ALUMINUM U 7 . U i U at pnces that s e l1 t h e K ° o d s r a p i d l y . I f you need kitchen utensil, you ought to this peerless ware you may never again have a chance to get it at such bargains. and RANflES ers. ^P-TO-DATE kitchen cook­ It s a pleasure to use OIL , STOVES « » L a n d clean in V* V hoi weather. Use one “S Uuit window la, to—assert my rights about." • ’Tomorrow,” however, proved that (Continued on page 3) dignity had neither to do with day­ light nor being dressed, and that Miss W ilm etta Forster went to whether It were an open window or a Creswell Friday for an indefinite proffered Invitation about which one stay. wished to assert one's self, there »11 A. C- Armstrong has gone to no variation In the illIBcully of doing Jots and Tittles Oakland, this state, to attend the £ V » V V v I" Hi W Y V A V I IT 9 >£ is able to undersell in V V V V V , Second and Baker sts., Albany, Oregon, FURNITURE* She had arisen early and started shearing of his flock of over 100 breakfast (In spite of It being Edith’s I sheep. because his overhead expenses are low. From his large stock you can on the porch or in a tent and keep th; house cool 0.1 . . a cheaper and week to perform that duty). 8he had J* always select just what you want A t this tcatou many want more convenient fuel thau wood. Mrs. H arry Commons has been washed the dishes while Edith went to market, because Edith I'ked to go ,0 I visiting her mother, Mrs. Sprenger, market— when It was pleasant. When ! at Shedd. It rained. Kate herself went. As usual A half-mile track is toeing built she bad tidied the kitchen and the 1 tor lourth-of-July races at Craw­ bathroom, leering the lighter dusting Our prices are made with to Bdlth and her mother, who pre­ fordsville. ferred that kind. As usual, too, at Mrs. L, H. Armstrong’s sister. luncheon, she bed given the golden Miss Chenoweth of Oakland, Or., Comparison of price, invited brown crusts ef her rolls to Bdlth not because she herself did not like is visiting her. The season for them and the opportunity to get them at low prices are golden brown crusts, but beeanse Edith ’ here together. George Maxwell and wife visited always wanted them. To he sure, Kate Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummings at rxxxxxx m i n n i r r i T i Y T i n n n n i i n i n i T T i m m u , , had tried to keep them herself today; Albany Sunday. but Edith reached for them as a mat ter of course—end got them Mrs. W. H. Hahn of Halsej un­ At two o’clock John Kennlaon came derwent a serious surgical opera­ with the Invitation to go alelghlng tion at Albany Monday. Kate waa dressing, and Edith bad gone Mrs. Frank shelly and her son j to the door. Kate could hear now what her meter had called out merrily Billy of Yreka, Cal., are visiting In Which the Powerful Influence of Example Do« saucily: Mrs. Shelley’s sieter-iu-lrw, Mrs. “Oh, ahe's busy, Mr. Kenniaoa; but A. C. Armstrong. Much to Develop Independence. I ’ll go. I ’ll be right o u t” Henry Zimmerman, H. F. Price Kate had run then swiftly into the upper hall, and had uttered some sort and F. W. Robineon are mentioned of protest. But Edith had only laughed io Saturday's Democrat aa visitors A uthor o f “ Pollyanna," “ Just David," Etc. at the county seat. and answered scornfully; “Why, Kste, you were busy— you H ill & Co. are still having a C apyrltht by Eleanor H. Porter, know you were! You were dressing K ZZXZXX Surely, you don't want me to change wonderful trade in aluminum ware H l l t t U l l l i m now, and—and tell him you won't let at the bargain prices they adver­ A T the first sound of the »tep on position. tised in the Enterprise. me go, do you?" the stone walk below, Kate Denny For half an hour then Kote sat in Kate had murmured a faint "No, of Haward K elly, a Crawfordsville ■prang to her feet. A delicate flush a comer and listened to ragtime, and course not.” and had crept back, came to her cheeks and a new light to the brilliant sallies of her sister boy, has been sent to the reform ashamed. Into her own room. And not G . Y Y . M o m h m w e g In her eyes. She listened, standing Edith, who was entertaining John Ken- until the had heard the sleigh-bells go school for stealing au auto from C. motionless, until the whir of the elec­ nlson. A little later, cake was brought Implement »tore, Halsey, Oregon R. Einn, for whom he was work­ Jingling down the road did she remem tric bell stirred her Into life. In—cake that Edith said she had *1» IK » * * # ) » * » ber that "sweet, gentle, yet Arm dig ing. Hurriedly she crossed the room to made; and at the