n r tL M ï halbst I K K HR I SK S N T S S P S I B S city. ' ----------------» M iu Gertrude Chsrny cir- catatad the petition. She says; “ Hens are all right; roosters crow Mana«.?0® ouuob' ” Herhepe wh«n the «ubjugat on of mera man ia e->m 1 p!eled the old hens will do all the “ n d ilZ 4 lped both nations will atop yap- league. The masses of the paity ping about Yap. voted the ticket and indorsed tbe platform which would have been Yee; the atata of Oregon killed J different it they had bad any voice Kirby and Ratbie. I t did io with J in its making. u. . u « y ne.peo full ---------------- justification. They helped v to j The result was that tbe bosaee I kill Til Taylor without justification secured defeat of tbe league in this H * waa their fault, not tbe state's, country, but in donig so they I tbat their relatives ware left mourn- smashed their machine in the col- • r>- H * “ their fault, too, that Union with public opinion and now Taylor’s relative« were bereft thoy are frantically struggling to T h«y got what they deserved, but patch it up and head off a prograa- oot half quickly enough. The sive avalanche that is in danger of hope of legal delays, reprieves, sweeping both old parties off the oommutatione and pardons ei ’ lra«k- oouragee reprobates to commit Should a born leader of men J¡murders. Prompt punishment ■ rise among tbe pygmy political!» wou,d save many familioa from of to Jay, as Lincoln arose in bis mourni“ g for iauoceot member, day, and leud a uew party to auc- murdered. There ere a lot more ceeJ the decadent one., as he did, murderers who ought to hang we might again hope for "gov- The more of them to hang, and eminent of the people by the pec. the quicker, the safer will be our pie for the people,” instead cf homes. government by a party which ia _. „ , * • * ' . ----- itself governed by a few narrow. 1 *’e Calapooia fair at Browns minded, selfish bosses. I ville ia to ba without hone racing Probably it will be all the more successful for that, though a fev A F U T IL E S T R IK E j gamblers will make less money TIRE PRICES SLASHED!! Skirvin Buckhorn Mill T . J. Skirvin last week installed in his seed warehouse a Skirvin bnckhorn m ill. This machine i8 th e invention of his brother, D. E. Skirvin of Albany, who m autii (tacturca the machines ihere I hey are also made in Chicago under his letters patent by parties who pay him a royalty. , The buckborn m ill will eepaiate | clover from buckborn (narrow- leaf plantain or plantago lanco- l*ta ), Canada thistle and other weed seeds aud will make a p e r ­ fect separation of oats and wheat I t m ight be added that the man who baa Canada thistle seed to I separate ia liable to prosecution forJetting the thistle go to s«ed. Much clover that in an ordinary I year would have produced a c ro p of seed will be cut for hay ibis season because the drought pre­ vented the production of a full crop of good seed. Standard Makes FACTORY GUARANTEE Look at these Prices: Fabrics 30x3 30x35,.... 32x35 31x4 3 2 x 4...... . 33x4 . 3 4 x 4 ...... High Quality Tubes $6.75 7.55 9 90 11.35 12.35 13.25 13.65 30x3 30x35 32x3¿ 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... $1.40 1.45 1.75 2.20 2.40 2.50 2.60 At Holdmsn, fifteen miles north I of Kendleton, 26 cents has been add­ ed to the value of every sack of the farmers wheat byj.he opening, wilh state and federal funds, of a new road to the Columbia river. The cost of hauling was 34 cente a sack. fi°"r 11 is 8. Sim ilar benefits could be derived from market ro ads all over the state and the increase of taxable property would soon pay the cost, for new homes would be built where there are none and those now existing | would Increase in taxable value. Our Mason and Lancaster Cord Tires also carry heavy discounts. Get our prices. Don t buy until you see us. W e aro mailing these tires out all over the state. Write us today. We will mail you a tiro forthwith. Need not pay for it until it is delivered at your door. All orders sent C. O. D. I w nh i 8late Iim9 P,ant at Gold HUI has started up again and lime is being shipped to farmers who want it in carload lots. PO R R E N T V IC K B R O S . ¡400-Acre Farm The railroad ahop men struck against a reduotion of wages wbioh u ild in g i. Three n iiio j from Debs bsa entered a sanitarium the railroad board decreed after | to take the rost euro, His j«wsj investigation. must need it. The board told them that it had nothing to do with strikers, W