Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 20, 1922, Image 1

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(B y Carm elita W o o lw o rth )
Shedd Shots
(B y Anna Pennell)
Extravagant Legislatures
Pile up Burdens.
Halsey, Oregon
Mrs. George G ould is home after
a v is it to Castle Rock, W e i.,
w ith M r. G ould’ s parents.
George Howe and wife are the
Governor Olcott's auswer to Charles Pro u ^ purenta of a baby g ,r|.
Hall'» application for a recount says that
Last Thursday m orniue Mrs.
the latter is raising a fund of $25.000 to Wagner, w ith her boys, was d riv ­
$50 000 to which all members of the K. ing oil the
H alsey-Brownsville
K. K. in Oregon and Washington are road when the steering gear went
called on to contribute $2 each to finance wrong. The car went off a small
a recount in certain precincts which cu lve rt and turned topsy turvv.
have been selected after an in v e 3 tig i-; The smallest boy received a bad
tion of the primary vote in the entire w ound on his head.
' m
. .
He claims thatsuch a recount won Id he '
P 31nter3 are p a in tin g from
unfair becausi if there were errors
,bttnk t 0 ‘ he H ^ a r y , which ex-
Hall'» manager» have selected precinct"
where invertigation ha< shown tliir.i
that a recount would be likely to favor
him, whereas a recount in the entire
state would disclose as many errors in
Hall's favor as in Olcott'».
He further declares that he is not
able to pay the costa of a stste-wid: re-
If the governor’» claim is well fouuded
here i» another case where money m.iy
defeat the will of the majority, ami here
there is no law requiring the revelation
of the source from which such money
come», as there is in case of an election.
Fees for students from outside the
state have been lhcreasedat the O. A. C.
and U. of O. to $105 a year from $60.
This reduce* by so much the burden of
state taxlion and put* these institutions
on a par with those of Washington and
A local collegian had one of his
books stolen from hint. He looked
high and low, but could not find the
volume. Somebody had taken it,
tlia t was all.
So he walked down to a book store
that deals in second-hand books and
asked to see a copy o f the hook he
was after.
A very nice specimen was handed
out to him.
He examined i t carefully. •
Sure enough, it was his book!
“ This was my book,” he told the
book man. “ But, of course, I ’ll pay
you, all right.
He put the wrapped book under
his arm.
"N ow I ’m going to find the bird
that tobk this book and make him
refund,” he said.— Washington Star.
W e H ave
O ptical
Is the Cause of Many
If your eyes give you trouble or
your glasses are annoying
SEE US. We can Relieve Yon
Bancroft Optical Co.
3l3 1st S t W. Albany. Phone
tends p ractically tho whole length
o f N jr ih M ain street.
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial rn d S ivh gs accoun's Solicited
Mrs. 0. has literary ambitions of
(he poetic order, and having been
the pest of clubs for quite a time
she began to. annoy her neighbors
by coming to their homes to spend
the evening and reading to them the
latest “ inspirations.”
The other evening sjje went to the
Lanes’. There she had to wait un­
t il the half deaf grandfather had
talked his fill before she had a
chance at her reading. And she had
just finished one on “ Jade Flowers”
and was half-way through “ A Maid­
en’s Dream” when grandfather’s
fretfuT voice came from the next
room,—to which he had been ban­
ished, “ I don’t see why you’ve put
khat cracked record on the phono­
graph again, Mary Ann. You know
it makes me nervous.” — Indianapo­
lis News.
---------------------------------- i —
Jots and Tittles
All prie* le»» 5<
for ca*h
The rookie was told lie must get
special moss orders from the top
sergeant before the cook would give
H om er M ornhinw eg and wife
I t chanced that
were over from Shedd Friday even­ him any chow.
in g and bad supper w ith the elder when he approached the topper, the
Mornhinweg« and Mrs. Wallace latter was having troubles o f his
own, and he instructed the appli­
and children.
cant what to tell the cook in super­
Up to Saturday the Salvation
top parlance.
A rm y drive had yielded $397.80 in |
A lbany, $52 38 in Lebanou, $51.23 1 “ W ell,” said the rookie's buddy
in Brownsville, $28.67 in Jefferson ! when the lad returned, “ what luck?”
“ I got ’em all rig h t,” answered
and $8.34 in Halsey.
the rookie, “ but I must have forgot
A lb ert Foote and Archie Corne­
lius and fa m ily spent a very enjoy­ part of them, because when 1
Sunday on Camp Creek- repeated lo the cook just what the
Mr- Foote trie d fisherman’s luck top had said he threw tha cleaver
and brought out the lim it of at me.” — American le g io n Weekly.
m ountain tro u t.
feeling th a t m ight have come to
The names of Thomas M ille r
and Miss Lena Bass should have
been included in the lis t of suc­
cessful ones in tbe county e ig h th •
grade exam inations publisher! last
wcek. The E nterprise copied tbe
unti es as published in an Albany
Some years ago a u n it of electric
illum ination called the “ interna-
'On* ,JC" ” d 6 T
‘ <loPted
th *
I United
i r, I V< States,
v n t
f Great
: s»4.«w 4 I—
— -a
B ritain * and
The American standard
candle was reduced l.B per cent to
make it uniform with the English
J. E- T a il, the barber at Shedd, ;
, .
