Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 08, 1922, Image 1

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H A L S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 8, 1922
NO. 40
Brownsville Briefs
an«i James, and W e ’ ley H o llo w . y
m otored to Lost L a k e Su nd ay to
remain till Tuesday.
( Regular Correspondetne)
Halsey Radio Outfit
A feature of the pioneer pcuic
will be the staging of “ The Battle
K enneth Stone >s the builder of that
of the Big Meadows'’ on the Wash- rad io o u tfit on H C. Davis' farm
burn field. It is a »ham attack His grandmother, Mrs. CurTy, cares for
oo a fort at night which will be the home and K enneth has come fro m
South D ak o ta to assist her son, Ross
made very realistic with fireworks. C
urry, in the w ork. T h e young men
About a hundred Indian (?) riders devote to radio developm ent w hat
will participate in the event.
few spare hours fa rm w ork leaves
In the legion game between Shedd around
down town.
and Brownsville, on the local field,
Kenneth nas been experim enting fo r
Brownsville won with a score of the past five years and now has a
14 to a.
w orking radio o utfit a ll his own h an d i­
ork except about $35 w orth of p u r­
The senior class history and w
chased m a te ria l and appliances, and
prophecy were read Friday after­ the boys sit in th e ir room evenings
noon at the high school. The and listen to concerts, speeches, etc.,
program was presented by Gretia fro m San Diego, Seattle, P o rtland and
Harrison and Carmelita Wood- other points this side of the Rockies,
and sometimes they pick up something
A hiking party consisting of
Ruth Thompson, Evelyn Schild-
rneyer, Elsie Reynolds, Hulda
Hammond, Marie Darling and
Carmelita Woodworth left Monday
morning for Cascadia to camp for
several days.
In the game between Halsey’s
and Brownsville’s girls’ baseball
teams the local players won with a
score of 23 to 11.
June and Dari, daughters of
Darrell Sawyer and wife, arrived
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Barbara Darling
daughters, Babe and Maude, were
week-end guests of Mrs. Hazel
George Warmoth of Portland
spent the week end here at the
hom e of his mother, Mrs. Ben
W. T- Cochran and wife, form­
erly of this city,
were here
memorial day.
The pupils of Mrs. Margie Furr
held the annual recitals here Mon­
day and Wednesday evenings at
the Methodist church. The be­
ginners’ concert was on Monday
and that of the advanced pupils
Wednesday night.
A memorial dav program was
rendered at the Methodist church
Tuesday night, under ike direction
of the high acbojl.
Mrs Htwley and children.
Mrs. Lawrence a n t sons Ralph
W e H ave
O ptical
Is the Cauee of M any
I f your eyes give you trouble or
your glasses are annoying
US. We can Relieve You
Bancroft Optical Co.
J13 1st St. W . Albany. Phone
fro m the fa r-a w a y eastern or southern
M r. Davis took the editorial fa m ily
out there F rid a y evening and concerts
and orchestral music fro m Seattle
and Centralia, W ash? P o rtland and
elsewhere were received, as were gen
eral New Y o rk , London, Liverpool and
Chicago m a rk e t prices fo r day, broad­
casted fro m Portland
D u rin g a ll the ages sounds have
been travelin g thousands of miles, a
little w ay above our heads, and we
have know n nothing about It. Now if
Caln should quarrel w ith Abel In the
Arizona desert and k ill h im and then
deny th a t he had seen him , some boy
m ig h t come into conrt and convict
him by producing a record th a t he
had made in Spokane w hile listening
to the quarrel.
The Mite Meeting
to buy QUALITY TIRES at the right
prices call 65. “ We are at your service."
Jots and Tittles
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
and in Halsey Particularly
G. R. Walker and family arc
awav on a rambling vacation.
Ercall Snsdd is out with his
Sunday school class today on a
picnic. The boys with Ercell will
have a fine time.
Mrs. Eldon Cross has received a
present worth while. It is a Jew­
ett six car from her mother, Mrs.
Morrill of Hillsboro.
Archie Cornelius and family
^ave moved into tbe Well* house
vacated by H. S. Winkleman, who
baa moved to Washington state.
Merrill Davis and another whose
name we failed to get tied for first
place with scores of 90 each.
