Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 06, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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VMìU. 2
JU L Y 4. 1922
one of the judge* iu the round-up
Mr. and Mrs. B. M Bond, Mrs.
M. C. Bo>>d and Mies Moua were
Albany visitors Tuesday evening.
pa*, Vegetable Supply in Many In-
Charles Moruhinweg wag a
senger for Albany Saturday,
‘The Sage Hen”
stances Is Neglected.
K arl Bramwell was an Albany
visitor Friday.
Mis* L illian SueeJ came up
from Portland and spent the
fourth with her parent», N. T.
Sneed and wife.
W a l l a c e M c D o n a l d
On Account of Scarcity of Labor
Women Have Been Compelled to
Spade, Plant and Cultivate Crop*
for Home Table.
ir r tp B r v d by th e U n ited S tate« D spartn-snS
A F. Goodbrod returned Suu-1
o f A e r lc a lta r a .)
day from a visit with b e m j'.h 'r ' City or backyard gardeners have
rather outdone the fanners In the
A powerful drama of a mother'« soul fighting for her home, \ f at Union, Oregon.
past two or three years ir, the matter
of raising good home gardens. It Is true
that theie city gardens have been
small and Individually have not p ro
duced any great quantity of food, but
collectively they have been of enor­
mous Importance in supplying vegeta­
bles for tbe families. Farmers, due te
scarcity of labor, have in many in­
stances neglected their gardens and
there Is need for a great awakening
her honor and her child.
I —— — —
— — — —
Harold Lloyd
“ Get Out and Get Under”;
railroad, where she met w'th
Martha Loveall of Lebanon got
a divorce at Albany Friday on the
ground of desertion. The gentle­
man iu the case, it appears, doss
not love all, or lie would not bav*
run away. Or perhaps be lo w *
too many.
day from Cbotsau, Montana, where
® a ^ * ea8U,re
to rea l if yon have the right kind of
, ,
L. Boyd has given up the rail­
road station at Detroit and goue
to Graton, Cal, for a rest, eapecally
a rest of the nerves, which he has
foind he sadly needs.
He has
been a very busy m m for in my
tears —possibly a little too busy,
a common fault in America.
sue has been viaitmg her con Fred. giagM.s> an,i for the right kind of glasses
The Halsey Epworth League - >ou 1‘!,ouW
, K "Y P T O K S
w ill visit the M a r r U k n »
I eo,n ,ne ,ood ,ook’ wU,‘ comfort and
w ill visit the H a rris b u rg Epworth ,uake read ng a plea ure.
l-eague July <Jth. All Epworth
ians wishing to go meet at the M
E. church at 6 o’clock sharp.
Yoncalla’s baseball team came
to Harrisburg Sunday aud got
T- J barmen will exhibit a pure, trimmed, 14 to 5, by Harrisburg,
breed bull at the atate fair. To the
Halsey was like “ sweet Auburn,
boy or girl member of a standard
lovelieet village of the plain,” in
club who writea the best description
one respect on the 4tb.
of this bull he off-tr* a pure-bred
Daily mail uow, except Sun­
calf from the calves of 1923.
day*, to Brownsville,
If von will read the story in this Crawfordsville and Sweet Home
week's Enterprise you will learn aud return.
why the Wheelers do not ketp an
J. W . Morgan of Browusvillo
automobile. N »; not the Enter­
prise Wheelers, but the Herbert will open a store at H alsey.— A l­
Wheeler family, which Mrs. Porter bany Democrat, fifty years ago.
conjured up out other fertile brain.
The washout at tbis end of the
Harrisburg ferry preseute a prob­
T. J. Skirvin aud wile and niece
Margaret started in the tbiuing lem with which the comuiiasioners
Skirvin car Saturday for Seattle to of the two counties and the city of
Harrisburg are wrestling.
visit Margaret’s sister. They ex-
pected to be gone about ten days
Mrs. C. H . Koontz and M artin
mid tliejr Jersey cow is a boarder and Herman are at Newport for
(paying her board, too) j i t Andrew the summer.
M r*. Mildred M cMahan, state
Jesse Hinman of the Browns­ president of the Rebekahs, is
ville Times came over yesterday visitiug the order in eastern Ore­
morning in his car.
