Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 15, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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iia u îiîï
HTM i CKrKiac
Tardy Court Passes on Ob
solete Law
1OO T o n s
R oyal A nne
C h e r r ie s
Also a good two-reel Comedy
‘Foolish Wives’;
Meat Market
O rrhard W hite
F.»pey'a Cream
M ilkw eed Cream
Creme de ( am tI,a
Hinds' Cold Cream
Pond'a Vanishing Cream
Stillm an's Freckle Cream
Krank a l emon Cream
Melba Face Cream
Melba Skin Cleanser
Sun Glauses
to protect the eyes from the glare
• f the sun—and the wind, too
V. A; Ringo, Druggist
The Brown Beer troop of girl
scouts at Rrowne villa has organized
its first petrol, composed of Glen­
da Roas. Heleri McClain, Grace
Beatty, Helen Baker, Ruth Me-
Hargue, Ion* Callaway, Clara
Dougherty lnd
Viola Talent.
Geogie Welur ie first lieuteuenl.
Other patrols will be formed soon.
This patrol calls Itself the Snappy
Look out. boys; the
sharks may snap you up.
The population of Halsev, with
a few eaceptions, is over at Browns-
villa today at the pioneer picnic
(continued on column 4)
Fresh and
Cured Meats
20 days' credit
F A L K B R O S ., I
T ops
for sale
2 S h orth orn B u lls
O ld •sough
for service. Eligible for
registry. Bedrock
C L. F alk sr.
Route 2, H a ls t) .
varied Instance#. T he latent la that
Jay Anderson of East M ain rood has
raised a hfig weighing 411 pound*, and
undressed 530 pounds This means a
growth o f two pounds for every day of
It * life, the hog being nine mouths old
The hog was a Jeraey rod. and An
deraoo challenge* anyone to boat this
side the three-mile l i m i t The prohi bi-
« < » law seems to be the one except! on
to the rnle that American laws ore a til
on .American ahipe wherever they are.
Charles Hall la expected to run as
independent" candidate for goverw
bound hand and foot by secret and c«b
aocieties. whose members are asked
par ». apiece to finance his fight
No, 23, 11:29 a. m.
17, 5.39 p. m.
The Southern Pacific company
1 protests that severance of the 0>e-
gon lines of the Southern Pacific
¡from other units of the great trans-
portation system as contemplated
by the recent decree of the supreme
court of the United States, irres
pective of whether the Uniot
Pacific system, for example, sc-
quired the segregated line from
San Francisco bay to Portland,
i A » i, while their father went down fighting two boy» fled fo r their lives.
would result unfavorably f» the
’ One to become a governor ,
W ill pay
per pound, delivered
transportation interests of the peo­
’ One a rough plainsman ; unknown to each other u n til— ?
ple of this state.
W T he rest is love and struggle and th rill, w ith W illia m S. H a rt at his best
The supreme decree, which is
A lb a n y .
S T E N B E R G B R O S.
Cast includes J A N E N O V A K
based on the Sherman anti-trust
act of 1890, runs counter to the
later law, the transportation act
Third and Lyon, Albany, Ore.
of congress,'passed in March, 1920.
which orders Interstate Common e
Phone 263R
commission to require the railroads
of the country to be consolidated
into 20 mujor groups. Hearings
will be conducted by that commis­
sion and by the public service com­ Junior and Senior Reading Lint
Henry Byeriey
missions of the various states
father of L. W . l y -
directly affected by the proposed
cream aland, (or the pioneer 10 o'clock to fix prices for the sea groupings ot the railroads tor oper­ two books from the following list, erley of this city, died June 12 at his
ating purposes in the public inter- the remaining two to be taken from home in Dallas, aged 63, and was buried
H- L. Straley and fa aily drove
The boy scout camp at Caacadiu concerned to present any ob- the list pnblisbed in last week’s yesterday.
He leaves bis widow and the one son
will be August 1 to 16.
to the county seat Friday.
»■sts, thereby enabling all interests Enterprise or from the ones on file
at the high school. They may, if mentioned above and a m inor daughter,
C. D. Huff and ftmily visited
Edgar Enger has a radio outfit
they wish, read the entire four re­ H a llie ; also four brothers, Leroy of
dation plans.
relatives in Salem Sunday,
working at Brownsville.
from the following twelve: A irlie , F ra n k and O tto of Dallas and
Completion of the Natron cut­
Andrew B ro w n a n d wife made
Grace church at Albany is off would be a serious problem and
“ The Piper,” Peabody.
