Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 15, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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1/ ’
i a
at Pr’ces that
sell a the
RANGES e eis. i T It i).'DATE,
kitche" to cook-
s a pleasure
OIL STOVES COOL anti clean in
CE X ° " d
on the po^h „ ln . U u t and kaep
more convenient fuel than wood
P A I N T S and O I L S
cheaper and
general hardw are
G a r d e n hose
Comparison of prices invited
Our prices are made with
the object of making sales
In Which the Powerful Influence of Example Doe.
Much to Develop Independence.
Author of " PolIyaaM,’’ “ Juat David. ” Etc.
erme» were
so much moved as was a certain young
woman In an orchestra chair nine rows
from the fro n t Her head wet erect,
her eyes were shining like stars and
her mouth was curved In a smile that
soma way seemed to carry an elation
all out of proportion to any ranee.
For. had you asked her. she would
have said that It was all because of
one Leon Bronoffsky. second violinist,
who that night had led the orchestra.
For Edith Denny that evening there
came two surprises. One surprise w as
when she found herself unacconntahly
walking out of the concert hall with
her mother, while ahead Kate and John
Kennleon walked together.
The second surprise cam« lafei
when Kate, nearly ready far bed. ap­
peared at the connecting door between
their rooma
Jots a n d I ittles
behind the McCully building
(Continued from page 1)
this $50,000 of veterans' insurance ia
Halsey this week. To get this re.
insurance the veteran has to ba
examined and prove physically
sound and to pay two months’
Guy Bramwell and family were
A. I. H ill, accompanied by
over from Brownsville Friday.
W. P. Wahl and wife, drove to
Miss Lillian Barber catue borne Portland Friday and
Thursday from a visit of two weeks Saturday.
in Eugene.
The United Stales
Milton L. Howe and Jessie,
Powers of Brownsville were licensed « bureau is expecting to reinstate
to wed Thursday.
C. L. Depew of Lebanon has
the contract to build a $5,000
SCtioolhouae at Sweet Home ami is
st work on it.
Mrs. J. W Cook. Mrs McKinney
And J. H. Rebhau, from Browns-|
ville, were morning callers at the
Wheeler home Friday.
"Edith,” began Kata cheerfully, 'T r
going to close this door tonight. 1
You have read of the Elamites.
want my window open, and you don't,
you know; so if I close the door we’ll H. 8. Wtnklemau apparently has
both be satisfied. Goodnight" And become one.
He orders the ad­
abe shut the door.
dress of the Enterprise ebauged to
For one amaied Instant Edith atood Elam, Oregon.
and stared at the closed door- then
The clerk of the weather frowned
she darted forward, her hand reaching
on the Metho, ist Sunday school
for the knob.
'Why, Kate, what are you thinking picnic planned f o r th ' Brownsville
of, when you know I never sleep with­ park Friday and it was postponed
out that door open,” she cried. The for two weeks.
next moment she fell back weakly—
Miss Beatrice Walgamutb, a
the door was locked. “Why, Kate 1”
in the south side school in
There was no answer, but a moment
later there came from Kate's room a Brownsville, took the train here
little tremulous melody that sounded Friday for her home iu Portland
for all the world like tha whlatle of a for the vacation.
small boy who la trying to keep up
Mrs Fred Taylor of Corvalliw
his courage ln the dark.
Long after Edith bad gone petu­ arrived last Thursday
lantly to bed, the melody still haunted for a visit at the home of her
her. but she could not place IL until father, J. C- Standish. She re­
suddenly she recollected It was the turned home Saturday.
opening phrase of the overture that
Brownsville does not get one of
the orchestra bad played first that
night under the new leader's directing W- P. Elmore’s lots for paviug ex-
peuses, as reported. The court
T a g E n d .
when she declared to herself that It
was not strange, or unwomanly, or
Thin was her mood when a chance
even selfish that ahe should not lthe
conversation between two men In front always to be doing the drudgery, or
her ar°use<l » mild sort of Interest.
always to be giving up her will about
V\ ho is that long-haired, dreamy-
every little matter, or always to be
eyed creature caressing ids fiddle as If
handing over to another woman the
It were the dear child of his heart?”