words Kate thought nlty" that was to have been hers that her mirror, and patted with shaking of the kitchen that morning with Ameriean Legion and G. A. R. day. Angers the already smooth waves of Edith, dainty in a fresh frock, stand­ It was of this, all thia, that Kate membera placed an American flag her pale yellow hair. From the lace ing at the shelf, stirring gingerly at a We tell was thinking now, as she dressed for on every soldier’s grave at the at her throat she tore the blue how concoction, not one ingredient of which the concert that evening. The concert Browns villa cemetery decoration hastily, substituting a pink one—only had been put in without minute In­ waa to be a grand affair In town, given day. to replace It almost at once with the structions from the elder sister. by John Kennlaon'a orchestra. John blue. Her gown at back and waist After the cake had been eaten and Fred Malone and F. O. Vanett Kennlson was only one of the eight and sleeves she touched tentatively duly praised, there was more music, Come in and hear it play first violins la that orchestra, but to of Holley are reported by the A l­ with her still shaking Angers; when then John Kennlaon rose to go home. bany Herald as having paid $25 All phonograph records and needles. plainly nothing else could be done to He said good-by. and looked at Kate line each for illegal Ashing Mon make perfection more perfect, she lovingly; but before she could answer. day. turned and waited, her expectant eyes Edith interposed a merry question; on the closed door leading from her snd It was Edith who went with him C. A. Stoat, principal of tbe One that is relished at all tfhies bv chamber to the hall. to the door, and who asked him to Oakville school last winter, was ar­ young or old alike, it our icecream. It Two, three, five minutes passed. come again. it made from pure, unadulterated cream rested at Albany Sunday, charged Tin* subdued confusion of an entrance In her own room that night Kate and flavored with pure fruit flavors. with improper conduct towards an and the sound of voices had floated Denny confronted the thing squarely, Cold drinks eight-year-old girl. hunches up from the hall below, but all was Behind set teeth she said: silent now. Three more minutes Kate •I will not give up John Kennlaon. I. C. Bramwell and wife visited Denny waited. Surprise, dojbt, and a Edith shall not have him—to play with their nieces, the Masses Alliugham, frightened questioning came In turn snd toss aside! N o!” at Coburg Sunday. On the way to her eyes; then resolution, as she Then, alone. In the dark, she blushed home they dined with their daugh- softly crossed the room and opened the door. t«r, Mrs. W. K. Hover, near H a r­ shamed red, and began to lash her­ A light laugh floated up the stair­ self with scorn. risburg. to u c h w ith way, and a deeper note answered. Had she. Indeed, fallen no low as to The girl drew back, half closing the The Halsey high school baseball be ready to quarrel over a man, aa a door. girls went to Brownsville Thursday dog would fight, for a bone? Doubt- Then It was true. He had come, and got beaten 28 to 12 bv the Jess. anyway, John Kennlson preferred and she had not been summoned to go Edith. Brownsville girls, who thus got down. Edith was there, however— oonaolation for having been beaten It was merely another case of the that light laugh had been hers. . . , smaller tart. here by the Halsey girls. So It w us to be the old story over After all, was there not such a thing e' t rw r « fw «r««.^w ^ai«T f gg again. I f Edith wanted It, she must as too much self-aacrlflce, too continual The Brownsville chamber of have It, whether It were a Jam tart commerce is raising $1500 for a self-represalon? A certain amount, of or the exclusive attention of an eve­ course, was beautiful, virtuous, and race —not at) “ agricultural boss ning caller. ’ altogether commendable, but might trot" for gamblers to bet upon but «. If you have been drifting along-spending all, saving uothing-atoo Always It had been like that; and there not come a point where they and think. • to cleau out tbe ditch that supplies always she, Kate, had taken the sub­ became actually a fosterer of other water for power and increase its ordinate place, together with the \ ou must realize that it cannot go on forever. One's earning days are people's selfishness, and a sin against ■mailer ta r t oapacity. numbered. Now, while your earning power ts the greatest, sea to it that one's own Individuality? Aa If a Resolutely Kate Denny opened the each payday pays S o m b t h in o toward