Eugene of Idaho, and two sisters,
a tour over the Columbia highway ■bowing moving pictures.
“ The Bluebird,” Maeterlinck. Maude W ig h t of Camas, Wash., and
it may well be doubted whether
during the week end.
“ The Servant in the H ouse,” Balle Blake of Salt Lake City.
W. P. Wahl ie about to build a either the Central Pacific or South
rh e deceased resided in Halsey for
Preston Newton made a business new bouse on hie farm southwest of ern Pacifie would carry this liue Kennedy.
‘‘Sherwood,” Noyes.
about h alf a dozen years and was well
through from Eugene to Klamath
trip to Creswell Saturday. He re Halsey.
’’Chanticler,” Rostand.
Falls and thence east of the
known and popular. H e returned to
turned borne Tuesday,
Mrs. D. F. Dean left Tuesday
“ Milestones," Kuoblauch.
mountains to a connection with
his old home at Dallas when attacked by
Mr. and Mre. O. B Stalnaker for Coquille, where Mr. Dean is
“ The King’s Threshold,” W B the illness which ended his life.
the Central Pacific at Fernley,
of Corvallis took dinner at the employed.
S. J. Smith home S inday.
“ The Old Lady Shows Her Med­
Earl Carey says be came back easy grades and light curvature,
Spray Fruit Tree«
Mre. O. M Miller and eon Dale from Eugene to stay. Halsey looks would be a direct competitor of als.” Barrie.
Growers' Cooperat­
The Rivals,” Sheridan.
of Cottage Grove visited at the good to him.
the Union Pacific for traffic mov-
ive association has made arrange­
G. W. Murnbiuweg home Sunday.
Miss Nina Kump ie helping Mre. ng between Portland and Salt
ments for at least fifty per cent
Mre. A. D. Smith and little eon Karl Bramwell and Mise Lillian Lake City.
advance on the 1922 opening pricee
Ihe Vicar of Wakefield,” of prunes to be given to growers
left for Portland Friday.
Mrs. Barber ie back again from Eugene
Smith returned after a few days' and ie caring for her sister, Mrs. state Commerce commission is Goldsmith.
upon delivery to the packing house
comitted to follow, Subject to pub­
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” or upon being graded.
absence, while her eon coutioued Pittman.
This in­
lic hearing of objections, the Stevenson.
to Seattle for an indefinite stay.
sures thegrowers a good substantial
The Christian church has nearly Southern Pacific svstem, including
Mr. English would like an ex­ payment at the beginning of the
To catch the trade that will all of the $500 pledged to the the Central Pacific lines, will be
come by auto over the pavement building fund that was decided on merged with the Rock Island lines pression from the juniors and season.
seniors stating whether they would
Canning ie being done by the
ou Second street, Hill A Ce. have as the amount to be in sight before
Durjug the fifty-two years of prefer bookkeeping or French. association beginning this week at
erected a sign ou that street telling work on the addition to the church common ownership and control of
It would be appreciated if those the Salem dried fruit packing plant.
travelers where to find their etore. begins.
Southern-Central Pacific proper out of town would please send Thecapacity will be about twenty,
Milton Howe and Miss Powers,
Pedagogue Sloat, arrested at Al­ tieB, main liue, branch, terminal through the mail their choice of five tons of fresh fruit per day,
a Brownsville schooltna’am, wboee bany for indecent treatmont of and other facilities haye become so the two subjects.
and the season’s output will be
license to wed is mentioned on young girls, has confessed such acts interwoven that in the event of
between seventy and eighty thous­
page 3, had a swell home wedding there and at Salem and at other separation a great deal of time
and cases.
and are away on their honeymoon. places. He pleads irresponsibility would beconsumed in arriving at a
It is reported from a Philadelphia
who had opened a
0. C. Dickson of Sbedd went to
segregation of the properties with
pack of number ten water grade
Albany Friday and at laat accounts
Mre. Stewart is running the con- out seriously interfering with pub
(continued from colum n 3)
a q group
w e- — —
— —
- — —
- wg, of wholeeale
had not been beard from linoe. feoiionery while Mr Price runs a lie aervice.
