V C ' VOL. X -i-A L ¿ c A - ^ L /v y H alsey enterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 6, U»22 NO. 44 Shedd Shot« Not So Pusillanimous . “ I understand that your paper (B y Anna Peunell) ib going to publish (au event iu a Mra. Ed Willoughby had her tou. ftTe « .££ Ce ¡ ' here referr^ “ >> sila removed last week Wednesday , gcripli^ ei pl° aie stoP ®ub- Honier Mornhinweg aud wife are moviug into their i>ew home, Mrs. Alex Sutherland, who form- erly lived iu Shedd, is visiting friends in and about here. M r. aud Mrs. Ingram of Canada We did not know that anvbodv thought the publishers of the ^ nt®rPrise Pusillanimous enough ,? be '^Hueuced by a threat like 1 . above- We might suppress ’ " / ¡ ' “ a'lew^dolFaM.1"2 W e d i not' Peo.de 1 csrne to Portland to see the rose make news. We print it show, and then motored ou up to should not make news tU public Shedd to visit friends. if they do not want it published. The Ladies of the Presbyterian ' )''® b *ye u se for money, and we church bad a missionary meeting : Prlze friendship.«, but w we can- at the cottage cottage Friday afternoon |j“ ut , Friday i » - n to n sacrifice ;------ eelf-r ----- respect * r iln r t to k U m the one ____ or to l 111 in n order obtain Mrs. L. E. Pennell, J- other. Patrons of the MoCumber aud Frances rie erk- J r-uterpriae may depend upou it to sen were Albany visitors Monday give unbiased reports of current afternoon. events to the extent of iu ability. G . C. Barnes and family of Jefferson came to spend a few days On the 3rd a daughter arrived iu Shedd visiting friends and a t­ at the home of Stanley Henry at tend the celebration at Crawfords- Shedd, says Dr. Marks. ville. 1’enncl1 anJ Mr ¡»"d ltoland A V u m r^ b n ’H t i e n t ^ X l e HALSEY STATE BANK D A Y all bills by check anti thus establish ■ perm anent recohl of yonr business. Take care of your money now and it will take care of you later. Open a S A V IN G S A C C O U N T with this bank today. We pay \% interest, compounded semi* * annually. W hen you th in k of the PAIGE CARS you thiu k of VICK BROTHERS ALBANY, OREGON Phone 116 Spirits in the Flesh. Monday John Standish M t in the con­ fectionery eating ice cream when Worth Baas and William Corcoran came in. Bass took o ff'h is cap. struck Standish in the face with it aud threw it in his lap. Standish pushed the cap to the floor, whereupon Bass h it him in the face, knocking him, half dared, parity into an ice cream packer. As he got to his feel he asked Bass why lie did not pick o.n somebody of his own age. j Corcoran unde a tunge for him , say- I m g . " H e r e ’s somebody of your age," and they clinched and fell. Standish got a good windpipe clutch and Corco­ ran soon weakeued and hostilities came to an end. T h e above is the story as givett by i spectators. Standish refuses to talk and Bass and Corcoran declare that it is incorrect bat refuse to correct it. W hether the spirit responsible for the incident was of the Conan Doyle vari­ ety, who go about mussing things up w ith octoplasm and other stuff, or was o f another kind which a highway w ork­ er is M id to he wont to bring over ftoia Lebanon and peddle on the road and at Shedd, deponent saitli not. Brownsville Briefs (B y C arm elite W oodworth) The cherries at D, W . W a lg im o tta place have all been picked and berry picking it in progress. Miss Lyda W hite, a high school teach­ er, has returned from Portland, where she has been in a hospital. C h ir k s Sterling and Wife attended , the E lks’ Sunday picnic at Corvallis. H enry Robertson has purchaser 1 a new Ford truck and a t»22 Sedan. Chautauqua this year, if we may ju d g e by the attendance, is a great success. Miss tea Slavens left last Tuesday for Oregon City to visit her sister, a fte r which she w ill spend the remainder ef the summer w ith her brother in eastern Oregon. Miss Betty Goshow returned Eugene the first of the week. from M r. and M rs. Lon Tycer spent Sunday of last week w ith M r. and M rs. W illia m Jack at Cascadia. aud Mrs. McCumber left for Gas. , Cascadia fishing for the national A system of court precedure cadia Monday evening to spend holiday and got the lim it with Call us or