PAGE 3 HALSEY ENTEKI'RISii J U L Y 6, 1932 Suppose the United States rail­ Dunlap on the Job The market road from Plain- way labor board wero abolished view to Ash Swale will probably be Sheriff Dunlap made his sta rt completed HALSEY ENTERPRISE all who are familiar with the noble and its this euminer. cost wiped off the slate. Fine An independent—NOT neutral—newt- work Miss Addams has done. in office Friday by arresting C. B. paper. published every Thursday, Miss Robertson is an opponent Would anybody except the mem­ Wiley, near Sweet Home, on in­ by WM. II. fit A. A. WHEELER. bers be loeere? Get nur prices on Dress Shoes a Specialty of prohibition. She denounced tb. formation which Kendall left in Win. II. WHgKi.'gB Editor. M bs . A A. W hhrlkk Business Manager direct primary. It is anathema to Young Itibelin must have found his office when be was killed. 501 Lyon s t , Albany, Oregon. and Local News Editor. old-fashioned Dolilical bosses and inducements at Portland, for be A still was destroyed and 160 gal­ i .. to frieud of “ government by wired from that city that he had lons of corn and strawberries de­ Subscriptions, $1.50 a year in advance party,” which is government b\ econsidered his decision to take stroyed. of all sizes. Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ over the Bramwell shop. Wiley pleaded guilty to a moon- manent, 20c. No discount lor time the bosses. Moreover she is an We have Ford tires at all WILDEY LODGE NO. 05. shining charge and fined $500. or space. ♦ apologist for Newberry. In ' Paid-for Paragraph«," 5c aline. prices Dunlap also arrested R. H. and Regular meeting next Saturday Miss Robertson does not rep­ No advcrtissfig disguised as news. A. E. Gabriel for having liquor In Wo carry a good line ol night. resent the women of America, — .---------— tbeir possession, and they pleaded accessories and Ford 11 \1.SEV, I.inn Co., Ore. July 6, 1922 though sbo happens to be the only guilty and were fined 1150 each. parts. woman in congress. We would be pleased to bave you in Why Ribelin Survives She is old eoougii to know bet­ Office 1st door south of school bouse vestigate our line before buying Dealer in THOSE SCRAMBLED ROADS lfalsey, Oregon. ter. Dr. U. Michener, who oow re­ Dealer in Real Estate. sides io Wichita, Kae., aud reads O n. this page uppears a map HAS ’EM GUESSING Handles Town and Country Property. the Enterprise, writes to W. J. showing the roads now owned and Give him a call and see if he can fix Kibelin: ARCHIE CORNELIUS you up. Heary Ford has the politicans Dear friend: I saw in a recent controlled by tbs Southern Pa­ guessing—and much worried too. issue of the Halsey paper that you cific; from Portland to El Paso, Will be run for tbs republican 50 days’ credit were out on the street after an the black lines indicating Southern nomination tor president and F A L K B R O S ., Props. attack of pneumonia. It stated Expert workmanship. Watches and clocks a specialty. that you were nearly ninety years Pacific. and the horizontally make it “ necessary” to repeat the Electric Haircutting, Massaging of age. Now I congratulate you HALSEY OREGON shaded ones Central Pacific prop- Newberry expenditure on a nation­ and Shampooing. that you are able to be ont, but, al instead of a state scale? That really, aren’t yon ashamed of your­ erty. ' - i • Cleaning and Pressing. self? You know as well as the rest would be awful. The party bar Examination will show how the E. C . M IL L E R of us that “ the good die young” enough to do to rape the unpaid and the “ gooder” they are tbe two sets (we cannot call them sys­ portion of the 14,600,000 which its younger they die. W R IG H T & PO O LE tems because they are combined last campaign cost and then I guess it is with you as an old All work done promptly and LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS without system) are scrambled to­ finance its next campaign, with­ RED STAR Oil Stoves lady said about a patient of mine. reasonably. Phone No. 26V.9 HARRISBURG LEBANON TbiB old man was knocked off the Phone 35 Phon» 15 gether. To simply (it would not out raising great funds for tights train and rolled along tbe ground Branches at be a simple task, but a very com­ within its own ranks. tor about two rods. He was Brownsville, Phone 3 7 0 5 . Or will Henry pick up the dem­ carried into tbe bouse and I was plex' obe) separate them would Halsey Phone 166. Frank Kirk, Mgr ocratic nomination which is beg­ Other Oil Stoves sent for. I examined him care­ leave a lot of. disconnected pieces We make a ging for a taker? That party, fully but could find no damage to each, and that is as far as the up done him. C -C . B R Y A N T without a recognized head and Specialty of recent court decision goes. One of the old ladies said: “ ft is almost, like one of Conan Doyle’s Everything at bargain prices. ATTORNEY A T LAW Friendship, Now come efforts by the Union a miracle that he was not killed.” i 422 West First st., Albany, Oregon. spirits, without a body, might Engagement and Cusick Bank Building, I'he other old lady said; ‘‘No Pacific ‘aud the .Southern Pa­ miracle about it. Tbe Lord cific each to bave the Central com­ draw the breath of life if Henry