I A L U M IN U M M X il? I f you need kitchen utensils you ouitht to have th i? ..... RANGES . ¿ „ x x S i;,5 s .s f S u s - e rs . I t ’s a v. kitchen cook p le a s u r e to u s e them. OIL STOVES C O O L a n d c le a n in gerly on one of the slippery haircloth chairs, and proceeded at once to state hit business. I “I understand. Miss Wetherby, that you have an—er—young singer with you.” Miss Wetherby choked, and stam­ mered “yes.” sings—er— very well, doesn’t H u n g er o r T h irst while in G LO A B E TH EATER L B A N Y , OREGON A lb an y on the 4th o f J u ly J u l y 4th and 5th or any other day go to the The woman wms still mors visibly The greatest program ever put on a screen ■ embarrassed. more convenient fuel than wood. *nd 1 I I don’t know," »be murmured; P A IN T S and O IL S F U R N IT U R E then In stronger tones. “The one that his latest and best comedy looked like him did.” “Are there two?” he asked In stupid am aiemeot Our prices are made with LAW N M OW ERS Miss Wetherby laughed uneasily, the object of making sales then she sighed. C a f e te ria s e rv ic e “Weil, ter tell the truth, Mr. Wig- L unches ipu», I a*poae there ain’t ; but some* Comparison of prices invited R e g u la r d in n e r times 1 think there must be. I ’ll send Robert down ter the rehearse! tonight, I c e c re a m and ye« can see what ye can do with . Pikes, C H IL D R E N 25c, A D U L T S 50c C o o lin g d r in k s him ’’ And with this Mr. Wiggins was E x q u is ite fla v o rs In his arms. I tell ye, me an- Bones made tracks forced to be content He had not come! Bobby sang on Sunday. The little C a n d ie s fi/r Slecumvllie ’bout’s soon as they’d / ”• avast «Vffeaftrev f«fewe*«r* Miss Wetherby held her breath let ufc" , church was full to the doors. Bobby C o n fe c tio n s and looked furtively at the small “I haln’t no doobt of l t r retorted was already famous in the village. We make onr own { Z ^ E 'T S O M E T H IN G t h a t is s to u t, t h a t is, boy. There was nothing fam iliar In Ano, looking back hopelessly at the The witchery of the glorious voice Ice, Ic e c re a m entered again Into the w-oman’s soul, his appearance, she was thankful to dog. I T C A B L E , in p la c e o f r o p e - ^ s tr o n g e r I 11 ! and »uu Indeed, uueec sent the entire congrega say I He must be another one for C a n d y f a u d la s ts a life tim e . , see, continued the boy cooll- . tloo home In an awed silence that somebody else. Still, perhaps he pnfinllv “there ain’t ev’ry _•_ one what _ f deDtially, C o n fe c tio n e ry , etc. was the height of admiring homage. might know something abont her own likes boys, a n —hl. there.’—go it. Unsnrpassed quality. Prices that will W h e n j o u b u y m a c h in e o il d o n ’t th in k angel boy—she would ssk. At breakfast time Monday morning, sntprise and please you Bones I" ho suddenly shrieked, and I a n y o ld g re a s o is oil. W e h a v e a h e a v y re d Bobby come doenstal-s with his Ann advanced warily. i l t h a disap­ acampered wildly hfter the dog which brown paper parcel unler his arm. proving eye on the dog. E N G I N E O IL , b e s t t h a t c a n b e b o u g h t, a t had flatbed into the hushes by the Ann glanced at hla woeful face, then "U ttle boy, can you tell roe why side of the road. 5 0 c a g a llo n . T ry it. T W I N E is h e re . 129 Bros dal bin st west out Into the kitchen and slammed Robert Sawyer didn’t co m er she Ann did not see her young charge the oven door eharply. asked severely. again until she had been home half an FOR SALE “Well, marro, I ’ve had a bully time The result of her cautious question’ hour, —sure’s a gun," said the boy wistfully, disconcerted her not a Uttle. The boy1 P«r "Jiialny Christmas!” be exclaimed, 1 followlag her. dropped the dog and bundle to tha cord “I begun ter think Td lost ye, but I “Robert,’’ she began with assumed platform, threw his hat In the air, remembered yer last name was the sternless, trying to hide her depth of One-half mile west of Nixon station on and capered about In wild glee. the Oregon Electric. "Hl, there, Bones! W e’re all rig h t! same's Miss Ethel,’, an’ a boy— Tom­ feeling, “you ain’t a-goln’ home ter- my Green, around the corner— he told day— now mind what I say! Take II. A. R r x n in c e r , Golly— but I thought we were side­ me where ye lived. And. oh, I say me them things upstairs. Quick— break­ Route 1, Ilalsey. tracked, fur sure!" We sell an’ Bones are a-goin’ off with him an’ fast’s all ready I" ' Miss Wetherby sank In limp dismay Rover after I ’ve had somethin’ ter to a box of freight near by—the bared A great light transfigured Bobby’s eat— 't ts moe' grub