HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSEY. L IN N COUNTY. OREGON THUR SDAY, J U L Y 13, 1»J2 NO «3 i { W*'M* >***»*AA* i *A<*\AA.\, u SA^LU. . . . . . Aid Societies of the Christian Church S i x : : : x ï : rs i ^ * p A Y all bills by check and thus establish a ■ perm anent reoord of your business. , g g oc TRHE A M Take care of your money now and it will take care of you later. Program of musical selections and speaking Saturday evening, July 15 WELL EQUIPPED HALSEY STATE BANK HE DEFINED DREAD MALADY • Open a S A V IN G S A C C O U N T with this bank today. We pay \% interest, compounded semi­ annual ly. « . . . ....... vy^) i^/\ru*t- i y v v \* S lite C o n f e c t i o n e r S ^ ^ ^ ™ * I-» Broadalbin n , , iv street, . 129 Albany, Oregon P unches , New management. Our cafeteria is popular. Low prices. food and quick stivice. Give na a try when in Albany. Good ELITE R. W . T R IP P IR V IN E H O O D gets home. Brownsville Briefs “What is happiness? Is it not jn I otc of one’s task am] of Jtis asso­ (By Cartnelita W oolwoyth) ciations? I am convinced that it Berrygrovers here are spffering is born of those two loves, or no The medical world is preparing losses ae the result of a shortage at all. to commemorate soon the centenary “The greatest happiness lies in of berry pickers, due to tfce Ipw of Bretonneau’s discovery of diph­ prices paid for picking, which ti Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally having found one's work and in be­ necessary beesusy of a low nearket theria. ing strong to do it. Good health is, and heavy transportation charge The dread malady is not rgglly and in Halsey Particularly therefore, a part of the thing we call to the canueries. «o modern, of course, as the «pjij- happiness. The friends who respect Cecil Harrison, Mrs. Hasel yersary suggests. It was knowj, 0 Miss Amanda Milxnor it v ia il-! vicinity. That’s worse than the and understand us and a loved teak Moyer and Mleeee Cyrmeliia the ancients as the “Egyptian svil p mg in Albany. j drought we are coiuplatuing about and a comfortable home fill the Woodworth and Irene and Thelma and appeared in frequent epidejpi« There is a candy kid in town bere- Harrison motored io CrnweM cup.”—From the Delineator. both in the British isles and on ths whose brard grows. J B. M. Bond and bis wife, rnotb- Thursday. Mrs. Moyer ie to ntakfi Continent during the Seventeenth The Linn county teacher«’ in a ti-! $r ’‘,ter we"‘ to Cr,t,,r U k * SLIGHTLY BEHIND THE TIMES her home there for the wiqter. and Eighteenth centuries. But it Sunday a large erowd went out lute ie to be Nov. 27, 28 and 29. bu,'dsy 10 be «one aboul ,en <>«W. was Pierre Bretonneau of Tours But Mr. J. Fuller Qleem Could Hardly to Cecil Harrison’s for dinnor, R. W. Mayberry shipped nut two J “ We?,k lr™ Auf 14 ,to 19 8« Blamed When Ho Made her which they enjoyed inspect­ Bob—Jim Sauders is thinking of who first identified the symptoms in double-deck carloads of sheep yes- M i m Cowgill will meet with the Explanation. a collective diagnosis and defined ing Mr. Herrisoa’s fine ebickca __ r 9 L ilin COtint,V n i n n i n o r clubs l n h a I to n n ii-a becoming an actor. Linn county canning give terday. ranch. Those present were M. 8. Beatrice—JJe hasn’t any qualifi­ the disease in the celebrated treatise instructions and training with a "These bs, indeed, parlous timgg, Woo (worth and children, Elaine laid in 1821-22 before the Fren«h A. C. Ruby of the Ruby stock view to fair exhibits next fall. cations, has he? and the outlook ie frightfully onjl- and Valorus; John Blain and Wife; farm near Portland and D. F. Bob-— "i es, indeed I A friend has Academy of Medicine. The famous nous I” solemnly asserted J. Fuller Ivorge Blain and Mrs, Lawrence W. H. Beene and wife and sou Burge of Dever were iutow nM ou- just died and left him a fur-lined Tours doctor also gave the disease day. Alleu returned Saturday evening Gloom. "A little boy named Cha» and children, Ralph and Betty. the name, of Ore-k derivation, by overcoat. from a combiued business and Icy Ross has just been stolen from The Calepooia river and picnic The approach Io Frttm’s new pleasure trip to Portland, \V. A. which it is now known in medical liis parents, the abominable crime rounds have been very popular warehouse it completed and soon textbooks throughout the world. Alton, going down on Thursday, of demonetixing silver has been ac­ juring the reeent few days. About D i you admire a man who tries The Bretonneau centenary will be the building will be filled to capa­ accompanied Mrs. Beene home in complished, Sitting Bull has com­ 160 camoors were at .the park dur- to bett a train over a crossiug, celebrated at Tours under distin­ city. the car and Mr. Beene drove home when he has b ii family or friend« mitted further atrocities, the Fox pg the Chautauqua. The Boy Scouts will go to Lake a truck which he purchased there. in the car with him, depending guished medical auspices. sisters claim that they are in con­ Mrs. Frank How* »ad mother Ogle In a body Saturday evening upon him for protection? If such Mrs. Kump left Wednesday stant communication with the spirit have gone to Newport for a few for a ewim. Scout Executive 8M A RT M AIDEN LADY a man were to run his business ns lays. Cook is expected over from Al­ noon for Portland as her brother, world, and—” carelessly as that, we greatly fear Chancy W illiam s, is seriously i 1 A series of union sarvicaa are bany. “What under the sun ara you Before the sultan ate, his cook that the balance would show up on with pneumonia. Miss Nina talking about, Mr. Gloom? Those being held >t the different churches and prime minister tasted each Foote Brothers got a dispatch a the wrong side of h i t ledger, Most Kump is working on the McMahan ou Sunday evenings. These will of ua are vary weary of reading dish; that guarantee against poison fsw days ago saying that their farm while her mother is away. sfftirs happened somewhere hick in stand throughout July and Aa- the ’70s.” mother in Ohio was dangeroualy newspaper accounts o f death and comes back in prohibition. ' If you had atopped outside lh - “Weill Weill Is that so? I feel ga«t. __ '' destruction. Let’s be looters for A maiden lady, living in a big 111. but word has since been re- Clark residence Wednesday after­ greatly relieved. You see, I have Good for K ta d lta f safety at the crossing | —Southern hotel, requires a little whisky for oeived lhatsbe le improving. noon and listened you would have had several engagement» lately with Pacific Bulletin. Every chamber of commerce in west­ her stomach's sake. A trusted bell­ John Standish heard from his heard a hum and chatter as a pile boy is her purveyor. Warned that father, who lives near Great Falls, of neatly hemmed wash cloth) grew my dentist, and have been reading ern Oregon except that ef Portland has she might swallow wood alcohol Montana, this morning that a hail and an equally high pile of post­ the periodicals on the table In hia a lopted a resolution against the an- merging of the Southern Pacific and some day, she said: “Every month storm had completely ruined his cards with backs pasted together reception room while I wag wait­ Central Pacific railway lines. The Sen in g ”—Kansas City Star. 130-acre crop of wheat that had . . ....— -------------multiplied, All this was being L J Barher Shnn a when George brings my new bottle Francisco chambar of commerce hen — —— . _ - . > I make him take a good drink of it promised a yield of about forty done by the girls of the junior done the »«me, POPULAR bushels to the acre. The storm mlssiouary class of the Methodist First class work guaranteed before my eyes and before I pay occurred last Friday evening and The ''Peninsular Bureau of Chamber« church to help and entertain the A. A SO LTRA him. Then I put the bottle away destroyed crops throughout thst Dicky was very proud of his cat of Commerce*' — whatever that may little children of China. mean—like the organisation which stole and watch George for three days. If and her pretty little kittens. lie does not die or go blind, I know One day a woman called and he ths name of the Producers and Shippers of the Pacific Coast, i t »ending out lit ­ it’s safe for me to use it.” That’s a W e H ave had learned that day. And then I showed them to her. She admired erature in favor of unmerging. true story and may be of use to other them and remarked, "What a nice received a shock. EVERY THING Said literature, like other anonymone maiden ladies dependent on a bell­ mother the old cat makes.” “The man said it’s time to eat,” O ptical communicaifona coming to this ollie*, ie boy. American women are prac­ “Yea,” said Dicky. "Frisky hat appraised at its valne as waste paper; piped the shrill little voice. E Y E S T R A IN tical.—Atlanta Georgian. had three helpin'» of kitten».” It ia convenient for kindling firee “What ?” cried the bew ildered su­ Is the Cause of Many perintendent. H U M A N ILL S “ Yes, that’s it. He said, ‘Supper, Electricity travels 11,600,000 I f your eyes give you trouble or little children. C'otne to me.’ "- your glasses are annoying miles a minute or nearly as last SEE US. We can Relieve Yon as gos3ip. — Hopkins Journal. Chicago Tribune. • I French Physician Who ''Discovered" Diphtheria Is to Bo Honored by the Medical World. Jots and Tittles QANITARY Barber Shop and Baths Bancroft Optical Co. a did 1st St. W. Albany, Phone A Now they asy M irs isiuterfe lay with our weather. Hands off, ■ rl F ew of the M a n y Opportunities at Home Shoes Patent Pum ps—One-atrap Baby Dolla .. $6.00 Pollyanna Patent Welts, two- tra p ...... 