The Rebekahs had an initiation grocers that without exception it
It is feared ibat illness, following restaurant and confectionery at the The Oregon Voter say»: "F o rtu n ate
influenza, ntay have affected his Brownsyille pioneer picnio.
Ed indeed, i i it for Qregon, that the trans­ and a big feed last night, with was declared to be the beat pack
brain, and he may have wandered Warmoth and John and Frost Bass portation act of 1920 provides the mean» various other good things having they had ever seen.
whereby the state may be saved the
It is advised that the 30 day
are helping Price as oooks and coatly complications that would ensue strawberries and cream, the deli
cacy of the season, for center of spray ehould be put ou apples dur­
Miss Ella Kenady and nephew,
ing this week, as moths are flying
States supreme court to be enforced lit ­ attraction.
Robert Kenady jr., of Cottage
Mre. J. Bond of Albany was erally by the separation of the Central
about now and will be depositing
Mrs. Mary Taylor of Corvallis eggs. This spray should be com­
Grove arrived last Saturday to visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Pacific properties in Oregon from the
Southern Pacific. The Southern Pacific arrived Tuesday evening for several
spend a week with the lady's aister, Moore, this week.
bined with the regular scab spray
portion would be separated from its days’ visit with her sister, Mrs.
Mrs. W A- Ringo. They were
and lead arsenate should be added
N- C. Smith eud wife of Aurora and portions o f it would be separated Southern, and went ou to Browns at the rate of two pounds per. 100
Mrs. Martin
Tuesday evening
to from each other in Oregon. To dis villa to attend the picnic.
gallons of water.
spend a couple of days in business jo in t them would maroou different sec
If the presence of the clierrv
Samuel Cooper of Tangent was and pleasure. They went to Eu­ tions of the state from through service
atrioken with paralysis Tnursday gene Wednesday, accompanied by by one company, except so far as joint in-law, Mrs. Curry jr., aud the fruit maggot is noticed, it ie advis­
and competing operation by two com­ letter's little daughter went to able to spray with poisoned ibait
night. He came in from the baru C. E. Smith and wife.
panies over the same lines could be es­
Junction City on Wednesday composed of sodium arsenate one
speechh as and with one arm hang,
tablished, with all of its expense and
Misses Marin and Elizabeth vexatious traffic complications.
morning’s train for a couple oi half pound, molasses, two quarts
¡ng helpless. He was able to walk
to eight gallons of water. One
after a fashtou and la now able to Stewart of Portland stopped her«
"Consolidation is not only authorized
pint to a tree is sufficient.
yesterday, on their way to the pie- by the 1920 act but is directed by its
speak a little.
Moonshiners in the vicinity of
uic at Brownsville, and visited the mandate. In its tentative report, now
___lum . Brownsville
are being sought. The
Christian Church Mission
Sunday H. C. Davis set in a Rectors and the Waltons and Red •w a itin g hearing, the interstate
commission group« the Central sheriff caught a boy with some of
room on bis farm and heard, over Pearl. Their father was Mrs inerce
Tuesday the missionary society
Pacific and Southern Pacific properties the booze Monday but had
not of the Christian church met at the
Kenneth Stone's radiophone, a Rector's brother and their mother together, to be operated under one man
then located the maker of the beautiful country hone of Mrs.
good sermon preached in Portland. a Pearl.
" T h e supreme court decision wa» poison.
Later Mrs. J. C. Corry, in the
Ariie Cummings with twelve mem­
Mu* Maude Rey, a nines of J. P. hated on an old case, brought under an
same room, listened to one of the
bers and one visitor present.
beat sermons she ever heard, which Hunter of Brownsville, visited a mission, under the 1920 act. has author the building of a new achoolbouae.
The following officers were elect­
number of friends in Halsey yester­ ity over the whole situation.”
was preached in Seattle.
ed for the coming year, beginning
The Brownaville baseball team July 1st: President, Mr«. Sadie
Theodore Mitiner and Lyman
■ went to I-ebanon Saturday and
Mrs. Fred Jackson and little
Marstersare home from Wiliam,
Albert Miller and wife of Eugene soored 22 to Lebanon's 2. Leba- Welle; vice president, Mrs. Emma
True; secretary. Mr«. Sadie Robert-
e tte university for the vacation. daughter were in from Lake Creek are visiting at Karl Bramwell's non proposes to seek
revenge at son, treasurer, Mrs Edna Chance.
and taking in the pioneer picnic. Brownsville tomorrow.
