Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 20, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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ever seen in Halsey is on dis­
play at the store of
w ith bright porcelain
shining nickel which need no
polish. Up-to-date cooking ap­
paratus ; latest ituproveiuents.
P A IN T S and O IL S
O a r prices are made w ith the object of making sales
A u th or o f " Polly anna." ” j u, t David,” Etc.
c.vrrleht ky
B lsaaar K. Porter.
now once— but there's • rule—It must
"Eh — wbat — bow— ”
be somewhere." she replied dlscon-
Belnefcrd, growing white and red by
iiectedly, poking Inquiring lingers Info
ta rn s ; there was but one kind of free­
the drawer at her left.
dom In hie nund, and that he bad al­
"1 know how," announced Ralnsford.
ready most unwillingly received at the
a ir ily ; “still. I'd have to bar,
hands of Dorothy. H e glanced a t the
er s old dish with the two cracks end
g irl bow , bat her face expressed only
a nick in It to tell me bew to menk>
unalloyed Joy.
ure I he things," he added w ith a m l>
“You menu tbe quarantine?
chievous glance.
ever?” she asked eagerly.
Miss Kenton's back stiffened.
M rs Kenton nodded.
“Vest that [
" I learned at cooking scheel. of
fussy little doctor was all wrong. It's
course," she began, w ith some dig nity;
net diphtheria at all, and your father
"but 1 have not practiced any of the
w ill be all right In a few days."
things lately,
“H ow perfectly glorious I" cried D or­
creamed things, end a rake new nod
othy. " I never believed father was
then— Oh, here's the book I" she da­
very nick. Now we'U go off— let’s see.
is bed.
what shall wa do—ride?”
When Miss Kenton cajue Into the
Ralnsford caught his breath. "Tee
kitchen a minute later aha found an
or wa might go on the lake." be said.
array of raw beefsteak, cold pota­
In a voice that he tried to make dlplo
toes, sod a cantaloupe on the table.
u u tics 11 j unconcerned.
“ Found 'em in the refrigerator,”
“O r we could play golf I"
chuckled Ralnsford.
T ’U broil the
“H m m ; or we've got Just time te
moat when the tim e cotaee—done R see the sunset from Peak e hill," he
lots of times in cam p; I know bow to
fu rth er suggested, w ith a sw ift aldo
tlx the potatoes In great shape, toe,"
long glance at her face.
he added.
"Just the thing a fter being cramped
“Oh, that's fine!" criad Dorothy
up all day I I ’ll get Into my walking
softly, almost clapping her hands; bat
skirt In no time."
And ahe hurried
the tips o f her flagers had scarcely
tbroogb tbe ball door a fter bar moth­
come together before the smile le ft her
The next minute ahe was back
lipa end eyes.
“I fear you a r t giv­
again with a dismayed face.
ing yourself too much trouble, M r
'W h y . I — I forgot I” she faltered.
Ralnsford." she said. In quite another
"Forgot? Forgot what?" he asked
"Trouble? Not at all— not at a l i i
"W hy, our— our— that things weren’t
the same any longer."
melon Into nicely calculated portions. I “Ob. never mind a little *th in * like
Miss Kenton was silent fa r e moment
that.” ha enjoined.
then she said shortly:
“Bui I —I was going te tell mother.
'T h e cornmeal la out— I c a n t make
H d now— ” she paused helplessly.
a corn enke."
"Now — I really wouldn't do It." sup
“Hin-tn— w hat’s the m atter w ith
pleiuented Ralnsford. "You see. It w ill
doughnuts? 111 fry ’em."
be herd to make her understand after
Miss Kenton looked at him doubt
w hat you said Just now," he contin
Ingly. “ Well, I might try,” she acqul
ued, taking a shining gulden circlet
esced finally, turning back Into the
from his pocket and fingering It ner­
“H adn't you better put thia
When the round, doughy things
on, too, Dorothy?—ahe might notice
were ready, Ralnsford, armed with
huge fork, presented himself at tha
F o r a m inute Dorothy hesitated.
