most enticing line of KITCHEN RANGES ever seen in Halsey is on dis­ play at the store of HILL & CO., wilh bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up-to-date cooking ap- paialus; latest improvements GENERAL HARDW ARE PA IN TS and OILS FURNITURE Onr prices are made with the object of making sales JULY 13, 1922 H A LSEY R N TE R P R IS B FABR ) •n J erlee. be®iv(vd their father nlth quest Inns. Tbn family were nil In the darkened him self and rustle the an o in t g d»d ma c e t i teem to get up energy encugh to dAina fln .lv that It was about time I woe writing evto think of fixing op the ohtldren to bom . to the folks. 1 don't m » n U lot taka them so Car. Thank you fa r the ta- 1 jU a U e r . ¿ x d we ekeuld eajoy | u m a a r weeks co bv without a letter Eastern Cities via the Scenic Shasta Route On your way east stop over at San Francisco Los A n geles San D iego Jane 'fore I die!” “But— they—they’ll come if—” “No, they won’t come. We’ve tried It over an' .over again; you know we have. Hannah Jane herself said that If anythin' ’serious' came up It would be dllTrent. Well, I'm goln’ ter have somethin' 'serious' come up!” “But, Harriet—” "Now, Thaddeus,” begged the woman, almost crying, “you must help me, dear. I've thought It all out, an' It's easy as can he. I shan't tell any lies, of course. I cut my finger today, didn't I?" “Why— yes—I believe so," he sc- knowleged daxedly; “but wbat has that to do—” "That's the 'accident,' Thaddeus, You’re ter send two telegrams at once —one ter Jehlel, an’ one ter Hannah Jane. The telegrams will say: ‘Acci­ dent to your mother. Funeral Satur­ day afternoon. Come at once.' That'« Jeet ten words,” “Now, that'« all true, ain't It?” she asked anxiously. “The 'accident' Is this cu t The 'fun'ral' la old Ml«' Went­ worth's. I heard terday that they couldn't have It until Saturday, so that'll give us plenty of time ter get tha folks here. I needn't sny whose fun'ral It Is that's goln* ter be on Sat­ urday, Thaddeus! I want yer ter hitch up an' drive over ter Hopkinsville ter send the telegrams. The man's new over there, an’ won't know yer. Too couldn't send 'em from here, of course." Thaddeus Clayton never knew Jost how he allowed himself to be per­ suaded to take hit part in this “crexy scheme,” as he termed It, but per­ suaded he certainly was. It was a miserable time for Thad­ deus, then. First, there was that hur­ ried drive to Hopkinsville. Though tha day was wans ha fairly shivered as he handed those two fateful tele­ grams to the man behind the counter. Then there was tha homeward trip, daring which. Ilka tha guilty thlflg he was. ha cast furtive glances from aide to side. Even home Itself came to be a mis­ ery, for the sweeping and the dusting tnd the baking and the brewing which he encountered there left him no place to call his own, so that he lost his pa­ tient)« at last and moaned; “Seems ter ma. Harriet, you're • pretty lively corpse!” His wife smiled, end flushed a little. “There, there, dear I Don't fre t Jest think bow glad w ell be ter see em !" she exclaimed. Harriet was blissfully happy. Both the children had promptly responded to the telegrams, and ware i«w on their way. Hannah Jane, with her husband and two children, war« ex­ pected on Friday evening; but Jehlel and his wife and hoy could not possibly get In until early on the following morning. All thia brought scant Joy ta Thad­ deus. There was always hanging over him the dread horror of what he bad done, and the fearful questioning as to how It was all going to end. Friday rem«, hut a telegram at the last moment told of trains delayed and connections missed. Banasb would ■et reach hems until 9:40 the next morning. Bo It was with a four-nested carryall that Thsddena Clayton started for the station on Saturday morning to meet both of his children and their famines. Jots and i ittles Southern Pacific Lines (Continued from page I , Shedd