Russell Hecker of Albany will
be tried in Clackamas county June
27 on the charge of murdering
Frank Bowlcer somewhere between
Portland and the former city.
The county republican ceitral
committee has re-elected last year’s
officers and executive committee
consisting of J. L. Underwood,
Joseph Hums, C. H. Davidson,
C. I Leaveugood and C. H. Falk.
When D. K Nebergall, the A'-
F rid a y afternoon a t the M. E
,The Epworth League held Its
church the m ite box opening of the buisneaa meeting and social at Het- baoy meat man, went to Albany
foreign missionary society was a very
zyl’e grove Tuesday evening. with Veal Monday he did not sell
Interesting a ffa ir and a handsome
it at the stockyards. “ It’’ was
sum w o taken fio m the boxes. The After the business was transacted Fred C. Veal, city councilman,
society, the Standard
Bearers, the they all enjoyed a good social Hire
K 'ngs H erald s and the L ittle L ig h t io the grove.
The Epwortbisne and the two of them joined the
Knights of the Mystic Shrine.
Bearers each had a box o f offerings.
know how to have a gpod time.
Total. $23,42.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith
Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg and of Albany and Mr. and M rs. James
Mrs. Hugh Cumm ings o f Albany-
delivered un address on the mission­ and Mrs. Call's Frum are delegate*
Ewing and children of Weiser,
a ry w ork in foreign fields and p u l on to tbe county Sunday school con­
Idaho, gpent Sunday as the guosts
a p laylet In which about th irty local vention now in session at Oakridge
of Mr. Hockensmitb’s mother,
girls Impersonated so m any mission­
Rev. C. T. Cook is thars also and Mrs. M C. Bond.—Correspondence
aries in character.
H e n ry
Mrs. lectors* this evening oo “Charac­ of (be H e ra ld .
R aleigh Tem pleton sang solos. Mrs. ter.’’
Last Sunday completed six
J. W. Moore accompanying tlietu ou the
John Standish returned Monday months that the best half of the fiim
the piano.
from Portland, where he joined a publishing the Enterprise has I een
Sandwiches, cake and punch were 'ainping party
which went to paralyzed and helpless at her home.
the summit of tbs Cascade moun­ We thank onr patrons for the way
Cumm ings was fo rm e rly a
church and Sunday school w orker In tain in Washington for the week they have supported the paper,
notwithstanding defects and de
For the purpose of giving every
ax-service man in Halsey protection
by government insurance, an in ­
tensive drive to secure applications
for veterans’ insurance amounting
to at least $50,000 will be held
here June 12 to 17 inclusive. Ser­
vice men of Halsey
may make
application for the government
insurance through either the local
poet and the state department of
the legion, or the United States
j Veterans’ Bureau, Portland.
Twenty-one boyw and girls took
part in the stock judging contest
at the Brown place at Shedd Tues­
day and Lyle Davis, Ralph Maison,
Stanley Satchwell, Ruth McNeil,
Church Announcements
Patent Pumps—One-strap Baby Dolls...
Pollyanna Patent Welts, two-strap.....
Black Kid one-strap ...... ................... .
W hite Cloth one-strap Pum ps.... .........
Black or white Cordovan in cotton lisle at 25-
35 45 and 50 cents the pair
Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and
Cordovan, at 98 cents the pair
Children’s black cotton ribbed at 23 cents
New Line
Ladies’ Blouse Waists, dark colors, at...
Christian :
10, Bible school.
11, Morning worship.
muuion. Sermon, “ Three Tbiogs
Daniel Did.“
7, Christian Endeavor.
8, Rvangeliatie service 8ermon,
"Can a Man be Saved Outside the
Letter Jones, pastor.
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 8,
Intermediate League, 6:30.
Epworth League, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor,
Ptne Grove Church:
Sunday 8chool, 10.
Prayer-meeting, 7.
Grocery Specials
Two Creme Oil free
. _ _
Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for... 1.00
Pearl White or Silk Soap. 25 bars......... 1.00
Dependable Roasted Coffee, 3 pounds...
Peet's Washing Machine Snap, 3 for
All price« less i ft lor cash
W h st two things are the antecedents
of the resurrectionr
(1) The fall from perfection Into sin,
imperfection and death through Adam.
