The most enticing line of KITCHEN RANGES ever seen in Halsey is ou dis­ play at the store of HILL & CO., with bright porcelain and shining nickel which need no polish. Up-to-date cooking ap­ paratus ; latest improvements. GENERAL HARDW ARE P A IN T S and O IL S FU R N IT U R E O ur prices are made w ith the object of making sales ’.rxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztzz ELEPHANT’S BOARD AND KEEP It Cost Nothing—That Wonderful Gift. But, Oh, the Horrors of Ownership That Followed. By ELEANOR PORTER Author of " Pollyanna,” " Just David," Etc. Ooprrlrht br B U ssor H . Porter. ÌZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z X Z Z Z Z Z X Z Z Z 2 C Z Z Z Z 2 a m n im n i TW ELVE O N LARS a year JU LY Ó, 1922 fo put info K l“ hanrattered dismally, I tta gvdan had died long ago from HALSKV E N T E R P R IS E PA6R > aa he rone to lock up the hoflse fo r want n t care, and they could buy only the night. “Well, I fancy that’s what gasoline. But they did have an auto, Huston estate, has been fil-d with ' was killed by a railroad train at we'|| have to do—aell the automobile mobile. Thia much the town knew; the probale court. ’’ be es'.ate is the Shaw crossing, a couple of to get money enough to more It ! “ and there come a day when this fact valued at $3714. Hearing is set «tiles south of Halsey. A Pacific Two days later the automobile came. loomed large and ominous on the hor­ for Aug. 7. as ft .ted in au advertise-j highway crew had taken down a Perhaps the gixx-ar waited. Perhapa ison of the Wheeler's destiny. section of Mr. F alk ’» pasture fence the laundry bill went unpaid. P e r On the first day of October the bank uient elsewhere. baps an obliging friend advanced a In which young Wheeler worked cloeed and failed to replace it in a safe Wedneaday of last week a $50 condition. Baaey wandered loan. Whatever It was, sple and span Its door«. There had been a defalca- . L. Falk jr. ' through iota the road and onio the In Dearborn's ra re r« stood the threw tlon. A large sum of money was miss- J c° w “C onglng to C thouaand-aotiar automobila, the ad­ Ing, and the long finger of suspicion mired of every ey*. pointed to Herbert Wheeler. June had gone, and July was weeks Did lie not sport an automobile? old, however, before the prellmloar- Was he not living far beyond his les of license and lessons were over, means? Had not the Wheelers for and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler weeks pust flauuted their Ill-gotten could enter Info the foil knowledge of wealth In the very eyes of the whole what It meant to be the Joyous pos­ town? sessors of an automobile which obe And so the town talked and wagged could run one's self. Its head, and bock In the tiny house "And now wa ll take our friends," tn the midst of Its unkept lawn and cried Jessica. "Who'll go firstT’ garden sat the angry, frightened, and "Let's begin with the A s— the Ar­ appalled Herbert Wheeler, and Jessica, nolds. They're always doing things his wife. for us.” In vain did the Wheelers point out “Good! I l l telephone Mrs. Arnold that the automobile was a gift. In tonight. Tomorrow la Saturday, half vain did they bare to doubting eyes holiday. We'll take them down to the the whole pitiful poverty of their dally lake and come home by moonlight. life. The town refused to see or to \ \ by not take advantage of this opportunity to realise understand; tn the town’s eyes was Oh. Herbert, won't It ba lovely? big profits iu transportation costa to the vision of the Wheeler automobile “You bet It will," exulted Herbert, as tbe thought of the Arnold's admir­ flying through the streeta with sel­ T illamook C ounty B kachics N kwpobt bv - th b S ka ing eyes when their car should sweep fishly empty seats; In the town's nose C rates L akh N ational H abk was the hateful smell of gasoline. up to their door. O regon ' s F orest , L ake , k iv » r and M ountain R esorts O hkgon C aves N ational H ark At three o'clock Saturday afternoon Nothing else signified. S hasta M ountain R esorts Y osemite N ational P ark Te the bank examiners, however, the Wheelere with their two guests tr started for the lake. It was a beauti­ something else did signify. But It took ful day. The road was good and ev­ their sworn statement, together with ery one was la excellent spirit»—that the suicide of Ceshler Jewett (the ls, every one but tbe hoet I t had proved defaulter), to convince the come to him suddenly with overwhelm town; and even then ihe town shook Ing force that be was responsible not Its head and said: “Well, It might have been that au­ only for the happiness but for the lives of his wife and their friends. tomobile, anyhow I" The Wheelers sold their elephant— What If something should go wrong? But nothing did go wrong. He their motor-car. "Yes. I think we'd better sell It,” stopped twice. It Is true, end exam­ ined carefully hla car; but the only- agreed Jessica tearfully, when her hus­ result of hla search waa a plentiful band made the proposition. "O f Course bedaubing of oil and gasoline on his the car didn't cost ns anything, but hands and of roadway dost on his we------" "Coat ua anything!" cut In Herbert clothing. He was used to thia and did not mind it, however—nntll he Wheeler wrathfully. "Cost us any­ went to dinner at the Lakeside House thing ! Why I It's done nothing but beside the fresh daintiness of his wife cost from the day It smashed those Three world famous and beautiful cities and their friends; then he did mind two eggs in the kitchen to the day It Visit California's National Parks and Charming Seashore Resorts almost smashed my reputation at the lt. Oregon Outdoors-’ and ''California for the Tourist,” beautifully The ride home was delightful, so the bank. Why, Jessica, It’s coat ua ev­ Illustrated folders, are FREE on request Arnold's said. The Arnolds talked Of erything—food, clothing, fun, friends, For further particulars ask agents It, Indeed, to each other, until they and almost life Itself 1 I think w all sell that automobile.” fell asleep—but even then they did And they sold It. not talk of It quite so long as their VACATION TRIPS Cost Less This Year Eastern Cities H U N D R E D DOL­ "But mere are places—garages and the Wheelers had things, H erbert; you know there are." “Yes, but they—cost something. contrived to live thus far with some “I know It; but If the car Is ours comforts and it few luxuries—they had been married two years. Genial, fun- for nothing, seems as If we might be loving, and hospitable, they had even able to afford Its board and keep I” “Well, by George! It does, Jessica entertulued occasionally; but Brainerd was a modest town, and Its Four Hun­ that a fact," cried the man, starting to bis feet. “There's Dearborn's down dred was not given to lavish display. In the bank Herbert Wheeler spent to the Square. I ’ll go and gee them long hours handling money that was about It. They'll know, too, bow to not his only to hurry home and spend get It here. I'll go down right after other long hours over a tiny Iswn and supper. And, by the wny, how about a tinier garden, where every blnde of that omelet? Did our new automobile grass aud every lettnee-head were leave any eggs to make one?” "W ell, a few,” laughed Jessica. marvels of grace and beauty, simply There was no elation In Herbert because they were his. It was June now. and the lawn and Wheeler's step when two hours later, the garden were very Important; but the young bank teller came home from It was on a June morning tliut the Dearborn's. host worked cleaning op the car after “ Well, I guess we— weTe up sgalnst large blue envelope came. Herbert the trip Wheeler kept the automobile went home that night and burst Into It, Jessica,” he groaned. now In a neighbor's barn and took “What's the matter? Won’t they the kitchen like a whirlwind. care of It himself; It was much cheap­ (Continued from page 1) “Jessica, we’ve got one at last,” he take It? Never mind; there are oth er than keeping it In Dearborn's ga ere.” cried. T . J. Skirvin’s warehouse roof rage. “Oh. yes, they'll take It and take "One what?” {, There were several other Mends In his a shining new coat of black, care of It for fifteen or twenty dollars “An automobile.” the A's and B's and two In the Cs who T. M Zooaman of Brownsville Jessica sat down helplessly. In each a month, according to tbe amount of were taken ont In the Wheeler automo­ has been divorced from Carrie on hand she held an egg—she hnd been work I have them do on It.” bile before Herbert one day groaned the ground of desertion. “Wliy, I never head of such a thing I selecting two big ones for an omelet. “Jessica, this alphabet business Is "Herbert, are you craty? What are Does It cost that—all that? But then, E. M. Jewett of Halsey spent killing me. It does seem as I f Z never you talking about?” she demanded. the car doesn't cost anything,” she would be reached I" leal week with hi» sister, Mrs O I “About our automobile, to be sure,” added soothingly, after a pause. "Why. H erb ert!—and they’re all our T. Howell.— Friday's Eugene Reg­ he retorted. “ ’Twas Cousin John's. “Oh, no, the car doesn’t coet any­ Mends, and youltnow how much they ister. I heard today— he's left It to us.” thing—only eight or ten dollars to think of It.” "To us 1 But we hardly knew him, bring It down by train, or else two The M . E. ladies’ foreign mis­ “I think of It, too, when the dinner and he wag only a third or fourth dollars an hour for a chauffeur to checks aud the supper checks come sionary Focieiy will meet tomorrow cousin, anyway, wasn't he? Why, wt run It down for us,” retorted her hus­ io. Jessica, we Just simply can't stand with Mrs. Bob M iller, a few miles never even thought of going to the band. It I” southeast of town on the Coburg funeral I" "Eight or ten dollars! Two dollars Jessica frowned and sighed. road. Those wishing to go {lease " I k n o w h u t he was a queer old an hour to run I t !” gasped Jessica. “I know, dear; hut when the ear be at the church at 1 30 . codger, and he took a great fancy to "Why, Herbert, what shall we do? didn't cost anything—— " you when he saw you. Don't you re­ There is only ten dollors now of the J. D. Pittman and wife aud Misi Well, lobster salads and ehlckeu member? Anyhow, the deed Is doue.” patties coat something," mentioned the L illian Barber went to the Chris­ "And it’s ours?—0 whole automo­ man grimly. tian church convention at Turner bile?” I know It; but It seems so—so sel­ Sunday. "That's what they say—and It's a fish to go all by ourselves with those The junior member of the firm three-thousand-dollur car.” empty seats behind us. And there are "Oh, Herbert 1" When Jessica was so many I have promised to take. Her­ of McAdoo A McAdoo, publirhers pleased she clapped her hands; she of the Scio Tribune, has withdrawn bert, what can we do?" clapped them now— or rather she I don't know; hut I know what we The remaining member, however, flapped the eggs— and tn the result­ can't do. We can't feed them to tbe is a seasoned newspaper man. ing disaster even the automobile was tune of a dollar or two a plate any Mis» Dorothy Sherling, formerly for a moment forgotten. But for only longer." a moment. , . . a resident of Halsey, entered thn There was a long pause; then Jes­ “And to tb’rk how we've wanted an Good Samaritan hospital in Port­ sica clapped her hands. automobila I" she cried, when the Im­ land June 19 to take a course in Herbert. I have It I We'll have baa promptu omelet tn her lop had been ket piritica. I l l take lunch from the Hb« nura