AMERICA’S POLICY FREE! F o r a lim ited tim e only we a re giving ABSO­ LUTELY F R E E with every reg u la r V acuum Cup Tire p urcnased One “ Ton T ested’’ Tube of corresponding size The extra thickness of the Vacuum Cup Tread, plus the extra plies of fabric and the good-measure tread ol hundreds of sturdy non-skid<4’aeu- uni Cups, m a te Vacuum Cup Tires, at prevailing prices, the biggest value on the m arket^ Come in and get a copy of the latest price schedule. Von w jll be agreeably surprised. (Jet your season's tire equipm ent today and a free tube w ith e v e jy tire purchased. P A IN T S and O IL S F U R N IT U R E GENERAL HARDW ARE O ur prices are made w ith the object of making sales LA W N M OW ERS G a r d e n hose HILL & CO Come in and get prices. -X When the supply was excessive, business was p o o r,‘ meat was a drug on the market, and so “ profit­ able prices sim ply had to be charged.” When a supposed shortage struck the country, then prices leg pad up by reason of the law of supply and demand. Surely it is time all (of this jugglery was stopped land a' few plain under­ standable facte were placed before the people.--L ebanon Express, anent tho packers. Last Saturday Miss Mary LaRue v e n t to Eugeue for a few days’ Visit. E. L. Stiff FURNITURE EXCHANGE RED STAR Oil S toves/ $30 to $75 O th e r Oil Stoves No ’‘E ntangling A lliances” With Starving Children Jo ts a n d T ittle s (Continued on page J) I © 03 © HALSEY STATE BAN K Capital and Surplus $35,000 Be Honest With Yourself By S C O O P C O N L O N CHAPTER 8 A| I f to protest against the evil labt, a storm swept In from sea and ■Ith its iu ry rose the anger o f the mob. W rig h t’s exultation was short. There was no mistaking the sounds .'of tha mob as it surged toward his ¡Cottage— and Bruce led the mob-mad iflen. * gh a convenient window , , Throui tnrougi W rig h t leaped, and ran w ildly to teach h it high-pow ered automobile, hui tne raçii--------- *" had him cut off. cmg mob (Running for io his life, the coward 'at ianctuary in the little Church Rpsary. H e fell at the feet o f ‘ly and the W id o w W ilton, raying fo r Alice. The Is heels, but Father quicker. H e faced Brure < enraged man on the steps o f © urck. Expostulated with Bruce, L '‘M v soft, to stain stain your y< on, to hands with n*l blood w this man’s w ill not right the -- J —— I i ’ g he s h has dons ui B.uce had suffered enough n( {o to drive 1 ent drive him temporarily in- tana. H e re hi fti’ «ad a to be cheated of his ..te revenge. Tha cried __ loud for — n g e . • . T h e mob ___ ____ chjng. and surged forw forward lynching, ard Fa- ther Kelly faced them unflinchingly, his hands raised above nis head in Lr ÍZ3 rj protest "It Is writtan, 'Thou /h a Wll,’ " he commanded. " ‘Vian geaace i belongs to God But wldi his words a mercilrss bujlet sped on its way. The W idow fVilton had seen the village h alf-w it se his pistol and she was in time, tirowing herself before Father iellj^ she receiv«l fhe bullet in her osotrt and crumpled at his feet. For R un nin g fo r his life tha c o w ard sought sa n ctu ary la th a little C h a reK tie moment the m o t was stunned o f the R osary. H e fe ll at th a fe at o f F a th e r K e lly and th a w id ow Iruce had his mother In his arms, W ilto n , who had been p ra y in g fo r A lie v . T h a m ob was at his j-nh- rather Kelly aiding him" E ugenis Besserer Lew is S tone and W a lla a a B eery in a dramatic *>Wheq Kktfilten Wilson opened scene fro m ‘ T h e R osary." her eyes on the world for the last tim e she found V e ra and Rather K elly kneeling beside the bed. F a­ before Bruce's eyes Krnward W righ t anguished toul upon h it dear mother, ther K elly gsred down Into her eyes disappeared in the torrent. A wave who slept peacefully, tha rotary w ith the Infinite tenderness m a o f horror swept over him as