PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE J U 3 I. U , \1 H Some children are whooping w ith whooping cough. '1\ f\ R IA L T O T H E A TE R , F R ID A Y A Husband /b /h Last seen wandering around Monte Cario try ju g Io keep un w ith liis foolish young w ife and prevent her from fa llin g a victim to the wiles and whkedneas of a title d European cad ; eaid huabaud a fine m an ly American who believe« an Am erican g ir l should not be dazzled by the a rtific ia lity of an empty title ; fu r ­ ther in fo rm a tio n may he had by seeing to 1 Í f $ F o o l i s h W iv e s 5R B y a n ti w ith V O N S T R O H E IM , to m ost W o n d er fu l P i c t u r e in A m e r ic a The the man yon w ill love. to hate. $ Presented by Carl Laemmle T A I ’ jiiv e r s a l S u p e r-J e w e l P r o d u c tio n a $ THE FIRST R E A L MILLION D O LL A R P IC T U R E ’» f o t t o $ A ä More th r ills than ever before presented in one gig a n tic picture—more eo.tly settiugs than were ever before disclosed upon the silver screen— and the most fa. in n t n g v illa in who ever decoyed a pretty woman in to a com prom ising situ * Uon. • P. S. Yea, am a ll- A m e r ic a n p r o d u c tio n , m a d e in C a lifo r n ia , y e t r e p r o d u c in g , in a ll its g lo r y , g a y M o n to C a rlo , c a p ita l o i h e w o r ld o f C hance, to t i fr o M, C. Bond and Mias Mona Bond were in Lebanon Sunday. Clarence Williams was at the county seat Monday. Miss Catherine A rn o ld of Shedd is v is itin g her sister, Mra. Andrew Brown. A daughter came to the home of iE lm e r C. Lehr a t Shedd last Wednesday. J, W . Moore and fa m ily aud A ndy Brown and wife were Leba­ non visitors Sunday. C linton, son of C. W. Standish and wife of Brownsville, was over fo r a comet lesson yesterday. M rs. D. T a y lo r and son Law- rence, accompanied by G ra n t T a y ­ lor, drove to P ortland Monday. Guy Layton is hovering near death's door from lockjaw which developed from au ulcerated tooth. Miss Ella C. Meade of Albany has again been re-elected secretary of the state board of optician exam ­ iners. Irene Q uim by is e njoying th a t free scholarship at O. A . C. w hich she won as a prize in her club work. J. 8. Beene eBd wife and little son from C alifornia have been visiting Beene’s brother, W . H . Beeue and wife. Mrs. L. J. Cornelius of Pleasant H ill, m other of A - D. Cornelius, the jeweler, spent the week end w ith his fa m ily, A corrugated ro lle r ran over Theodore M itzne r’s foot Saturday aud sent him to a surgeon, but no bone« were broken. — North ET SOM ETHING th a t ia sto u t, th a t is, C A B L E , in place o f r o p e —stro n g e r — and y ^ ts a lifetime. G No. 18, 12.01 p ui 24, 5.30 p a . JUST A FEW SNAPS TO SNAP High School Consolidation South Mo, 23, 1 1 » a. » IF. S..W p Œ< S U N D A Y M A I L H O URS W h en j o u buy m ach in e oil d o n ’t th in k a n y old g rease is oil. We have a heavy red E N G IN E O IL , host th a t can be bought, a t 5 0 c a gallon. T ry it. T W IN E is here. G. W. Moruhinweg n n ii,n u ,1 U II.M t The delivery window of the H alsey postoffice is open Sunday« fro m 9:15 to 9:45 a. ru. and 12 20 to 12:35 and 4:<5 to 5,00 p. m. ‘ € PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS ¡Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line H arrisburg is comm endably am­ Foolish W iv e s ," the Universal bitious and proposes, i f eleven other d istricts w ill consolidate w ith super-picture, which w ill occupy her, to erect a >35,000 high school the screen of the R ia lto theater to­ b oilding . Halsey has been in v ite d morrow n ig h t, ia unique in that the hero of the film also ia the v il- to be one of tbe eleven. But Halsey, too, is am bitious, la in . E rich von Stroheim , the and Bert C lark and H en ry Z im ­ author and director of tbe picture merman have