found a flaw that made the paving
flowers, drives, calls, and candy that
asked one man of the other.
ordinance void as to that block.
seemed originally intended for herself
Almost unconsciously Kate Denny
But lnwarlably, wen thdugh Inwardly
Mrs. J. Busby and two little
turned her head to catch the reply.
she did rebel, outwardly
----- muwr n u * she
*1X11 was
children from Fairbanks, Alaska,
She, too, had often Idly wondered
« . « . ( f t per
shout that particular dreamy-eyed vio­ the self-sacrificing, self effacing sister. H o l z W
have been visiting her sister, Mrs
As It chanced. It was after a day of
lin ist
J. L. Fisher, at Crawfordsville and
th ia In
u u r d r rebellion
o h o lll/> „ a
K « e Kate
a r _ * _ Denny
r , ______ I
"That? Oh, that’s Bronoffsky.”
went once again with her family to a Cue-half mile weat ol Nixon station on took the train here Friday for
“Queer-looking chap! Good player T'
| the Oregon Electric.
Roseburg to visit her mother.
by the Philharmonic. There
“Hm-m— well, yes, he Is. Still—he’s
H. A. R kmx ’ hgkb
was the same anticipatory hum and
The Harrisburg Bulletin thinks
only a second fiddle up there, you
Route 1, Halaey.
stir In the audience, but on the stage—
Ellison-W hite Chautauqua com­
know. He plays second violin.” There
on the stagey even Kate could see that
bination is altogether too grasping
was a moment’s pause, then, half mus­
something unusual had happened, or
and that it will not be able to got
ingly, the voice went on: "Do you
was about to happen. One by one the
know. It’s rather funny about that fel­
the guaranteed income it require
musicians were taking their places,
low, Bronoffsky. He Is possessed and
to show at that city again.
hut not In the quiet, orderly way that
consumed by one mad ambition; he
was customary. They were plainly
John Carmichael and wife of
wants to lead, direct—be a conductor hurried, nervous, excited. One stum
Junction City were in Halsey Fri­
you know."
bled against a music-rack, and another
day visiting former friends. J. E
“Well, why doesn't he?"
dropped his how to the floor. Some
W hitlatch, a son-in-law, brought
"Bronoffsky lead! Jove, man, he
talked earnestly together; others sat
couldn't 1 Bronoffsky's a dreamer, not
them over in big car. Mr. W hit
silently apart, an odd look almost like
L ? ° 8r’ He can p,ay> sur®—second
latch has traded off his place al
disdain on their faces. Bronoffsky,
fiddle. But he hasn't the audience
Coburg and his fam ily will reside
for whom Kate looked at once, was no­
aenae; he doesn't know how to handle
at Weiser, Idaho
where to be seen. She was wondering
men. He doesn’t know how to hold
at this, when unexpectedly John Ken
Boys playing around the steam
thirty, forty, fifty Instruments at the
nlson appeared In the aisle by her
why you should have ns examine roller on the paving on teecond
tip of a little black stick. All his life
s e at
your eyes: First, we give a scientific
i t '.
CODtroll*<1. not In control.
Second, we never ad street turned water into the boiler
" I came down a minute to tell you,1 examination.
All hlg life he's done another's will
be began excitedly ln a low voice. vise glasses unless they are really and when the tire was started Fri
not his own. Great Scotti man, Bron-
' Last night Rosel—the leader, you needed, and Third, il you need glasses day morning the high pressure
offsk.v Is Is Just what you aee, a first-
we will have them made under our per blew
know was thrown out of his auto and sonal supervision.
rate aecond fiddle I"
A mechanic from Shedd came down
hurt rather badly. Kepple, the concert
There wag a burst of applause— the
master, was with him, and he was
and repaired the boiler. Halsey
leader of the Philharmonic had ap­ knocked ouL too, for tonight And
boys will get as bad a reputation
peared on the platform. A moment
what do you think— ? Rosal sent word
as those of Brownsville if they do
later came the electric hush that fol­ that Bronoffsky — Bronoffsky should
much more such mischief.
lows the tap of the conductor’s baton; ■conduct tonight I”
N. E. Cummings and wife were
then sounded a long, quivering note
"W ho's Bron — Bron — what's hit
from the first violins.
name?" demanded Bdlth, pettishly.
a l » a m t oAea. at the county seat Friday.