Rom. 6 : 12, 17, 19: By one man aln
entered the world, and death by aln.
By one man’s offense death reigned
by one.
By one man’s disobedience
the many were made sinners. 1 Cor.
18: 21, 22: F o r since by man came
d eath: . . .
fo r . . .
Adam die.
(2) The Ronaom from aln. tmper-
faction and death through Christ, 1
Tim . 2 : 8. f l : The Man Christ Jesus,
who gave H im self a ransom for all
Hom. 8 : IT. 18. 19. They which re-
celve abundnnee of grace and of the
gift of righteousness shall reign In
life by one, Jesus Christ. . . .
the righteousness of one the free g ift
came (shall come] upon all men unto
Justification o f life ; fo r . . . by
the obedience of one shall the many
he made righteous, l Cor. 16: 21, 22:
By man rame [shall come] also the
resurrection o f the dead; for
all In Christ shall be made alive.
I« rsaurrsctsd?
(1) Not the body, 1 Cor. IB : 88, 8 7 1
W ith whst body do they eome? T hat
which thou son eat thou aowest not
that body that shall be.
(2) But the soul. Pa, io 2 10: For
Phou_wlltnot_ leave My soul In S'
Mis* Helen McKlvain of Port­
land is visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Harry Hartsell.
Earl Gordon and wift, Mrs.
George Reid and daughter and
Miss Virginia Troutman drove up
from Portland on decoration day
and stopped in Shedd on their way
to Halsey to the oemetery.
Mrs. Lyman Pennell was a Salem
visitor last Tuesday and Wednes­
A picnic on Sunday, headed by
tbe McCumbers, given across the
river from Peoria, was enjoyed by
Robert Josling and wife, L. B. Pen-
nel and family, Mrs. Ida Robson,
Mis* Frances Freerkssn, Eddie Mc-
Elvain, Lyle Peonell and Harold
Drilling for oil has been begun
at Sweet Home by a syndicate that
has leases on a large amount of
Acts a : 81 : He foreseeing this spake
of the resurrection of the Christ, that
was not He left In Hades. F * M : 4*1
What man It hs that shall live e a t
not see death; that shaM SaU
soul from the power of ffhsoll
ct " open ,u llcco,) n‘ •«
S A V IN G S D E P A R T M E N T with
only f.>, You can make additions to this from tins« to tim e to suit your
I f you persistently keep on for five years putting tbe following
ainouuts in this hank every day and draw nothing out, here are the re­
sults, not including in te re s t:
I cent w ill amount t o .........................*
10 cents w ill amount to .......................
50 cents w ill amount to .........................
f t w ill amount to................................... 1,825 00
W h at event* must precede our en­
tering Heaven and acting the L ordf
Halsey Christian Church
Opportunities at Home
(Continued on page J)
Shedd Shots
89: These all, having obtained a good
report through faith , received not the
Mrs. J. D. Pittman is recovering
s$ from her experience w ith th e sur-
, geons and sits up and walks a little.
A Few of the Many
ficienciee due to the crippling of
the firm, and shall try to improve
it and to always merit their patron­
and that H e should be tbe first that
should rise from the dead
I f o r 15;
20: Now is Christ risen from the dead
and become the first fruits o f them
( Regular Correspondence)
that slept
Lyle Pennell of Canby os me up
(2) But a rests ndlng front Imper­
fection to perfection
Luke 20: IS, Saturday to visit bis brother.
Sfi. They which shall be accounted
Mr and Mrs Grover Bains, who
worthy to obtain .
. the resur­
have been living in Sbedd, moved
rection . . .
«re equal unto the
lo Jefferson Monday.
angels, slid are the children of Ood,
being the children of the resurrrectlon.
M r. and Mrs. J. R. Hobbs of
Phil, 8 : 10, 11: T hat I may know Albany visited friends in Shedd
H im and the power of Hla resurrec­ Saturday on their way home from
tion, and the fellnwahlp of Ills suf­
a fishing trip above Brownsville.
ferings, being made tonform able unto
His death. If by auy means I might
Mrs, Edward McCarty sprained
attain unto the resurrection of rhe her ankle last Saturday.
dead. Acts 24: IB : Have hope toward
Charles Troutman and wife and
God, . . . that there shall be a
resurrection of tbe ¿end.