Wedding Albany, Oregon. juld only deign. would’nt bave him and the devil mitted tq its control' by the inter­ Rings articles no longer needed- or succeeded was’nt ready for him .” Henry is a conundrum for all by better ones, which solllel>ody would Amor A. Tussing state commerce commission. Well, whichever way it i s p con- of them. like to obtain. An adver,*9®nient the F . m . f r e n c h a S o ns The people of various sections size of this, costing 25c, « lig h t find a gratulale you anyway. With re- LAWYER AND NOTARY ALBANY OREO. are tai in* sides aeoording to what buyer and cover! what is ( 1 A G U garda I remain your friend, Dr. All American missionaries and now only trash into good ¡ H. Michener. aro deemed • local interests. Sau relief workers bave been ordered B rowmsvii . lk , O regon Francusu and Portland appear to out of Turkey in Asia and forbid­ favor"the Union Pacific. * " den to give aid to the orphans Portland created a . it coldness on o f 10,000 Greeks and others re­ the pi( .off Die main cently massacred. Greece ex­ railroad, lines whya rh$t» t)ie state high­ hausted herself iu an effort to stem way sum niewioo. w«ith a Portland the bloody tiJo of butchery, hotel man for chairman and gen- Other European nations are afraid eral boss, put all the state road 113 interfere for fsar of Mobam- funds Into through lines starting aiedan uprisings in their own pos- from that Cily and none into the j se„ ion, and the United 8tale», branch "lines Ifie promise of which governed by party, s coldly had indtwail Furil residents to different. vote for state road bonds. The c ituwjision *v»n got didld -of much fhe murder of Sheriff Kendall money wjnch bail been appropri- and Elder H#aly ba, resulte<1 ¡„ a atod for fatmeM "• market, .toadsL reat ware of public |)UbHc opiuion opioion jn and illejfSlty ’ spent it on the favor of strict enforcement of the through liighwkys. prohibitory law. Resolutions Wnen Portland tried to bave a by chambera of commerce, 1925 fkir.rp- ■ city"'financed mass meetings, etc , have been partly-by a state* Mx to which all passed and candidates for legis­ these outsiders would contribute lative offices are pledging support the «easily’ was voted down in a of more stringent laws than ever. special’session called expressly to The moonshiners have dug their consider (he question, and the own grave aud many of them will breach- between metropolis and get into it. - country widened.” •’ * ' ‘ Now inoetArf'tliQ country lections Andrew Hoffer of Grand Ronde, favor tlte Southern Pacific because near McMinnville, drank moon­ they think it would 'do more to de­ shine sn f it proved fatal, as it often velop (Jie• state than its rival, does. Hs left six motherless chil­ while Portland .is increasing the dren. He got his punt hment for sectional coldncs.4 by clamoring drinking the stuff. Two boys who for the placing of ^he roads in tho gave it to him and the man from hands of the Union Pacific be whom they bought it may get some cauej she believes that company ridioulously light punishment or would devote moee fitftda- to de­ none. veloping through trade to ami from that city thau to building up the I The non-partisan candidate beat interior, aud »gain it i» » st rUggie McCumber in the North Dakota of Portland against tipf teet ot the I primariee. Everybody is happy «tatn. < , i now. Both factions of the reptib- Lobhying 4»bi-iñg doue in ash-P '°*° P 'r,y claim the event as a iugtou for tbe'Umo'i Pacido 'claims victory and the democrats, with- hy an organisation whose backers oul cohesion enough to form a are keeping themselves in the dark J faction, make the same claim, but which masquerades under the, Wouldn’t it be amusing, now name of the “ Producers and Ship­ pers of the Pacific Coast,” a com- if some unsubmissive old farmer psny of fruit and vegetable men should invoke the law and compel which existed last year. Some of officials who have misappropriated the statements of these props market rOtd funds to restore the filched money to ite legitimate g indlsts ire known to be false. ’ uee? A HARD BOILED OLD GIRL If Mr. Harding bee convinced Miei Robertson is a member of the farmers that they ought to cougreea and she recently appeared help pay • shipsubtidy while leav. on this coast, heralded as “ Presi- mg the prices ofjtheir products to be dent Harding’s representative.” determined by the grain gamblers May fie »ho was that, but she does be must be a peruaaive cut—tomer. not represent the enfranchised " mien of America. She proved A move is under way to bave lietself a hard-boiled partisan the Bible io all public libraries. politican. Why not? Are tbs Koran and JJiio'dt'im%nced'.Tans’ Addatui of the V eda* and the fihastra b^red? 1 friend of humanity, at ------ ——— ’ the tuyst dangerous woman in Abolish the ooetly and arroga nt * * • ' $ . “ That ought to fix Miss state commissions and cut down R^BFlkon’» status iu (he minds of taxee. A. Peterson £ X S6” T IR E S Halsey Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meats E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE $30 to $75 $15 FARMERS — ■ — — — I. O. 0 . F. W. J. Ribelin Foote Bros’Garage W a TCHMAKER& Jeweler F. M. GRAY, Drayman. BARBER SHOP