your future iNDxrgwDBHCa, perpetual seeder of raisins and eater The hot plaster is being laid on door wider and took one step Into the of chicken wings could live a full, We will welcome yonr account and help you save. The first six loads halL F o r One ■rief Instant Kate Almost Second street. free life— a life that really brought were spread Monday afternoon. Well, why not? That waa John Rebelled. out the beet within one’s self and Kennlaon down there. He had come It is Brought hot from tbe mixer at within one's fellow men I Indeed, the Dennys the "Philharmonic” was to see her. n o ! And there should be a change— a always “John Kennlson'a orchestra,' Shedd and with each load tbe haul Savings L ' Where .......... .......... • ’ ere safe ” Pour per cent and no worry. Irresolutely the girl still stood de­ rightabout face. She would see to It and as such Its concerts were eothu is shorter and the work conse­ bating the matter, when the twang of quently more rapid. that there was. W ith sweet, gentle, elastically welcomed. Tonight, how­ a violin string came from the room yet firm dignity, she would take her ever, there waa no animation, no Joy below and seemed to end all bealta At the Lint) county Jersey pic­ rightful place. In Kate Denny's face as she dressed nic next Saturday at the Warren tlon. W ith awlft steps snd heightened And with thia thought In mind, Kate herself; nor did even the anticipatory color, Kate Denny tripped down the Denny rose to her feet, prepared her­ rustle and hum of the concert room Gray farm, near Jefferson, three stairs and entered the brightly lighted living-room. John Kennlaon rose at self for bed, and then determinedly Itself bring an answering flash or spar­ of twelve boya’ and girls' club raised her window before opening the kle aa ahe waited for the first number judging teams that will compete once, an almost boyish eagerness In for honors are from Ash Swale, his glance. Edith Denny turned connecting door leading to her sister’s onJhe programme room. Shedd and Lake Creek. slowly. Her eyes carried a barely (To be continued ) As expected, she did not have long perceptible annoyance. to wait. D airy farm meetings at which Oh, here’s Knte," she said. "Tou rs "Kate!" called her slater. Prof. Fitts of 0 . A C. will talk Just In time, Kate, to turn the music. "Yes, Edith." will he held at F . M. Bear’s at John Kennlaon played first violin In “ Where's all that wind coming a large city orchestra. He stood now Plainview next Wednesday after­ from V’ close to the piano, his Instrument In noon, and at 0- C. Karstens’ at “From my window, perhaps; It’s his hand and his eyes longingly fixed Harmony in the forenoon and E rn ­ open.” on Kate Denny. est Pugb’a in the afternoon next “Open I Why, Kate Denny, you "It's a concerto. I was going to try day. never have yony.window open,” If a bit.” he began eagerly. "Tou day and the ladies called at the be given in the evening of 8unday, " I know I don’t ; hot I thought I know, I brought the piano score last The Oregon Drainage association, Wheeler home. would tonight. I wanted the air June lg. week. Too said you'd------” which made a trip from S«l«m to "But It's so cold I I ’m half frosen. "Yes, ft's right here. Mr. Kennlaon.” Miss Daisy Slate of Tangent and W- A. Ringo and wife ■peni Eugene, through Halsey,* Thurs­ Do you want me to catch my death of Interrupted Edith, brightly. "And cold?" day, could not have had much Daniel Ashton were married at Sunday at Harrisburg. we'd love to play It with you. Come. W ith a clean "Why, no, of—of course not,” mnr-. tin.a to view drainage work and Albany Sunday. Kate.” Mrs. M. M Huston is visiting «late they will start a home at mured Kate. Involuntarily ahe started f ) f k p r O i l M n v o j places ne&ding it, but saw enough For one brief Instant Kate almost to get out of bed; then suddenly she' 1,1 r C J lO V e S at the W. E. Thompson home in Maishfiold. at J. P. Stearns' farm at Tollman rebelled. John Kennlaon had asked Brownsville. her to practice that score, and she fell back. With stern resolution she to pronounce his work the best The M 'thodist Sunday school wet her dry lips and said. “I f you'rs had practiced It for hours at a time demonstration of what tile drain children will gather at the church George Drinkard and wife and cold. Edith, why don't you pull np an­ until It was at her (Inger tips; yet she ageooulddo. W hite clay that had tomorrow Everything at bargain prices. other blanket?" morning and go to daughter of Brownsville were in waa expected to stand patiently by been worthless was bearing 25- Brownsville to a general Sunday town in their car Sunday. «22 West P in t at., Albany, Oregon “ •Cold I' 'Another blanket I’ Why. and turn the leaves for Edith. bushel crops of wheat and good school picnic. A banner is to he Kate, what are you thinking of, when "Rut. Edith." hesitated Kate, "don’t Mrs. J. 8. McMahan, state head yields of oats and vetch, when tile awarded as a prize to the school you know how I hate a lot of stuffy you think It would be be'ter If I ------ " of the Rebekahs, left Monday for drained. clothes over me I I never knew you ‘‘Nonsense I of course you can turn making the beet attendance record Tillamook on business of the order. ♦0 act like this I '«’ell. If you won’t the music. Kate.” laughed her sister, M r Cornelius, Southern Pacific The quotas o f Oregon and Wash­ shut It. I shall— that's s ilt" And the Before you breed your mare« see airily. “Don't be so tim id) Come." Rex W . Davie, assistant cashier agent here for nearly a year, has ington of 400 and 600 boys re­ swift patter of bars feet and the de­ It was not a success—the playing of >f the First National bank of A l­ gone to Marion, where he has an termined bang of the window sash told spectively for the summer training that concerto. From start to flnlah It bany, has been chosen as manager eight.bour shift as telegraph op­ that Edith had made good her word. camp at Camp Lewis July 27 to waa an agitated scramble on the part "There I" exclaimed an aggrlevedly erator, with no other responsibili­ Aug. 25 has not been filled, so the of tbe Linn couuty fair. of each player to find and keep step triumphant voles, as the patter re­ A t Halsey Fridays ties. M. L. France of Reedsport time for applying to “ headquarters F. M Bennett, who is in the with the other. At the conclusion treated through the open doorway. took M r. Cornelius’ place Satur­ Ninety-sixth division, 325 New meat trade at Tangent, has sold Edith laughed hysterically, Kate bit On the bed Kate Denny made one day but eaya it will be thirty days Postoffice building, Portland.” has hie twenty-eight sores and build* her Ups In open confusion, and John more effort to rise—to catch the fleet, Kennlaon reached for his handkerchief at least before permanent arrange­ been extended through the early mgs, a mile and a half south of FOR SALE log “sweet, gentle, yet firm dignity" to wipe tbe perspiration from his face. ments are made, and hie family re­ part of June. Uncle Sam pays Halsey, to J. K. True for $2800. of her promise to herself, than wearily A moment later Edith suggested mains at Reedsport pending the transportation and all expenses she fall back. Jesse H im m an’a pioneer picnic that they try a popular love song to outcome. free and imposes no obligation to "After all. It U ba easier to begin 9 I T n . l c i d - . r t i lv 11 special edition of the Brownsville which she knew the accompaniment; tomorrow In daylight when— whan I'm “ ilO Io lv lflS W . J. Lane end assistant post­ join any part of the army, Times will contain much local snd with a fervent "Tea. do. If you up and dresqgjl," she told herself. "Be master W ill Hayee and their wives The children's day program at historical lore from hie pen end Ple j.y ■ ’ tllC " *** raised his violin to K. L. Martin. I aides, there won't be anything so hard Route 2, Box 77, Halsey, were over from Brownsville Suo- ti)e Christian church will probably tljst of Earle Stanard, who wjlj P A IN T S and O IL S FU R N IT U R E GENERAL HARDW ARE | TENTS ^C am ping Tents jt Auto Tents LAW N M OW ERS G a r d e n hose TENTS the objec ‘ 01 , u * k ,D r “ l M HILL & CO | F” THE SECOND FIDDLE Garden H ose Oil Stoves ' R O G O W A Y ’S & m°atey Second & Baker, Albany L H. C By ELEANOR PORTER TENTS Farm Machinery The standard makes of the world „ , Get repairs now New W indmill at a bargain D eerin g and McCormick B inders . the Claxtonola A Popular Refreshment, Stewart & Price Confectionery If your farm will bo for ront this fall got in me. I have several good farm ers wanting to ront farms. Fire in su ran ce: farm loans. Jay W. M oore, Realtor. ^2222222222222222222222222^^77******************** ^a»’a(waie'<«'««igr<»si s a s a Be H onest W ith Y ou rself a The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ’ es«s«w«v «<*«•«<* A utom obile Insurance E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANfiE RED STAR Oil Stoves $30 to $75 $15 up Farmers, Attention Zimmerman's Shire Stallion 1 Jersey Cow (fresh) L iro, theft, collision, property damage and personal liability. Protect yourself against loss. C. P. STAFFORD, A gen t.