time, ain't i t f head disclosed the clustering brown face. He tossed his bundle Into a cor­ he added anxiously, curls and broad forehead, and the ner end fell upon »Uss Wetherby with Ann sighed In a discouraged way • bearlike hug. eyes uplifted to the whirling hat com­ (Continued from page 3) Coine in and hear it play “Yes, I s’pose ’t is. I left some pleted the tell-tale picture. “Gee-whlz! merm—but yer a brick I Mrs. George Starr was reported All photograph records and needles. beans a-baltln’, and dinner’ll be ready The urchin caught the hat deftly An’ I ’ll run yer errands an’ split yer improving the first part of the pretty quick. You can come upstairs on the back of bis head, and pranced wood, an’ I won’t take no dogs an' week, though still very low. with me, Robert-, an’ Til show ye up to Ann with his hands In his cats In the parlor, an’ I ’ll do everythin' where yer gotn’ te r sleep." she fin­ The B est D ish for children, pockets. Mrs. A V, Umstead has re- —«v’rythln’ ye want me to I Oh, golly ished. with a silking heart, as she as well as grown people, during summer "Gee-whirl martn—but I thought —golly!—I ’m goln’ ter stay—I ’m goln' tnrned from California aud is thought of those raffled pillow shams. time it a heaping plate of pure, rich ice you’d flunked fur sure. I reckoned me ter stay— I ’m goln’ ter stay!" And again living in her house on First Bobby followed Miss Wetherby Into an’ Bones was barkin’ up the wrong creain. Nothing so cool and aounahing. the dainty ehamlfar. He gave one Bobby dnneed out of the house into street. tree this time. I t looked as If we’d the yard there to turn somersault after Cold drinks Lunches look, and puckered up his lips into The Brownsville post of the come to a Jumfcln’-off place, an’ you’d somersault In hilarious glee. long, low whistle, given ns the slip. I ’m Bob, myself, A queer choking feeling came Into American Legion has incorporated, ’W ell, I'll be flabbergasted! OK - ye see, an’ I ’ve come all right I” Ann Wetherby’s throat. She seemed eo now is competent to own prop­ say, now, ye don’ t expect me ter stay “Are j'ou Robert Sawyer»’’ she still to feel the loving elesp of those erty and to sue or be sued. In all this fuss nn’ fixln’s.’" be ex small young arms. gasped. claimed ruefullw Miss Catherine Arnold went "Jest ye hear that. Bones!” langhed And Bobby stayed—not only Mon­ —It Is the room I calculated fur I f y o u r fo rm w ill bo fo r r e n t th ia fall g e t in the boy shrilly, capering round and day, but through four other long days home to Shedd Friday, after a ye," said Ann, with almost a choke visit with her sister, Mrs. Andrew round the small dog sgsln. "I'g ’Ro­ —days which he filled to the hrlm with to u c h w ith m e, I h a v e s e v e r a l g o o d f a r m e r s In her voice. bert’— now—do ye hear?” Then he fun and frolic and Joyous shouts as Brown. w a n tin g to r e n t fa rm s ; F ir e i n s u r a n c e ; f a r m The boy looked np quickly and Whirled back to his position in front before- -and yet with a change. Ross Curry has come home from something rose within him’ that he did lo a n s. of Miss Wetherby. and made s low The shouts were less shrill and the not quite underhand. mm his employment at Leona to help how. “Robert Sawyer, nt yer servlet" yells lees prolonged when Robby was "Ob. well, ye know, it’s slick as in the harvest on the H . C. Davis he announced in mock pomposity. near the house. whistle an’ all. that, but I ain’t uster farm, which his father leases. "OK I say.” he added with a quick And when the tour long days were bavin It laid on so thick. I ain’t no change of position, “yer’d better call over and Saturday came, a note— and -tanr --- ___________ Miss Cecils Sawyer of Browns­ »■ treat shakes, ye know, but 111 walk ins ‘Bob’ ; I ain’t uster nothin’ else. not Bobby—was sent to the city. The ville, who has been teaching I ’d fly oft the handle qulcker’n no the chalk all right this rime. note wps addressed to "Miss Ethel school in Portland, married W il­ Miss Wethetfcy did not see much of time, puttin’ on airs like that." Wetherby," and this Is what Ethel’s her guest that afternoon; lie went son CLiver in the latter city Sun­ Miss Wetberby’s back straightened. amazed eyes read: day. She made a desperate attempt to re­ away Immediately afte» dinner and My Dear Niece—Too can tell that did not reVurn until supper time. <1. If you have lieeu drifting along—«pending all, saving nothing—atop gain her usual stem self-possession. singer man of Robert's that he Is The estale of George Tetzie of After supper he went at once to his and think. ,’ " I »hall call ye ’Robert,’ boy. I