Thrashers and bay balers will
The ptogram was in memory of
Tuesday morning the pareel poet
m»et at the courthouse June 23 at
The Brownsville Times got out Dr. Shelton, a mission ary, rho
brought to the Enterpiiee publish­
At the Good Citizenship league a 16-page pioneer picnio number was killed in the foreign field.
ers a box of foilsge and flowers of meeting at Brownsville Monday this week. Much local history
cream and cake were served
P * * * >****%**%^w* %■» the magnificent Oregon rhododen­ night President William Mills appears in it, Earle Stanard con­ by Ice
the hostess, assisted by the host
r Lotions & Creams 'J dron, which had been gathered and presided and the district attorney tributing his share of it. Browns­ and Mrs. Cbauce.
sent by their descendants of the and sheriff voiced congratulations ville business houses availed of the
All present are looking forward
second and third generations at and advice.
opportunity to booat the town and to the time Mre. Cummings shall
Tan and Sunburn
Greenleaf, in Lane count,.
the paper by advertising liberally entertain again.
Hind»' Honey and Almond Cream
in it.
If Falk Brothers continue to re-
Clawood Cream with Peroxide
Thoee who made M r. H ard ing s « c o r d
tall as good meat at as low prices
Furola I an A Freckle Cream
as a proprietor in the brew ing indq »try
Raises Big Hog.
Chamberlain'» Cold Cream
reason for oppoitng him in his c a m ­
as they have been doing one of two
West field. N. Y.— Local pride la ac­ paign for the presidency aay " I told you
Woodbury's Facial Cream
things will happen: Their patron­
complishment looms large In the breast so' when it becomes known that bis
O thine Double Strength
age will io crese or they will lose
Sant,septic Ixition
of the m ajority of the Inhabltaata of shipping board runs bars on g o v o rn -
Hoi,lies' Proetilla
Dealer in
thia village, and It la mad* manifest In ment owned vessels when they are ,1 at
No. 18, 12:01 p. m.
24, 5.50 p. m.
The delivery window of the
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. aud 12:20
to 12:36 and 4:*6 to 5.00 p. m.
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
One second-hand Ford in good
condition. Will sell reasonable or
trade for other Fords in dilapidattd
condition.—Halsey Garage.
Glasses Fitted in Halsey.
Dr, Royal J. Gick. optometrist,
of Eugene, will be at the hotel in
Halsey on Juue 25, 1 to 5 p. m.,
to fit glasses. Quality and service
Prices reasonable.
New Hart Picture Great
W illiam S. Hart’s new western
Paramount picture, “ Three Word
Brand,” which comes to the Rialto
theattr next Friday, ie said to be
the best he has made in tnanv
months. Jane Novak is the lead­
ing woman.
Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at
Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
Prizes for boys’ and girls’ club
work at the state fair are being
sought. The following have been
offered. Trip to O. A. C. summer
school, valued at 115, given by
Frank Taylor; division No. 2. sew­
ing, $10, given by Morton & Dot-
son; sewing division No. 3, $10,
given by the Albany floral company;
canning, $10, given by the Albany
Democrat; gardens, $10, given by
the Murphy Seed company; po­
tatoes, $10, given by M. G. Reed,
aud poultry. $10, gizen by the Al­
bany State bank.
Ben Sutton and wife of Tacoma
are visiting at Mrs. Eliza Bran­
don’s home. Mre. Sutton is Mrs.
Brandon’s daughter.
M en ’s
Sum m er
Keep cool. Put
on some light, cool,
comfortable under­
Men’s union suits,
light Balbriggan, ail
sizes, priced
two for $1.50
M en’s open union­
is ts priced
two for $1.65
O ther knit union-
suits, either short or
long sleeves, ankle
$1.25 to $2.50
Athletic unionsuits
75c, $1, $.125
B. V . D .’s
$1.50 each
Unete (ben.
“P e troublemaker," said ro e la Eben
'le one kind of m anufacturer dat
ought to be taxed extra.“
I f men could alwaya do the things
they would prefer to de. home run hits
lo u ld n t b« worth 6 « o t a a
Children'« day will be obeervt
at the Christian church next But
d«y evening. It ¡, advertise
m this pspnr.
The store with a square
i deal for every customer,