Frank Porter and fam ily have
K«v C. G. Morris of the Browns,
ville M . E. church called .a t the returned to Halsey for the summer.
Enterprise ollie* yesterday inorn- They surely found summer weather
P r o f Harry Hopkins aud wife,
f 0 -oinpanied by the former's father
cn I brother Dwight, visited at the
home of their sister and daughter,
Mrs. F. H. Porter, the first of
the week. Prof, and M ra.» Hop­
kins are in school work at Forest
Grove aud are atteudiug aummar
school at the U. of 0 . in Eugene,
where Mr. Hopkins and Dwight
make their home.
O p te m e trist.
Harold Albro.
Manufacturing optician.
to nou subs riber» :
If you are pleased
with the efforts of the
publishers to produce a
paper that will be a
credit to tbe community
you w ill
numbers containing the
Mist Clarice Gourley is reported
helping at the Robbins home,
while Mrs. Robbine is ill.
news, several good sto­
ries and some editorial
Ball Bond and hi* wife, mother
and sister spent Sunday at Cas­
comment, wise or oth­
W W W W W W <V~»'Ï
T he w om an who
w a n ts to look h e r best
a n d have h e r h u sb an d
say :
'‘Y o u ’re th e
best looking w om an
here,' will b u y h e r
to ilet a rticle s a t
Ringo s Drug Store
» a a v s e wwww ww
K. B. Bass aud family drove to
Albany Friday.
of Interest on the part of people who
live Iu tbe country in tbe matter of an
adequate supply of fresh vegetable*
for tbclr tables.
The old argument put forward by
moat farmer» that It does not pay to
(mtter w it h * garden 1» poorly founded.
N o tic e of H k a r in g o f F in a l A ccount
Notice is hereby given that the final ac­
count of M. M. Huston as administra­
trix of the estate of Joel K. Huston, de­
ceased, has been filed in the County
Court ol Linn county, State of Oregon,
aud that tbe 7tli day of August, 1922,
at 10 o'clock A. M., has been duly ap­
pointed bv said court for tlie hearing of
objections to said final account ami the
settlement thereof, at which time any
person interested in said estate may ap­
pear and file objections thereto in w rit
ing and contest the tame.
Dated and first published July 6, 192. 2
M - M. HusTON, Adtnx. Aforesaid.
A mor A T u ssing , A tty for Admx.
If a hundred or two
able every week, instead
of occasionally, to give
O W. From and Jesso Croat
made a buaineea trip to Portlaud
Friday, returuiug Saturday.
Mra O W . Frum and daughters | i n s t e a d
you six or eight pages,
visitors Friday.
They were accompanied by W . H
K irk , who drove their machine for
O. W. Frum and fam ily drove
to Crawfordsville Monday evening
and »|ient the night with tbe for­
mer'* brother Walter aud family
aud then celebrated there the
following day.
M r. Frnni was
Cave Man Stuff
Hack in the beginning of thing« owr prehistoric forbear« would
have perished from the earth 2>ad they not uuerstoo-1 the science of
reading advertising.
the cavemen didn't know iqqcli about underwear, hair ionic or
phonographs, but they did have In eat. The one who could follow
the tracks of the game he hunted a t tev l the meaning of a twisted
leaf or broken twig w«i best off in life
I hen. aa now. tlie most constant vender of advertising was be«t
dressed, best fed and moat contented.
I here has been something of an e*olntion in advertising m
th i last few thonsandt of veers, bin the principle it just the same.
Thr consistent reader of tlie adverliaenrrUa ia invariably best
Informed on what to eat and where to get it. what to wear and
how much to pay for it. what to do and how to do i t Ha a up on
the most important things io life Consequently he gel* most from
Thougfcoat the egea advertising he* dot* math to make life
liveable an I pleasant
W e owe it mqch
fo u r,
No, 23, 11:29». m
17, 5,39 p. mi
The delivery window of the
Halsey poetoffic* is open Sundays
from 9:15 to 9:4-5 ». m. and 12:20
to 12 35 and 4:45 to 6.00 p m.