been named ae IB a d d itio n plays the p rincip al member« of a com m ittee o f three, role, th a t o f a renegade Russian they to choose tbe other member, count, who victim ize« the wife of to so licit adherents to a consolidated an A m e rican envoy to the p rin c i­ high school d is tric t here at home p a lity o f Monaco. The count pur. The school budget published re­ sues a v illa in o u s way across the cently in tbe E nterprise was ap. screen u n til be meets his desert« iu proved at tbe election M onday. the fin a l reel. B a lf Bond was chosen to succeed h im self as clerk and Douglas Tay Gbuses Fitted in Halsey. lor to succeed h im se lf as director D r. Royal J. G>ck. optom etrist, for the com ing three years. of Eugene, w ill be a t the hotel in Inez B. Freeland has been Halsey on June 26, 1 to 5 p. m., chosen as assistant p rin c ip a l for the coming term . M rs Freeland to fit glasses. Q u a lity and service Prices reasonable. was p rin c ip a l at Shedd for several guaranteed. terms and was w ell liked ■ ®r " ®- W . B a rnu m , dentist, at D uring tbe W ilson regime, when H o te l Halsey every Tuesday aod the president was an autocrat over | F rid a y . congress, p a rtic u la rly over the senate, the congress functioned, An Old Timer Visits Halsey bnt^duriug the past year and h a lt * * there appears to be no N. B. Sutton and w ife and eon, m utual vantage p o in t on which a ll Frederick, of Wenatchee, Wash., c«n aland. * • * There are visited Mr«. S u tto n ’s m other, Mrs. signi that the president sees th a t Brandon, in Halsey last week. M r. Sutton came to Haleey th irty - oe m ust do som ething Unless he uses the w hip he w ill spoil the con­ three yeare ago and le ft L in n gressional c h ild .— A lb a u y H erald. county seventeen yeare ago for H arney V a lle y , rem aining there Ed Ziuimermin of Shedd w ill run for two and h a lf year«, and moved to county commissioner on the democratic Wenatchee and there engaged iu fr u it g ro w in g. tic k e t He say a the orchard« look a W. H. been* and wife were at the great deal d iffe re n t here from those county seat Tuesday, in the Weuatchee d is tric t. Hesuys George VV, West, traveling for the they can raise ae good fr n it here International Harvester company, was in certain d is tric ts aa they do there in town yesterday and w e n tjo v e rjto if the same tim e were epeut on the Brownsville thia morning. M r. West orchards here as there, where care ia well known in the latter city, having and fe rllizers of the rig h t kin d are at ont time had an implement store in used, the soath end. He called at the Wheeler _ Mr. S utton attended the pioneer home and exchanged reminiscences. picnic th ir ty , three years ago. He spent one day there th is tim e To be in keeping with its brightened- and saw m any of hia old-tim e up iuside, the H ill hardware store haa a friend* and fo un d m any had gone new coat of white paint outside. Jim in the last seventeen years. McWilliams and Eldon Cross did the , M r. Sutton and fa m ily le ft last job. F rid a y fo r home, expecting to Good by, strawberries. Come again d rive there in three days, b u t to You’ll be welcome. spend some tim e w ith Mrs. S utton’ s C. Osborn, and Have you noticed that the days are sister, Mrs. G. brother, H . F. Brandon, in Port­ grow ing shorter? Well, the almanac land. •ays they are. A valuable horse belonging to Barney Albers on the Charles Troutm an place a t Ash Swale fell over a bank into the Calapooia rive r aud drowned the other day. if' Jr. 4 ». Z*. A rchie C ornelius’ grandm other, who afterwards became a Bristow, was a pioneer and herself drove a ly in g in the «hock a few week« team of oxen over the tr a il to Ore­ under the b u rn in g gun when the gon when she was but 18 years For skating, skiing, tebegannlng er owner can il l