[L /C H alsey E nterprise VOL. X HALSEY. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JU N E 2*, 1823 NO. 43 JULY 4th and buy an OLDSMOBILE or some Goodyear or Kelly-Springfield Tires C om e to Albany HALSEY STATE BANK 22:18 : Thou »halt not «after a witch to live. Brownsville Briefs How do wo know that a fa lion an­ gst In occultism Impersonated Python? (By Carroelita Woodworth) (1) In the Greek of Arts 16: Id I Fnneral services for Gordon the dsmssl Is said to have been pop- aassed by the spirit of Python: A Callaway, 4-yaar-old son of Nad certain damsel posses«»] with the Callaway and wife, war» bald Tuss- , day * t the Masonic cemetery, spirit of Pytbun (margin) met ns. (2) St. Paul cast out a fallen angel Rav. A. M. McClain officiating. from her, Acts 16: 18: Paul . , . Rev. C. G. Morris and family said to the spirit ■ • • Como not of her. And he came out the snmo started on a motor trip Sunday for | southern Oregon. They will b« hour. Haw must wa Scripturally aonaldar gone for about two weeks. spiritism and occultism with all thair Mise Beaaia McDonald, who haa methods. Ilka trances, visions, mental spent several months hare with her telepathy, payee-therapy, materialise, sister, Mra. John M illar, haa gone 1 tlona, table rapping and tippings, as- «no.», planchettea, ouija boards, maa- to The Dalles, where she will join eagea by card shuffling and writing, her father. opening the Bible a* random for an­ When yon think of the Among Brownsville people who “Found to be Sane. ” swers to questions, sto., ate.f attended the celebration in houor (1) As method» through which dev­ of Rev. Joab Powell at Providence A ragged, barefooted mao, who _ (B y Anna Pennell) ils— not dead people—operate. Deut were Rev. M. 8. Woodworth. declared that he bad killed Sheriff 32: 17: They sacrificed unlo devils, Cecil Harrison, Hazel Moyer. Mrs. Glenn H ill and family are Kendall and Elder Healy, appeared - you think of not to God ; to god» whom they know «pending a few week* at Beloap at the home of W illiam Zellmsr at not, 2 Kings 21: 1, 8, «: Manasseh Clara Lawrence and Rlaina Wood- Springs. Shedd Thursday and asked for i . . . did thst which was evil In worth. the sight of the Lord, after the abom­ dinner, which was given him. Mayor and Mrs. I . E. W hita Raymond Shedd went back to ina t Ions of the heathen . . . ho and daughters Blauche and Ethel He hung around, alternately Corrallia laat week to go to sum- . . . worshipped all the lio»t of sitting staring into vacancy darting left Munday afternoon for Hutehi- trier school. heaven, and dealt with fam iliar spirits into the woods and climbing treas aon, Kansas. Daring thair two (2) As heathen abominations, D ent Stanley 8atchwell, who has bean and Ed Zimmerman rboned to 18:9-12: Thou shalr not learn to do af­ months' ahsenoe, Counoilman W. attending summer school, came Halsey to Deputy Sheriff Walton ter the abominations of those nations; I. Shelton will act aa mayor. home Saturday evening. who picked the fellow up and took . . . consultar wllh fam iliar spirits, Mra. Henry Robertson attended him to Albany. or a necromancer: for all that do these the rose show in Portland last C. C. Dickson, who haa things are an abomination unto the He told Mr. Walton that he had R E M E M B E R U S F O R T IR E S week. been to California, returned home t/u-d: and because of these abomina­ come from Mapleton, but could not Saturday evening. tions the Lord, thy God doth drive Roy M iller has gone to Condon, C O M P L E T E G A R A G E S E R V IC E say how, unless he had ridden the the heathen out from before thee. where he will ba employed for the He thought hie Mr. McElyane and son Howard brakebeams. (8) As polluting practices. Lev. 18; MASON CORDS next two months in the harvest drove to Portland Sunday. name might be Carlson, but was 81 : Regard not them that have fam il­ fields. not sure about it, and he was quiet­ iar spirits . . . to be defiled by Mrs. Cell Thompson left last est when his mouth was full of them. Misses Shirley and Maxine week for Newport, where she ex­ strong tobacco. He showed no What ara tba Seriptur lly enjoined Hemenway of Creswell are visiting pects to visit for about two weeks. indications of having] been drink­ punishments of thair devotee»? here aa the gueat of thair annt, Lydia Gregory, who has been ing. Lav. 20 : 27 : A man also or woman Mrs. Hazel Moyer. They will he A t Albany he was given a bed that hath a fam iliar spirit . . . visiting her sister in Noti, has accompanied home by Carmelite shall surely be put to- death. 1 Chron. Woodworth. in the jail and went to bed with come borne. Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally 10: 18: So Saul died •• • . for ask­ bin boots, which he had not lost ing counsel of one that had a fam iliar Mias E tn a Gregory, who has while runniug barefooted, on. and in Halsey Particularly spirit, to Inquire of It. Mai. 8: B: I c M r. and Mrs. Paul Jackson and been ill the laat few days, is better. The Herald says county officials will be a swift witness against the their eon and daughter, aged I t found him to he "of good health, Mrs. Ida Robson ia taking a Mrs. Hugh Leeper was at Tan-1 pointed sheriff to suoceed the sorcerers , . . • »alth the Lord of and 17 respectively, who came with uo evidence of mental de­ hoots. Rev. 21: 8 : Sorcerers . . . from Germauy, have been working motor trip with her father and gent Monday, murdered Kendall. M r. D u o la p • shall have their part In the lake which ficiency," and ao was turned loose mother, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham. F. M. Tindle and wife of Browns­ is a farmer, 38 years old, and was hnrneth with fire and brimstone, which h’r J. P. Barnett on his farm north in the morning. The paper does of Lauuaeter for their fond and They expect to be gone about two not state which officials gave this ville and Mrs. Tiodle’s sister, Mrs. s' noted ath lets at college fifteen la the second death. clothijog aud $2 a weak aa the weeks. Moonshiners and vetdicL Perhaps their mental O'Meara ot Wisconsin, were in , years ago. What should ba aur attitude toward wages of the four, thia being ia Halsey Monday evening. other lawbreakers may find him spiritism and oocultlsml Mra. Molly Myers of Spokano, status needs to be inquired into. return for Barnett’s furnishing who has been visiting her son, J. L. Hood has bought an inter­ athletic still. (11 Avoidance, Deut. 18: M l For transportation from Germany, Paving with concrete will liegin these nations which thou «halt possess The family is nearly devoid of Ray Meyers, left Sunday to visit The only nation toast is now free est in Ed Stortt* Elite cafeteria on tbe road to Harrisburg about heurkened unto observers of time«, und clothing and undernourished. A friends in Jefferson. from the hindrance of many Mo- and confectionery. The firm now is Stortz & Hood. M r. Hood ia well the end of next week. W hile it is unto diviners; but aa for thee, the hearing was held and the family bammedau subjects, therefore free Mrs. Nellie Satchwell is visiting in progress and for 28 days tl e e- Lord thy God hath not suffered thee released.— Harrisburg Bulletin. to deal with the Turk as he de­ known in Albany. in Seattle. after the rosd will be closed to so to do. (2) Opposition, Mph. 6: 12: serves, is the United States, but We wreetla against wicked spirits The oil-well drilling at Sweet S. P. B rock of 8hedd, who 1- 80 we have no national interest io the Home is at first to lie confined to travel to allow the cement to hard­ [margin] In high places. Raspberries and loganberries are en. The mile Jand a half next to years o'd, cut twenty-five cords of matter. The Turk is likely to go By What means ean aur rsplstanea in the market, but not many of welle about 350 feet deep whose ob­ town is expected to be open wood last winter. evaroema them I them at Halsey. Small fruit and liis own murderous way until some ject is to learn what oil indications to travel in about two months. (1 ) Ry the armor of God, Kph. 6: large, from strawberries to peart, nation, perhaps Greece, becomes exist. I f the results are favorable Meantime the parallel roads on k * * - i * v a a a v i strong enough and angry enough a deep well will be sunk. Work is both sides of tbe Pacific highway 181 Wlwrefore take unto you the rot where they grow on farms b * whole armor of God, tliut ye may he cause people are too but? harvest- to dispose of him once for all. beginuing on the secood of the test will need to be resorted to by able to withstand In the evil day. (2) ing to gather them and a little U n til then one of the hopes awak­ welle. W e H ave travelers. The mile and a half re­ The Word of God, Eph. 6: 17: And town like Halsey cannot get tbe ened by the wot Id war will remain EVERY THING Recommended as likely to con­ ferred to w ill probably be closed take . . . the Rwt rd of the Sprllt, fresh fruit its inhabitants would unfulfilled. — Portland Oregonian. tinue Mr. Kendall’s course of •>*--. O ptical from tomorrow on, to allow the which la the lV ird of God. (8) Pray­ buy— And hoboes ride the freight seeking to enforce the law on curbing and sand and gravel to be er, Matt, fi : 13 : I-end us not Into temp­ aud agitators howl about untoa- tation; hut deliver ns from evil. E Y E STRAIN W hat has become of those sun moonshiners end bootleggers, W. placed- plovmcnt. Is the Cause of Many spots that tbe astronomers told tie J, Dunlap of Shedd has been ap­ (Continued on page 3) and celebrate