PAGE 2 HALSEY ENTERPRISE JUNE 15, 1922 When the next issue of tbe Enterprise comes out the longest by the lenders, dominates, end the day of the year will have passed fwe- party is progressive. Mr. Herding comes nearer to being a political leader today than n (vultures] be gathered together.” Specialty of se ------—•» ------- E ALSEY GARAGE it Friendship, Engagement and j : Wedding Rings < STATE HIGHWAYMEN '■lent growth and flesh to make them ceuning purposes. ------ aultabla for placing Immediately to the “Decked lamb"—One that has had feedlnta. Weights nsually 850 pounds Its tall cut off. Many lambs come to ipwards market with their tails badly gummed IM P O R TA N T —Dehorned cattle aa up, which hurts the sale. All stockmen a rule outsell those with boros. Cattle ire consequently urged to adopt the should be dehorned or horn tipped be­ practice of docking their lambs wbea jrnng. fore put on feed, so buyers urge. Hogs. "Top" Is the day’s extreme high price FOR SALE for carload lots. "Bulk" Is a term meaning the pre­ ponderance of saiee for the day or period. “Dockage" la a specified weight de­ ducted from sows and stags originally R. L. Martin. used for breeding purposes and are Route 2, Bo» 77, Halsay. coarse and rough— on sows dock Is 40 pounds, on stags 70 pounds. "Prims heary” bogs weighing 300 to When in need of a 400 pounds, prime condition, form and quality. Usually 10 months to 18 months and are heavier as wel^aa old­ er than the majority of the bogs mar­ it w ill be to your advantage keted. to investigate my offer on the A N K E R "Medium heavy"—Good hogs weigh­ L. W . BYMaiMv. ing 240 to 300 lbs. Both the prime H O L T . heavy and medium heavy hog depends largely for outlet upon the packer. ARCHIE CORNELIUS Most popular In fall and winter. "Batcher hogs”— Most popular class on the market. Must be of right weight for the butcher block from 190 to 270 workmanship. Watches end docks a specialty. pounds in most cases, (although at times lighter or heavier)—of good qual- HALSEY OREGON Instances, will be enlightened ae to tbe full meaning: Cattle Terms and Claseea. "Beef cattle" are the heavier, older, helfera or bulla, largely bought by the bigger slaughterers. “Butcher cattle" are nsually trim weight stock, either cows, or steer» or helfera, carrying good flesh weigh­ ing 560 to 1060 pounds and highly desirable for the city butcher trade. "Prime finished" beeves are those that have been made strictly fat, gen­ erally of 8 to 12 months liberal feed on grain, cake, molasses or other tried rations. "Ripe" le a similar term. "Fancy” beeves are those that have the prime or ripe finish referred to above and In addition carry full quality due to being high grade or pure bred stock. ’’Good,’’ “fair," "medium," "plain," "common" and “Inferior” are terms applied to livestock In varying de­ crees of flesh, condllloo and quality Mutton Sheep. as they range down the line under the grade of prime. Ity and proper condition. Nothing “Corn fed” beeves usually refer to grading less than a good hog has a cattle that have had two to three place In thia class. "Shipping hog."— Shipper la a hog of 1 good form, condition and quality used to supply order trade. The require­ ments vary, but for the moet part call for animal weighing 176 to 200 pounds. “Lights" are hogs weighing 180 to 100 pounds, consisting principally of young light weight barrows or clear sows, graded good, common and In­ ferior. "Llght-llghta" weigh from 130 to 180 pounds; graded good, common and In­ ferior. "Pigs" are graded as choice, good and common, and are subdivided aa Give him a call and see if he can fix you up. follows. Strong weights, 130 to 160 pounds; medium, 110 to 126 pounds; Prime Finished Beeves. light. 90 to 110 pounds. months or longer ration of generous “Pewees” young small pigs from 80 grain feed. to 80 pounds. Usually sell at a con­ "8hort fed cattle" are those that Electric Haircutting, Massaging have had from two to three months siderably lower figure than the heavier Pigs (time varying) of fairly generous ra­ and Shampooing. "Roasters” are pigs weighing IB to tions. 40 pounds. They are rarely seen, ex­ Cleaning and Pressing. "Warmed up cattle" ere those that cept around Thanksgiving or Christ have been fed for a very Brief period, mas. generally three to six weeks— time "Rougha" are throw-outs too com I varying. mon to grade, lack condition, form "Graaaera" are cattle presumably and quality. fitted for market on the range or pas­ "Stags" are male hogs castrated af ture alone. ter maturity. As they are waaty In i'Caimera" ere poor thin animals, dressing dockge at 70 pounds la lm 11 furalshlng only low grade meat suited I posed. "Boars” are not usually marketed I only for marketing In the form of canned product until their days of service are over and “Cuttera" are animals one grade bet­ therefore old and coarse. As most ter than cannera, but yet not carrying j stockmen have found from experience I enough flesh to class as beef types. . that It does not pay to send boars, very I j "Scalawags," "sheila," etc., refer to few of them come to market. They emaciated stock. sell for much lower price than stags. "Heretics’’ la a terra mostly applied l "Mixed packers”— This d ata In • to Inbred southern cattle between the volves tbe heavy hogs that do not have the quality to grade as prime stock and the lighter weight! that are not good enough for butchers or shippers. In short. It takes In all of the throw-outs 1 of the aforementioned classes, except those too coarse. "Singer”—A hog of narrow back and ] ■ale dates June to 20 iucl. Final lim it Jn| , » th J straight belly, particularly used for Its lean bacon. Weight 180 to 200 pounds r largely, although there Is no standard * weight. Must be of good quality, not necessarily fat. popular In Canada and C England but not common In this coun­ try. Sheep. IS "Trimmed lamb ’—-One that fins been castrated. Such sell to beat advantage V Butcher Hogs. on the market. , J S s t T & H f m o t a * ChVrmTni S p h e re * s m l * “ ' T ’ WondeT ci,1M of ,h*‘ Pacific “Culla” are Inferior grade lambs or »eat and yearling stage, weighing gen and score. of inviting pleasure p ? X Resorts. Three N.t.onal Parks sheep thrown out of consignment by 11 «rally 150 to 800 pounds “3lunk" la a prematurely horn calf— buyers and sold at a lower price than the remainder of the lo t unmarketable. vkl^ ~ A ” ght’ trashy, common ’’Yearlings" refer te cattle beyond the . lamb. The plainest grade of cull lamb. calf and under the two year class. "Mutton sheep" are fat ewes or n "Heavy yearlings" (southern) are stock generally weighing 275 te per­ ewes and wethers mixed used for killing. Wethers are often sold sep­ haps 460 pounds. n "Light yearlings" (southern) are cat­ arate as such. Choppers" are «god ewes ln medium tle generally weighing 160 to 273 pounds nor