a ffo rd such a loss. old. There was energy. hiking where ene has n* plane te ( C ju tiu u e l frJin page 3) Two hundred tins of adulterated ehange front otroot etethee, this le a The C urry home, on the II. C. G rant Taylor left on M onday Davis farm , wa« a p re tty busy chloroform shipped from Chicago welcomes «pert su it W ith the alp of to enjoy tli« Portland roso «how place d urin g the week end. Jesse to somebody iu Albany were seized hookj and snaps the nether garment n o d a vacation of In n weeks. J. C. C urry, a «on, w ith his wife and in Portland Tuesday by U nited Is easily and qulekly eenverted from ekirt te knlekere and back aga'"- Bram w ell is snbatitutiug hm ru ra l three children arrived trom Pasco States authorities. carrier on route 2. Mr«. Douglatt in the afternoon, and later along R. Cornelius, form erly railroad T a ylo r and Lawrence went t o l ’o it- came two son.«, w ith the wife of agent here, has been d e fin ite ly WHITE BETTER THAN COLORS land w ith G rant. jone, and a daughter and her hus­ assigned to a s im ila r position at Snowy Fabrico Moro Economical for A 15,000 lira nt Junction C ity band, and more children. There T urner and his fa m ily has gene Heueoheid Purge««« — »oiling there. were eighteen guests at the hospi­ Monday Ini rued, am ong other Koopo Spetloee and Sweat table home th a t night. building«, the rin k , which was A W ashington dispatch states owned by Mrs . \V. W. Crawford It Is a wi«e woman who discovers Our national b irthday approaches that the appointm ents of post­ of Albany. and the voice of the firecracker is masters at Halsey and Shedd have early In her career as a housewife that pure white fabrics are more econom­ been approved by the comm ittee ou ical for household purposes than those Mrs. \V. Fb W ashburn of heard in to« land. R rowneville is home trom a tr ip to Eldon Cross and wife left poet roade and post offices o f tbe of color», notea a w riter In the Kansas K a rl B ram w ell is one City Star. Always pare white table F lo rid a which begau in December Wednesday for H dleboio, Mrs senate. cloth, dolllee and runners are the beat. und took her by the eoutbern Cross' home, and Portland. Mrs. step nearer the goal. Tf they are colored the color fade* In route through C a lifo rn ia , Arizona, G W M oruhinweg went w ith them Last Sunday Mrs. Adda Ringo time, leaving en unattractive result. etc., and home by the northern hh far e's Newberg, where her aon, entertained her brother, Robert in-law , Harrison Wallace, lay in Kenady, and Miss L o ttie S m ith Moreover, i f they an colored they can The pioneers of Brush Creek, not be boiled, and after ell. boiling to Chancy Sickles has demonstrated the danger of death from the accident of Cottage Grove. Mias E lla Ken­ the most satisfactory method tor keep­ Charles Arnold was elected school di­ near C raw fordsville, held a reunion great increase in production that even elsewhere recorded. rector and Miss Lucille Shedd wai re­ ady and little nephew, who have ing cotto«» eg iineoe epotleaa and last week in which J, W- and open drainage can accomplish on tome elected clerk at Shedd Monday. sweet. for J. H. LaRuo accompanied Frank been v is itin g Mra. R ingo T.iomaa P h ilp o t o i H arrieburg, of these valley lands. He believes that Another thing to hear In m ind: Col­ fo rm e rly o f Brush Creek, took Porter in the la lte r'a auto to P o rt­ couple of weeks, went home w ith ored fabric« sometime* “run" In the if he had a good outlet he could make land F riday, coming home on tbe them. part. 'ashing. This make* It necessary to the increase much greater by tiling When in need of a evening train Monday. l j e reporta D r. M arks has been up to more wash them separately from the white Not only the farm crops but the wealth The M ountain States Power com­ enjoying a fiue visit w ith tbe pany ha-« di.