R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y S íc Wallace Reid —smash the coast to-coast auto record —d riv e h it car through a raging prairie fin — race death and the overland express through a pitch-black tnnnel Mrs J. W. Welle wag iu Aibauy Monday. Drought nae rhorteoed the hay crop somewhat. Mrs. Kutnp is on the McMahan 1 farm cooking for fifteen harvest hands, l M s’ Grace Driver of Tangent held services when Pastor Moore ' waa ill. ' Rev. M. S. Woodworth olj 1 Brownsville visited Halsey Mon­ day evening. KUGOWAY ¡second and Baker, • Albany Special July cleanng-out sale AUTO TENTS T I? XT T C A ll k in d s o f 1 1M 1 u 25 to 30 per cent reduction GOLD S E A L 12:01 p. m. 5 St) p in. 17. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey poetoffioe ie open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. no. and lZ:20 to 12:35 and 4:<5 to 5.00 p. m. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Miss Leentha Skirviu of Tangent Wallace Reid in Speed Picture in i visited at the Skirvio home it Halsey over the week end, Wallace Reid is again seen as eif automobile Speed demon in hig Leeter, eon of Joe Owens; was latest Paramount picture, ‘‘Acroas operated on for appendicitis Satur­ A Paramount picture the Continent,’’ which will be the day by Drs. Marks and Clark. big feature at the Rialto theater See Levi Hostetler, a mute preochci neat Friday. Wally drives a fliy. of near Harrisburg, visited with ver in a transcontinental automo­ John and Mary LiKue last Sjn- bile race and—win-! Mary Mac- dajr. Before you buy furniture Laren is his charming leading wo­ man. Miss Geraldine and Claude Cook visited at the home of S- P. Wil­ Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at liamson north of Peoria, last week that be who runs (an auto) their home state, and the gentle­ Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and auspeniion m a y rea(i. a tbirtj-day jail One sister passed away last Janu Tuesday. man is likely to take the pastorate Friday. sentence. ■<7. Dr. Marks took Delora Wells, of some Pacific coast church. Mrs. Leggett, a sister of Archie HAS MERELY SHOW OF FC .’. L.L Jim Standish of Salem stopped Prof. English is helping in the Mrs. Pray’« granddaughter, to au Cornelius, and Mr. Leggett and Albany hospital Monday and bad Dr. Marks is making his newjy haying. . oyer in Halsey Thursday afternoon heir little boy w ere in Halsey- purchased home one of the finest Prince in Java Lives M agnificently, her tonsils removed. on his way home front Brownsville, Mrs. D. F- Dean came home Tuesday, after attending the Chris­ It has been painted, after the over­ but the Dutch “ Resident" where he has lieeu visiting friends from Coquille Saturday. On recommendation of the Good tian church convention at Turner. la Real Ruler. apd relatives for the past few weeks. Citizenship league of Brownsville Mr. L"ggett lias been gn instructor hauling and rebuilding he liat, T. J. Hkirvin and family got Sheriff Dunlap chose J. C. Hairi- doue, inside and out, three coats Mrs. Olin B. Htalnaker arriv«d home Saturday from thair trip iu a Bible university of the Chris- of paint and one of varnish or yn- 8nltan Ifiamengkoe Boewono VIII eon lor a deputy sheriff. Friday evening for a week-end north. tain church in Tennessee. The smel going on the inside woodwork, has only recently ascended the Mrs. Karl Bramwell and chit family bave returned to Oregon, and oak flooring put down. visit with her parents, T. P. Pat­ throne of Djokjakarta, Java, Hig Cecil B. Howe and Aunt powers dren visited at the home of her ton anl wife. She was joined father has retired, at the ripe old of Brownsville ware married Sat father, J. M. Porter, while Karl Sunday morning by Mr. Stelnaker. urday. a?e of eighty-three, to a palace in waa in Port.aud this week. The aid association of the Chris the outskirts of the royal city, with Lonzo Neal and wife and Malka Dr. Marks reports that a daugh tian church will hold an ice cream Neal motored to Albany Saturday maijy wives and- concubines and ter arrived Tuesday at the home of and cake social on the lawn of morning. eighty-six children to gladden his Rev. William Hofnett of the M T. J. Skirvin’s residence Saturday T i m * to d o t ir e I declining years. The young sultan, Boland Marks and Elliot Mc­ E. church eouth of Peoria. (Buy Flail) evening. The Christian Endeavor < eeesaaaaese.u • ear v * chosen by ths Dutch government to society will have a candy booth. Williams are wotkiogoo the Moore Carl Bergenhollz of Hazelton, succeed him, is not yet officially The young people will put on a hay baler. near Twin