotb, field man for the Ameri­ person interested in said estate may ap­ pear and file objections thereto in w r it ­ icanism” proved to consist of a way station agent here in Petunia. can Jersey Cattle club, will speak ing Now g th e timo to realize*» big prolits in and contest the same. pn'paganda against the Catholic He left no friends and do money and give a free moving picture Dated and first published July 6, 1912 transportât’on costs. Church, which it was claimed was worth mentioning, bnt instead aa , show on Jerseys. M . M. H uston , Adm x. Aforesaid, threatening to get control of the enviable record of thirty-nine years ' While this tueetirg will be of A mor A T u s in g . A tty , for Adiux. government, the members drop of faithful attention to his duties value to all dairyman it will bo cf l>ed ,out and it is a long time of telling the traveling public and special value to the owner if pure­ N oticr of F inal S kttlkmkst sine«' the “ P. 0. S. A." has been all oilier anxious inquirers, ’Don't bred Jerseys. Notice is hereby given that the under- Come and bring your neighbor nxned hasñ lc 1 his final account as ad* heard from. know!' in a surly tone of voice.”— 1 ivkefrs on sale Friday. S atu rd ay «ud Sunday Sincerely, A. C. H»ym*n rainistrator of the estate ot Susan Zig- Ju st now it is the K. K K. Its Kan»»» City Star. ler, deceased, w ith the county elerk of Good until following Tuesday campaigner for membership, County Agent. Linn county, Oregon, ami the county when addressing a sympathizer •W agents for turther particulars. or « to n t low (area c.hH, *» d «” court has fixed M ondav. the 14th day of SYMBOLIC with such views, lays great stress August 1922, at the hour of I o ’clock p. .F O R SALE nearby resorts -, m. of said dav, aa the time for bearing on the need of an organization Customer—Wha' fo’ yer got dat objections if any, to said final account, that will oppose the Roman rubbah plant in de show window? N in e and the settlement of said estate church and prevent its getting Dated this fiih day of July, 19J2, Barber—Dat am to infnam le control of the government, but on JO H N M S C O T I. W. G . C abter , Adm inistrator of the public dat we gibs massage treat­ estate of Susan Zigler. deceased General Passenger Agent. other occasions they as vehem­ W E s T rmrfobd & W yatt . ently deny that it ia snti'Cath ment.—Judge. A L B E R T M IN E R Attoreeys for Administrator. Gloria Swanson 0. A. C. “ Beyond the Rocks;” RUDOLPH VALENTINO BROWNIE, the wonder dog, M Summer Beauty Needs Popular Remedies ***^w e% . í « N orth No. 18, 12 01 p. m. 24, S.50 p. m. _ W. A. Ringo, Druggist Week-End Trips V » ’ PORTLAND and RETURN Are the Lowest in Years $3.90,Ä , H alsey SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 6 weeks old 0 . 1. C. Pigs