PA C S 4 * THEATER R IA L T O T H E A T E R , F R ID A Y S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS The delivery window of the H »j»ey poetoffice te open Suodaye . g r in 15 to V 45 a. m. and l r Jo to 12 35 and 4.*5 iv 5.00 p. m. 1 H A R O L D LL O Y D in ‘ A d m itta n c e H ere 5 C en ts Saturday Sunday Technicalities invalidated tha Brownsville high school consolida- tion election and it all n», lo i , done over again. M onday Belentleta C row Fish Scientists have succeeded in crn«». Ing herrings with w hite flsh the Z ,7 “ fl,v o r* ,! as the herring, hut w ith few er bones. The Big $1,500,000 Picture a L in e A c o m e d y s p e c ia l A lso ‘Money Changers’ a m a z in g p h o t o d r a m a o f t h o s e w h o draw- t » D r; « Barnum, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. W W Halsey State bank pays 4 per cent interest on saving« account« compounded semi-annually. >L.0u opens the account. b lo o d m o n e y f r o m w e a k m e n a n d w o m e n I» v e and Youth “ Number, Please?” the newest Harold Lloyd comedy, is the old, old story of youth and love. When you are extremely young and very joyed a reunion of M n . Kitchen’a much in Jove, and your girl frowns people at tha home of her brother, upon you and Bmiles upon your Mr. Bryan. They were accom­ rival, what ia life worth? (Con tin Bed from page 3) panied by C. p Stafford and wife Harold Lloyd, aided and abetted The annual mite box opening of who returned Tuesday evening by Mildred Davie, Roy Brooks the W. P. M. 8. will oeear at the with D r. E . W. Barnum and fam* Sunshine Sammy and several dogn M. H. ohutch next Friday after­ By, who spent that day in the Mo­ a goat and an amusement park noon at 2 80. The Standard hawk valley at the Glenn Stafford will relate the amusing story at Bearers, King’s Herald», Little Dome. the Rialto theater Friday night. Light Beaters and the lediee of the P- M Nash, once school prin­ congregation will he gueeta of tha cipal at Crawfordsville and now at Open a savings account aociety at thia time. Mra, Hugh Halsey State hank today. Beaverton, pays alimony ae the Cumming« of Albany will ba with Germane pay war claims due their the aociety and with the aid of tha •H ie s . In Februarv, 1921, when For Sale— seven shoats, >5 each Standard Bearars will give an in ­ hit arrearages reached *210. he w as B. M , Miller. teresting damoaetration, “ Coma into H u co arte and bring an offer- haled into court at Albany and paid up. The operation was re- Farm Wanted— W ant to hear iug with yon." pasted in June and December of from owner of a farm for sale Mra. George Parmen of Condon the same year, and now he has Give lowest price and full particu­ end Mr». Olin Stalnaker of Cor­ been summoned for the fourth lars. L. Jones. Box 551, Olney, vallis »pent last Friday at the Me- time. Illinois, W illiam« home. The Halsey State bank hat had worda completing its fall title pre­ fixed to the lettering on its big front window. ALBANY, OREGON J P A ID -F O R P A R A G R A P H S “ Number, Please” an Frank Krum and Vivian Cart- »right have a aucceaeful radio re ceiviog station, their own handi.’ work, at Harrisburg. Farmers, wh,n iu need of a Cream Separator The Morton-Dotson motor com io i svesti gate my offer on the A N K E R L. w . H v k r l k y . P«ny, gave an informal picnic to MOLT. families of employes and friends • ven,Di oo < trip down G ifts Last wi“ 1 M r. and M n, D u rin g the month of June only we r . C. hpeer of Portland as gueste are offering you a W altham of honor. Luncheon was served - Wendeedey’a Albany Democrat’ T hat Wrist Watch, Thu Murphy Seed store at AI • i??’ P - j ewel> ‘ ‘ h fine COI 1 hany gives numbered tickets to , -r 1 fi|led quality case, for The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day custnrners and every Saturday which? BDd •°*Dehody Regularly sells as high as >40. Kets * 1 5 0 in cash. ‘FOOLISH W IVES’ GARAGE I f y o u r fa r m w ill b e f o r r e n t t h is f a ll g e t in t o u c h w ith m e . I h a v e s e v e r a l g o o d f a r m e r s * w a n t in g t o r e n t f a r m s . F ir e i n s u r a n c e ; fa r m lo a n s . Jay W. Moore, Hotbeds and Cold Frames En­ able Gardener to Protect Plants From Weather. Realtor. W h en y o u w ant G ood­ y e a r a n d fis k t ir e s , U n io n g a s o l i n e o r g e n e r a l a n t j- m o b ile r e p a ir i n g c a ll a t H a ls e y g a r a g e . v ll,B < rou ,h * h'»hest quality of everything st the lowesi n „ . sible pness Tro ub le c a ll, „ PveB prompt attention. “ n. . . . H a ls X v G a r s g k - Phone 16x5 Foote Bros., Props. Cere e f Hetbeds Hotbeds must be watched during bright weather to prevent them be­ coming too warm, as the tun shining directly on the glass toon bringe the tem perature above that suitable for the growing of plants. Ventilation Is provided by propping the sash np at one side or th® other according to the direction of the wind. Have the wind blow over the opening and not directly into the bed. Cold frames are hotbeds minus ar­ tificial heat— simply aashcovered frames w ith no p it under them bnt banked up on the outside to keep out the cold. They are useful fo r grow. Ing plants that have been started In hotbeds, and for hardening plants to get them In condition to plant In the garden. Sometimes a bed about 1 2 U feet In length covered by four regular hotbed ansh la divided Into two p a rt, one p art being made Into a hotbed and the other a cold frame. This ia an excellent arrangement and one that Is not expensive. 201 Take care of your money now and it will take care of you later. GROWING SEASON FOR MANY CROPS ALSEY Preparing a Hotbed to Oct Ahead of Jade Frost. should be planted W e m ake a S p e c ia lty o f F r i e n d s h ip , E n gagem en t and W e d d in g ftiu g s F. M. F r e n c h & S o n s ALBANY OREG. C .C . B R Y A N T ATTO RNEY A T LA W New F irst N et’l Bank Bld’g, Albauy, Oregon. VILLAGE IS TORN UP until the- temper- sture of the soli has fallen below 88 degrees. Use a thermometer, the bulb of which Is burled about 8 Inches deep In (he soli. Feeling (he bed w ith the hand Is not a reliable method of tak- Ing the temperature. H ave s piece of old carpet or a burlap mat to throw over the ga«h for protection on ex­ tremely cold nights. Upheaval In English Community Like Comic Opera. M oth-Eaten Fire Departm ent of Essex, Eng., Rebels at Efforts Made to Modornixe it — Firemen Are A ll V olunteers Amor A. Tussing L A W Y E R a n d NOTARY B rownsvii . l b , O kkoon A. Peterson ¡Z “ 1* * 1 Shc* Repairing. H arlnw , E n g — Thia little Essex vfl. Fine Iftge has been fo r weeks the scene of a political upheaval -sufilcfeutly comic John Sfaudish left ft yesterday to to serve as the plot for a Gilbert and visit hig brother at Washougal for Beds May Ba U tlllie d Throughout S u irv a a opera The v l l l . | n lg the ■ few days. Spring and Summer— They Are w ith diamond claap. 24 chairman of the Parish council, who » 1 Lyon s t, Albany, Oregon. inches in length, for___ Inexpensive and Easily Oper- , Mr«. Maggie Yarbrough eame has been Investigating the village atsd— Ventilation Essential. Ore department*' for pureoa, of fromi Rugane yesterday to see bar These are real bargains. reorganisation, and the h e i < Sam ■on Raubao, who hat been is this A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S (P rsp sr .4 ky i n . t’n lt.d B tstss D sp sr tm .st oeards. octogenarian, captain ftt tha vioiutty a few weeks. Of A grlcvltttrs ) nre brigade. ; i Hotbeds and cold frames enable the Are you ever asked where the W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. C n tll recently the village fire fight­ home gardener to lengthen the grow- b»hiee oom« from7 H am ilto n ’s ing apparatus .was scattered ground Regular meeting next Saturday Ing season for Ills crops w ith them hehy shop 1« advertised on our first In various parts of the p a rt**, a hose he can start his operations a few night. and ladder in one place, another P $•- weeks In advance of the last chilly T h ree R e a so n s somewhere else w hile each member dny» of spring, before which It Is not The Hamilton etora in Albany why you should have ns examine of the volunteer brigade kept hts possible to plant out o f doors h»aa free circulating library for your eyes First, we give a scientific helmet on his hall hatrack. 