T b e vines were thick and the rereads
“I'm here," be announced.
very secluded, and Ralnsford drew her
“Very well, you may fry them while
very gently toward him.
I fix another plateful.” she said, eome- , “ W ell— perhaps,”
wliut ungraciously.
She found Mm
holding out a slim, sunburned finger
few minutes later dubiously eying a
upon which he eagerly slipped the
half-doxen hard brown rings which
were draining on a plate.
“ Why, what alls them?” aha cried.
H e shook his head.
■They— they're burd as rocks and
(Continued from page 1)
fiat as pancakes I" she gasped, picking
one up and dropping It on the table.
Miss Gertrude McKern was home
“Perhaps you didn't m ix them over Sunday.
“1 made them straight according to
A. C. Kogaburg of Harrisburg
rule," she returned with dignity, “I t was iu town Friday.
must have been your frying."
The Hsrrii-burg baseball team
"Oh, but It couldn’t have been," ba
“I never left them alone went over and beat Goshen 8 to 0
a mlnate.
I flopped them ever and Sunday.
over a ll the time.”
J. W . Drinkard and wife got
A peal of laughter Interrupted hits.
"Oh— oh— you don't mean to say home Saturday from their vacation
thot you stood there and turned those nt Newport.
poor things over every second 1” she
An Albany report rays Attorney
cried, as soon as she could speak. “ No
wonder their spirits couldn't rise—
. A. Tussirg of Brownsville is on
and Just look at your fat I It's so hot
trip to Canada.
It burned up wbat little life there
Mrs. K. C. Cathcart and daugh­
was left I"
“D ear me, children, w bat a good ter Dorothea were iu town from
tim e you are having!" called Mra. K ea­ Harrisburg Friday.
ton from the doorway. “ When one 1«
R. A. M cCully, now residing in
young and In love one can find enjoy­
Eugene, was in town ou business
ment anywhere."
Dorothy choked Into Instant gravity, tha latter part of the week.
while Ralnsford made a low bew.
Mr. Jordan of Corvallis, rep­
1 am In disgrace, madam." he said
resenting the Oregon Fire Relief
meekly. “I am guilty e f toe devoted
srsoctation, was in town Friday.
an attendance upon doughnuts and—
q p i l E airy Indifference o f the g irl’« the (outer tublo.^picked up a maga-
manner and lha »tilted pomposity
alna, dropped It, then wandered out to
of the man's word* made the quarrel
the veranda, which extended eround
a comedy; tha ache In the girl'a heart
three aides of the bouse.
and the choke in the inun'a throat
“Well, by Jove," he muttered wrath-
made It a tragedy,
fully, marching to and fro, T U stand
ltuinaford, hla head high, thrust the
this thing Just one hour longer until
discarded diamond Into hla pocket and
I see Mrs. Kenton, then—-i'll run for
strode Into the hull.
It wus at that
It I”
moment that the fuasy little doctor
His feet were brought to an abrupt
from the village came down the stair­ slop at the extreme end of the veranda
where an open door led apparently
"There (a no doubt, madam,” he was Into the kitchen. Kneeling before the
saying to Mrs. Kenton, who was close stove was Miss Kenton.
behind him.
“I t is a well-developed
"Since when have you been a fire
case of diphtheria and the very great­ worshlpor?" lie asked.
est caution la neccaaary."
Miss Kenton laughed merrily.
| The man In the hall below caught
“Jack, what's the m atter with this
up hla hat and stalked to the outer stove? I'v e opened all the slide* and
doors I can find, but— " she stopped
“Here, here, M r. Rulnsford," called suddenly her clioeks scarlet.
" It Is
the doctor, agitatedly, “you mustn't going very nicely now. M r. Ralnsford;
do that 1”
you needn’t trouble,” she said frig
"Muatn’t do w hat?" be demanded, Idly.
"V throwing wide the door.
