n w iu iu d yuu win enjoy ; At Rogoway ‘The Price Hair-Cut’ of A No. i8, i2r0l 2*. SECOND A N D BAKER STS.. A LBANY. is the B ig g e s t L i n e o f T e n t s of all kinds. Christian Church, July 2, W a ll T e n ts 8 p. m. Forty conversions are reported from the Waterloo Sunday school convention. HALSftY RAILROAD TIME North ftoutll C a m p T e n ts m. No, 23, 1 1 2 9 *. ö ,( 17, 3.39 p. m, SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey poetoffice is open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12 20 to 12:35 and 4:<5 to 5.00 p. m. A u to T e n ts Furniture Bought in Large Quantities and Sold in Any Amount Coal Oil Stoves, t 5.50 p. m. new and second hand PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Second-hand McCormick binder. W. J. Lane, the Brownsville G. W• Mornhinweg. jeweler, was in Hrleey in his cer Bags Ever imagine what a timid man would do if he dared to lire t wen tv four I Tuesday evening. hours exactly aa be wished? 7 "One Glorious Day” Ever imagine how you’d feel after laughing two solid hour« straight ? The pavers are spreading hoi |Come and follow W ill Roger« through “ One Glorious Day.” plaster between Tangent and Al­ Ably assisted by several talented bany, beginning at the latter city. player». Will Roger» is featured in ‘One Glorious Day,” a Paramount Troy Putman and wife of cash. That is why he can sell so low. comedy which comes to the Riallo Brownsville welcomed a little girl In fact it'« a laugh from start to finish. Come. theater next Friday. LB» lee, to their home Tuesday morning dainty and magnetic, ia the Irad. O. F. Neal and George Hayes are ing woman. the only patrons of rural mute 2 whose mail delivery will be affected Onr angel ie very unconventional, Halsey girls who are having their Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at by the paving of the road south of though, for he playa eiroue, rolls hair “ bobbed” ? day evening from Newbarg. Mre. town. Hotel Haleey every Tuesday and in the mud and keeps a dog. Ha Wallace and children will reside J. W. Moore and wife were in Friday. here. Dr. and Mrs. Garnjobst’s on must ba an earthly angel, for the Albany yesterday. (Continued from page 3) Bibla lays of baa van: “ There Tueaday took Mrs. Girnjobst’e Mr». G. Mitzner visited the Miss Cecils Mayberry ia waiting Sixteen human beings died a E. B McKinney of Eugene was •niter, Mrs. John F. Dore, to Al­ shall be no dog there.” county seat Mouday. on customers in Stewart & Priced violent death because they chose in Haleey on business Wednesday bany, on the wry to her home io Rev. J. W. Craig of Brownsville to everciee their right of working Mrs. Audrew Brown visited confectionery while Dillard Price Seattle, after a visit with the doc­ has picked fifteen gallons of is assisting in the harvest. Miss Agnes Struthers of Hart- where they pleased when they her parents at Shedd Tuesday tor’s family. cherries from ooe ot the trees in dale, Wash., visited at the Hur pleased for a wage satisfactory to Clayton Gaub and Marvin Me Frank Kirk’s house on First them. Murder never has been, Thia is the automobile season of his gardeo, with more to come, ton home Wednesday. street ia receiving a new coat of Murphy arrived Friday evening the year and dealers recognize the and ba has enabled the Enterprise is not now and never will be a from California to spend the bar Mrs. L. E. Walton and son people to testify, from experi­ paint. vest here. They are employed by Enterprise as a good medium mental knowledge, that they are James Rector returned borne from justifiable method of settling dis­ putes between labor and capital. through which to rerch buyers in Gordon, four-year-old eon of O. F. Neal. of excellent quality. a visit to Portland yesterday. —Albatiy Herald. one of the most prosperous lections Ned Callaway of Brownsville, died Whether you buy at home or el jf the Uuited States. Foote Bros last week, He has taken the oath of office C. H. Koontz took a carload of the county seat, you will do the Kn of Halsey, the Albany Tire and and it’s Sheriff Dunlap now and scouts to Lake Ogle last evening The still of the moonshiner drips Charles Gibson returned Tuesday terprise a good turn if you deal with for a swim. a deadlier concoction tba.; any from Portland, where he had tiken those who advertise in its columns Servic» station, Vick Brothers Miss Amy Rose is his deputy. and Morton & Dawson of Albany a