But all thia Kate Danny neither saw
And Kate, to whom John Kennlson's
Stewart spent the week
Harold Albro.
words had been addressed, for once
nor heard. Behind the two men who
Lebanon visiting ber
had talked of Brqnoffaky she sat tense rejoiced ln her slater’s Interposition, so
Manufacturing optician
mother and friends. She returned
and motionless, her eyes staring ^oddly stirred was she herself at John
Sunday evening by auto.
straight ahead, her ears hearing only jKennlson’» word».
the words that had Just been spoken:
Why, he’» one of the second violin»»
Mrs. W . W. Poland of Shedd is
pond vlollna," repeated Kennlson,
“All his life he's been controlled, not tl^yon
in an Albany hospital.
In control. All hl« life he's done an­
long haired chap with big black
other's will, not his own. Bronoffsky oyeA You'll remember when you see
Halsey yonngstere are lucky.
la—Is Just what you see. a firrf< a te him, I must go, but I wanted to tell
During the winter rains they had
aecond fiddle 1”
you,” hurried the man, turning again
free use of Frum ’s warehouse for
So that was all abe was. or could to Kate, "something's going to happen,
a skating rink and now they ban
aver hope te he— a second flddlte.
the pavement on Second
Suddenly, now, Kate Denny became putting ns through our paces all the
conscious of the music from tb e plat­ morning, and— wall, you'll see," flung
Harvey Pemland and family of
form. It had dropped to pianissimo, bark Kenrflson as he hurried away.
Five minutes later tha orchestra
Los Angeles arrived Friday for a
yet clearly, sweetly, the melody still
ran through It like a silver thread. were all In their places; then from tha
visit with Mr. Pentland’s grand
Fainter and yet more faint It grew, wings stepped a tall, dark-haired roan,
mother, Mrs. W. J. Ribelin. They
until only an airy, swaying es.bweb of and Kate Denny's heart gave a heavy,
been in Seattle and are on
Bound floated from the leaders baton. aufBocutlng throb. A pattar of hand
their way home
There n a i a morneut'a breathless
Mrs. C. B Tvcer was over from
hush, then deafening applause. In her hut aknnst Instantly died Inte silence—
seat Kate Denny relaxed suddenly. the claps had been Intended for Rneal Everything at bargain pneaa.
422 West First at., Albany, Oregon.
With the strains of that perfect music
still in her ears, she declared to her­ Denny, watching him with suspended
The McKinney and Mayberry
self that only selfishness, purs selflsh- breath, wondered If he cared.
families spent Sunday in Eugene.
The man himself did not look as If
nesa, had raada her rebel at getting
Edith's breakfast, wasting Edith's ha cared, or as If he even heard. With
Before you breed your mares see
Phillip Merriam
returned to
bead and shoulders erect he was mak­
dishes, and eating K/gtlr« biscuit
Albany Friday to resume his work
ing for tha stand. His face waa whlto
centers: and only selflehtvess agatD
on the railroad. He was injured
and hiss Jaw firm-aet; but there waa
had grudged Edith the Sleigh ride with
in a motor car accident and came
John Kennleon that afteiiboon. This
home to recuperate. Two other
glow suddenly aa with hidden fire. A t Halsey Fridays
was not, Indeed, Exactly a new course
men were seriously injured and
For a tense Instant Bronoffsky, mo­
• f reasoning for K ite Denny to pursue
were taken to the hospital, hut
She had argued along the same Unas tion leas upon his stand, faced his
orchestra; than slowly ba raised his
Phillip was one of the lucky ones
before. But tonight, especially, still
to eecape with minor injuries.
nnder the sway of those marveloaslg
True to John Kennlson'a prophecy,
blended harmonies, the could aee noth­
H . B Sudtell and wife of Ban­
ing hut well deserved failure for any something did happen that evening.
ning, Cel., were in Halsey Friday
The orchestra knew that never before
aecond fiddle who attempted to aaeerf
work dona promptly and visiting friends. They stayed with
had they played as they ware playing AH
his own Individuality.
now—with such passion, such power,
their son. Col Ben T. Pudtell of
Pbona No, 26U.9
One by one the daya came and want.
such a oneness of purpose.