Again Italnsford's spirits unaccount
"You mustn't go oat, you are quar­ ably rose.
He stepped Into tha room
and peered Into the grate where three
"Quarantined 1"
charred sticks smoked w ith occasional
“Yes, sir— quarantined,” reiterated spits of fire.
‘T h is might make a
the doctor.
"There Is a case of diph­ Flight difference," he observed gravely,
theria upatulrs and not a soul can reaching up and turning the damper
leave this bouse until— until I give
In the stovepipe. A minute later, with
the aid o f some small stlrks he bad
• At Italnsford's dismayed ejaculation the fire burning briskly. A fte r being
Mrs Kenton came quickly forward.
assured thnt the sick man was no
"My dear boy." she soothed, ‘‘don't worse, Rulnsford said:
let It fret you for a moment.
“M ight I Inquire— without exceed­
shall ba delighted to have you with ing the lim it« of our prescribed fellow ­
us. Just think, you w ill he a regular ship— i f thia is your usual morning
godsend to us through a ll these lone­ pastime?"
ly days ahead; and Dorothy— lt w ill
Miss Kenton's eyes flashed and her
be so nice fo r Dorothy.
chin rose perceptibly. ‘T h e cook has
“But, Mrs. Kenton, I can't— there are gone," she replied w ith some dignity.
reasons why I — "
"Oone I”
Kainaford paused Irresolutely.
“Yes—ran away la the night—
“Nonsense— not • word I
run Into the other room to Dorothy."
"And N o r a r
H ard ly
-G one I"
'uuverueot, Ratusford found himself a
Ralnsford gave a sharp ejaculation.
moment la te r facing Mias Dorothy “T he miserable cowards— to leave you
Kenton, who sat lim p and silent, upon
like this I
W bat are you going to
Mrs. George Starr, who is con­
the living room sofa.
"Yes, you are," Interrupted Dore­ valescing, has gone I ot a sojourn
"Yon heardT' be asked.
“Do? I'm going to get breakfast—
thy severely, vanishing into tbe pantry, with her mother at Joseph, Ore.
She nodded bor hoed.
perhaps you'll run now,” she finished,
At two o'clock a man from the h e
"Pleasant prospect— fo r you,” be ob­ something like a tw inkle In her eyes.
Karl Bramwell, w ritin g a p la c e
tel. In response to Ralnford's tele­
"You couldn't hire me to," he re­
phone message, brought a suite
for Uncle Sam’s postoffic- basinets.
"But w hat— w hat are wa going to turned, w ith a promptness that gave
filled with the various articles he bad bought the postoftice builJiog le I
do?” aha faltered.
no hint o f his recent determination
sent for. Tha mao laid the beg some­ week.
H la hands executed an expressive quits to the contrary; then he added:
what gingerly down on tbe extreme
Drouth has reduced tbe yield of
”1 can make fine coffee, Dorothy,
end of the walk and hurried a w a y ;
"But It— It’s ridiculous.” she contin­ and— "
then Ralnsford went down and picked practically all crops in the oouuty
ued, w ith soma heat.
‘T h e Idea of
“ I can get along very nicely by my-
It up.
hy one.fourtli to one-third, it ia
our being shut up In the same house ■elf, M r. Ralnsford,” Interposed Miss
“How perfectly funny I" exclaimed estimated.
* ln this absurd fashion now ; If It had
Kenton, with sudden hauteur.
Dorothy nervously, aa be came back
been before, why— " alia stopped, her
The county farm bureau has
“Ob— transgressed, that time, didn't
to tbe steps.
cheeks crimsoning.
I F murmured Ralnsford, cheerfully.
" It does seem queer," acknowledged voted $35 towards the transports,
For some unaccountable reason his
lion of exhibits by juvenile clubs
spirits rose.
“Don't you two look cemented 1“ to the state fair.
“C an't help It — It's a case of quar­
called a merry voice, as three girts
antine," he rejoined.