load of cattle, and tell them eo. The widow of David West of D. S, McWilliams and family, liquor, however vicions. It drips and the Fisk tire makers are rep­ despite of law and aDarchy and Plainview, who killed Kendall and Rioliard Sanders of Brownsville Since he bought his residence resented in our columns this week. Healy and himself, gets all his accompanied by C. P. Stafford death. Such has ever been the and wife, were Sodaville visitors is building a home on the crest of Dr. Marks has bad carpeoters. product of the distillery, but now Did the spectacle of an unspeak under a will made sixteen Sunday. Holloway Hights, painters, eto., at work remodeling, • bly cruel Russian count killing estate that the still itself is outlawed years ago. R. B. Mayberry and family, ac­ them exists no reason iu law or Thera were about 200 iu the pa sandpapering, painting, etc , to the pigeons for sport in the “ Foolish Brownsville caterpillars are re­ companied by Mrs. Mayberry's conscience why this should be. of some 1600, and the end is Wives” play at the Rialto Friday rade at the Brownsville Sunday tune not yet. increase your admiration for the ported to ba eating pciaon oak. sitter, Mr». Stewart, and daughter And very far from being an argn. school pionic Sunday. prohibition, the Mrs. Joseph Drinkard went home of Albany epent Sunday with other ment against John Standish spent Friday noble »port of hunting and »boot Rev. C. T. Cook preached the Plainview murders and suicide picnikers at Waterloo. iu« living things? Did it make opening sermon of the Shedd re- afternoon in a bay field and came the game commission’s pet, the to Portland Monday after her serve as reminders of the spleen visit at the home of her son, J. W. home wltn blistered hands and A telegram from Mi-a Cleons and passion that are associated vival series week Wednesday eporteaau, seem Drinkard. nicely sun-burnel. He reports professional Smith, who is visiting friends at with liquor.—Portland Oregonian. more godlike than the “ pot hunter” Olaf Nelson climbed the 100-foot that ha prefers “ the black art” to J. W. Drinkard and wife, ac­ Pomeroy, Wash., states that she who kills an animal to feed his flagpole at the picnic grounds at bay making. companied by Miss Alberta Koonts expects to remain there a little family? Brownsville and made possible the Another ''Farm Bloc” Victory and Mrs. Edith Robnett, drove to longer. So .large a crowd attended the raising of the flag. Albany Friday night aud attended Mr. Bartcber of the Albany funeral of Sheriff Kendall at A'- Miss Geraldine Cook is expected Judge 8kipworth is of the same H- B. Stiiker has given up the b»ny Saturday that the sermon furniture Exchange, which fr»J the concert given by Mr. and Mrs home from Indenendence today. opinion as Judge Kelly that it is Simon place near Tangent and the preached in the church was qinntly advertises in the Enter­ George Hotchkiss Street of Port- Her father, Rev. 0 . T. Cook, went illegal for county court» to accom­ family h-------- * ‘ to a borne near repeated outside to those who prise, comes naturally and hered­ land. modate the state highway com­ Jae moved for her ia his car. itarily to the furniture business, it Peoria. could not get in. mission by taking market road Thrashing wages and prices in seems. An Albany paper points funds from their intended use and Douglae Taylor returned fialur- It is not at Turner, as errone ously out that the first specimen of the Linn county for this year will be No Charivari putting them into the Pacific high­ day evening from Spokane, where stated last week, but at Marion, well-known piece of furniture the same aa last season. way. he attended the funeral of hie in Marion countv, a much larger called the Davenport was invented Homer Mornhinweg’s bride was Mr, and Mrs. Bond, from near Lane county tried to divert brother, B. J. Taylor. town, that Mr. Cornelius, formerly and manfacturcd by M-. Batcher's Lewiston, Idaho, arrived Friday Miss Beth Allen of Tacoma, When • 43,000 in that way by the subter­ railroad ageut here, is stationed grandfather. for a visit with the former's thj pair got home to Shedd their fuge of designating a portion of G. W. Mornhinweg and wife, and it was to that town that he residence was not ready for occu. ecoompanied hy Mrs. Hazel Wall moved his family last week. The scope of the Enterprise ie brother, Milton Bond, aud sister, anoy, so they went