Falls, Idaho, who has married and haa only 22 children. program of mueical selections, The B. M. Millers exfect to been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Bas­ He dwells within the “kraton,” or sett, started for home Monday. speaking, etc. build a modern home on their ptlaee inclosure. Its walls are farm next year. The Liun county Jersey club is The W. F. M. S. was delight­ twelve feet high and more than four fully entertained Friday afternoon Mri. Mary Bissett was visiting to attend the Rameeeum theater 11 miles in circumference. Within Aibauy July 20 to see moving pic­ by Mrs. B. M Miller, Arrange­ Mr. and Mrs. J. M- Shelley ol them is a city of fifteen thousand tures showing points of interest in ments were made to send a Eugene last week. souls—members of the royal house­ breeding and rearing pure-bred Christmas shipment to Mist hold, carpenters, gardeners, gold- Mrs, Stewart of the confection Jersey». Hefty’s station in China. Miss sniitlu, batik-makers. There is a Hefty is a Standard Bearer mis­ ®ry and Mies Mary Smith were in V E R Y good tire at a very low Rogaway, the furniture man of palace for the sultan and one for sionary supported by the southern Brownsville Saturday. Aibauy, is one of those who make price. Just another instance of district. After an outline of the his chief wife and one for the Dutch Lyman Marsters it home from the best of the dull summer sea­ Fisk extra value. As true with the Fisk eyaugelietic w.irk of the M. E. Willamette university and is son by keeping their bustuess be Resident to occupy when he comes church in the foreign Held. Chick­ working for K. E. Gourley. fore the public through adzertis on a visit. There are barracks for Prem ier Tread as with the Fisk Cord en san Iwiohee, oookies and lemon­ lug. the sultan's army and stables'for hig ade were served. Mrs. Clinton M iss Gertrude McKern came to —compare w ith competitive tires and elephants, and outside the gate is a Chester Ayere of Juncl on City M<>rse was a guest of the sooiety. town from .Shedd Friday to have you w ill find extra size» strength and and Miss Agues Griffith of Thorp, royal zoo. Truly a magnificent ar­ Dr. Barnum do some dental work Wash., called at the Methodist ray ! But though the sultan is one Charles Rulli and wife of Craw­ resiliency in the Fisk. Comparison Those having gifts for the W pareouage Friday evening, renew- fordsville were in Halsey Friday of the four so-called independent proves Fisk Quality ; it also proves afternoon to take the traiu lor F. M. S. Christmas box are re .ng old associations. Miss Griffith princes of Java, he must share his Forest Grove, where thsv were quested to leave them at the post visited with Miss Geraldine Cook common-sense buying. throne with his Dutch “father,” s i teveraldays this week. oalled by the smldon death of Mr. office this week. he calls the Resident.—The Asia Kulli'a sister, Mrs. Frank Crept, Mr». Chambers and daughter Magazine. Mrs. Carey Cunninglttm, who There’s a Fisk Tire of extra value In every size, aged about 33. She leaves a hus­ lived here a few years ago, Laura, accompanied by Mrs. Hal- for car, truck or speed wagon band and four children, her m olh- is in the insane asylum at leiiworth of the Hamilton store in P E R IL IN 8C R U B B E R S er, two brothersjamlj|two listers. Vancouver, U. C. Albany, arrived last Suuday to, visit at the W. A- Cummings Dr. Andrew Wylie of the London The new pavement at BroenD noma. Mra. Chambers and daugh­ Throat and Ear hospital calls at­ vllle got so soft under the hot sun ter expect to eta y a couple of weeks, tention in the Lancet to a new do­ lest week that the street depart­ Karl Bramwell went to Port­ ment oovered it with tend. mestic danger. He has had several land Monday to take a couple of cases lately in which pieces of wire Sage Hen." at tho Rialto days’ training at a poetutik-e were found in the throat and larynz, waa not advertised as seboo’. He returned home last F IS K P R E M IE R T R E A D owing to cooks cleaning kitchen extra and no extra price light. His commission as post­ Tho woman who utensils with a steel scrubber. The trged for It, yet those who master , | came along in the morning and served with th« food. I’. , ' . ' J ....... x toilet articles nt a horse that frequently wins prizes Crawfordsville, wl.ete they pic­ (I came io second In the special Noyrcg o r A rro iK T M R N T o r E x k c v t b ix nicked and fished aud enjoyed mile race at the county seat on the nature. Lharter No. 49 d i - . . . , Notice 1» hereby given that the un­ » o . Reset ve D istrict no . 