hile they were workers it was ordered by law to investigate dif- First-class work guaranteed fer.imes between them and their employer«. Whoi» tboy struck — A M CO LTW A Dealer in they ceased to be employes and Newspapers Must Condense ond saw some of the most wonder­ the boird had no authority to mad A paper in a little town like Halsey ful formations. ♦ die with them. Electric Haircutting, Mas-aging is constantly confronted with the prob­ But the party gave up the The» a bowl arose that the lem of g iv in g the largest possible n um ­ further Oregon attraction« they and Shampooing, board had Jeclarad them outlaws ber of local news items and yet keeping h ad planned to enjoy and fled for Cleaning and Pressing a n d was trying to force involunt­ the cost of typesetting w ith in tbe in ­ home before the assaults of ¿0 days' credit come. T he person who has w ritten a bloodthirsty army of American ary servitude on them in violation few rhymed verses wants them pnuted mosquitoes. F A L K B R O S ., They declare that of the constitution, and g allo o ejo i so his friends can see what he has done. the work of the pests amounted to ink were shed in their defense Another lias w ritten an account of some torture aud they were glad to get attorney a t l a w against this man of straw. current event and feels proud of the home with whole (but extensively Nobody has denied that the construction of his sentences. The ed­ punctured) skius. Cusick Bank Building, itor cuts down his half-column to two •hop men have a right to quit is a strain on the eyas, but if yon Albany, Oregon. inches and he feels aggrieved. None of work for any reason or for no rea- wear g I avie« especially m ad; for you the Phving Going In Fait th -m thiuks of offering to pay even the strain is entirely eliminated. ■on. Any man who chooses has cost of setting the type. The Smith paving machine w m We grind lenses to your preicription, also the right to take up the work M eautim e the publisher is struggling so they w ill be as required. D o n't neg­ put into operation last Thursday they have laid down if the am- LA W Y E R AND NOTARY lect yonr eyes, bet ns examine them to secure enough advertising to pay the ufternoon and spread about 300 surplus cost, over subscription receipts, ployera want him. today. of pavement that day. It of publishing the paper and clothing B row w sviixb , O regon In thia case It appears that the spreads approximately 600 feet a and fee lin g his fam ily. wages and conditions were attract. H iram E, I homes, city editor het jo day of concrete and puts it in 1 « enough to draw now m»n to The contractor« Portland Oregonian, in an address be­ hne condition. fill tbe Vacated places. fore the U. of O. school of journalism say that the concrete pavement in California that is complained of Fine »aid. among other things : Since the railroad unions, In the ns crumbling under heavily load- Concise w ritiug is at a premium in time of the nation’s peril in tbe Everything at bargalu prices. A L B A N K CUNTO, every office. T h e reporter who saves ed trucks was improperly made «22 West First a t , Albany. Oregon. war, used the strike a t a olub to and that what ia being laid here words ie perform ing a real service for Harold Albro. force congress to pasa a law at its will be more durable than aephal- » 1 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon, his employer. When it comes to e lini Manufacturing optician. tum. liehost things have changed. Mr m ating triv ia litie s tha editor gets no The complaint against asphaltnm help from the public. T u e re is a con­ Oompere and other leader« have pavement that it is alippery aud stant prc.sure to obtain the pnbticition tried to control election« in several of items in which some ind ividu al has a i causes horses to fall and cripple W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 05. themselves in wet weather is cases and have failed. They personal in te re s t "P lease p rint this llM ra i5 n T « 0 llB » N answered by the claim that coars­ threaten to continue the Regular meeting next Saturday obituary in full, just as it is written Huoh efforts may scare some I K in d ly run this four-generation pict­ er crushed rock than formerly ia night. being mixed with it and this ure, our fam ily would be ao glad to see lawmakers into voting ag_..