ed number appl before next Sunday ______ Her club became famous aa a price winner last year. Boya or girla wanting to join the club shwuld call phone 26 before Sunday. 1 Under the auspices of the Brownsville League of Good C iti­ zens Sheriff Kendall and District Attorney ¡swelling will address a mass meeting in that city Monday evening on law enforcement and how citizens can assist. R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y pre«««!« A ntzmaurice •Experience * r Richard Barthelmesa •» 'Y o u th * (^anuHouiü 0- W . Frum Having purchased the C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T from the Smith Brothers, we extend greetings to their former customers and solicit a continuance o f your patronage Fresh and cured meats and lard on hand at all times, Tha delivery window of the Halsey poetotbee ie open Sundays from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12 20 to 12:36 and 4:<5 to 6.00 p. m.~ * Falk Brothers. PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS Frank Kirk attended the funeral ■ the ganlrn «h«-» begin— the revel» of the pnmroee path— I the corridors of chance—place of forgotten hope«— the house of lost souls ■ J —the land that love call» home Ran the whole gam ut of life m an hour t and a half I I n a great, aunple story, throbbing with the heartb eat of the I ' world. •A lso B U S T E R H E A T O N in a dandy two-reel comedy. Coming soon, the m illio n-do llar comedy, “ F O O L I S H W IV E S A PURPOSE IN.LIEE Stawberries are in their glory ind are plentiful. Eat them Effort, not Victory, is the vhile yon can They will not last True Measure of Merit ■ ong. As the apple is the king of fruits, ao the strawberry is the Baccalaureate Sermon fo r Halsey queen,.and either of them better lllg li S c .' k m I, Suatlay, M ay 2S, Da- than medicine. U»ered by Rev. C. T. Cook. Subject: South No, 23, 11:29 a. m. 17, 5.39 p. m. S U N D A Y M A IL H O U R S and family and •f Mrs. Jennie Andrews in Port­ land Sunday. North No. 18, 12:01 p. m. 24, 5.50 p m. pose, men consecrated to dally living In the inspiring Illu m in a tio n o f an Ideal. I t needs men who make each day count d irectly fo r som ething real, who face each day’s sunset w ith new harvests of good fo r those around them and fo r the world. I f the w orld is not dally better be­ cause we have dived, If the little clrole of those around us is not , brightened, strengthened, heartened, helped and In some way made h ap­ pier by our d irect effort In our con­ scious living, we are not tru e to p u r­ pose and possibilities. W e cannot atl be Lincolns and save a nation, but we can put the spirit o f Lincoln Into every trifle of our living— his sim plicity, courage, kindness love, consecration and justice. The greatest to the w orld is not the magnificent power o f a few great men m anifesting on a colossal scale, but simple qualities in a sm aller, h um bler way. m anifested In m illions of simple, unknow n lives throughout the world. Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line Big Scene in “Experience” A striking effect in George Fitx- maurice’s latest Paramount picture, ‘‘Experience,” which comes to the Rialto theater next Friday, is ob­ tained with four little girls who soar above the dancers in the Primrose Path” cabaret and drop rose leaves on the crowd be- low. In this scene 500 pounds of artificial rose leaves and tv; a bushels of confetti were let loose from "snow banks” above the set­ ting. For richness of color arid arresting novelty thia scene sur­ passes anything ever done in motion pictures. "P ow er of In d iv id u al Purpose." There Is power fo r «vary Individual effort. Purpoee gives new Impulses. New In te rp re ta tio n to living. I t 1« the backbone of a Ufa of courage. I t shows th a t the highest Justification for liv in g Is love in some form . It may ba for a cause, country, church. Ideal, home or an Individual Purpose a t I t ’s beat means the con­ also contribute a poem on the pio­ Edith Robnett, accompanied by tro l over conditions, the