, n • t
,, ,
candle and the Bougie Decttna e of
, b
irked in
in Karl
K a rl Bramwell's
B ram w ell's shop,
shop. Trance, the ralue of the Heftier,
L ate r lie was w ith Bella Hender­ the German unit, is nine-tenths
son in B row nsville. Now he is that of the international candle.
Groceries for Harvesters
« 1 .6 5
Flavo F lo u r .............................
2 .4 0
Olvinpic or Crown..............
Golden W est Coffee............
4 5
M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs.........
1 .0 0
Shasta Tea, 1 lb......................
6 0
Tree Tea. 1 lb...........................
7 5
Mother's Delight Corn ...........
P. S. Bantam C orn.................
Prem ium Tomatoes. 3 cans
A. <fe L. Tomatoes....................
Darimade Milk, 12 c a n s .........
C ornflakes...........................
Macaroni. 12 lbs.....................
1 .0 0
G uittard’s Chocolate, 1 lb......
Hulk Cocoa..............................
Tru Bln G raham s....................
2 0
Tru Blu Cookies, 25 to 10c pr. lb. 1
Zan Brooms. 50c. 75 and $1
A rth u r A lb e rt
and Sunday w ith
spent Saturday
his parents at
Mrs. Tom pkins, who has been
v is itin g in Salem, returned home
F rid ay night.
formation. with half-tone illustrations.
Copies can be had from the Mazama
Barber G oltra'» son and fa m ily
clu i, 332 Chamber of Commerce build­ were over from A lb a n y again Sun­
day to drive away auy lonesome
ing, ’ oi .’and.
F ew
Open Saturday Evenings
Mrs. Gregory spent Saturday
n ig ht and Suoday at Cascadia.
Sunday Mrs. Lawrence, Misses
Thelm a
H arrison,
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
W oodworth and
and in Halsey Particularly
H arrison motored to Sodaville.
Miss M arvel Lawrence accompa­
nied them home and intends to
W. A. Ringo's new car is a 8tu ei ablished at She Id , owning bis
make an extended visit.
Cecil Howe and Miss Anne
Horace Addis of the Oregon
W illia m K ir k and Roland M arks
Powers surprised th e ir friends by Farm er was in towu Tuesday
have been w orking as firemen and
getting married last week.
m o rn in f.
W o rth Ba«’ , B ill Corcorau and
M r. and Mrs. W ells are visiting
T hat commission as postmaster Kenueth C-'oss as brakemeu on
th e ir friends, H. Lagley and wife, arrived last week and now K a rl the crushed rock tra in between
for a while. They are residents Bram well is postmaster at Halsey. Saddle Butte and Shedd.
o f O akland. C al.
G. II. Barclay and w ife and
Mrs. Horace
A rm strong and
Edm onton,
T h o W . C T. U . held an all-day ; daughter Hazel went to A tba ny children
Oerta, and Mrs. A. N ix o n and
open-air meeting in the park last M onday.
week Tuesday. Mrs. A rchibald, j D illa r j
p rjce ha, purchaged a two b oya jfro m C algary, who I ave
state leader, spoke.
The lad.es p ord bUg fro>n Glenn W alton and is for some weeks been v is itin g at
report a helpful and joyous gather i enjoying the pleasure w hich it R H. Robertson's, B row nsville,
took the noon tra in for home.
j furnishes.
The lawn p arty of the C hristian
“Oregon oat of doors—Crater Lake" is ; Mrs. E lizabeth 8 evenson and church on the S k irv in lawn Sat­
the title of an 124-page booklet of pock- baby of Portland arrived Monday urday n ig ht transformed the place
et sire just issued by the Mazania club, for a visit at the home of her ujoth- into a fa iry land, w ell peopled
Portland It contains nuthoritative ar er. Mrs. Hannah Cumutingt.
w ith fairies. There was p lenty ol
tid es pertaining to Crater Lake national
Miss A lb erta Koonlz and F ra n k music and songs and Pastor Jouee'
park an 1 its scenic wonders, trails, road
joined th o ir mother and others of ta lk s were very entertaining. A ll
system and administration. It gives
the fa m ily at Newport Friday and the ice ere«in and cake were sold
history, Indian legends and description
C. H. took a ruu over thero Sun­ and about $10 was realized.
of the wonderful lake and botanical in­ day.
(Continued on pae;e 4)
— ¿
Brownsville Briefs
Olcott Says it is Financed
b/ Workers in Darkness
E nterprise
Halsey C h ris tia n Church
Church Announcements
C hristian :
10, Bible school.
11, L ord's Supper.
11 Tbe C burcb and the T ru th .” *
7, C hristian Endeavor.
8, evangelistic serviee. Sermon,
•’ I f not Jesus, W h a t? ”
Lester Jones, pastor.
M ethodist:
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior I/tague, 3,
Interm ediate League, 6:30.