„. makes it softer for horses i t ; ” ''W o n ’t you publish this account their conviction«, but it la not prob- Paving north of town, with of my trip, as I want to send papers to elde that they will ever again ba asphalt-concrete, is going ahesd Office 1st door south of school hous; my friends in the east*'— Tim e after fast and is completed hail way to able to bully congress as thoy did I M . F r e n c h a S o n s time ttiese requests are being nude in a Halsey, Oregon. □head * ALBANY ORES. then. newspaper office You want to be court­ Another contractor i. spreading eous to the public and to accommodate I hat action waa just aa repre- H .n d l« . Town .n d Country Property th e dope southward from A l­ them whenever possible, but in self-de­ honsible as that of the capitalists bany to w a rd T a n g e n t, fense a newspaper must refuse to p riu t The U N IV E R S IT Y OREGON I Bo‘ b Ajbany papers refer to Who at times have bullied and contains: material that does not meet the acid test C O R N E L IU S the cold concrete tnat is b ein g | „ d bribed lawmakers. of general interest. W h a t to accept T h a college o f Literature. Science I "h ’ ’ V w’ *7*H * rrl,burg r”“d aa W R I G H T & P O O I F That method of fighting the what to decline and bow to do it without •nd the A r ts with 22 department« hot stuff". Eorca of habit< licensed H A R R IS B U funeral RG I dirfctors .E ^ o N making enemies for tbe paper are prob­ devil with fire will never purify I-ap ert workmanship. Watches They «re accustom 'd to telling of Tha professional school, of Anehi- j and . lems of the editor. politic« nor further tha ends uf Phon. 35 Ph on . 15 clacks a specially. a»pba turn paving. tecture— Business A dm inistration - The pavement to Albany, when just joe. Branches at HALSEY FJucatmn-Graduete Study L aw - ORBOON Browns ville. Phone 37C15 completed, will make the rid« Routed by Mosquitoes Medicine— M usic—Physical Educa­ H alM y Phone 166. F rank K irk . M gr Steadily the Iemale rieee super, B all Bond and party cut short there by auto a pleasant one, sum- t io n - Sociology. ’ inr tolbe male. In Berkely, C al,, their vacation trip and cam« horn« mer or winter, and in that will be • misfortune for Halsey business fh e 47th Year O p p , tktoker 2 . 1»22 iFrjdav, after traveling 8-10 mile« men for it w ill make it „ e„ y jo .KO students, who say the crowing * WA' * * J a * < ’ Kccuiunlatton of «if roostera interfere with their Foeecerefo iueo ran jim A rm eH on , p u d visiting Crater Lake, Klamath wiutcr as in summer to slip d »wn ? 1 ’£ * * • no Io"g c r needed, or succeeded 'F alla, Ashland, Grant's P a u and, to the county seat to do ehopping. iifc.bTU u’vtra The R t ti i tr jr , U n W rrntjf of studiea, have signed a petition to A ll work done promptly and eriJ me* w’,,c1' *o™e,’OJy w.mld Onager», Bufene, Oregon. the Oregon marble caves, which' Two ten hoar shifts are w orking for lik e lo obtain. An a d v e rti'*iu e n t the have Chanticleer barred from tbe reasonably. Pbone No. 26U.9 tre ia le.d » of •'»e of this, costing 25c. m ight And a I they explored for over half a m iiej Kern A Kern, buyer and cover! what i t P X C I I ALBANY O R EG O N w J. RIBELIN I qanitary Halsey Meat Market I Barber Shop and Batí s barber shop " Fresh and Cured Meats a E. C . M IL L E R Props. E. L. Stiff LUf 1 speed np paving some, but w orking hy moonshine Is proving a drawback There appears to be a difference be­ tween m oonlight and moonshine. The laying of •d o p e " on the Halsey- Shedd road has bien beid up several days by the non-arrival of asphalt. crowing. Alcltolic liquor, are higher iu Berlin than in parla of dry Atneri- oa, yet there were 847 arrests for drunkenness laat mouth. Show that statement to the "w et” who réitéra tea the ailly aasertion the: there ie more drunkenese under prohibition than under license. And to him who chinas that heei promotes temperance. Berlin ia beer headquarters. w ub paving project! from Shed 1. | R u nning e ig h t shifts to get out may A n In rf.p en d a iu -M O T o»u traj n»w a- paper, p u b lish ed «vary T hursday, by KM R and A A W H EELER . Wm. if. W heglar, K dltor, C .C . B R Y A N T Doing Fancy Work FURNITURE EXCHANGE Amor A. Tussing RED STAR Oil Stoves $30 to $75 a Other Oil Stoves X. Peterson $15 Dress Shoes a Specialty I. o. 0. F. Wo inako a Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings W. J. Kibclin Dealer in Real yX Estate. C,l‘ IMZ ARCHIB XTCHMXKER & Ie welt! W F. M. GRAY. Drayman. FARMERS Saddle Butts rock, aod »boat .fifty CXT 1 n ow oo lv trash into goo.1 h"”n U A o fl