mastery over Introduction of American Variety neers. her daughter Louise on the piano, self, the dedication to som ething high­ er than self, fighting fo r the right, and of Rodents in Parks Causes and Mra. W. H . Robertson, ac­ Mr. and Mra. Foote, with Mrs. fighting fo r it to ths and. W ere we companied by Mra. A rthur Rob Some Difficulty. Brandon and Mrs Dean in their able to follow even a great purpose Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at car. carried a lunch up the Cala- nett, aang solos. fro m Its highest flights of effort, we Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and m ight And its nest of inspiration in poola and ate it there Sunday. Anna Laura Smith of Haleey is Friday. the heart of someone of whom the •t C. C, Dickson’s.— Shedd corre Rev. J. W. Craig of Brownsville, world knows nothing. spondence Albany Democrat. Halsey Banner Thistle Fighter. James H Darrah By purpose man can m ake himself who ie about eighty years old. Mra. Hawkes, a Portland trained Spread From London and Are Invading largely w hat he w ill. H e can choae County Agent Heyman writes, tilled the M. E pulpit Sunday James H . Darrah was born in his own realm . H e can live content­ Country Over W lds Areas— Drive Juna 5: Farmers of Halsey com­ morning in the absence of Mr. nurse, goes home today after a Ireland, May 21, 1848, and died edly in the m ud of low desires like Out Red Squirrel*— Popu­ Cook at a funeral, j he old pio week’s visit with Mrs. Russ Knee- munity: Your thistle project tha llzsard or mtid puppy, or he can near Rowland station, June 2,1922. lar in Parka. land at the home of the latter's ne»»r’a sermon was pronounced He came to the United States with leader, James A. Stevenson, has •weep boldly high In the pure, lnaplr brother on the Brownsville road. able and edifying one. log. bracing a ir of noble id e a , like his parent« in 1866, settling n handed in a most splendid report London. — Am erican gray squirrels, tha eagle rig h tfu lly clim bing the Pennsylvania. In 1887 he was on the co-operation of the Halsey W ith bis usual remarkable vi Prof. English and fam ily left which have been Introduced Into Eng­ m ountain top as Its ,own. married to Margaret J. Stewart. farmers on eradicating the Canada tnlity for a man of hia years— near­ Tueaday noon by auto for a few land, are causing some difficulties, ac­ Low purpose make." us experts In Mr. Stevenson has just cording to the Times, which rem arks petty sophistries. l £ ktlls a ll the n at­ In 1890 they came to Oregon. thistles. ly 90— W J. R lielin is recovering days’ visit in Eugene. one hundred signers on the agree­ In an e d ito ria l: M r. Darrah wag in office work until from his severe illness and is out u ral sweetness and ‘gladness. I t raises W ill Templeton of Brownsville, "T he Introduction of N o rth A m eri­ the m oral tem p :empe^pj l|>re. to a fewer three years ago, when he moved to ment and up to date he has done on the streets again. after being told that he was near can gray squirrels Into this country has heat o f "don 't carfö« and lowers the his farm, where he passed away. more work on thia project than Mrs. M. A. Plummer of South death’s door with heart trouble and had an unexpected success, which, If v ita lity of a ll our higher living. Thle He leaves a wife, onesoh.Charles, any other leader in the county. Tacoma took Monday’s train for taking treatment for it for a year we may Judge from rniiuy letters sent Is Ind ividu ality a t « discount and not and one daughter, Anna Darrah, When you see him express to him at a prem ium as We should hold I t home after a visit with Mrs. Graoe or two, tried another physician to us, has not gained universal ap­ your appreciation of thie service. both of Portland. Goodall at Brownsville and at the who tells him his heart is ai proval. English visitors to Central God has Inspired to noble purpose The one hundred signers own or About three months ago Mr. park. New York, have often been de­ th a t power of Individuality. Frank Gray