he re­ clasped in folded hands great love. membered Father K illy 's w ords: His mother had made the supreme §he smiled and spoke: “Vengeance is mine, saith the sacrifice—and he had been too late ‘Titian, I am happy. I have learned Lord I” W ith a broken cry, the poor to kiss the cross” » H e found Father Kelly at the per­ lapsed at the feet o f Father She raised the crucifix o f the ros­ ish house. Bruce was exhausted^ by • • • e • ary to her lips— end the gentle soul the terrible night. Sunshine follows a storm. So time went home. Father K elly knevr that ‘H e is dead," he said, simply. A softened grief and happiness re­ in giving her life for his her soul had soft light broke over Father Kelly's turned to the little village. And, i f reached its greatest heights, that her face. the smile of Father Kelly over the love for him had remained through "But not bjr your hands, my son." new Church o f the Rosary was sad­ all the jeers a thing divine. And if Bruce started “H o w —how is it dened by the thought that only with in h it soul there was an arsseyring possible for you to know that?” he pain and sacrifice are the greatest o f cry o f anguish fhen there vsere his asked. Father Kelly s faith was per­ our hearts’ desires accomplished, he deeds ^ o f kindness and his good" fect. looked ahead to what greater good works tempered with greater sym­ God works in a mysterious way, the new church might be to Uiose pathy and tenderness H is wonders to perform ." he replied, who came after and thanked God lo t Bruee, now insane, led the mob in and at last Bruce understood. It was H is goodness, a pursuit o f W right, who. seeing the this faith shining in the eyes o f F a ­ Once again over the long trail to confusion, had escaped from the ther Keily that was to "help Brure the high cliffs overlooking the sea, sanctuary. H e gained his car tnd bear the burden o f his own great where at a trysting place a boy end made a.m ad dash through the «tnrm sorrow girl had plighted their troth a man for the little bridge spanning tb- For when he slowly opened the and a woman went hand in hand. ereek which led to the road out o f i bedroom door, scarcely daring, the In the solitude o f God they stood the village Baffled. Bruce see made ope cgte , stricken eyes o f h it loved one looked silent. Once again, Bruce gave Anal »effort to catch the slipping, into his from where she knelt in Vera the rosary. And, with that sliding car, but the bridi ridge, under- ■ praver. e «unset, was bom eternal happiness mined by the swollen e reek, r e « - . crashed ______ > _ H _ e _________ followed „ her ... rye» to the hal- 1 for them unt,l 'he sunset o f jpadet tha weight o f the car, a n d ! lowed bed— and there gated with { (T h e end) ( f 3 orç © g © 03 5’ $ O3‘ 9 -d e Stewart & Price Confectfonerv Fictionized from the Selig-Rork- First National screen version of the famous play 03 • $15 uP Everything at bargain prices. 422 West First st., Albany, Oregon. Farm Machinery V 7» Deering of McCormick Binders G. W. Mornhinweg the Claxtonola eicl“ © TT R. L. WiiMiiford and wife were iu Eugene Thursday, and (Dearborn Independent) * Rev. Leir Hostetler, a mute At the foot of Mt. Ararat, scores preacher, and bis wife» from near T he sta n d ard m akes of generations ago, civilization was Harrisburg, visited JM>n LaRue th e world horn. Today, on the tableland of last week. Vrmenis, where first the rainbow (iet rep a irs now Dalton Gibbs of the Shedd high >f promise glimpsed eternal hope to ■‘«’bool cut some wood and bis hand New \ \ tnd mill at a til mankind, a Christian race is w ith au ax last week. The hand bargain Im plem ent store. Hulsey, Oregon lying while civilization looks on. is doing nicely. Otto Smith and wife of Oregon The Jews have raised their 117,- >00,000 to care for Jews; the City arrived Saturday for a visit United