E pw orth League, 6.30.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor,
Pine Grove Church:
Sunday School, 10.
Prayer-m eeting, 7.
Oaysport— The later I stay out
nights the less my wife says about i t
Bounder— That’s fine. She must
be very good natured.
Gaysport— She’» not, hut the later
I come home the less time she lias
to talk about it.
To prevent smoke from house­
hold fires use fuel which cannot
smoke even when no care is taken
to prevent smoking. A fuel, with
less than 10 or 12 per cent volatile
matter in it, such as anthracite coal,
containing only 3 to 4 per cent vol­
atile matter, and coke are admirable
fo r this purpose.
Roland Reed of Eugene spent the
week end w ith his parent», Rev.
M r. Reed wife.
Mrs. C, W . KeuneJy
Thursday in A lb a n y .
Rev. M r. Reed and
M onday for Newport.
wife left
Mrs. Webster spent the week
end in Albany w ith Mrs. Ben Cle-
M rs. Joaling aud M rs. McCum-
ber returned M onday from Hood
R iver, where they bad been v is it,
ing for a week.
Rev. M r. Moore and fa m ily are
moving to Shedd fo r the summer.
Mrs. Rogers is helping in T hom p­
son’ s store w hile Miss
Thompson is i l l.
Mrs. Id a Robson has been ta k ­
ing Frances Freerksen's place at
tbe central telephone station.
The new bridge n o rth of Shedd
is ready fo r paving.
Burglars Qnickly Caught
S h errif D unlap is proving a te r­
ror to moonshiner* and bootleggers,
but he is not neglecting other law ­
N ig h t officer Ed Simms of A l­
bany has also boon w inning fame.
Sunday n ig h t D r. and M r-.
Leininger found th a t ttie ir home iu
th a t c ity had been robbed while they
were out. They telephoned the
police and Simms responded and
D unlap. Together the)
vieited the hobo camp and arrested
two men on whom they found
some of the lo»t.
those fellows
gave th eir namns as Jatnea H «ward
aud W illia m John.-on.
Johnson, who was in charge ol
Simms, watched his chance and
struck the officer in the side of the
head and ran. D un inp follow ed,
firin g. One shot entered the fu­
g itiv e ’s c lo th in g » n d he f i l ' , though
pra ctically u n in jn re d . T h en both
vere jtd e d and are now held for
the grund ju ry .
lohnson proved to I e out of the
Michigan p en iten tiary on parole
a sentence for h urgla -y
Both confessed.
The turnover for the first h a lf of
the 1921 ta x
Taxes collected for other years are
as follows: 1920. $26,803.59; 1910,
$2,517.69; 1918, $172.70; 1917,
$80.47; 1916, $76.10 and 1916,
The Portland Oregonian says of
the past year:
I t is probable th a t the b ill of
Oregon for keeping the m achinery
of the government ru n n in g —na­
tional. state aud local— was up­
wards o f $100,000,000.
A g ric u ltu re , fr u it and livestock
are our fundam ental resources.
O ur agricu ltu ra l products were
valued in 1921 at $64,422,606; our
fru it at $11,189.150; our p o u ltry
and eggs at $10,000,000; our wool
and m ohair at $2,260,000; our
dairy products at $17,981,918.
The figures do not to ta l a great
deal over $100,000,000. I t required
a ll of the product* o f
the laud and products related
thereto, except those of tbe forest*
the mines and marketed
livestock, lo p a y tbe coet of govern­
On the November b a llo t there
w ill be nine in itia te d measures.
Not one is designed to reduce ta x .
Those who th in k th a t the great
issue in Oregon is who pays and
who does not pay taxes are w alk­
ing iu a tog. Everybody pay* too
Every tuxpayer passes
along to tho other fellow a ll he
can. AH tho sh ifting and jug gling
th a t can be devised w ill not ma­
te ria lly relieve the condition.
The truo ta x issue may be re­
duced to one word. I t is ’ 're ­
trenchm ent.” — P ortland Oregon­
To the People of Halaey and
Rural Routes
We wish to express our deep
sense of appreciation and g ra ti­
tude to each one o f you, w ith o u t a
single exception, for the very kind
xnd courteous treatm ent th a t we
nave received from you d u rin g the
past eight years and eight months
that we have served v ,H> >n the
Halsey pottofllce. The consider­
ate a ttitu d e th a t you hare always
m iin ta in e l tow ard* u t makes the
problem» of a pub lic servant not
o nly easy b u t a real pleasure.
Our sincere desire is th a t our auc-
ceasors, M r. ami Mrs. K a rl B ram ­
well, shall receive tha same cor­
d ia lity .
Mr. and M rs. D. 8. McWilliams.
Clearance Sale
Do you know that we arc hav­
ing a big clean-up sale in order lo make
room lor new fall goods, and that this is
a splendid opportunity for you to save
money? Every department is taking
part in this sale.
This space does not permit us to
list the wonderful values we are giving at
this time.
Groceries, Ready-to-wear Gar­
ments, Shoe, Hats, Yard
and many hundreds of articles are re­
duced at this time for quick selling.
Don’t wait until the best things are
gone. Come now.