home here. The right and under whose Purpose make's man a crusader for Darrah had a stroke of paralysis, farm 18,671 acres of land. by l the bold nii’i and coiimilllg confiding U hab­ , treatment — lighted uj u c Lfuiu SD When M. Keeney and J. A. Waggener he ie 18 rapidly r*P ,(>ly recovering. recovering. W h e n its of these little rodents, which seem seen somethin«. H e grows greater before from which he never fully re. signatures follow: A. C. Armstrong, Ora Albert­ of Kalispell, M ont., uncles of “ °°torg disagree who shall decide? never to have acquired the red squlr our eyes In hie effort as he reaches covered. son, Frank E. Brown, W . A. Carey, Mr«. R. A. Templeton, wars visitors C m H u . r, , . nn . refs distrust of man. Doubtless ther« and grasps the cross of some Ideal, ___ _ there The funeral was last Sunday at “ • * T - ...... ..l,°"“ T h . — x. I » iw S '.« ? u . I , X ^ T ” though It m ay seem unattainab le, but have been several attempts to accllma the farm home, with burial in the L. V. Chance, A. Dykstra. J. H tlze them In this country, but th eir the Inspiration of the struggle Itself Oddfellows’ ceme'.ery at Salem, Dawson. A. L , W. A , C. L ., F. means more to him than even the evening. The fortieth birthday of W. K. definite establishment is recent. E. E. Rev. C. T. Cook officiating at the W . and C. L. Falk, crown of victory. Purpose Is con­ Templeton of Brownsville was cele­ Gourley, Edwin Gardner, F. G. Mrs. Alice Moore, telephone Introduced In to Park. scious, continuous concentration to home and grave. brated last Kunday by forty-seven head at Brownsville, and her little „ . R. 'Some dozen years ago the Zoolog­ a tta in an end. Before It can be g re a t­ M r. Darrah was held in high Hadley, T. F. H illm an , W friends at a picnic at the Browns­ •on Max were in Halsey Thursday. ical Society o f London obtained a num­ est there must be union; unity of esteem by all who knew him as a Kirk, G. T Kitcheu, Guy A. L a y - v ille ptrk. Mrs Raleigh Temple ber o f Individuals from a private col­ body, m ind, heart, and soul acting to ­ good neighbor, an honorable citizen ton. E. S Marsiers, f. M. Porter, The printer misplaced the title lection In Bedfordshire, for the purpose gether. too of Halsey made tbs birthday R. B M iller, I. A. M iner, H . D. and an honest man. W e m ay be bound by duties, >7— cake, which bore its due array of of Elder Jones' svrinon scheduled of Inducing them to breed at liberty in Mitzner, J. 8. McMahan, L. New­ for 11 o’clock last Bunday ’ ’The the gardens In Regent's park. They burden», the d ally problems of mere candles. ton, J. P. Patton, F. A. Robinson, Sabbath or the Lord's D ay; were first given the relative freedom of living, that make great deeds difficult. Mr«- M ary West of Brownsville, E. A. Starnes, Sidney Smith, F. Mrs. Jennie Andrews, wife of Which?” and got those words into a large open-air luclosure, from which, W e can all hav« purpose, and should Bob Andrews, well known in H a l­ have It, and should live to It a t Its who has been helping Mrs. Eng­ Archie Cornelius' special bargain «’hen they had become accustomed to best. W e must flaa lly be Judged, not lish the last few weeks, went home O. Salmon, Ira St. John, N. T. sey, di-H last Friday in Portland, Sneed, J. E. True, G. R Walker, offer on page 4, producing a strange receive tribute from visitors, they were by our attainm ents but by the Ideals Saturday, Lee Walton, K. L. Winniford, W. aged 66, after a long illness, bbe mixup. allowed to pass In and out by a rope and motives that Inspire them .: T here bridge to a tree. It was anticipated 8. Wells, J. A, Stevenson, Balf was Miss Jennie Pearl and a oousin Is one purpose th a t (n,o,, ope is too nd Indeed hoped, th a t they would b um ble to llvo by. t h a t 'l l faithfulness Mrs. P. J. Forster was surprised of Frank K irk and Mrs. O. W John Slate of Tangent was at­ Bond, W. J. Ribelin, J. H W a l­ Frum. Her first husband was when forty-six of her friends re­ spread from the gardens to the park In little things. I t m ay-he a new Im ­ tacked by a bull he was leading to ton, J. W . Moore, Robert Andrews, minded her that it was her birth- T he office o f works took a benevolent petus to loyalty, trustfulness and water and received injuries that 5ave Isom, John Willbanter, S. A. 