not going back any more. He Is going room; but It was not until Miss Brownsville, who was fatally in ­ ■don't like—er— that other name.” to live with me and go to school next Von must realize that it cannot go on forever. One'» earning days art jured in a boxing match iu Eu­ There was a prolonged stare and a Wetherby ceaeed to hear the patter of winter. I am going to adopt him tor numbered. Now, while your earning power it the greatest, see to it that bis feet on the floor above that she low whistle from the boy. Then he gene, has baen appraised at 41785. my very own. H U father and mother each payilay pvya S o m e t h in o toward your future IwDasMMDaaca, leaned hack In her chair with a sigh turned to pick up his bundle. A posthumous child was born last are dead—be said so. of relief. W e will walcjaie yobr aco u at and help you save. “Come on, Bones, stir yer stumps; week. I must dose now, for Robert It When Ana went upstalra to make lively, now! This ’ere lady’s a-goln’ the bed that Tuesday morning, the .hungry, and wants his dinner. Love ter lake us ter her shebang ter stay Accompanied by Miss Nettie io all. sight that met her eyes struck terror moe* two weeks. Gec-whli! Bones, Spencer, George Starr visited his AN N W ETH ER B Y to her heart. The bedclothes were . Where Savings are safe ’ ’ Pour pe« ca t ain’t thia great I" And »1th one bound mother, Mr». Philo Starr, in a hos­ he was off the platform ond turning a scattered in wild confusion half over pital at Corvallis Sunday and (he room. The washbowl, with two serlee of somersaults on the soft found her much better. grass followed by the skinny, mangy long singing books across it, she dis­ dog which was barking Itself nearly covered to her horror, was serving as W . J. Ribelin and wife and A- a prison for a small green snake. Tha wild with Joy. D. Cornelius and family went to Bible and the remaining hymn books, “Ton e’n toiler me,” she satd stern­ Pleasant H ill a week ago Sunday ly . without turning her head toward topped by “Baxter’s Saints’ Rest," and laat Sunday they took in the lay in a susplcloua-looklng pile on the 'the culprits on the grass. Sunday school convention at Bobby trotted alongside of Miss floor. Under these Miss Wetherby did Dealer in not look. After her experience with Waterloo and visited Sodaville. Wethegby, meekly followed by the the snake and the wash bowl, her Harrison Wallace, aon-in-law of nerves were not strong enough. She F iro , thoft^ c o llisio n , p r o p e r ty d a m a g e a n d G. W. Mornhinweg, was given a recoiled In dismay, also, from the sight of two yellow, paper-covered m ilitary funeral Thursday at the p e r s o n a l lia b ility . P r o te c t y o u r s e l f a g a in s t books on the table, tlauntlug shame­ Methodist church at Newberg, lessly the titles: "Jack the Pirate of lo ss. business houses closing in response Red Island,” and “Haunted by a to a proclamation by the mayor. 30 days' credit Headless Ghost." Ann Wetherby never forgot that F A L K F. M Porterfield aud family B R O S . , P ro p s . Fourth of July, nor for that matter, and Mra. Porterfield'« mother, ***” ************ ******** ******************«*e******X the days that Immediately followed Mrs. Brown all of Eugene, were poatmieter.hip to which he has presumed that the work woe done Farmers, Attention She went about with both ears stuffed at Caaoadia for the week end and been appointed Slid the i ippoint- after midnight. Foote Brother« with cotton, and eyes that were ever Before you breed your mares see called at the Wheeler home here raeni approved by the senate have the eeriel numbers of the on the alert for all manner of creep­ S inday ou their way home. committee. ing, crawling things In which Bobby’s Zimmerman’s stolen goods, so i t is very likely soul delighted. the sneak thieves w ill be eaught. Jess Curry, eon of J. C. Curry Work has been going on at the The boy, reinforced by the children nod wife of Halsey, after ten years Halsey State bank the past couple It ie thought that the job wae am«. of the entire neighborhood, held a cir­ A t Halsey Fridays leur work. an superintendent the irrigation cus in Miss Wetherby's woodshed. and of weeks in the installation of a works at Pasco, has bought the Norris Safe and Lock company Instituted a Wild Indian camp In her Guests of Kenneth Htous at the Philomath telephone busioesa and electrical burglay alarm. It will attic. The poor woman was quits with hit wife aud two children not be safe fur a burglar to wink Curry home on tha H. C. Davie powerless, and remonstrated all In listened Sander evening to a vain. The boy was so cheerfully good- will make his