-posed of nearly a ll of Porter« and others and a ride of his tric k s thia week. He weut fabric* and this mean* more work on of flowers on his place are pronounced good for the eyes. those elgbt-per-ceut gold note« about the c ity , which he had not to Charles F a lk ’s, to George Mogs’ washday. It la a good plan to select pure white it w ill be to your advantage of Tangent and to Elm er Lehr,« at w hich it advertised Home tim e ago seeu for fo rty -e ig h t years. He Halsey was spatte-ed with rain yeater- to investigate my offer on the A N K E R Shedd aud yeaterdav to K a rl Bram bath and hand towels. Wash cloths in the E u tvrp ru a , viaitsd Everett Standish while should always be pure white, for wash day. A little more, please. w e ll’s, and five babies have been HO LT. L. W . R yeklkv . cloths ought certainly to be boiled A ll L in n e ointy w ill center nt there. He calls it a good week eud. cryin g at the four places since. Mrs. A. C. Schmitt and two sons, quite frequently to keep them sweet the county seat for the celebration Lawrence and Rolla, of Albany visited The genial M r. Tohl of the A b irth d a y party was given at and white. of J u ly 4. I t promises to be the Woodworth drug store, Albany, the McW illiam s family last Thursday Some women even prefer pure white biggest alTair ever pulled o tf there has been laid up by illnesa thia the home o f R. K . Stewart and kitchen aprons. To be eure tbe old- and Friday. They all went to the pi.n- wife Tuesday of last week, in hon­ fashioned. dark checked aprons de not eer picnic Thursday. on our natio na l b irth d a y . week. or of Mise Grace Pehrseon and Victor Yates of Oakville passed Hay Is fast going into the shock A daughter arrived to bless the Pete Settle. Gam-s were played show the soil, but they become soiled lost as soon. The pore white apron has n il over the valley, and it, is m ostly home o f Charles Talk Sunday. and ice cream and oake were the advantage to the scrupulous hoose- through town Wednesday. | good bay, too. N jw if it is q u ic k ly Sumner D ougherty o f P ortland, We may have a lady barber hern served. About tw enty-eight young wlfe of showing »oil. Ton can always p a t into bains or large stacks it people were present. tell when It should be dlecerded for a Aax Dougherty and w ife and M r. yet K a rl B ra m w e ll haa been w ill continue to Io good hay. clean one. And tbe pure white apron Price of Seattle arrived Tuesday fo r acme body to take Misses Marie and Elizabeth ran be washed with other white clothes M any a field of tine hay deterior­ looking for a few weeks’ v is it w ith Mrs barge of his ehop wbeu hie com­ Stewart of P ortland vieited th e ir and never take« on that dingy look ates a dollar or two per ton by mission as postmaster arrives, i f couslu, M rs. K. E. Hover, the first that comes to colored aprons when 8. C. D ougherty of Haleey. it ever does, and yesterday m orn- o f the w«ek. They went to the they bare become faded. Charles M ornhinw eg is caring iug there arrived at the Bram w ell pioneer p icn ic also Mothers sometimes regard It as an for the S w ift cream station •» They went home a young lady weighing home Tuesday, accompanied by extravagance to drese children In pure Shedd w hile hia brother Hom er M en’s c h a m b ra y work seven pounds. Her presence had Mrs. L . E. W a lto n. white But the game advantage that on a mysterious tr ip northw ard (t ;*.