'Tom Cooper. d*J by appearing at her home car­ Interest In the experiment and re­ watchfulness in our duties. Mills, H. J. Davis; Charles Ogle, sent him to a hoepital. Mrs. Thomas Harrison and her rying ice cream and cake and pro­ strained visitors from taking dogs, ex­ Employers find difficulty in etting Hrs. Callie Frum. C. A. Powell' nephew George of Brownsville ceeded to run the houan in merry cept on lend, through the main avenue. thle very faithfulness. .M a n y paid, aer F. H- Porter, J.. W M iller, W . G*. “A fte r two or three years, in which called at the Wheeler home Sun­ fashion for a while. Besides H al- cants are only eye servants, listless Carter, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Lillian they seemed to be disappearing, they day hut found Mrs. Wheeler ah seyites there were in the party suddenly became ubiquitous, forming a lazy and ir r it a b ly , languid, ¿s^oept K irk, E N. Warmoth, Lida when off duty. They collapse jynder sent at church. George was re­ Mrs. Pearl Ashton and family and Grant, Fred Robins, A. G. Wag- charming addition to the sparrows and the slight strain of responsibility covering nicely after haring bis Miss Munson of Albany. wood pigeons, hitherto the only crea­ T hey are a bundle of excuse« .when gener, C. B Gibson, T. E Gibson, forehead cut up by being run over tures attracting popular attention. The th e ir failu res and flasks are under dis D. & Bowman, A. H. Quim by, J. P The largest class in the Browns­ by an auto. Templeton, E. L. M artin, V . C. Dowm gray squirrels are plainly happy and lUsslon. ville high school's history, which I I equally plainly give happiness tw> the L. E. Simone, W. L. Sm ith, H W I t is Impossible ’ estim ate 'th e Mr«. T. P. Patton left for Real- Chance. C. H . Falk. R. E. B ie rli, W was graduated last week, was lea I London population—tw o weighty rea- power th a t lie« la te n t the' church tie Fuday to visit her sou Karl Carrier, W C Base, E S. Hayes, O tto D. slavens. John Warren, (Jrvel F I sons for their presence In the London and Ind ividu al W * Aalk of the pow«r ‘Rialto Harrisburg Wednesday1 ¡“THE BIRTH OF A NATION” GRAY SQUIRRELS BRED IN ENGLAND DESTROY NESTS Of WARBLERS Straw HATS and family for a short lime. Shaw' ° W Krura and Welch, Vida M. M iller, Edith L. ; parks. But It Is alleged against them latent In steam unjJJ W a tte waked Straw hats, the ideal W F. W hite. Howe, Fay G. Evans, Isabella A. ! that they destroy the nests o f warblers, Its s p irit fro m the w iie r and sent the ...T i* 0* * refusing ere Samnel Collins, hat for summer. McKercher, Warren L. CalJaway, n railing accusation easier to bring giant to tu rn t h ij- J r o n arm s of W . R. McCalister. O. F Neal. W ill m achinery W e ta ltf*o f power latent I than to Justify. In fact, there la room Light, cool and com­ Gertrude M. Schrunk, C. L. Eg. Sperling. T h e re ir e in the skies. latent», u n til science i fo r both; possibly a few neata have • t i l l a few who have not been seen. gleston, Peggy Irene Harrison, El- th e ir heights, abolishing fortable. P rices: been destroyed, bnt the squirrels fre ­ climbed Leslie Church, Hurley D. distance, outstripping the wtngs of E irl Carey, who recently moved win quent the regions of the parks where Come into the Enterprise office Coshow, ! dispensers of nuts moat abound, where­ lim e and flashing our" thoughts serose fo Eugene, drove to Halsey with Overton, Julia Perrin and tell the editor any item of lo­ the ro llin g seas to d istan t continents Rouald A. Wright, P.oy Archie a t the shy singing birds covet the more team and wagon last Saturday. cal news that you know. He aud Miller, Marvel B Lawrence and secluded thickets. C areful observer» Yet w h at are these to the m oral power th a t Het asleep I f f tke congre the readers will thank you. In a I he Blain Clothing company Maude Florence Ray. of birds are Inclining to the opinion cations and Ind ividu als' of ths C h ris­ little city like Halsey everybody is dtops into rhyme in the last words that the avian population la Improving tian w orld — W h y latent? Because men The members of the high school ■ interested in what everybody else of its hat announcement this weak In number« and In variety, and that It and womeh n eith e r appreciate th e ir graduating class were given a re. does. Dr. H. Garojobat, the Heiser ception by their parents at the C. m ight Improve still more w ere some ind ividu al Influence.*, nor estim ate small and suitable sanctuaries to he In ­ «rig h t thetr own Ind ividu al respon­ HVhen Miss Amanda Mitzner scout master, and fourteen of the H. Koontz home Friday evening. closed. sibilities. oame home from Paisley she soon hoy scouts visited with the Shedd It was a jovial .social gathering, M an does not d rift Into goodness Spread te Country. got employment here as a teacher h >y snouts Saturdav evening The with ice creaip, cake and punch on dghl fo r his destination "On the other hand, the gray squir­ He must , for the coming school term. Mrs. r freshmsnt committee was: Ho­ the program, and the piano and ready to b attle w ith calmness and rels. w hether by taking advantage of ■ Bond's successor has not yet been constant courage against fog. dark mer Mornhiiiweg, assistant scout phonograph worked overtime. tubes aud busses or by deliberate hu I : engaged. ness adverse winds and dancer that master at Shsdd, Kenneth Arnold, Andrew Brown and wife went to man conulvance, have spread from should only Inspire to «neat e ffo rt John Clay and Harvey McConnell. London and are Invading the country In seeking m a te ria l success It ma Albany Tuesday. over very wide areas. They are said i>e necessary »o «rasp the low run« J. C. Bramwell and wife felt to drive out the red squirrel, to raid A dispatch from Albauy college of the ladder, but on ths ladder of young enough yesterday to want gardens, and to add to the snxtetlee to see a oircua, ao they went to the says: .Mrs. Erwin Kuhiu, a mem­ of the pheasant breeder. W e hope purpose, begin w ith the highest rung I your outsretched hand can grasp and ber of the class of 1921, died at county seat and aaw one. that fu lle r Inquiry w |l| not sustain Seattle. Before entering Albany these charges. On ceueral grounds we hold on u ntil you ars able to reach 'b * next. Purpoee takes us out of the Floyd Yarbrough, after a few college Mrs. Kubin attended Reed Here's a new non doubt tf a creature w ith so marked a The kind you w an t; weeks with friends in this negih- college. She taught at Halsev and prefers««» for living as a sturdy beg­ 1 orcheM rs of life and puts us on the stags of real action I t gives m an _ borhood, went home to Eugene in the Albany junior high school breakable straw, the gar w ill settle down to the hardships real p a rt to play— one no o th e r could not what we think you yesterday. Ha expects to return W hile here she represented the o f a predatory and hunted life. The — In the great dram a o f hum an greatest hat you ever and remain through the fall. ought to have. W e try d college in the state oratorical con­ biological problems follow ing on the ity. saw . T he great thin g Ip Ilf» la not tn Introduction o f an animat to a new K. B. McKinney and wife and test at Eugene. to carry every wanted realizing a purpose, but In fighting fqr R. H Mayberry and wife and Mrs. Ward of Brownsville and I country are Interesting, «nd we admit It. I f we feel ths possibilities of fu lly th a t there has often been no patent medicine in daughter Cecile went to Portland her eon Ed came on the noon tre a id s F. H . Porter arrived Saturday from Portland (or a visit with friends and to look after business in this vieimty 25c 50c 60c 75c Patent Medicines H. A. Rim. DruPizist i À pow er— M en of C m pis earnest pur ALBANY, OREGON