Acts 2«: daughter visited at the Tom Cooper
®-8 : I • . . am Judged for the home Sunday.
hope of the promise made o f Ood unto
Mr. Jenson of the A. D. Kern
our fathers, unto which promise our
company, while firing a boiler
rwelve tribes. Instantly serving Ood
day and night, hope to com e: for last Wednesday eveniug, got his
- . Why should It be thought a face burned.
thing incredible w ith you that God
Mise Frances Freerkeen was an
should raise the dead?
Albany shopper Saturday.
By The Laymen's
Mevement, 1*17 Snyder A ve,
(1) Jesus’ Second A d ve n t John 14:
8 : I w ill come again, and receive you
'into Myself, that where I am, there
ye may be also
(2) T be Saints’ resurrection, Luke
14: 14: Thou »halt be recompensed at
the resurrection o f the just
(8) The Judgment Day, 2 T im 4
8 : Henceforth there la laid up foi me
a crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, tbe righteous Judge, shall give
me at th a t day, and not to me only,
but unto all them also that love His
Rev. 11: 18: T by wrath
la come, and tbe tim e of the dead,
that they should he Judged, and that
Thou shouldst give re-ward unto Tby
servants, the prophets and the saints
U Y Y O U R summer dresses now, while our stock is large and easy to
select from. Never have we had such attractive Tub Dresses—
Ginghams, Crepes, Percales and Voiles, for both house and
«* wear,
in colors that remind one ol a flower gar-ten. Priced
f r o m . . . . . ........... .............................................................. ....................
25c up
S kcond
For the woman of large proportions we
have some beautiful voile dresses in a va­
riety pf colors
These dresses are ol good
quglity voile, all well ( P I f f f t
made. P r ic e d ...
$ l . O U and I J P
John 20: 17: Jesus said unto her,
Touch Me n o t: fo r I sm not yet as­
cended to My F a th e r; but go to My
brethren and aay unto them. I aecend
j unto M y F ath er and your Father, and
S kcond F loor
" Î
I to My God and your Ood.
L /
W bsre le the eoul between death
and the awakening of the dead?
Pa. I f l: 10, Am Rev. V e r.: F o r Thou
w flt not leave M y eoul In SheoL Act*
5< 81, Am. Rev V e r .: He, foreseeing
this, spake of tbe resurrection of
f > r l * t . that H I* soul was not left In
Eccl 9 : 10, Am. Rev. V e r .:
Ttiere la no w ork, nor device, nor
nor wisdom In
w hither thou goeet.
What doee the word reeeurreetlen
(1 ) Not m erely tbe awakening of
|fh» dead, else Jeans would not have
W here de eeuls net ge at death?
been the first one to be resurrected.
(1) Tbe souls of tbe wicked. Rev. M a tt. 9 : 18. 28: M y daughter le dead,
21: 27: And there eball in so wtee b ut lay T b y baud upon her, and she
enter lato It I tbe heavenly CttyJ any­ shall live. He took her by tbe band,
and the maid arose John 11: 4.1, 44:
thing that deflieth.
(2) Tbe souls of tbe righteous, John H e cried w ith a loud voice, I-ara-rus,
8: 18: No man hath ascended up to come fo rth I and he th a t was dead
Arts 2: 84: David Is not came forth
Act* 28j_ 23: Christ should suffer,
F loob
Stylish Stout
W h a t Scripture proves that even
Jeeue had to w e lt until a fte r hie
reaurrection before H e oould enter
Philadelphia, Pa.
ssjended Into t b s . h e a v y U a b ^ V
Girls’ Dresses
I f husv motliers knew how pretty and
good are the lawn and gingham dresses we
have for girls from 4 to 10 years they would
not apend their precious time sewing.
Bring your little daughter in and see how
nice they look on her. Price-1 from
$1.29 to $3
Men’s Shoes
Do you know that wo have a big line of
reliable shoes for men, in both dress and work
shoes ?
Buy your shoes here and save enough
money to buy a now tire.