PAGE 2 H A LSEY EN T E R P R IS E JU N E » . 1922 SPIRITS AND SPIRITS Get our prices on The Fourth at Albany ruled that such a lease could not no law impairing contracts shall be made without giving the West, With the pre ¡dent end bia cabi- An independent— NOT nentral—news­ be passed, those judges who happen Albany will entertain tbe Wil­ ern Pacific the same right. - 8outh. paper. published every Thursday, n« and hie shipping board con­ lamette valley for two days, July srn Pacific Broadside. to be in the majority have decreed by W m . H . & A. A. W HEELER . temptuously defying the prohibi­ 3 and 4, when that city will stage that the two systems shall be sep­ tt'm. H. W h k k l k x Editor, a big race meet and independence tion law and a mob, partially of all sizes. Mas. A A. W u x x l x r Business Manager arated. Like the case of the Siam­ day celebration. and Local News Editor Peterson Repairing. Pr“ ,ical Shoe drunken, io the wild aod wooly We have Ford tires at all Some of the best trotting and ese twins, nothing hut surgery state of Illinois murdering 83 can fulfill that decree, end the , 7 u “ ordering 33 prices [pacing stock on the coast have Fine Subscriptions, »1.80 a year in advance operation mav be f .t .l t« Ohe 0 •‘.ri,k #bre,k*D« mioe" 10 cold blood beeo listed in tbs various events Wo carry a good line of operation may be fatal to Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ without an effort being made by days of the celebration. Dress Shoes a Specialty manent, 20c. No discount for time both of the twine. accessories and Ford for A both or space big civic and patriotic parade local authorities to punish them, parts. If the courts could uotaogle the In ‘ Paid-lor Paragraph»*,” 5c aline. SOI Lyon st, Albany, Oregon, * an! with a moonshiner a few miles We would be pi eased to have yon ia- will beheld at 12 o’clock on the No advertising disguised as news mess so that the Union Pacific vestigste our line before baying. morning of the 4tb. Floats of from Halrey assassinating our various kinds, business bouses aud coaid run the line from Ogden to sheriff and a minister for iuterfer- 1 HALSEY, Linn Co., Ore.. June 29, 1927 decoroted automobiles will be en­ Sen Freniceco and the Southern ing with bis illegal distillery, it is j tered for prizes. Following the Peciflo that from Portland through parade a weJl-knowu orator will no stretch of the truth to say that TAKES COURAGE TO WIN WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. California to the Gulf of Mexico, I T T ARCHIE CORNELIUS deliver the address and patriotic there is a spirit of lawlessness Regular meeting next Saturday exercises will be held in Takenah We have received under a competitive operation would be nearer home than Russia. The night. park. possible. But eectioos of the eye- Brownsville postmark a partially spirit of the still begets a spirit of The races at the fair grounds Expert workmanship. Watches and legible carbon copy of an anony­ tern ere owned by one company lawlessness end always did. will held at 5. A baseball game clocks t specialty. and others by the other, and to mous communication setting forth and other sports will be features The mythical spirit of the dead HALSEY OREGON Office 1st door south of school house resolutions alleged to have been separate them would leave a lot of has been exploited io the news die­ Local theaters have arranged disconnections and no through Halsey, Oregon. special programs for the two days adopted by the First Methodist patches, with Conao Doyle’s “ octo roads. The Globe has its anuouuoement Dealer in Real Estate. church (somewhere) June 25, plasm” and similar marvels as C .C . B R Y A N T in our advertising columns. Haudlea Town and Country Property The court’s “ untangling” de expressing sentiments, which we leading oards, until the news Give him a call and see if he can fix ATTORNEY A T LAW fully indorse, of horror of the créé ouly tangles things worse tbao gatherers were keyed up to tbs you up. ever. Cusick Bank Building, In 1912 the L’uion Pacific would J’luiuview murder, of sympathy point of setting forth in all serious­ We have too blamed much lew have bought from the Southern with the bereaved and of detesta, Albany, Oregon. ness a fake