-,Lo1iunu& Creams * sh irts, full cut, holds In the case of household linen« Rumors fly about th a t H om er w ill been provided fo r by tbe ladies of for two p o c k e ts..... • holds tn children's clothes. This Is Douglas T a y lo r le ft yesterday the C hristian church by a shower have a partner from Tacoma w ith T an and S u n b u rn of little garment« at a gathering noon fo r Spokane, where he was especially true In the case of very h im wheu he returns and the boya H n i’b ’ tto n? y ru U Almond Creatn at the Ringo home some days ago e a ll-d by the death of h i* brother, yonng children whoae clothe« must be have th e ir eyes on tin horns end M en's g ray an d blue C H tw id Crc4ni tvith Peroxide and Mrs B ra m w e ll was most H. J T a y lo r, who has been a resi­ washed frequently. work sh irts, fine UM pans and cowbells, so they can lMrt»l4 1 r ii tV Freckle Cream pleasantly surprised when the offer­ dent o f th a t c ity for many vests. 5nd then q u ic k ly when needed for c h a m b ra y ............ C h itu lw rIa in 's Cold ('ream ings arrived in a haudeomelv dec­ M r. T aylo r, who ia about sixty.five MILK SAMPLES FOR TESTING a sweet serefiade. Woodbury's Facial Cream years old. recently underwent an orated ba-ket. C ibine Double Sheugtb Santt«eptic Lotfon Saturday D eputy Sheriff W alton M en's sox. two operation in a Spokane hospital Only Fair Way Would Ba to Make 1 loimea* Frostilla P. 1. Forster has b u ilt improve­ Douglas was joined by his brother found th a t the description of a p a irs fo r............ Average of Two to Four Mllklago Orchard W hite ments to his bouse, resbingling G ra n t io P ortland. " tra c k w a lke r’ ’ who had passed —Cowe W ill Very. P'pe> a Cream part of it, and painted it a ll, m ak­ •outh tnrough Halsey on the Robertitie Thomas Glaze of A lbany, 79 A n y th in g in work ing it look as a ttra c t! / • as hie well- M ilkuce»l Cream A fair sample ot milk for a test Southern Pacific ta llie d w ith th a t ( ’rente de Camelia cultivated garden. And he b u ilt year« old, was found dead Monday »hould he an average ot t» a or four of tbe fellow who on the previous clothing. Wo can Illuda* Colti Cream in a stable, where he had been milkings. Cow« do no* always gtre day had robbed the Aurora bank bis own new cement sidewalk. IS « ' .in i-Unrig Crextu save you m oney. attending to some cows. I t i« be- milk ot the same teat Let* of cows Stilli imi i * r I rrvkle vrcAtu J W Rector is a deserted man, leived th a t he accidentally fe ll and teat lower in the -meralag milking of >1155, b u t no arrests have yet rank been reported. » moti Cteaiu his fam ily having gone to the roee received fatal injuries. than at night The only fair way la te Fa Lfc.ini lvlli Mr. and Mra. W illia m Davidson, «how W ith a ll restraint thus re­ make an average and a sample «f mere linter moved there ia no know ing what i Robert --------- . Audrews w o r n a n u then oae milking la necessary to got , of Brow nsville, w ith th e ir daugh­ of r Portland he tuav do He has already *n '*d ill yvuwwon Johnson ana and thia average teat Fun G la i& c s ter, Mrs. Clara McCoy of C orvallis, eaay torn toru i * cconaP * ’—,— T by ” W ••• up a ll the sidewalk on the F ire irs t. * '* • - « arrived n v e d Thursday T h n r .^ .„ and spent ------- were io Halsey for a short tim e - » es from tlie glare Tbe W ay t o ___ Sunday. street side of hie shop. Watch the day a t the pioneer picnic at <1 Ih? wintl, too. Prayer cirrloe ns halfway to Ood, him . He avers an in te n tio n to Brow nsville. They came to H a l. Dr. and Mrs. E. W. B arnum re­ put the walk hack w ith im prove­ *ey in the evening and viaited at fearing bring« oe te the door of Hl« turned Tueedav from a few days’ palace, end alaaa-glrtng precare* a* V’ Â, Riflg.0, ÖIUg£ISt the home of Frank K ir k u n til the ment*. T he sto re with a sq u a re tr ip to Portland. W h ile gone fo llo w in g day, when they returned admission —Koran. Charles Hall is etiti gneariDg. th eir ch ild re n , Jean and Bobby deal for every cu sto m er. M r. and M u . B M. BouJ. M r*. to Portland. were a t the C. P. Stafford home' ALBANY, ORBGON 25 A M D 50 C E N TS Jots and I ittles Farmers, Cream Separator Work shirts m a in CLOTH in g T o ]