Albaoy, until Tueodiy. The (wo
Te Edith and her mother they seemed
The audience knew only that never
men were looking over their farm,
not unlike many other daya long
before had they heard forty Instru­
oear Halsey, Monday.
To Kate Denny they were
ments sound so exactly as one.
hardly dlaalmllar. except, perhaps for
Mrs. Amanda Anderson of Se­
The critics—between the number«
the growing frequency of John Kennl- | the critics talked enthusiastically of
ism is visiting Mrs. J. C- Bramwell.
son's visits. Not that she heroelf saw
the new leader who bad that night
Branches at
The steam roller that was un­
so much of him, but that gbg knew ho
been born. From their lipa dropped
Phone 17C15.
loaded at the depot Saturday ia not
was there, and that his yreseneo hogan
learned phrase«: Ha did not over­
Io mean so much to her that she was
drive his orchestra; be «ought no in ­ Halsey Phone 1S6, Frank Kirk Mgv for use in the coming election.
The Scandia Shipbuilding company
due din of b ran and drum ; he was
Very rr.nsdentionaly these days Kate
nsually hare an will use it on ita contract on the
careful of the quality aa well a.« the
Denny was leaving to Edith the crisp I quantity of tone; ha had balance,
-----accumulation of
Halsey-Harrisburg road
brown of the biscuits, and the exrlw
poise, power: he ordered the pace of article« no longerlneeded, or «ncceeded
attentions of John Kennlaoo— i his mush- Judiciously, and be moulded by better one« which somebody would
George Causal is moving to Hal
both of which Edith claimed as her ( Its phrases with a masterly hand like to obtain. An adrerttwment the say and will lira in M r. Robert­
siae of this coating 23c, might find a
right, anyway There were times, to J
And yet—wet they orchestra nor au- buyer and covert what ia
A Q f l son'« house on First street. He
almost rebelled ;
now onjy traah ?nto good
inlands to build a concrete garagej
U 3 K W 00(1, S 4
Three Reasons
Dillard Price went to Browng-
ville Monday and erected an ica
T im e t o Ras-Hra?
(B u y r ta k )
R E D -T O P 3 0 x 3X
Extra Ply of Fabric—Heavy T read
Price $17.85
P °°r roads, for heavy loads, for hard use
A anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled
for small cars. A n extra ply of fabric and a heavy
tread o f extra tough red rubber make a strong tire
built to meet exacting conditions.
Tim e after time one Red-Top has outworn three
ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate your
selection o f a high-grade tire while its extra mileage
more than justifies your choice.
T h e r e ’s a F isk T ire o f e x tr a v a lu e In e v e ry s ite ,
fo r ca r, truck o r i p e e d w a g o n
I. H. G
Farm Machinery
D eerin g and
The standard m akes o f
the world
Get repairs now
New w in d m ill at a G. W. M ornhinweg
Implement store, Halsey, Oregon
O ptom etrist.
We sell
: the Claxtonola
Come in and hear It play
AU phonograph recorda and needles.
E. L. Stiff
A Popular Refreshment,
One that ia relished at all times
rot,tig or old alike, is our icecream
ia made from pure, unadulterated cream
and flavored with pure trait flavors.
Cold drinks
RED STAR Oil Stoves
Stewart & M e t Confectionery
$30 to $75
Other Oil Stoves
Farmers, Attention
Shire Stallion
Draym an.
Be H onest With Y ou rself
C If you hare been drifting along-spending all, larin g n othing-rtop
and think.
Vou mast realize that it cannot go on forever. One'« earning day« are
numbered. Now, while your earning power 1« the greatest, «ee to it that
each pay.lay pay« S o m k t h ik g toward your future IWDXeKKDXNca,
We will welcome your account and help you »are.
T h e F irs t Savings B ank o f A lb a n y , O re g o n
Where Savings are safe "
Four par cant and no worry.
****S**4^^*dMMw*«ai«*«*«aa*a*««s( «*♦* «a«*«*«*
.............. „ uu ......... .
A utom obile Insurance
Fire, theft, collision, property damage and
personal liability.
Protect you rself against
C. P. STAFFORD, A gen t.