1 broughout the spring and summer examination. Second, we never ad- ouAbers who waot to learn how to in In te r n a l M ed icin e fo r th e | these beds may be u tlllie d , and a fte ’ This arrangem ent la bejfft disturbed glasses unless they are really iM wise mothers. Office l i t door south of .chool hou»e by the chairman o f the Cornell, who the first fall frost they furnish pro needed' * nd P 1'« *. ' f >ou need glasses p a st elev en y e a r s H aliey, Oregon. i T PeHoi» >• enjoying a hunt- tectlon for late vegetables. They ary we w ill have them made under our per­ Is out for the la teat Ih lg g In munici­ pal adm inistration an4 wants "cen Inexpensive and easily operated, sai sonal supervision. D e a le r in R eal E s t a te . »ng trip in Coos and Curry counties, irallxatlo n.” H e decided to round up garden specialists o f the United States D o e s N o t O p e r a te H a n d le . Town and Country Property all the apparatus and put It under Department of Agriculture. • look poeeweeion of G ive him a call and tee if he can fix one roof ln the C entral E li» station 'he local meat market today, sue- Making a Hotbed Bash. you up. the dignified name given a small shed W ill be st * eeding Smith Bros. Standard hotbed sash are 8 But Captain Heard» very strongly a X T trl ,nd 11 '• cu*'°mary to make M r Boh came to Rialto hall objected. Under tbe old regime he K ,rd * n hotbed w ith one. Saturday night , nd t „ kept a ladder and length of hoae In sash, according to the I more «ash. ■ng reception. The ..niorS d .m - his back garden, thus Insuring hla A L a A N v o n ta bed desired. Select a well protected prompt attendance at any fire In h it Electric onetrated that there la histrionic and thoroughly-drained spot, dig a Haircutting, Maa.-aging Harold Albro. end of the village. T he C entral F ire pit 12 to 18 Inches deep and a little talent among them and they net- U d . t i d y H u i. . « « fa , th .fr ex- station Is a good half-m ile from his Manufacturing optician. in d Shampooing. K rger than the bed la to be made Office hours Id a. m. to 4 p m. house, and w ith the burden of eighty Throw the good top soil to one side chequer, Cleaning and Pressing. year» on his shoulders he does not T e a c h e r s’ E x a m in a tio n s For a two-gash bed about one good feel like running th a t distance every wagon load of fresh horse-stable ma Notice is hereby given that the county | tim e there la an alarm. drove to Engene Sunday and en- nure will be required. The manure ° ' L,nn county. Oregon Judging from the evidence o f Cole­ should he thrown In a flat pile a few w ill hold the regular exam ination of ap­ man. chairman o f the council, Harlnw A R C H IK C O R N E L IU S feet away from where the bed la to plicants for state certificates at Albany must be an exciting place when there ?■* * ' * * * * * ' * * * * * •» * ♦ N o C h a rg e fo r C o n su lta tio n be constructed and the pile turned Oregon, as follows Is a fire Not long ago. he say», there about twice at Interval« o f three or , raen‘ ,nk Wednesday (June H 2-1 at 'i o'clock and continuing u ntil was a fire In the vicarage when "the A t It la tim e d the outer Dr. M ellenthin is a regular graduate four days workmanahip. Watches hose waa leaking all over the place B ’ pcrt portion of the pile Is thrown to the Saturday, (June 17, 1922) at 4 o'clock and in medicine and surgery and la It and there were aertou, m is firin g * as clocks a specialty. Wednesday Forenoon middle and tha Inner portion to the N ew sh o o s, O ld j censed by the state ol Oregon He to whether It would not buret." Again, HALSBY oiualda. In order to get uniform heat- OREGON at one storehouse where soma of the | visits professionally the more important Ing throughout. Then put the manure "hoe®, T ig h t s h o o s . fire brigade'» appliances were kept, | lawns and cities and off sis to all who Into the pit, each forkfu l helng shaken Wednesday Afternoon A lle n 's Foot E ase, the council's Investigating committee call oa this tn p free consultation except to break It apart and spread It even- Physiology, Reading Manual T ra in - reported: ly. It should be well tramped. Put u ' . i the expense of treatment