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
Dr. E. W . Barnum, dentist, at
Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
The struggles of a mother for her
Ideals are portrayed on the screen
in “ The Sage H e n ” which • ap.
pears at the Rialto tomorrow nicht.
Brand new Ford Sedan for sale.
Am buying a larger car. Dr. R.
M- W altz, Brownsville, Oregon.
“ The Sage H en” will he on the
nest at the Rialto tomorrow night.
Grant Taylor was a passenger
to Albany the 4th.
Who Wouldn't Smile With a Garden
Like This Within . 50 Feet pf the
Kitchen Deer!
A . W. Foote and wife and son
weut to SUvartou Saturday, re-1
turning Monday,
They visited
N o tick of F in a l S e t t l e m e n t
a Kansas family who came to
Notice is her. by given that ’ha nnder-
Oregon and settled at Silverton
Mra. J. K. True returned Batur- when the Footes came from Ohio, w i l l J o f k i c W P
bf=> signed has filed hit final account at ad
H i« two families became acquaiut-
U U lI1 Ib
50311 C e ministrator of the «state ol Susan Zig-
lev, deceased, with the county clerk ¡of
ed with eech other on the road.
I •
1 Linn county, Uregon, and the county
W W WWW W W W » W W W W W 1
No. 18, 12:01 p. m.
24, 5.50 p. ni.
Charles H a ll has filed a contest
of the nomination of Governor O l­
cott to succeed himself. M r. H * ll
claims that he received more votes
scheduled for the of republican* in the primarien
4th of ju
Jul ly celebration failed to than Olcott did but was counted
show up end A- D. Cornelius, our out.
Halsey jeweler, tilledjhis place and
made a good impression.
The Linn County Pioneer asso­
ciation has elected Caleb Gray,
We have the pleasure of report­ Halsey, president; S. J. Archibald,
ing that Mrs.
George Starr’s Tangent, vice-president; J. R.
bFaltb continues to improve. She Templeton, Halsey, secretary; W .
visited at J. B. Penland’s Tuesday. R. K irk , Brownsville, treasurer;
Martin Payne, Albany, D. T, Bus­
A. M. Goltra of Albany has sy, Harrisburg, and Robert Glass,
bought K arl Bramwell’s barber Crawfordsville, directors.— Albany
business and is on the job.
Democrat, twenty-five years ago.
Aa a matter ol tact, farmers who clalia
that they can grow an extra acre of
corn or wheat and une tbe proceed*
to boy their vegetables rarely have
vegetables other tbnu potatoes on their
tables and subsist mainly oo a bread
and meat diet.
Good home-cured
pork makes Hue euting, but it is ranch
better If balanced by carrot*, harts,
tomatoes, cabbage and other good gar­
den products.
In many instances tbe women folk*
hove, with difficulties, spuded, planted
and tended tbe garden. Tbis bos been
on Injustice aud should not be ex­
pected of them. The Ideal plan Is te
set apart a plot of ground for a gar­
den, so arranged that It can be culti­
vated almost entirely with a horse,
then devote a little time each week
to taking core of It. I f the women
folks mutt do the work of caring for
the garden, then let the men folks
fertilise, plow and thorotlgbly pre­
pare the land for planting and do
the rougher and more laborious enl-
There Is no similar plot
of ground, on tbe average farm In tbe
opinion of the United States Depart­
ment of Agriculture, that will yield
as greet returns as a good gardeo.
In fact, 10 acres of wheat will not
return os much as a half-acre garden.
court hat fixed Monday, the 14th day ol
August, 1922, at the hour of 1 o’clock p.
in ol said (My, as the time lor hearing 1
objections, if any, to said final account. '
and the settlement of aald estate.
Dated this 6th day of Jnly, 1922.
W. O. C a r ter Administrator of the
estate of Susan Zigler, deceased.
W e a t h e r f o r d ft W y a t t ,
Attorneys lor Administrator.
Charter No. 49
Reserve Diatriet
no .
Week-End Trips
Are the Lowest in Years
Now s th e tim e to realize big profits in
tra n sp o rta tio n costs.
$ 3 .9 0
trip from
H a lse y
1 ickcts on sale Friday. S a tu rd ay and S u n d a y
Good u n til follow ing T uesday
Ask agents for further particular», or about low fares cost, aod to
nearby resorts
General Passenger Agent.