5.00 Black Kid o n e -stra p ................................. 5.00 W hite Cloth one-strap P u m p s............... 3.50 Hosiery Black or white Cordovan iu cotton lisle at 25. 35. .45 and 5 0 cents tho pair Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and Cordovan, at 9 8 cents the pair Children’s black cotton ribbed at 2 3 cents New Line Ladies' Blouse Waists, dark colors, at... $4.50 Grocery Specials Dependable Boasted Coffee, 3 pounds... $1.00 Peet's Washing Machine Soap, 3 for... ... 1.00 Two Creme Oil free Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for... Pearl W hite or Silk Soap, 25 bars......... . « « 1.00 1.00 A ll prices less 5% for cosh M. V. KOONTZ CO. ■X..— Halsey Christian Church M EN TA L DISEASE IN MOVIES The leading character of a motion Church Announcements picture recently shown in the thea C hristian: ters of Paris is a man suffering 10, Bible school. 11, Lord’s Supper. Sermon. from paretic dementia. Ths char acteristic symptoms of the disease 7, Christian Endeavor. 8, evangelistic serviee. Sermon. are developed on the screen in a “ To Whom Shall W< G o ? ” masterly manner. Delusions of Lester Jonea, pastor. grandeur, change of personality and maniacal excitement lead on to the Methodist: murder end incarceration, and final Sunday School, 10. ly to death by apoplexy. Undoubt­ Preaching, 11. edly an alienist was called fn to su­ Junior League, 8, pervise the depiction of these symp­ Intermediate League, 6:30. toms. The realism is intense, but Epworth League, 6:80. from that very intensity objections Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. are arising, with the warning that predisposed spectators may he hur­ Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor, ried into a state similar to that ; Pine Grove Church: portrayed by the chief actor.—Sci­ Sunday School, 10. entific American. Pra7er-meeting, 7. HADN’T GOT IT JUST RIGHT •mall Bey Meant Welt, but He Wee Making Orest Revision of the Scripture«. VAIN TO SE e T^HAPPINESS” Only te Be Found by The«« Who Have Proved Themeelveo Capable ef Appreciating Her. *Tn America we are all in the I had joet been chosen at teacher hunt—men and women. Our ever­ for the smallest tots in our Sunday lasting quest of excitement is wear­ school. The first lesson was about ing us out,” says Irving Becheller, the verse, "Suffer little children to the well-known writer. "We may come unto me.” My listeners had find knowledge and excitement and been so attentive and repeated the even pleasure abroad, but not thaf verse so loudly in unison that I was abiding pretence we call Happiness eure I had made a deep impression. which, unless she be dead, is alwty» The superintendent dropped in to calling ua back home. Everyone lee how the new teacher wae con­ who goes about looking for Happi­ ducting the class and I confidently ness will look in vain. If be is ca­ asked one bright-eyed little lad to pable of seeing her, he will find her IsU Ml gro*P shout tie jeeron we waiting on hie doorstep when ha Stop! Read! Then Come Thia ia a (tore that tries to fiv e everybody just what they wtnL hare materials and prices to suit almost everyone. We art priotieg a , Items which may be of interest to you. Wo few Wirthmor Waists You kow the fainons Wirthmor waists. Their good style end splendid material have made them known Io women ell over lee coontry. Onr •fork »• the present lime is large enough in variety to give you a nice line from which Io make a selection. Many different 1 for..................................... ........... $1 each Summer Hats Half Price All our summer hats are marked at half price. Picture Framing We do picture framing In on artistic manner. hare been saving. Bring ia that picture yoa Children's Parasob Did you ever see a little g irt who didn't like a paraeofif We have th-m in a variety of color«, priced fro m .» .................... tO UOC S2e50 Waterproof Aprons The canning season is here. Save your clothes hr wearing one of onr pretty rubber aprons Cretonne, gin r C f t n £ £ — » o J ham and other pretty designs Priced s J U V y O v V BIlCj SI Girls' Dresses Wear gingh«m this year. Krervhody it doing iL Chooee your color and style. Then lahe home a new dreaa f o r .......... V QQ Our July Clearance Sale starts T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 13 Every department In our «tore ie full of worth-while bargains. Don't forgeLthe date. ue z a , , z T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y IS . ALBANY Ham ilton’s OREGON