write us; we will gladly bring the a couple of days. Up to Juue 30 $88,320 of ti e and praotice has heeu built up ease. They say thete were plenty the new Paige-Jewett to your door and dem­ state aid funds had boen paid to that is highly artificial and largely R. A. Josling, Harry Sprenger, more trout waning to be caught. onstrate it to you. veterans in Linn county. unuessary. The legal pmfeaetou Bert Weir and Mr. Pennell were People who went to Cascadia to usually rune the legislature and Albany visitors Monday afternoon. cool off this week say they found R E M E M B E R U S F O R T IR E S The missionary society of the congress, end obviously lawmakers Stanley Henry and wife and the weather hotter there than at Christian church will meet Tues­ have little or no inoentive to make C O M P L E T E G A R A G E S E R V IC E Mrs. Dora Davis left for Newport Halsev. day, July 11, at 2, at the home of a judicial syeteui that will decrease Saturday. Mrs. Davis will remain F . I I . Porter and family spent Mrs. George Taylor, with Mrs. legal praotice. We pay enough MASON CORDS indefinitely. Mattie Kuntp leader. The new taxes lo get efficient, facilitated, the 4lh at Cascadia. division plan starts a t this time. speedy and inexpensive litigation. Mrs. Satchwell returned from A boy arrested for stealing But we do uot get it.— Portland Come and bring a friend. I eattle Tuesday. She has been a hottie of perfumery from Wood­ Journal. visiting friends aud relatives there worth's drug etore the other day for about three weeks. Consumption of intoxicants ia protests that be was only putting decreasing. In the year ending Lina Cooaty W ireku lo a n perfumery ou his coat. Tuat Mrs Florence Small of Eugene June 1 2,627,333 gallons of whis­ would haye been all right if it (Albany Democrat) and Margaret Coates of Albany hadn’t been somebody else s per­ Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally ky and 16,491,303 of alcohol and visited at the home of L. 0 - Coates fume. Wireless? Linn county le seti, other distilled spirits were with- end wife last Friday. and in Halsey Particularly drawn from bond, compared with mated to have at least tweoty.five E L. Stiff, who advertises fur­ 9,096.122of whisky and 24,866.688 sets, according to J. H. Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. Coonsman and niture in the Enterprise, shippsd The Malones of Holley have daughter of Moro, are visiting ai Anybody Bee an idle r.utomobile o f the other spirits the previous manager of the Ralston Metric store over $300 worth to two families at been divorced. here, who put in a receiving act at year. Tuesday? the home of W. Y. shearer. St. Helens yesterday, seuding the 8cio for Dr. A G. I'rill yesterday. Mrs. Coonsman is Mrs. bhesrer s George D riu L a td was oyer from Dr Garn jobst and fam ily visited goods through Portland to their A Btownaville correspondent Tbs tuost popular form of wire­ sister. Browtuville Mouduy. his father iu Salem Sunday. destination. s i vs that city hopes the Natron cut­ less equipmeut it kaowu as the A consolidated high-school die- The Oregon Growers' Co-operative aa- I. C. Standish left Monday off “ will come this wav aud make two-stage aet coating approximately A lbany’s oldest bouse, belong tricl at Plainview ia proposed. a main-litte c ity .’’ $200 without the tuagnavox attach­ societioii lias advaaced the price ot ing to the H ill estate and valued j -noriiiugon the Oregon Electric for Brownsville Vite Natron cut-off, which both ment. A aensling station equip­ Russell Hecker of Albany was prunes altove the opening one-half cent Portland, to visit his son Everett at $3000, with no insurauoe, burned W - ----------a--...... b ---- - Hliru HU iuguiMUU«, uuruej contenders for the coast railroads ment costs horn $600 upward, but on JC-tOs and one-quarter cent ou all j on the 4th, probably starting fro m found guilty of first degree murder at the Pierce Sanatorium promise to build at ooc-, will be a these canuot be secured without other grades, Oregon prunes have been a firecracker. I t was built in 1851, for killing Bowker, This carries Everybody who could went •outinuauco of the Albany (and federal license and may u