Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 22, 1922, Image 1

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H alsey
Shedd Shots
[ Mr.-. Ralph Dannen and her
; George and daughter Frances spent
(By Anna Pennell)
I Sunday in Corvallis visiting with
H » K o » , . , , , Conn., „1 P o„. X
. I
AY all bills by check and thus establish a
land was visiting at the home of |
her father, O. If. Connor, for the
permanent record of your business.
Fatally Hurt While on Duty
past week.
Harrison Wallace, a Newberg
Miss Edna Gregory, who has
been attending state normal school motorcycle policeman, died Mon-
at Monmouth, is home during day evening in a hospital from
injuries received while trying to
Open a S A V I N G S A C C O U N T with this
Mies Kathleen McCarthy, who intercept a robber who had held
bank today.
has been attending 0 . A. C., i< up the Aurora bank and fled in an
planning spending the summer ar.to.
We pay 4% interest, compounded semi­
with her aunt and uncle, Tom
W ailace and another motorcycle
Brasfiekl and wife.
oflker tried to intercept a suspect
Glen Gregory is attending the m a car and lost control of their
grand lodge of Masons and Kjcte.n
machines when the handlebar*
Star at Portland.
collided. Both were thrown and
When you think of the
J. c . Clay has gone for a brief
business trip to California.
alter three days he succumbed.
Sara Cooper, who had a slight He was thirty-three years ef age.
stroke of paralysis June 8, is said
Mr. Wallace lived with hie par."
you think of
to be improving,
cuts in Halsey for several yeare.
Arthur A lbert, state paving before moving to Newberg, aod
plant inspector, spent the week has many friends here. He was
end with his parents at Jeffersou. held in high esteem by all who
knew him.
Miss Edna Gregory spent the
Mrs. Wallace, who is left with
Call us or writ© us; w© will gladly bring the
week end with Mrs. Grace K. May two email children, is a daughter
of Springfield.
of G. W. Mornhiuweg of Halsey.
the new Paige-Jewett to your door and dem­
Jim C >oly is putting a new Her mother went to Newberg
it to you.
foundation under his house in town. immediately on learuiug of the
accident and has not returned,
Shedd played a ball game at Mr. Mornhiuweg went yesterday.
Dever Sunday and won, 33 to 17.
The funeral was set for 10 o’clock
co m plete
a r a g e s e r v ic e
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins have today.
moved into the Margason house.
A Well-Attended Party
Mrs. Grace May, who formerly
lived in Shedd, is visiting at the
Last Suuday a very enjoyable
Gregory home.
reunion took plaoe at lha home of
The Pennell family spent Sun­ L. E. Eagy aod wife whan a num­
day will) Mr. aud Mrs. McClumber. ber of relatives and friends of Mrs.
Maryette Palmer of San Lola Obis­
C. W. Kennedy and wife visited po, Gal., gathered to spend the
Short Stories of Happening« in Linn County Generally
at Fred Sprenger’s Sunday.
and in Halsey Particularly
Mrs. Rogers spent the week with
Those present were Dave Pierce,
her mother in Albany, helping Hugh Cummings and Will Eagv
and their wives of Albany, George
her with strawberries.
Htenberg Brothers of Albany home from Southern Oregon Mon-
Cummings, wile and children; jadvertised in these colnuae last day.
Mure from S lied J :
Theodore Grugett, wife auddaugh- I week for Royal Anne .«berries
A. M Smith, a cousin of Mrs
ter; Baker Cummings, wife and I They got about fifty tone up to
J. W. Sprenger and wife went children,
Kenneth, Orville, Tom­ Monday and have a call on
Thomas Hover, with hie wife and
to Portland last week.
two children, on their wnv frog
my. Gladys and Florine, aod Lee 3 thia week for 200 ton*.
Eugene to their home in Garfield,
1 wins, a Boy and girl, have Anderson and wife of Corvallis.