to the boarding the highway a market road, but Mr». Berry Cummings. Skipworth says the legislature wide. Perhaps some would-be wit lace and ohildreu, arrived Satur- ouae and there was no charivari. made it a state highway and the The Brownsville prohibitionists will say its a soattergun. Last Probably tba barbers* union did ask Governor Olcott to use th week there was an article on the not instigate the sermon to be Not a cow bell was heard, not a county has no power to make it a | county road. tin pan note, power of the state to suppress the first page about spirits aud devils preached at the Christian church Ae Homer returned to Shedd I It looks as though there is some moonshining in Linn county which and this week there ie a story on Sunday evening. Who knows but I hope, after all, for roads that wlil married. has come into the spotlight as a pages 2 and 8 about an angel boy. the talk may apply to those outre Not a firecracker holder discharged j help farmer» -and attract settlers result of the murder o, Kendall aud aud Healy. and build up the state. Abolish a shot with you. X As the paiMo the boarding house tba commissions. The flouring mills at Browns It's all so easy the ville, having been strengl hened at Sport hath her casualties no less Kodak way, nod the the bottom by a lot of concrete Jud Tunklna. than war. Darrell Lobh, 10-year- work, have beeu repainted. Mills Jod Tunklna nays aD envious man old spectator at a baseball game at pictures, precious at A Son, the owners, have surely suffers so much that while you cant West Seattle, was instantly killed tho time, will be price­ contributed their part to the ad­ ^ h l m you’ve got to by a batted ball which hit him on vancement of the town. less to you later. You the head last Tuesday. Amos Ramsay unloaded an up. can spend your vaca­ to-dale thrasher and engine at the tion and have it too— depot Monday. It made a good in pictures. Price carload. Il has been used one season in eastern Oregon, where big harvesting machinery is more (commencing Saturday, morning, July 1, and common than here. Shilling in Take plenty’ of films « new paint it looks like new ending Saturday evening, July 8, we will offer and is with you. said to be as good. Its mouth I lies aud Tubes at prices lower than have ever bests Slim Jim's, being three feet been quoted in Albany on a line of guaranteed' A. Ringo, Druggist wide, and looks as though it could factory firsts, strictly fresh and up to standard ' chaw''a lot of grain in a day. I in every wav. It is a 36-00 separator. Trunks, Suitcases, Traveling ROGOW AY Also a dandy two-reel Comedy Jots and Tittles C KODAK ;*A W HOLE WEEK OF REAL* TIRE BARGAINS from $2.50 up „US i. Our Exclusive Field Wo offer for your comparison the following F a b r ic s ALBANY W IL L CELEBRATE JULY 3 A N D 4 2 days of High Class Horse Racing, B IO S T R E E T P A R A D E 10 A. M. J U L Y 4 i'M turing aowe ol th« lx«» trotting «ad pacing •lock ea th e roa»t P A T R IO T IC P R O G R A M —S T R E E T R A C E S —B A S E B A L L Moving Pictures. 2 Big Dances each Night E N T E R T A IN M E N T - F U N Comet Celebrate in Albany. I.o w F a r e s o n R a ilr o a d s T abes 30x3 $ 6.45 30x31 7.25 32x31 9.40 31x4 10.80 32x4 11.85 33x4 12.65 34x4 13.10 $1.20 1.35 1.45 1.85 2.05 2.15 2.35 Cord tires in all sizes at prices you cannot' afford to miss. Special prices on all accessories daring this sale only. E N T E R P R IS E ched by ’Ome P*per« that are published in th .t C H * '* * y’ ’>Ut “ “ rne* lh ,m into * »•» ° f home. publi“ t io u ,^ f” d ” y ° ‘ her puWic* Uon or combination of the fertU aW n t* ° ° » 10 th‘ h° mM ° f prot»*ro'” in o X w w Me r * eT—farmers whose tr.de i . worthwhile t h » J T ^ th many Wh0M *hr* wd management VT°*p* rOT* advertise iu iu column« because it per« Siem ’r° O,<1 “ "P * * re.Tdh‘. i . « , r ' W,‘“ P* r “ , , t i ’ W“ cheHfor t r e ry week and eager, v Th.» ’ v c m Z ,e * "><** »deetrvely in t h “ yffiCT i * ; : r , B \ m* t? P o I,‘* n Publication could da And to the«« modern days wh.n the announcement» «re changed fre- re.d in the heme« with • • much avidity. coTd,*.i<” ’,n ,ltT 01 l° “ 1 " * ’ * Wh’<:,, ” • «w W irt '• evidenca of the th a n » J S E ? * * °C, tb‘ Pe° Plt ° f ,h* commnnity. W 2 ALBANY TIRE and SER V IC E STATION iMy Motor Building. Second and E llsw o^i sta. A lb a n y , O re g o n t “ HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E