Mrs. Fotbes and Mies Margaret
stopped at the end of the walk. “How
At that moment Mrs. Kenton came
la M r. Kenton, Dorothy, dear?”
Dunlap of the Dunlap drug »-tore,
Into the room.
"H e Is very comfortable,” replied Brownsville, visited
Halsey in
“ W tll, well, children, this Is an ex­
Miss Kenton with studied politeness.
their new car Saturday.
perience, Isn't It?" she exclaimed. " I
“How absurdly Idiotic soots people
Ross Curry took his mother, |
don't suppose It w ill trouble you much,
can be," observed Dorothy, a fte r a
though,” the went en w ith a faint
Mrs. J. C. Curry, over to Philo­
“ Vary." agreed the men.
math Sunday. They found their
“ W het did the doctor say o f fa ­
Dorothy looked nt him sha rp ly ; then son and brother Jeese swamped
ther?" Interposed Dorothy, with fever­
she sighed and fidgeted In her chair.
with work in the telephone office.
ish eagerness.
“I don't like thia deception,* She
which he is the head,
pi ot sated.
U ra
“ No? Then why not tetl?”
"W elt, It's diphtheria— end that's bad;
Ed Warmoth and Arthur Rob.
She gave him a scornful glance
still, he eaya It'a a light case. We are
nett went above Cascadia Friday
“As If 1 could cell oat arraea the and brought out the lim it of fine
fortunate In having Ulas M errim an—
»he’s • Roe nurse. But I do wish Doc­
mountain trout. Thev hiked in
gaged any longer ? "
to r Kane was Kara
We've sent for
eight miles to get to the best
“llm -m ; w ell, there's your mother “
blm, however, and If he's In tha city
They came home
Mine Kenton frowned.
" Ik e has trout stream.
he'll surely coma
T his la tha first
enough to trouble her now. As things Saturday night,
H um anything Ilka this has ever hap­
are ahe'd be dreadfully Ulstraaesil
pened when we’ve taken a cot luge at
A man named Clark, employed
shall have to wait a a tll fath er is bel­
one ef these summer places."
to care for stock on a farm near
ter and yea are goae."
t "And my being thrust upon you In
Lyons, where he lived alonn, com.
“Ob I" murmured ttaladfnrd.
Ib is abyard fashion Is anything but
There wee a long aliases; th ia D o r­ milted suicide last week by cutting
. - u a t for yeu." assarted Ualnaford.
othy sprang to her feet. She was al- his throat.
Hs had beau thought
' "My dear
»etno„tr»ted Mra
moet hysterical w ith the teneiea a t insane by some and has proved
Kenton, “w e'ra delighted I
Q f course
tbe last few hours. Things had
that they were correct.
J shall b a te to be w ith M ark more or
ly Improved since the morning,
Jeed, t a d , M a r you tw o w ill be left “Mustn’t— Go— Out I ” Returned Rains,
A moving feature of tbs open-air
ford bad grown quite grae% and
y re tty fchch to your oVfi devices, but
feed Stupidly.
meeting a t the city park, Browns­
pulously polite.
I p re e v tn e -^
w ith uplifted eyebrows, as he picked
L “Kc— mother,” Dorothy broke la
“As hostess I feel H a y dety te en­ ville. last week was the address on
up the basket and went out Into the
tertain you," she aanouaced sweetly. “ Good Citisenship" by Mrs. W il-
oertlly, T can help, you know.”
“I f you'll look unde.- tke table eg that lism Mills, who, holding her little
1 "T h tra'a net a thing for you to do, sbed for more wood. Dorothy looked
shelf there you'll Sad some g l~t~l granddaughter in her arms, said
dear except to make It as pleasant as a fte r him for a belplew moment,
turned, and went Into the pantry. She
M ake yoar selection and well ptey.”
possible for our captive herd.
tbs wanted to eee that a clean
was standing Irreoolutety before the
Dr. Kaae arrived ea the five e’deefi town io which the little ehitd as
The house was very quiet wbea
empty bread Jar when he came beck
t r a i l sad went directly te the sick
Kalssferd came downstairs tha next
■he grew up could learn to love
peeped In a t tbe door.
room. Fifteen minutes later M r*. K e a ­
morning. H e fingered tbq books on ■ •end
and respect the law.