Hugh Leeper and wife and L. W n h ., stopped over Wednesday
Mrs. Maryette Palmer of San
arrived at the bonto of George Moss
and wife of Tangent. Mother and Luis Obispo; Walter Cummings W. Bverity and wife went to Cot- of iaet week to oall at the Hovei
and wife of Portland; John Bram- lag« Grove last week to visit home.
babies are doing nicely.
well and wife; E-ites Bass and Leeper'« uncle aod Mr«. Byerley’e
Ralph H. Dannen'and wife went wile and son Clifford; George Mc­ great-uncle, Suelby Churchill,
Caterpillar« have destroyed th.
to Portland Frid y Rtlph
is Neil, wife and children, Mary aud whom Leeper had not eeen for foilageon »nine cherry orchard»
under the care of the government Freddie; Grant McNeil, wile and forty yeare.
hereabouts, eating every leaf com­
children Ralph, Ruth, Amici, Lu­
County School Superintendent pletely. Proper epraying at tbe
Geer hat tent checks to the proper time would have prevented
George Dannen and family and
and wife and children, Lavelle, Linn county winner« of prize« in this, and it may not lie too l«te
------- .
Leone, Thomas and Gordon; Will the pnpila* dental eeeay price«, to save other fruit« from other
McLaren, wife and Dorothy; Mrs. Charolotte McCroeeau and Char­ pests. The Murphy aoed store,
j Johu McNeil; R. K. Stewart and lotte Jordan of Albany, Eva Meyer Albany, has the spray materials
W e H ave
wife, Pete Settles, Mrs. Nanoy of Lakeview and Cecil« Mayberry and is ready to tell bow to use
them to produce result«.
Palmer, Mrs. Georgia Hover aud of Haleey.
O ptical
Deen Tycer ef Browneville got
(Continued from page 3)
wife and sons Rose, Vero aod
Lyle of Halsey.
or a charmer, or a consulter with fa­
Is the Cause of M any
Mrs. Eagy is the niece of Mn.
m iliar spirits, or a wizard, or a necro­
1 1 Maryette Palmer and her home is
mancer. Is. 8: 19: When they shall my,
I f your eyes give you trouble or
the old McNeil homestead, takeo
I Seek unto them that have fam iliar
your glasses are annoying
by her grandfather and grand­
•plrlta, aud unto wlsards. . . .
S E E US. We can Relieve You
mother before 1856.
abould not a people seek unto their
Bancroft Optical Co.
A picnic diuner was aerved at
God? On behalf of the living, should
J U 1st St. W. Albany. Phone
noon and ice cream and cake in
they seek unto the dead? (Am. Rev.
Ver )
the afternoon.
Take care of your money now and
it will take care o f you later.
Jots and Tittles
Few of
W h y oan the dead not eommunloete
in eplrltlsm and oeeultlam, w ith the
the Many
Haleey Christian Church
Opportunities at Home
Patent Pumps—One-strap Baby Dolls... $6.00
Pollyanna Patent Welts, two-strap...... 5.00
Black Kid one-strap.............................. 5.00
White Cloth one-strap Pum ps...... . .... 3.50
Black or white Cordovan in cotton lisle at 25.
35- .45 and 50 cents the pair
Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and
Cordovan, at 98 cents the pair
Children’s black cotton ribbed at 23 cents
New Line
Ladies’ Blouse Waists, dark colors, at...
Church Annoanremerits
10, Bible echqel.
11, Lord's , Supper.
,, Unveiling the Bible."
7, Christian Endeavor.
8, evangelistic terries. Sermon,
" The Cross of Jesus. ”
Lester Jones, paetor.
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching. 11.
Janior League,
Intermediate League, 6.30.
Epworth League, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer meeting. Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor,
Pine Grove Church:
Sunday 8chool, 10.
Prayer-meeting, 7.
Grocery Specials
Two Creme Oil free
Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for... 1.00
Pearl White or Silk Soap. 25 bars......... 1.00
Dependable Roasted Coffee, 3 pounds .
Poet s Washing Machine Soap, 3 for.....