States government has sent with Mrs. Sm ith’s grandmother, We tell $20,000,000 to care for Bolshevik Mrs. D. F. Dean. They returned Russians. But the Christians of home Sunday afternoon. The Halsey $tate bank opens a Armenia are still murdered by the Turks and killed by famine. Why savings account to-day. One dol­ Come in and bear it play are the Christian Armenians last lar or over opens an account, on to receive the help of the Christian which 4 per cent will be paid, com­ A ll phonograph records and needle*. world? pounded semi-annually. So scant has been the response— Members of the missionary so­ No One Will Refuse * piate Of the Christian response to the Slewart & Price’s ice cream. Ils deli­ Christian appeal —that an order ciety and the ladies’ aid of the cious flavor, so pleasing to (he palate a well has been issued for the near east Christian church held lo everyone's taste, jo u n g or relief to reduce all life-saving work attended meeting Thurebay and ohl. I f , o „ doubt th ii , ry ^ me * discussed the proposed addition to 15 per cent! self. hold by the pint, quart or gallon. Two visits, four weeks apart, the church building. were made to a family in one little A service in memory of departed town. There were 15 in the family civil war veterans was conducted on the first visit. Three were sur­ by Rev. C. G. Morris at the Metho­ THE viving on the second. The case is dist church at Brownsville and the not unusual. Armenia’s fate is in flag was canied by four survivors 'America’s hands. of that war, J. F. Venner, L D. All members of the governing Vidito, K. F. Barger and H. W. H A LSEY , O R EG O N administration committee overseas Viuceut. kj'titribute their services without John Staudish presented Mrs compensation. Compensation for full-time service of orphanage d i­ Wheeler with a bouquet of roses, - . - . ¿ P l ' es,, p>“ 1 on time certificates of deposit rectors, doctors, nurses and other the most beautiful of which were 4 P E R C E N T paid on savings, C O M P O U N D E D workers is designed to cover only sprays of a lovely cream-and-pink annually We invite vour banking business reasona>l) living expenses. No variety whose name he does not and C. IL KOONTZ, P res. large salaries, either in America know. The plant climbs H 51 u n v i / i ’’ 1 ^ Y L 0 R ’ V ice' P re s " or overseas, are paid by near east spreads over the roof of his grand­ B. M. BOND, C ash ier relief. The economy of adminis­ mother’s home tration is due in large measure to At the request of County Club the exceptional amount of volun­ agent W illiamson, Miss Irene teer unpaid service contributed Quimby has placed on display in and the free use of valuable land, the window of the Koontz store buildings and otberj properties some sample glasses of the canned «*íd ! h . n k h ‘ Ve beeD ,I" f“ nK “ v in g „ „ t h i n g - . , Op o .’erseas. I fruit on which she and the can­ ning club have drawn so many „ , You 1 J eah“ ,h at 11 c" nnot KO on forever. One's earning days are prizes at fairs. Linn county day at the agri. I cultural college, June 16, will in . | elude the wives and families. While the men are shown the crops I the women will be shown through | the home economics building, and the work therein explained and | demonstrated to them. ‘ ‘ ° W’ cWl‘ “ e y° Ur e“r " in< P° Wer " ,he Kre» t '« . “ it tha, each payday pays S o m k t h in g toward your future lNDSrKWD«MCX, W e w ill welcome yonr account and help you save. i T h e F ir s t S a v in g s B a n k o f A lb a n y , O r e g o n J Where Savings are safe - The Enterprise has received au I interesting story about a oat and blackbirds, but no author’s nam e loarne with it. No well-ordered ■ newspaper prints anonymous com- I municationa. The editor must ¡know who la responsible, though the writer’s name may be held in ¡confidence by bim. Pour per cen, n