12 dersigned. by an order of the Superior 3rd. Next day the animal per­ Report of condition of the Court of Linn County, Oregon haa formed a stunt hard to match. Il The subject at the Methodist been appointed executrix of the last h alsey state b a n k ahnrch next Sunday will te inter­ w ill and testament of T. A Powell, de­ at Ilalsey, in the Mate of Oregon, at the close of basine»» June JO 1922 esting. At II the theme will lie ceased. A ll persons having claims R ES O U R C ES against Said estate are required to pre­ Danger of a Dominant Amhi- sent ibem w ithin s ir months from the t’on," and in the evening, at 8, ’ ’ L < - " » ’ "dW 5,668.00 m '? vanH * " ’* due fro ™ han ks,"ban kers N o t ic i or HaaatMcor F in a l A cco unt church by invitation attended the this bank C”" ,p ,n ,e * ‘’ *««»a»ed and approve.! riserve agents of Notice is hereby given that the final ac­ Harrisburg league. The (veuiog count of M . M Hnston as adm inistra­ Total cssh and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 and I I $105 ............. «15 5J 105,415.53 trix of the estate of Joel B. Huston, de­ exercise wse representing a district T o U I .......................................... ............... ceased, haa been filed in the County institute and brought out iu detail 67 Court of Linn county, S ute of Oregon, the work tbat is bring done in L IA B IL IT IE S and that the 7th day of August, 1922 training the young people. Capital stock paid i n ........................... at 10 o clock A. M ., haa been duly ap­ 70,000.00 Surplus fu n d .................................. ' — pointed by said conrt for the hearing of James Welter Hoggard and 15. OtT M objections to satd final account and the (a) Undivided profits . . . . . ........... .. ”- - - - - - - (bi Less enrreut expenses, interest an,: ta x e s p .,d .............. « & L wife, famous blind entertainers settlement thereof, at which tim e any 1,991 19 person interested iu said estate mav ap­ D b m a n d DarosiTS. other than banks subjecUo reserve" aud musicians, advertised by Now s the time to realize big profits in ,3. In d n idual deposits subject to check, inefnding deposits due the pear and file objection, thereto in w r it ­ handbills an eveniug of music, , transportation costs. state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ing and contest the same. song and story at the Rialto Sat­ i?en, d e p o s i t o n u u n d in g *. ................... 130.227. »6 Dated and first published July 6, H I J urday night. A house-to-house M Cashier . check, of this hank outstand.«g’ peyabi; « '« ¡ ¿ « .¿ d " " 287.5« M . M. H r,T O N , Adrax Aforesaid. J, 354,37 canvass was made by children sell­ A y A T i ssinq . A tty for Admx ? • - r — . ing tickets at 20 and 35cents each, but only about a dozen were dis­ None« or P in a l S k t t l x m e n t posed of. The receipts would not 27. T im e certificates of deposit ontstanding Notice is hereby given that the un der­ 11« ki’ts on sale F r day, Saturday and Sunday have paid the city license, to say 2«. S ating» deposits, payable snhject to n o tic e .............................................. 54,850 78 signed has filed his final account as a d ­ 2.247 78 m inistrator of the eatate of Susan Zic- nothing of the hall rent and other Hood until following Tuesday ler. deceased, with the eouuty clerk of expenses, aud tbs eutertaiumeut '•k »gent, »or further particulan. or about low fare» cost. aed in Linn county, O ng on and the counts — .............................................. '■ ......................- B was abandoned. court has fixed Monday, the l«th day of nesrbv resort» At »tr of Oregon county of Linn sa Augnst 1932. at the boor of 1 o'clock p V.ck Brothers of Albany are m. or said day as the time for hearing offering tires this month at prices sweM |h.« ,b. objections, if any, to said final account wledge and belief. .they say are (be lowest for which and the settlement of said estate. Bon nd. Cashier. i guaranteed goods ran be sold, and Dated this 6th day of Joly, 1922. JOHN M . SC O TT, !. O ireeton. w G . CaaTBB. Adm inistrator of the they tall about it In our sdrertis. ’ General reisenger Agent. esUM of Snaan Zieler. deceased D. S. M cW illiaais, Ngtary Public. ^ag columns prominently enough M> commission expires 8 24-21 w u t x n r o t B & »’van. “Across the Continent,” A lso CLEVER ANIMAL COMEDY CONGOLEUM RUGS 9x12, $15.50 ROGOW AY 3 O « 5 /2 *10.05 DRUGS 1 . Ringo’s Drag Store ****** Week-End Trips PORTLAND and RETURN Are the Lowest in Years $3.90 .S ri Halsey SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 111 < "". Attorneys for Adm in istrator.