“M ight nude a com cake." he sag
ton appeared oa tbq ' S t a i d a . ___
(Continued os page 4)
» ¡ e lZ f if e
Wo flto
" hy buy inferior and low grade tires wbea tke
R E D T O P F IS K ,
T IR E — u
bad far *
5 1 5 . 8 5 , which it the uu>st economical fro m a sUadpotst of service?
for the'inoaey^Mud? ° ‘ h* r
01 Ur”
* fl‘ r *
* .* C," Y * • “ «»' » complete stock of aatomobile supplies
* ,OW"
,h l* * “ *• b“ ‘ il " • •“ * •» '« whet you want we
w ill get it for you as io o u as poauble sad at a rea*ouable price. Trouble
£? , < lve® prompt attention. G ive us your repsit work.
e«p ou,
f *
H A LSEY G A R A G E , Footo Bros. ?
« 0 * < V » < » a « e » a e « :a 9 a ^ B e s K e « S a q S q |ff^ B
...... .................. ......................
- ..............
Cost Less This Year
W hy n«t take advantage of this opportunity to rsaliss
big profits iu transportation costs to
T illamook C ountv B kacmks
N x w ro k T -S T -T ix S ka
C matkb i . akk N ational F abk
O kxoon ' s F orkst , L akk , Rtvtca ano M ountain R ksokts
O , muon C avks N ational B ask
S hasta M ountain R ksokts
Y ovxmitk N at ^ owoa F aum
Eastern Cities
via the Scenic Shasta Route
On your way east stop over at
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
Three world famous and beautiful citiaa
V iait C a lifo rn ia 's National Parka and Charm ing Seashore Resorts
“ Oregon Outdoors" end "C a lifo ra ia for tha T o u ris t." b e a a tifu llr
Jots and Tittles
Illustrated (oldtrs, are F R E E on request
For further particulars ask agents
Southern Pacific Lines
General Pasaeagqr Agent
wv-w-wv-» R V I V T W V
ET SOMETHING that is stout, that is,
C A B L E , in place of rope—stronger
and lasts a lifetime.
When jou buy machine oil don’t think
any old grease ¡9 oil. We have a heavy red
ENGINE OIL, host that can be bought, at
50« a gallon. Try it. TW INE »• here.
G. W. Mornhinweg
W e te ll
the Claxtonola
Cerna la sad bead I I play
A ll
raaasfis etad
•U K D R V , perched tb ree l e f the
m eter g irl evavee e a r delK M ualy
fla v e rtd sad tem ptin g lee cream.
W h y a e t g ra tify her? O a r tee cream is
mere beneficial thaa cheaply fie raced
eel d ria k a W e nae the bast fieveciag.
T ■ i a
Cold d rinks
^tewart & Prtca CMfKtnwy
If voiir farm will
for rent this fall get in
touch with mo. I hgvo several good farmers
^ ii
wanting t r rqnt
farfns. Firo insurance; farm
Jay W. Moore, Realtor.
Be Honest With Yourself
C If you bare been d riftin g |lo n g — .pearling all,
and tbio k.
saviag a e tk ia g —step
Yon must realize that it capaot go oa forever. O a t's earaiag days era
nun>berc<t. Now, while your y irn in g power i t the greatest, see te M that
each payday pays S onk th ino toward your future I v o w u t n c L
W e w ill w ater « * you» accvust *n l halp you ears.
T he First Saving# Bank of Albany, Oregon
' Where Saving* are safe ”
. .
Fear per seat sad as worry.
lS i» * * M M M « M » e M S « M » S M » l
Automobile Insurance
Fire, theft, colli»ien, property damage and
personal liability. Protect yourself against
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent.