HALSEY ENTERPRISE A a independent— N O T ncutrnl— newi paper published every Thursday, by W m . H . * A. A. W H B B L E R . Win. H. W a c s L a a Editor. Ma». A. A. W m h i . i i Busiaesa Manager end Local Nerve Editor. straight five cent rate sufficient, but much aa it likes to do the ad­ vertising, and much aa it needs all tha legitimate business it can get, it frankly states that the law in this oase requires an unnecessary expenditure of school funds. business. The Democrat mentions '*ddl* \ E, d,“n* flnd **r P*““’ R « . U7 D di □ „ „ lfOr* d ,rk ’ h* r®8 8 “ etch!— Way- Key. W. P. Elmore and M. S. «id» Tales. Woodworth as being at the county seat Thursday and says the league j was consulting the district attorney When in need of a and sheriff a t to m eant of better J enforcing the laws. More power to their elbows as long as they sail i t w ill be to yoor advantage Opponents of the primary sys­ that course! to investigate my offer on the A N K E R tem are telling how much money HO LT. L. W . B yeblbv . some aspirants found it "neces­ After knocking noise in balf a sary” to spend to obtain nomi­ nations, all** samee Newberry. | dozen laws of good intent the fed- There’« nothing new about that. eral supreme court has taken a Moneybags were quite as "neces- uew tack and declared consti­ •ary” before the present primary tutional the law requiring the system was thought of. And men branding of part wool goods to have been nominated under the show how much of their content is present system who did not spend something $Iee than wool and what a cent. The fellow who wants to it is. Principal English Names a List to Select From ewer It Mrs. Uthe, daughter of Mrs. Dannold, died a year ago. Me- Mr. English has selected the HIGH PRICE FOR CORN CROP following volumes irorn the pub he library for book reports for Much Depends Upon Kind of Stock It la Given to— Purebred« Maks Subscriptions, ,1.50 a year in advance. next year, aud all high school Bast Returns. Transient advertising, 25c an inch, per­ students are requested to make manent, 20c. No discount for tim e selections from this list for read or apace. Despite the low corn prices, there mg. He will issue a selection ot are many farmers disposing of all In “ Paid-for Paragraphs," 5c aline. N o advertising disguised as newt. outside reading for the juniors they raised at good price«, while oth­ and seniors, which will be pub­ ers are getting less than market lished later .- H A L S B Y , Linn Co., Ore.. June », 1922 prices. I t all depends upon the kind ‘‘On the Top of th“ Continent,’’ of stock that eat» It. Purebred stock insures the best ¿«turns. Yard. COSTLY '•ECONOMY” How the Other Half Lives,” Riis. legislature after legislator*, "Age of the Fable,” Bulfinch. C .C . B R Y A N T elected on platforms oalliog for "Huckleberry Finn,” -"T om ATTO RNEY A T LA W "economy and retrenchment,” baa Sawyer,” "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,” "In­ increased the waste of public Cusick Bank Building, nocents Abroad,” "Personal Rec­ funds pretty nearly to the limit. buy a nomination can make the Albany, Oregon. The fellow who shot but failed ollections of Joan of Arc,” Mark Oar member from thia connty, effort under any system, thanks to kill the arch-murder of all time Twain. Three Reasons "longest in the house,” has had to federal court rulings. "Kenilworth,” "Ivanhoe,” in Russia three years ago has our why you should have ns examine prominent part in this extrava­ sympathy. But hope springs eter your eyes : First, we give a scientific ‘Quentin Durward,” "Guy Man gance, being on the ways and Mr. Wilson’s orilics are very nal in the human breast. Leniue examination Second, we never ad­ nering,” "W averly,” Scott. vise glasses unless they are really “My Home in the Field of means committee. sura that he was in the wrong at cannot count himself safe yat. He needed, and T h ird , if you need glasses Honor,” Huard. One big graft, the publication of the time of the invasion of Prance ia reported suffering paralysis as we w ill have them made under our per "Hunchback of Notre Dame,” the delinquent tax roll, was elimin­ by Germany when he said the an indirect result of his wound suual supervision. W hen you want Good­ "Ninety-three,” "Laughing ated before he had become wall United States was "not concerned Men,” "Les Miserables,” “ Notre year and fisk tires, Union versed io the game, and perhaps with the causes and the objects” of Dame,” Hugo. They had a very successful anto gasoline or general auto­ Irving’s Works. he voted for its abolishment It the war and therefore did not race at Salem Saturday. One man mobile repairing call at "Just So ‘Stories,” "Soldiers Halsey garage. allowed great sunaa of the tax­ yat interfere, but they are certaio was so severly injured that for O p t o m e t r is t . Three,” "Captain Courageous,” We believe in selling you the highest payers’ mouey to be paid for un­ that the present adminstration is time it was thought he would die "K im ,” Kipling. quality of everything at the lowest pos­ ALUNY OAra necessary work to newspapers. right in declaring that we are not and another hurt, which furnished Tales From Shakespeare,” sible prices. Trouble calls given prompt attention. Harold Albro. No donbt those lawmaker! ex­ concerned with European affaire, the desired thrills, aud the gam­ Lamb. H alsbv G iRaG E Manufacturing optician. pected those newspapers to be nor with the massacre of Arme blers who made the best guesses "The Harbor,” "The Village,” Phone 16x5 Foote Bros., Props. Ernest Poole. friendly to them at oampaigu nian Christians by the Turks prot ably made a lot of money time. "Alice of Old Vineennes,” except as they interfere with our Coming to ^Ibany Thompson. At Meatmora, Mich., last Thurs­ The fool law requiring the school oommerce. It makes a difference "Arabian Nights.” budget publication such as appear whose ox isgored. Great is dollar day bandits who tried to rob a "Brimming-Cap,” Canfield. We make a bank were treated rough. Police ed in the last two issues of the Enter­ diplomacy 1 "Rolling Stones,'” "Four Mil­ Specialty of shot several to death. Such treat- prise is oue of these grabs. That lions,” "Roads of Destiny,' Specialist is liable to injure the bandit Friendship, "Cabbage and Kings,” "Trim budget would be quite as wall In his late years General Dan in Internal Medicine for the med Lamp,” 0 . Henry. placed before tbs voters of Halsey Sickles’ wife left him. Afterwards industry. Engagement and "Stoddards Travels.” past eleven years by making a couple of duplicate when ha aaw an opportunity to do W edding "Jane Eyre,” Bronte. copies and posting them io public her a kindness, he did it. A LEPERS IN HAWAII DECREASE Rings "Country Doctor,” Balzac. places. It is a difficult thing to friend reproved him for such D och N o t O p e r a te “ Coniston,” "Crisis,” "Celeb­ Superintendent of Colony Declares F . m . f r e n c h & S o ns put in type, such ee publiehere weakness”. Tha old general’s rity,” Churchill. Children of Patient» Are Free ALBANY OREG. psy double price to printer* for reply revealed quite a bit of W ill be at from Disease. Last of the Mohicans,” ‘Deerslayer,” Cooper- when paid for by the pieoc, but character and conveyed a lesson. Honolulu, T. H .— The leper settle­ "Pioneers,” Cooper. the Enterprise does not take ad Ha said: "I have never learned that ment on the Island o f Molokai con­ "David Coppcrfieldl” “ Old vsutage of the last amendment to it ia a sin to forgive a woman. tains fewer patients than at any time M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y Curiosity Shop,” "Pickwick Amor A. Tussing the law, secured by lobbyist am Chancy Sickles of Halsey is a rel­ In the last fifty years, according to Papers,” "Oliver Twist,” J u n e 12 a n d 1 3 J. D. McVeigh, superintendent o f the ployed by the publishers in the ative of the general. Dickens. colony. The decrease, he said, was LAWYER AND NOTARY Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. stats. That amendment permit* due to the treatments with the chaul- "W hite Mice,” Richard Hard­ moogra oil specific evolved by Or. A ing Davis. publishers to charge 10 oeuta a B rownsville , O regon Judge Kelly has stopped the L. Dean, president of the University line'for the first insertion of legal “ Romola,” “ Mill on the Moss,” of Haw aii. attempt of the Polk county com­ Middlemarch,” Eli it. advertisements and 6 oents for missioners to divert ,43,000 from Practically all of the 485 patients Practical Shoe "Cianford.” Gaskell. r<'peut'onsa instead of the previous the market road fund for use on at the colony now are taking the Dean Repairing. New Leaf Mills,” "Modern treatm ent, M r. McVeigh stated. In No Charge for Consultation legal rate of 5 oeots for each pub­ tha Pacifio highway. Instance,” William Dean Howells. They will commenting upon the popular belief Fine lication. tlie children of lepers are a f­ "Passing of the Third Floor have to spend it where it will tend that Dr. M ellenthin is a regular graduate flicted with the disease, M r. McVeigh Back,” Jerome K. Jerome. The Eater prise ¡a satisfied to to develop industry and those Dress Shoes a Specialty said that "both m entally and physical­ in medicine and surgery and is li "Tales of Sherlock Holmes,’ forego i i I per oent o f the price I who live off the tourist crop don’t ly the children o f leprous parents censed by the state ol Oregon. He measure up aa well. If not better, visita professionally the more important Conan Doyle. SOI Lyon at., Albany, Oregon, a 1 .wed by law and considers the like it a little bit. "Gold Bug," "Murders of the than those of healthy parents.” towns and cities and offets to all whe Rue Morgue,” Poe call on thia trip free consultation except "Quo Vadis,” Sienkicwicz. the expense of treatm ent when desired. ‘Westward H o!” Kingsley. According to his method of treatment ‘Diana of the Crossways he does not operate for chronic append WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. "Richard Feverel,” George icitia, gall atones, ulcers of stomach, ton Regular