the occasion right. MORTON g DOTSON F ir s t a n d L y ? n . Phone 69 D A Y all bills by check and thus establish a 1 permanent record of your business. Take care of your money now and it will take care of you later. Open a SAVINGS A C C O U N T with this bank today. e pay 1% interest, compounded semi­ annually. Shedd Shots PAIGE CARS VICK BROTHERS ALBANY, OREGON Phone 116 Call us or write u s ; we will gladly bring the the new Paige-Jewett to your door and dem­ onstrate it to you. Jots and Tittles HUMAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You Bancroft Optical Co. let St. W. Albany. Phone were keeping the weather cold and would do so all the year? Itlsm and occultism. Impersonated the j The fields in this part of the valley proclaim to every paster tbe tru th of the claim that it la one of the garden spots of the country. A Few of the M any Opportunities at Home Shoes Patent Puinps-One-strap Baby Dolls... Pollyanna Patent Welts, two-strap..... Black Kid one-strap......... ..................... White Cloth one-strap Putnps.............. $6.00 5.00 5.00 3w50 Hosiery Black or white Cordovan in cotton lisle at 25. 35. ,45 and 5 0 cents the pair Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and Cordovan, at 9 8 cents the pair Children’s black cotton ribbed at 23 cents New Line Ladies’ Blouse Waists, dark colors, at... $4.50 Grocery Specials $1.00 1.00 Two Creme Oil free 1.00 Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for. 1.00 Pearl White or Silk Soap, 25 bars.... . Dependable Roasted Coffee. 3 pounds... Peet’s Washing Machine Soap, 3 for ... * ‘ All prices lea» 5 % for cash » f M. V. KOONTZ CO. deadf (1 ) Io Spiritism, 1 8am 28: 7, 11- 16. 19: Saul »aid unto hl» servant». Seek me a woman that hath a fam iliar nplrtt. His servants eald to him. Be­ hold, there 1» a woman that hath a fam iliar «plrlt at En-dor Then »aid tbe woman. Whom »ball I bring up unto thee? And he »aid. Bring me up Hamuel. And when the woman »aw (the representation of) Ramnel, «he . . . spake to 8anl . , . And the king »aid unto her . . . What Halesy Christian Church •awest thou? And the woman »aid unto Rant. I saw an old-man . . . Church Announcements covered with a mantle. And Saul per­ ceived roomluded) that It was Samuel Christian; And (the representation ef) Ramnel 10, Bible school. 11, Lord's Supper. Sermon, «aid to Raul. Why hast thou dis­ quieted me, to bring me up? And Saul „ The Need of the Hour. ” answered, I am sore dlafreaaed; . . 7, Christian Endeavor. . and God 1« departed from me, and 8, evangelistic serviee. Sermon, ■ nswervth me no more Then »aid “ The Price of a H air-c u t." (the representation of) Ranrael the Letter Jones, pastor, Lord will also deliver Israel with thse Into the hand of tht Philistine«: Methodist: and tomorrow »halt thou and tby sons ho with me. 8unday School, 10. (2 ) In Ocraltlsm, Arts 16: 16: A Preaching, 11. certain damsel posneeaed with a »plrlt Junior League, 8, ef divination . . . brought her Intermediate League, 6:30. matters much gain by soothsaying. Epworth League, 6:80. Hew do wo know thst th» fallen Preaching, 7:30. sngolo Impersonated Samuel? Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. (1 ) God and Hla servants would Rev, C. T . Cook, Pastor, hove nothing to do with Saul. 1 Sam. 28: 6 : Th» Lord answered him not. Pine Grove Church: neither by dreams, nor by Urtm, nor Sunday School, 10. by prophets. Prayer-meeting, 7. (2> God had forbidden necromancy — alleged talking with tbe dead — hence Hie servants shunned It. Deut. 16: 10, l i t There shall not be found among you . , . ■ necromancer. n (8 ) God punished Raul with death for coneoltlng wt,n the demons through the witch of En-dor. 1 Chron. By The Laymen's Heme Mlestenary 10: 18: Ho Saul died . . . . for asking onuneel of one that had a fa- Movement, 1867 Snyder Ava, m lller spirit, to Inquire of It. Philadelphia, P i. (41 God would not permit one un­ -Hew have the fallen ee^ela _le sole- der His death sentence to disturb the death-xlecc faithful Lz SPIRITS AND DEVILS Gingham Dresses Another lot of good-looking low-priced ging­ ham dresses now on sale. They come in plain check or combination. Most of them are triinmod in white. The styles are all new and smart and the price only $3 50 New Luggage Suit cases, bags and trunks just in. Prepare for your va­ cation with some new luggage Suit cases ol imitation leather in brown or $1.95, $2.50, $4.00, $4.85 and $12.50 Leather cases .... ........... $18.50 and $22.50 Traveling bags of irnitatii n and real loathe* priced from................ ....... $2.65 to $22.75 Steamer and auto trunks $7.50, $8.50 and $15 Dress Trunks....... .......... ...... $12.50 to $24 We also carry the Everlasto Wardrobe Trunk ALBANY Hamilton’s OREGON