Paris dispatch to the Pacific company the Central Pa­ tion for the outlaw liquor busineee in this country aud too little just effect that savants of the Sorbonne cific main line from Ogden to ice. Aod see how Harding’s un from which the crime sprang. Sacramento had it not been for the Electric Haircutting, Massaging bad witnessed materialization of Amor A. Tussing The resolutions further have our ruly schoolboys io the balls of con the dead and that alleged phe. California state railroad commis­ and Shampooing. sion. As owner of the Sacramento sympathy and indorsement in gress are piling up law after law nomsnonhad bacome an estab­ LAWYER AND NOTARY Cleaning and Pressing line, via Benicia to Oakland, the stating that "the responsibility io an interminable tangle. lished scientific fact. Southern Pacific wished to graut The Interstate Commerce com­ E. C. M IL L E R lor the brutal assaseination will B rowmsvillx , O reqom Surely “ unclean spirits like the Uuion Pacific a lease of it for test on the shoulders of the moon mission will consider the Southern- frogs” have come forth, aud they through trains. The state body W R I G H T & P O O L E shiner and bootlegger and the Central Pacific question in Octo­ coma into high places. L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L DIRECTO RS ber. It has been intimated that advocate of ’personal liberty HA R R ISB U R G LEBANON Phone 35 Phone 13 ‘ The resolutions further call upon it is likely to throw the two sye- The easiest way out of the rail­ Branches at the officials of the county and tems together under ono manage, road, unmerging would seem to be to I Brownsville, Phone 37C15. ment, which to the uninitiated stats for the exercise of ail their H .lw y Phone 166, Frank Kirk, Mgr Ignore the court decisious, as the power for the enforcement of the looks like a way out of the legal . «N W T h e » to « .« n T government does on shipboard. Volstead act, and to this also the muddle, for the law gives the com­ ----- -------------- mission power to take such action. Enterprise says “ amen.” Liquor causes deaths under pro­ But we catmot agree with the The etete highway commission hibition but it caused more under j resolutions that “ this tragedy is is, and always has been, a law­ . the'logical result of the propa- breaker. It has cared little what I kenze. He Sang Like an Angei, bnt His Trip to ginda iudustrioUsly circulated the law eaid as to location or What if somebodv would pro-1 the Country Was Long Remembered through tho press by the liquor method of construction or financing pose, by a a biidy. for tbe of highways. It has encouraged interests for the purpose of break- government to help make farming Written and copyrighted by Eleauor H ‘ couoty courts to illegally divert pay? What a howl would go up iug down the eighteenth amend Porter. money from market road and from private interests that are now [ meut.” That language ie as other fuods and turn it over to the advocating a ship subsidy!—Port­ '2,000,000 oo our ex­ more than a few newspapers which bear in roindjthat you can tire.of today? A ll over the . later 8t S t Mark's, the penses. Why did they stop there? aoftly swelling music of the organ was take the same stand represent the save money by buying ending curious little thrills tingling country men are talking right press of the country. The great Because, like Alexander, they ¡groceries of oould find no more worlds to con-1 ,W * tberb7 ’i Dn«er Ups. Then tnsjori ty of the newspapers of now o f the rem arkable wearing i«Intly la the distance sounded the qusr. rhey had taxed everything r > A C i r F I n T T r a a r America, like the majority of the in ths state all that it would bear. L l A S r’ L <7®et notes oi the processional. 1 B I J R N l Quality of Fisk Tires. T he rea­ Ethel stirred slightly and threw a people, approve Uie Volstead law, Where did the Linn county mem-1 ~ - V meaning glance at her au n t The sons are obvious. Look over and its opponents will not be able vrowaa met the look unflinchingly. ber of tbe ways aud means com to break it down, no boy,:” *he whis­ any Fisk tire and judge for your­ mittofc exercike the retrenchment pered tartly. 1 lie way to securs euforcomout self. Y o u are bound to find nearer sweUe