meeting next Saturday Meredith. •ils or adenoids. "Story of My L ife,” . Helen night. He has to his credit -wonderful results Keller. in diseases of the stomach, liv e r, bow Wreck of the Storm.” “ Treas­ els, blood, sk>n, nerves, heart, bladder, ure of the Humble,” "Bluebird,” bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs Maeterlinck. rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rec­ Office 1st door aouth of school house Beside the Bonnie Brier tal ailments. Halsey, Oregon. Bush,” Ian Maclaren. I f you have been a ilin g for any length Dealer in Real Estate. ‘John H alifax,” Muloch. of tim e and do not get any better, do Handles Town and Country P-operty. "Red Rock,” Page. not fail to call, as improper measure­ "New Chronicles of Rebecca,” G ive him a call and see if be can fix rs tlier than disease are very often the Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.” you up. cause of your long standing trouble. K. D. Wiggin ‘‘Cloister and the Hearth,” M arried women must be accompanied Reade. by their husbands. "Ransom of the Red Chief and Address , 336 Boston block, Mineap Sale dataa Joae 3 to 1 J Incl. Final lim it July 3lst Other Stories for Boys,” Chosen Electric Haircutting, Maeeagiug Sale dates Juu» IS to 20 incl. Final lim it July 2oth olis, M in n . by Franklin K Matthews. and Shampooing. "The P it” Norris. _ Cleaning and Pressing Teachers’ Examinations "Ramona,” Helen Hunt Notice is hereby given that the county E. C. M IL L E R Jackson- superintendent of I.inn county, Oregon, w ill hold the regnlar exam ination of ap "A Certain Rich Man," William plicants for state certificates at Atbanv Allen White. Oregon, as lollows: CORNELIUS “ Peudnnis,” Thackeray, Commencing Wednesday (June 14, 1922) at 9 o'clock and continuing nntii Cost MUCH less this year “ Up From Slavery,” Booker T. Saturday, (June 17, 1922) at 4 o'clock Washington. You m a v jH M tfia a Francisco. Loa Angeles and San Diego, wonder cities of the Pacific E xp ert workmanship. Watches - m iF r i i m u ™ , i.o« /s n g e te s m a Man Diego, Wednesday Forenoon and "Gulliver the Great,” Dyer. Coast; California's Charming Seashore and Mountain Resort» clock» ■ specialty. Three National Parks U. S. History, W ritin g (Penmanship), and «coma of in v itin g pleasure placet "Rolf in the Woods," Ernest Music, Drawing HALSBY OREGON Thompson Seton. Wednesday Afternoon Swing East thia way and see more of the U. S. A. "Peter and Wendy,” “ Senti­ Physiology, Reading. Manual Train mental Tommy,” “ Tommy and ing, Composition. Domestic Science Methods of Reading, Course of Study for Grizzel,” J. M, Barrie. Drawing, Methods in Arithm etic. “ When Knights Were Bold,” Thursday Forenoon Tappan. F arm er, i Cream Separator H ALSEY GARAGE Dr. Mellenthin HOTEL ALBANY TWO DAYS ONLY A. Peterson I. o. o. F. Railroad Travel C osts are D ow n To W. J. Ribelin San Francisco and Eastern Cities via the Scenic Shasta Route 25^ Saving to San Francisco and return BARBER s h o p Summer Tourist Fares East through California Are the lowest in years $4 $4.75 For sal» dates and other particulars ask agents Plan now to take trip« thia summer and take advantage of great reductions in railroad fare» Poe (area, reservations, tram aahrdulea. transit lim its, stopover p rti ileget or beautiful folder« inquire of agents. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JO HN M. S C O T T. W F. M. GRAY, Round Trip Fares To Portland $3.90 A U T ARCH1E ATCHMAKER& Jeweler General faasenger Agent — Arithm etic, History of Education. Psy chology, Methods in Geography, Me chanical Drawing. Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic A r t Tbnrsday Afternoon Grammar. Geography Stenograph! American Literature. Physics, T yp e w riting. Methods m Language Thesv for Prim ary Certificate. Friday Forenoon T h eo ry and Practice Orthography (Spelling), Phystcal Geography, English Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon School U » Geofogv,' Algebra. C iv il Government Saturday Forenoon Geometry, botany, Saturday Afternoon General History, bookkeeping Edna Geer, Co. Supt, Lina Co, ». Drayman. WRITER TO WEO SON-IN-LAW Old Cnough ta Ba Hie Mether. But It’s Logical Thing ta Do. Naw York Woman Bays New T o r k — M rs Sarah W right Me- Dannnld. f„ nnder „ „ greMdaat nf the Woman-« Pres» club of this « * * , and her eon In law, George tTthe. planned to go before a city magi» Ira te and be m arried to he Ma m other.- .he have hren at the head h ><• for a good many way Z c r . we 7 , b“ ' nP" I were were Interested In fn the I ’l U I h e logics^ thing to .aid. “hot I of the boW years. fn a M m <. thing., do, sod- there A ! work done promptly and reasonably. Phone No. 269.9 W R IG H T & POO LF. L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON Phon8 - » Phone 15 Branches at Brownsville. Phone 37C15. H*I~ T 2 ’°”* 166 Fraak K,rk’ ««r FARMERS u ,nai:y have an hke to " h lr h ,*cr“ ebody would A " *»verti«eiue«t the buyer and covert what ta m / S ight a find a bow oalv trash into good 2 2**' CO8lln< 25c- LASH