has 8700 acres in Canuda thifllle pact. the JO H N M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent Ball Bond and wife went to the A 'brny Chautauqua Friday. fikdtXA' »)'Tv w A ** CtfJK«' Mies Ida Mitzner proposes to take a term nt the Motitnoulb nor­ mal school the coining winter. ET SOMETHING that is stout, that is, C A B L E , in place of rope—stronger anti lasts a lifetime. VVhenjou buy machine oil don’t think any old grease is oil. Wo have a heavy red E N G IN E OIL, best that can bo bought, at 5 O ’; a gallon. Try it. T W IN E is here. G Halsey State bank literature now carries the name of L. II. Taylor, assistant cashier. T h a t’* Lawrence. G ra n d m a F ru m of A B ro w n sville and Miss Ruth Frum started Monday evening for Newport to spend a couple of weeks. G. W. M ornhinweg iNM N) i Labor is scarce in the southern part of the oounty and some grain it being harvested at night because it abatlerj out worse io the day. Wt M il Rosa Powell has been appointed administrator of the T. A. I'owell estate, which is valued at $4,720. 'ee legal advertisement in this paper. 8. S. Hayes, John Standish, J, C. Standish and wife and Mr«. Mary Hayes motored above Brownsville Sunday and spent ibe afternoon at the home of A. C. Windom. Septic tanks have been put in at Dr. Garnjobat’ a and at J. J. ■Corcoran’s, Mr. Corcoran being the cement artist. In tiie absence of sewara the septic tank is neces­ sary whenever a home in Halsey has up-to-date plumbing. 8. 8. Ilayes of Portland, who has been visiting at J itu Porter's, near Peoria, arrived in town Sat. urday for a visit at the home of J, C. Standish. Mr. Hayes is an old-time resident of Halsey end n well known among tbe old-timers. He is Mrs. Standirh's uncle. the Claxtonola Come le and hear it play AU T I « »11K DR Y, perched throat of the motor girl craves our deliciously flavored tad temptiag lee eras a», W hy not gratify her? Our tea cream is more beneficial than cheaply flavored aot drink« We ate the beat flavoring. Cold drinks The bnsines) of tbe Elite con­ fectionery, Mr. Tripp says, is In- creasing rapidly ainoe he and Mr. Hood took charge, being probably the largeat in Albany. The cafe­ teria branch, which has a special appeal for Halaey people who teich Albany hungry, is advertised in thia paper, F. C. Powell, aesistant poet- master at Albany and employe of the office for twenty-five years, The ride home » u a silent one| diacovered a shortage of 11500 in hut once InMde tha house, Jehlel end the stamp account, reported it QgAuUl Jana »"»‘B B. Lunches Stewart & Price Confectionery . . _______________________ !• If your farm will he be for rent this fall g< touch with me. I have sevoral good far wanting t j rent farms. Fire insurance; loans. Jay W. Moore, On a hot Sunday recently Pas­ tor Cook annouced in the Metho-' diet church that men would be excused if they took off their coats. Only W , J. Ribelin re. spooded by removing bis coat, “ A h ,” said Cook, "only one fnan with a clean shirt in the house.” Frank Smith's chickens at Sweet Home* raised a cry of alarm on several successive even­ ings. Finally he went to investi­ gate and killed a rattlesnake with thirteen rattlee that he found coiled in one of the uests. phonograph record« and needle«, R eal i»„ H i i onest ____4 urui. Be W ith Y ou rself Q. Il you have been drifting along—spending all, saving nothing—«top and think. You must realize that it cannot go on forever. O rc ’» earning day« are numbered. Now, while your earning power is the greatest, aee to it that each paytlay pay» S omething toward your future I wdr 7B bdbmc 8, W s will w ile >aie your aczygat an 1 halp you save. ; The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon i • Where Savings are safe " Pour p«r cent and worry. « « « • «MA4M4MW 4M 4M4M! A utom obile Insurance Fire, theft, collimcn, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P . STAFFO RD, A g e n t