home at the last at . the bank outside and if he . f*rm fine sermon preached at Loa Au- tempered under her sharpest words named city. touchea it he will set going enough gales and to sacred mneie at Cal- that the victory was easily bis. Bill K irk and George Hayee and noise to wake the town if not the garv and at various points ia the But on Saturday when Miss Wether­ M e a rt’me the premises United Stats». Among other visit­ by, returning from a neighbor’s, found ife went Satuiday afternoon to dead, two cats, four dogs, and two toads Roseburg, where they amended the are lieing papered, varnished »nd ors were the Enterprise publishers, tied to her parlor chairs, together ball game between Harrisburg and polished to outshine a bandbox. transported by the generosity of with three cages containing respec­ Roseburg tbs next dev. The lat­ Mr. Davis with his car. Friday evening the household tively a canary, a parrot, and a squir­ ter won by a score of 8 to 3. rel (collected from obliging boose- of the Enterprise publishers, Female long suffering hoe given holds), she rebelled In earnest and W . J. Carey aud his sou Earl through the courtesy o f John way to female suffrage. Some pre. summoned Bobby to her side. have bought the acre and more Standish, were treated to an auto, diet the pendulum will continue ■'Robert. I've stood all I ’m a-goln' and improvements of their son and mobile ride in the nearby country, its awing that way until mere man ter. Tou’ve got to go home Monday. brother Fred, just inside the city in the glorious Oregon climate and will take bi« place as cook, house­ Do you bear?" “Robert, You Ain’t a'Ootng Homo limits on the north, Fred having enjoyed, with the bracing ozoue, keeper and nursery governess, "Ob. come off, Miss Wetharby, ta in t Today.” bought a home iu Eugene, where the delicious odor of tlowera and A tom turkey on the H. C- Davie only a menag'ry, an’ you don’t use Everything at bargain prices. dog. goon the boy gave bis trousers the room none." new-mown hay and a yiew of a farm has fallen into step with the he now reeides. «22 West Firat a t, Albany, O rrgon. *n awkward hitch and glanced side­ most magnificent simaet flaming new order of things. T h irty newly, Miss Wetherby's mouth worked con­ D. D. Ribelin. from Mitchell, in hundred, of shades of red and ways up at the woman. vulsively. hatched poults were given to two Ore , baa bought the Bramwell bar­ gold and blue and brown. “OK I say, mann. I think It’s hully “Robert I” »he gasped, as soon at bene by the Currys and Mr. Gob­ f t yer ter let me an' Bones come.” he she could And her voice, “I never, no»- nger*nee.led' m succeeded child will soon make Halsey his began sheepishly. " It looked ’a If our Two tires ware stolen from the ’ heard of such dreadful goto'a-on 1 by better ones, which somebody would youngsters ; . — 7 ticed away — eeven v w s . v of i » the u w case’d hang lira till the crack o’ doom; on certainly can’t stay hare no long­ ltka to obtain. An adr« rii««rotal the home. He is a nephew of W. J. H aJaey Garage Friday night and at two weeks old and baa aeratebed there wa*n't no one ter have us. When iKi«* eftak . a A _ _ B a a . > .. K arl Bramwell is still the cash register was opened. and cored tor and hovered w them er," she continued sternly. tiaezof thia, costiag 2Jc. »nisht find a Ribelin. Miss Ethel told me her anst'd take An hour leter, Mias Wetherby ha 4 a buyer and envert what in f 1 A C IJ awaiting the arrival trom Wash- The prowlere entered the building for the poet mouth, ® L -i! »Irnck me all of t beep caller It w«g_ the chorister o f-J x r now only trash into good V / x O I l liogtou of hia commission for the through the west door and i t • ia (Con banc J on page «) on the porch or in a tent and keep the house c o o V c ^ c h e T S ^ l i i d E lite C H A S . C H A P L I N in ‘P A Y D A Y ’ C on fection ery and C a feteria general hardw are G a r d e n h o se I H IL L & CO W A L L A C E R E I D in 'A C R O S S th e C O N T I N E N T ’ R E G I N A L D D E N N Y in ’ TH E LEATH ER PUSEHRS STORTZ & HOOD, Props G. W . M o rn h in w eg O ak W ood, $4 th e C laxtonola Jots an d T ittle s nt & Pries Confectionery J a y W . M oore, Realtor. B e H o n e st W ith Y o u r s e lf T h e F irs t Savings B a n k o f Albany, Oregon T» •*** ************** * (rer* r o w * «<**♦•*****<*» ewe*« ev«v «ware H alsey M eat M arket r A u to m o b ile In su ra n ce Fresh and Cured M eats C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g e n t. S h ire S ta llio n ut E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE RED STAR Oil Stoves $30 to $75 Other Oil Stoves $15 UP r