Report of condition of the
H a l s e y s t a t e b a n k
at Italsey, in the stile of Oregon, at the close of business M ay 5, 1922.
1. Loans and discounts,
discounts. tn
c lu d in e rediscounts
re d is c o u n ts s shown
h o w n iu
in item« 29 and
30, if a n y _. . . . ............................................................. .
. Overdrafts secured and unsecured__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________
3 I . S, government securities owned, including those shown in
items 30 and 35. if any. _____ . . . . . . . . . . __ . . . . .
4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreigu govern­
ment, state, municipal, corporation, etc , including those shown
in items 30 and 35, if a n y ..............................................•...... .............
5. Stocks, securities, claims, Lens, judgments, etc. . . . . . . . .
6. Hanking house, $3040, furniture and fixtures, #2628 ___- I ” " " "
lab) Casu on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers
aud trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of
tbis b a n k .................................................... ........................
Total cash and due trom banks, items 8, 9, III and 11, #105,415,53
T o t a l ............................................ .
3.600.00 I
150,00 J
5 ,6 6 8 .0 0
2Í7.9U 67
16 Capital stock paid in
20,000 (10
Surplus hind........ ............................... ..................................
IS. (a) Undivided profits _____ . . . . ....... .................................. #6 3*2 17 15.000 Oo
(bl Less current expenses, interest anil taxes paid_____
4, 340 98
1,991 19
D k m a n o D eposits , other than banks, subject to reserve
¡23. Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due tlie
state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds . . . . _____
24 Demand certificates ol deposit outstanding ...............................” . . 430,227 %
237 59
I 25. Cashier s checks of this tank outstanding payable on demand . . . .
Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject
to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, #133.869 92
T im k sun S a v in g s D eposit *. subject to reserve aod parable on
demand or anhjert to notice :
27, Time certificates of deposit outstanding . . . . .............................
54.8M1 7»
28, Savings deposits, pajable subject to notice
. . . ____
2,242 Tt,
Total of time anil savings deposits vayan
demand or
suhject to notice, items 27 and 28. I #57,093 56
Total ........ ............................
............................ - ....... 172779*4 JÍ7
, ’-u C * o f O re g o n
r v i n t y o f L in n
, .
J **
c l’ h’* T
,h* »hove name I bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
above statement it trne to the best of my knowledge «nJ belief.
__ . . .
Our Exclusive Field
Ron'! Ctsh»er
_ ,
. . . 1 * ’ rect—Attest. C. II. Koooti. D Taylor, P M Pond Directors
SubscrAed and »Worn to hefove m e this 5th dev of Inly. |9J2
D. S.
Williams, Notary 1'vhln-
My ca Msr.uii.-u expires i 21 24.
rp H F EN T E R P R IS E does not carry advertiseuienU to at many
homes as are reached by some papers that are published
I’ Tger cities than Halsey, but it carries them into a list
of homes
that cannot be reached hy any other publication or
combination of
.i Z '*
* * * * * ho,ue‘ of prosperous farmers
tlie fertile W iltainette valley—fanners whose trsde ii
worth while
to advertiser,. W ,se business firms, whose shrewd management
has made them prosperous, advertise in its colnuins because it pars
them to do so. I f it did not they would not keep it up for rears as
inaQy of them have done.
The local newspaper that is watched for every week and eagerly
read when it arrives carries the advert! ser « message more effectively
than any circular or any metropolitan publication could da And
mid da
in these modern days, when the aneounceineuts are
chauged fra-
q u e n tlj they constitute at interesting news i
i at social gossip and are
read in the hemes with as much avidity.
The quantity of local newt which we publish is evidence of the
^ . r. ,'t woC
n 7 ? ^ ,,0n i , * ’*
° ‘ ,h* “
- ‘ «D- Without
that ,t would be impossible to make tbe I nterpnw as good a local
newspaper as it is.
The pubhahet, are gratified by this att.tude of tbe people toward
1 eir venture and are thankful for their help. W e hope to *
and receive a continuation of these ev idences of good
w ill. T ell
ns the news and we will tell it to all our readers.