PA C K 3 H A L S B Y E N T E R P R IS E J U N E 22, 1922 Politica ara silly at tbe best Brownsville Briefs —Madford Mail. be has the repablioan nomination A « lodepcadsat— N O T neutral— news­ and that in thia case is equivalent (By Carmelita Woodworth) paper- published every Thureday, W ANTED The Brownsville Good Citizen­ to election. We merely slate the Funeral services for Barbara by W m . H . & A. A. W H E E L E R . ship league has nearly 200 mem­ Church, 7-year-old daughter of facts so that oar readers may see Wm. H. W hcki . kb Ed ito r. bers. »«■' -* E. L. Church aud wife, were held M m A A W hcblhk business Manager wbat to expect. and Local News Editor. Tuesday morning at the Methodist It was not ability, bat length of church. Rev. Mr. Morris offici­ t Get our prices on Subscription., Ji.50 a year in advance. 1 ,u PP°ic r, n j n u n u II means It* <11134 V committee U III t i l l L i f t * I tion, ’ ----------- ww / , » „vri i l l a U t e n tt* ways and or bring forward any man but an day for a visit at Lacomb She since 1917. 1)04*9 anybody notice loudly immoral are being driven very realistic and the fireworks honest man for president. —Lady *that extravagance has been pre- I,rom the »t»ge by loss of patron- j Utracted » of attention, will be the guest of Rev. Mr. Boyce. Astor. Brownsville will not have a can­ Robert McFarland fell from vented and taxi** lessened since • £ • * _____ cherry tree and was seriously in­ nery this year, owing to the fact America consumed a dollar’s 1917 by this fighter of extrawa Lagt week two pr op~ ^ r8 of jured He was attempting to that Oren Stratton, the main fruit­ worth of beet sugar per head ot gance on the ways and means hotel at Seattle were sentenced to catch hold of a swing rope, but grower of this section, has contract­ population last year. One-fourth committee! one and two years respectively in meesured the distanoe incorrectly ed his berries to Eugene. With, of that dollar was dna to tbs out this large share of produce it customs tariff. When his legislative career be- prison for selling liquor, sod on the gan Oregon was attractive to im same day a Portland bootlegger migrants because taxes were low chose a jail ssnteuce in leiu of a . I. and the state was out of debt. I’ 250 fine. It looks as though pro­ and prohibit those Now they are repelled by the hibition would fellows from liquor selling for a facts that taxes on farms are while. equal to their rental value, or Some fru it lias beeu ruined by pre rentable fleets this year. Some ma) more, and the state groans under Some people say that the 1150, yet be saved that w ill be lost unless pre a bonded debt that coming gen 000 that Pinchot’s victory in the I ren tive measures are taken in time. L ik e ra in y others you are p lan nin g a trip ’ into the great out­ We sell sprayers and all kinds of fungi orations will have to carry. doors, and try in g to decide on th a t vacation spot. Pennsylvania primaries cost him I cides, insecticides and sprayng material Let us assist by providing you w ith a copy of our 1920 “ O R E ­ As a member of the ways and was too much. Well, now, was’nt it Come in and tell us your needs and | team how small w ill be tlie expense ol G O N O U T D O O R S " F O L D E R . I t is beautifully illustrated aad means committee the Voter says just as legimats and as “ necessary' ’ saving your fruit. brim m ing fu ll of details about resorts in western Oregon. “ he must hear his ahare of the »■ Newberry’s $190,000 which the " i blame in 1921 session for bring (United States senate approved If you are not a sub­ mg in appropriation bills provid without batting an eye? ALBANY, OREGON mg $2,200,1 MM) for purpoees new scriber to tbe Halsey The shrioers bad their parade I and different from those covered in 1919 session; also for bring­ io a rainstorm in Sau Francisco) Enterprise and a copy ing in hills so late that no mem last week. 