All prue» levs 5% for ca»h
By The Layma«'« Marne Miaaienary
Me verna«. 1*27 BnySer A v *,
W h a t are Spiritism and O e w ltle M F
D e a l IB : W. 11: T here aboil not h<
Beuod ameeg yes any o m . . .
th a t earth dtvtnatloa, o r te at* etwerv^
Ä A * « W W .» » an c h a n t e r , - 4 » - u - i y
Job 14: 21: His son* come to honor.
Mad he knovretb It n o t; and they are
Wrought low, but ha perretv«th It not
c4 them. Is. 83: 18: Doubtless Thou
a r f our Father, though Abraham be
Ignorant of us. Ecder. 9: 8, 8, W :
For the living know that they ahall
site, but the dead know not anything;
l > . .
also their love and thetr hat­
red and their envy la bow perished:
neither have they any more a portion
r«r*ver In any thing that 1« done nnder
the'«un There la no wn-k nor device
nor knowledge nor wisdom In the
grav« fSbeol], whither thou goeet Dao
1 2 :3 - And many of them that sleep In
the -tust of the earth ahall awake
Acta 7: 8U-8: 1: He fell asleep. And
Rani was consenting unto hla death.
W hat are acme Scriptures which
toaeh th a t evil spirits— the fallen an­
g el*— ara personal being*.
Jaa. 1 : 19: D e ris ’ also believe, and
tremble Aeta 19: 15: The evil aplrlt
answered an., said. Jeans I know, aod
I Panl I know; but who are ye? Luke
' 4 : 14: Devil» also came out of many,
t . Be suffered them not to «peak;
,k»r they knew He was Christ.
Whan did these spirit* beceme evil?
Gee. 8: 2, 4: The anna of God saw
the daughters of men that they were
fa ir V and they took them wtvea They
hare Vhlldren to them. Jud* 8. 7: The
angeLV which kept not their 8 rat
Ha hath reserved In
enerta>tttng chains: . . , even a*
Rodom and Ootnorrha , ■ . In like
maanarv giving thaanaelvea over to for-
nlcatiou.. ond going after strange fieeh
1 Pet. 81 J9, 20 : He . . .
ed in to the spirits In prlsoo. which
aotnetUne were disobedient, when once
tha loag isnffertng of God waited in
the day»/of Noah.
NO. 42
What have the fallen angels estat-
habtd over ths human family?
Luke 11: 18: I f Satan also ba di­
vided against himself, how shall his
kingdom stand? John 14: 80: The
prince of this world cometh and hath
nothing In Me. Eph. 8: 12: For
—resile , . . ngatnat principalities,
against powers, ngatnat the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against
wicked spirits [ margin 1 In high places.
Kph. 2: 2 : Ye walked . , . acivrd-
Ing to the prince of the power of the
air, the spirit that now worketh In
the children of disobedience.
Sheriff, Preacher and Their
Slayer Dead
Sheriff KeaJalt, in discharge of h it
>fhty, and Elder Roy Healy, paetor of
the Albany Chnitian church, a specta­
tor, were shot dead yesterday afternoon
by David F. West oti his farm near
Plainview. The slayer. 70 years old,
after considering the situetion for a
while, killed himself.
How do the fallen angole especially
Brownsville is reDorted tube surround­
seek to control the human fam ily?
ed by moonshiners. The Good Citizen­
2 These. 2 : 9 : Whose coming Is af­ ship league of that town recently con­
ter the working of Satan, with all sulted with the sheriff and the location
. . . lying wonders. 2 Cor. 4: 4: of several of the poison factories had
The god of this world hath blinded the
been discovered and Kendall plauned to
minds of them that believe not. 1 Ttm.
4 : 1 : Some shall depart from the faith, raid them yesterday, beginning with the
giving heed to seducing spirits and one where he was assassinated. He had
talked with the owner in bis home and
doctrines of devils.