when desired ^ ' " « “ c Science, "They found the hoae out of order In a layer about 8 I nr he« deep, then Methoils of Kradmg. Course of Study for According to h it method of treatm ent C o r n s . T o t a k e r ig h t and before they could open the door Drawing, Methods in Arithm etic. another layer, treading each until the hs does not operate for chronic append where the apparatus was depoet ted Thursday Forenoon o u t , u s e C o r n -iM . pit haa been filled lavel w ith the ic itta gall stones ulcers of stomach, ton they had te get a crowbar.” Arithm etic. History of FMiication, P,y ground. It should be Just motst work done promptly and O n e b o x Y e a e t V i - i> Sils or adenoids During tbe Investigation It devel­ ^ • ' hod* 'i« « v a p h y , Me enough to pack reasonably solid, but reasonably. Phone No. 26V.9 t u n iin e T a b le t s f r e e '! O f'sm 'u f0 ™ ^ '“1 ' f t Course oped that H arlo w has no real fire en­ He has to his credit wonderful results aprtngy under the feet. of Study for Domestic Art gine T he fram e of (he bed, made of wood w .th e a c h b o t t l e o f J ! ia diseases of the stomach, liv e r, how- "But there'« a good one at Epping Thursday Afternoon * 1« then set on top of tbe manure and J N u x a te d Iron . els blood, skin, nerves, heart, bladder, only aix mllee away," said a member Grammar, Creograpbv. Stenography the earth from tha bottom o f the idt bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, banked up outalde of the frame to keep American lite ra tu re . Physics t L of the Pariah council, " i f w « want BL’N E R A L D IR E C T O R S w riting, Methods in language Tliesi, them we Juet ring them up from tbe rheumatism, actatics, leg ulcers sad rev H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON out the cold. The north side of the for Primary Certificate R et rid o f t h o s e F r o c k - polio, .ration We have good w ater tai ailments. fram e ahonld be fl Incbea higher than Bhone 88 rhoo# , , Friday Forenoon ¡«8. O t h in e D o u b le J J pressure here, so we seldom need to I f yon have been ailing for any length tha south side The good toll f,„m i« s L * Iiry »"J PrF “ < * Branches at Orthography pump I f we w»nt more pressure we the aurfaca of the pit la spread Nrow nanlic, Phone 37C15. of time and do not gel any belter, do telephone the secretary of the local • he parked manure It t , , . not fail to call, as improper measures w ater company, and he telephones tbe Halaey Phone IM,. Frank K trk , M gr • e mix a little well rotted manure » i,h Friday Aflernaon I rather than disease are very often the thia soil. worke and they turn on tbe pum ps" " B a th in g C a p s. W het happens I f the line Is husy or cause of your long standing trouble A l<,b r *- C iv il Put the sash on and leave tbe bed ’ , »o\ em in ent, the secretary le out g olfln , th. M arried women must be accompanied to heat for several days First (be . have an Saturday Porenoou ctllor did not say. « - . » • » — K 7 J accumul manure w ill become very hot | by their hushaads no «ccumulation of then Geometry, botany. The firemen are all volunteers who articles by b e t^ r T 1*4' ° r a fter tw o or three days tt win grad are paid a small retaining fee. with like to which ^ m eb o d y would Saturday Afternoon Addre«» •We boston block. Mineap ually cool. The temperature w ill then . A” extra for fires at so much for the first •ire of th .? General History. Bookkeeping Iverhsement the the oil», M ibb . rvuialS tnoderat«. {g0 • ’ ** of th ia costing 25c •eeda hour and a trifle leas fa r each sub*» huyst and covert what c* is m jjrht find a H »» 'iter, io. Supt, png £g. ib * 1 flour. _ »owoals tr<>h tato good Also French indestructible OPERATIONS STARTEO EARLIER Dress Shoes Jearl Necklace a Specialty $10 I- 0. 0.' F. C o m in g to A lb a n y Dr. Mellenthin Specialist W. J. Ribelin U flT U l H U IIS L A I r> ALBAN Y M on d ay a n d T u cw d ay J u n e 12 a n d 1 3 TWO DAYS ONLY Wall Paper * O ]p to m e tris t. BARBER SHOP E. C. M IL L E R W ATCHMAKER& Jeweler F. M. GRAY, Calocide, Tiz. Drayman. W R I G H T & P O O I.E Now ¡« (He tim e „ *°J W è m S " raBn'’ Î W. A. Rlnio, Orvffjst FARMERS CASH