'I bey might better have Wo make a western her could d accomplish any th in g |ha<1 their 8stherl08 s sent to you, please Specialty of in attenq i'ting to reduce this total p r#gOn’ whôre the weather was Friendship, examine it and see if In 1917, when he was a __ 1 flue—likewise the water. Engagement and puted fighter of extravagance, he t is such a newspaper The way the bonus to ships tbst Wedding oppowed the original $5,000,000 to run saloons is being steam-rollered road bonding bill; aince then he Rings as you would like to T u t a g o o * q o u trrv B eaches N ewport . v - t » b -S ea came around to the support of through congress ought to dry tbs M . F rench & sons ; *• \ C.MT8 r l * « N ational P akk mad bomb, amounting many | d e K °Cra,,f, Wh° HALSEY ENTERPRISE 200 T on s R oyal Anne C h e r r ie s STENBERG BROS. T IR E S Foote Bros* Garage W ATCHMAKER & Jeweler w u d v h i l i You Can Help Us to Help You j Kill I the Pests Save the Fruit Murphy Seed Store Excursion Tickets ' Cost Less This Year more millions ami got a salaried tZJr.Gng ’ 'Ue " d‘9in' position under the highway com | mission, thus diverting aome of The l.te .t flapper to startle an < proceeds of thoae bonds into already gasping world wears a bis own pocket. What brought lh'mble on her finger in public. about this conversion! Did he, ~ J unct,on City T’mes. like Saul of Tarsus, see a brightj U th»‘ ALBANY O ukcoN 's P osagy, L a k e , R iv e r and M ountain R esorts N ational M onument Y osemite N ational P are OREG. i .- x . O rkgo R'L' avbs sflasta mountain R esorts . For fares, train schedules, beautiful J mor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville , O kkoon ligbt, and did it emanate from. the great American dollarf . 'Y Sear s & Sons of Albany ii., . . . nave the coutract, for the doom Practical Shoe hl .M f V * ,l”' Btowneville Repairing. ticket bill, which would have en I woolen mill «'•led the boss of a gang of ignor Fine *nt men to vote them for the Dress Shoes a Specialty party without their knowing " h*f were the men or measure* 501 Lyon st , Alhany, Oregon,- • j fhry voted for. And he b4>eame the boss of a gang of men. He voted for the injunction bill, which WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. have prevented courta from Regular meeting next Saturday restraining the picketing strikers night. who were assaulting, maiming aud murdering workers during Three Reasons fke longshoremen'a strike in why you should have us examine Office 1st door south ol school house your eyes. First, ws give a scientific Portland recently. examination Second, we never ad­ Halsey. Oregon. He voted for more salary in vise glasses M le s s they are really Dealer in Real Estate. needed, and T h ird , if you need glasses crease bills than he opposed. we w ill have them made under our per­ Handles Town ami Country Propert) He introdun-d but failed to sonal supervision. G ive h im a call and see if he can fix yon up. pass the moving picture censor ship graft. He ia evidently an extrava gance fighter, but on which side O p t v m e t r is t . Elsctric Haircutting, Massaging I does he fight f ALBAN* O A C L and Shampooing. The foregoing Is not written Harold Albro. I leaning aid Pressing 1 with any Idea of prejudicing M r Manufacturing optician. Childs' prospect of re-election, E. C . M IL L E R , Southern Pacific Lines J O H N M. SC O TT. General Passeagsr A gent A. Peterson I. 0 . O. F. W. J. Ribelin BARBER SHOP fold er, or other psrticnlRfS a jk agents - encourage. If you are pleased with tbe efforts of tbe publishers to produce a i ' paper that will be a credit to tbe community send in $1.50 and yoii will receive 52 numbers containing tbe Cave Man Stuff cream Badt In the beginning of things our »reh iato rir r„ .i— S S S S K L E ,b' " " h - S t S S S S r S the tracks of the game he leaf or broken tw ig was heat off in I ,ft I hen, as now, the most const as t rwA/lar dreeead, best fed and most contested H° CO,° W ,o,,ow mt.anmg o a twisted “ ’ vert.siag was best T h e re ha« been something of. an evo lm io « a ths last few thousands of year. be , .x , O" 10 »dvertisjng The cons latent r a X I f I f ^ n c r p le i . Jn. , , he s. m, informed on what to eat end v J e r e T * "V *? '* i n r , n , b l T b es t how much to P s y f o r i « . r h . , “i ^ 2 OX' , i ‘’. ’rh ’ ‘ to — «be most t a i portaat « v t . g , ™ the -------— life. Thonghonj the liveab le and pleasant. a d v e rtid i r y ,« W e Owe h nw eb. of the local news, several good sto­ ries and some editorial • -k comment, wise or oth­ erwise. If a hundred or twd will do this we shall be able every week, instead * ° ™, k * W* of occasionally, to give you six or eight pages, instead of four.