W h it are torn* e f the method* that theu approached the still, but tor some
the fallen a n g e l* hav* used te control reason turned and started back for the
the human fam ily?
house, when the old man ehot him dead
(1) The devil worship of heathen­ with a rifle.
ism. 1 Cor. 10; 20: The Gentiles sac-
Healy, who had been looking on,
. . .
to devtto. Deut. 82: started to run from the place, but a sec­
17: They sacrifice unto devils, not to ond shot from the rifle laid him dead
God; to gods whom they knew not.
iti his tracks.
(2) Occultism, Deut. 18: 10: 11:
Kendall was a most efficient public
There shall not be found among yon
any one that . . . naeth divina­ servant and a highly esteemed citizen.
tion, or an observer of time«, or an Mrs. Kendall was in Portland at the
euchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, rose show. She came home on a night
or a consulter with fam iliar spirits, or train.
a wizard.
The moonshiners and nun runners
(8) Spiritism, la. 8 : 19: When they think the prohibitionists are in the m i­
shall say unto you, Seek unto them
nority, Harding and and his secretary
that have fam iliar spirits . . .
behalf of the living, should they seek of war think the people want light
unto the dead? (Anier. Rev. Ver.) wines and beer. He and his secretary
Deut. 18: 10, 11: There shall not be of the navy think they can permanently
found among j-ou . . .
a consulter violate the law on United State* ships
with fam iliar splrlta . . , or an tor the sake of financial gain. Some
necromancer (one claiming to speak day the issue w ill come before the elec­
with the dead],
torate at the polls, with the women of
(4) Demoniac possession. Matt. 8:
America voting, and the champions of
28: There met Him two possessed
booze w ill go down. Snakes die herd,
with devils.
but they die.
In Bible times w hat kind e f people
practiced spiritism and eeeultlem?
(1) The worst of the heathen. Kg.
7: 11: Pharaoh also called . , ,
Sorcerers. The inngtclans of Egypt
. . . did In like manner with their
enchantments. 2 King« 0 : 22: Jehu
. , . answered, W hat peace, to long
as the , , . witchcrafts of thy
mother Jczehel «re so many? Acta 8;
0 : Simon , , .
used sorcery, , ,
. giving out that himself was some
great one.
(2) The worst of the Jews. 1 Ham.
28: 7: Then said Soul nnto hla ser­
vants, Heck mo a woman that hath a
fam iliar spirit. 2 Chron. 88: 8; M in i-
asseh . . . observed times, and
used enchantments, and used witch­
craft. and dealt with a fam iliar spirit,
and with wizards| he wrought much
evil In the sight of the Lord.
The Pacific Coaet Rescue and
Protective society, on an average,
provides for fifty girl«, seventy-
five babies and a «taflf of thirty-
five worker« and attendant« daily
in the Louise home aud Albertina
Kerr nursery home. These un­
fortunate girls and babies come
from almost every county in tbe
state. Any one wishing to donate
canned fruit and vegetables please
I'onimuuicate with the general
office, 195 Burnside street, Port­
land, so that jars may be shipped
prepaid. Tbe society will also pay
1 the freight ebargos for their return.
New Sport Felt Hats
If you would hav© tho latest in h©ad-
Roar, then you must have a nobby felt
hat. They com© in a variety of smart
colors and arc priced
$2.95, $3.95, $4.95
Special Sale on Aluminum
Wear - Ever
Preserving Kettles
Eight-quart Kettles, $1.69
Everybodyjknows tho sterling worth of Wear-
over nluniinuni, and about this time af tho year
everybody needs a good proserving kettle, and
if you buy one this week you will savo over a
dollar in one purchase. Get your eight-quart
kettle this week for
Cover, 15c extra
Canning Time
How about your fruit jars ?
We shipin carload lots and are headquarters
tor all kinds of fruit jars, Including
Economy self-sealing jars, wide mouth
Kerr s self-sealing Mason regular mouth jars
Kerr's self-sealing wide mouth jars
Ball Mascii jars, regular mouth, porcelain lined
zinc caps
Ball Ideal Mason jars, regular mouth, glass lid,
improved wire clump
Ball Sure Seal Mason jars, wide mouth, glass
lid, improved wire clamp—perfect seal