HALSEY ENTERPRISE peeeed to carb ita evil«, are evad­ 1 Brownsville is in commission business visit here Monday. (By Cecile Mayberry) A« ;i< )« M » d « it- SO T aentral—new» ing the l a * still, sometimes to M r. Harding’s conduct ia cor* Health and Happiness through »•per. pabllshed every Thnrsday, »heir financial profit; often they eietent with hie announced belief in Good Care of the Teeth : by W m . H , 4 A. A. W H E E L E R . come to grief. Prohibition pro­ government by Was. H. W a r n aa Editor. Perhaps the most essential thing party. When Maa. A. A W’aasLEB B tin o m Manager h ibit, liquor-selling as effectively Boles Penrose was the party Mr. in the maintenance of good health and Local New« Editor. School Budget Election aa it brobibits highway robbery or Harding was a Penrose man. In and bodily condition is the daily This care Original Estimate and Recounting Sheet— School Dis- murder, and there ia no more like fact, Penrose selected him long care of the teeth. Subscriptions, »1 50 • year ta advance. triet No. 41. should begin as soon as the child Traaairat advertiaiag, 28c an inch, per- lihood of a repeal , of the law in beforehand and predicted that he is old enough to bold a toothbrush. T h is original estimate is made in compliance w ith section 231-A of the vhn^i m a n ra t, 2Uc. No discount for time one case than in the other. importance should be impressed '“7»“ “C /^ 'i * n<1 *,how? columns the u nit costs of the severs) services would be the nominee for presi­ Its OT »pace »po„ p , , L . ... Law enforcement organizations dent. la "Paid-for Paragraphs," Seattae, Pincbot has defeated the N oadrertlnng (Jlsgiileed as aewa bud«t ‘ allowance and expenditures for sia months of the c u rre n t vèâr have a worthy place to fill. They Penrose following and Harding is that be will carry this valuable oan aid in enforcing prohibition, for Pincbot. New was Harding’s habit with him all through life. ( Six months of the current year ” meant six months of the last school year ) i ' In order to properly understand H A L S E Y , U a a Co., Ora.. Jaaa 1, 1922 not by standing on their bind lege right band man till Beveridge de­ EXPEN D ITU R ES why the teeth must be watched and howling at a sheriff or a con- feated him. Now Beveridge is en­ and cared for so carefully, some A M E R IC A N IS M etable, but by doing their own duty; tirely satisfactory -1 Expenditures and , to Harding. important results of tooth decay budget allowances E x P*n d l,l>r« for three fis. by obtaining evidence of law Harding is a good sport. He takes should be known. It is a well ___— x cal vaavs _____« • cal years next preceding for six months of established fact among doctors and * Americanism” is based upon violation and - producing it in last school year his medicine like a little man. the last school y » ;r dentists that many diseases of tbs rule by majority, coupled with I court. teeth are causes of diseases which eafeguatds for justice to minorities They can do the lame thing in ITEM affect the whole body. A decayed We publish under Paid-for ‘ 'Par­ Church laws are made by a ma- regard to the law forbidding the tooth may be the seat of a disease jority in the ebnroh, to be obeyed supplying of cigarete or tobocco to agraphe” an advertisetneht from that might undermine the entire an easterner who wants to hear of workings of the body. by church members. minors. The first step in the care of the Lodge lawe are made by a ma-1 Some of them complain of dances farms for sale. I f you want to sell, teeth is the daily brushing. Any jority in the lodge, to be obeyed Undeniably there are evils connect write to him, but if be waute a fee good brash whose bristles are P eb s o n a l S e r v ic e : , by lodge members. ed with dances. These people cau in advance hang on to your money. neither too limber or too stiff will P rin c ip a l____________ I »1600.00 K. K. K. roles are made by a [correct those evils by enforcing He may be a farmer who wants a be suitable. The brush should be Assistant Principal___ I 1125.00 farm, or he may be a sharper placed firmly against the teeth and Teachers majority of »be K . K. K ., pre-1 the laws which have been passed 7th and Oth G ra d e s ... and 6th Crades__ sumably. for that purpoap. They cannot angling far fees he does not intend an oval movement used. After 5th brushing with warm water and 3d and 3th Grades___ to earn. None of them oan be enforced enforce upon all the people a pro- any good paste or powder, dental 1st and 2d Grades___ Ja n ito r_____ _________ on a community, against ita w ill, hibition of ail dances, good or bad, The assurance that the Waehing- floss should bo used to remove all C le rk ............................... particles of food from between the except in violation of the principles nnless they can get the governing I ton, Geneva and other conference’s N .e .r h d • » ’ Total Personal services When drunksnness was common dancing, and they probably never i future wars is somewhat weakened the teeth. The teeth should be among sll elasMe, from »he pulpit Jcan <1° that. | by frequent reports of immense I br“»hed at least twice a day, but to the scallary, the Good Templars I There have been evil moving I destruction and loss of life by ex- preferably after each meal. A fter using the tooth brush it should munition I .'teriTix'^'and^u’ t i'n“iU placs' be were organised with total abati- pictures, but the way to remove [ plosions occurring in nanca aa their shibboleth, and those evils is not to prohibit mov fifty years ago that order had ba- ln i pioturea, nor make a soft job ooma the largaat in the world, own- P or a board of censors who usually ing one central head, with the themselves need censoring. The exeeption of the Roman Catholic patrons of the movies are the church. I proper censors, god they have factories. Why so many factories One of the greatest evils today and so great? | in regard to the preservation of teeth is the excessive eating of , A , lot , of , poor boobs , , . . . i hard th.nk they place, candy maj , by w7h„ children. e th# RnJ The le, can t get up an hour earlier in is chipped form oavities, which, summer unless they set the clocks | not filled immediately, begin to decay. wrong. The teeth are a very important? organ of disgestion and should be considered ss such. They are Farmers, Attention made to chew with, though some Before you breed your niares see people do not seem to think that this is their function, judging from Zimmerman’s the amount they use them. The l chewing of crusty food improves and polishes the teeth. The aver, A t Halsey Fridays age American eats ontirely too much soft food and not enough FO R S A L E hard crusty food. I t is said that Other organisations worked * nti ,«e rat 4« m»*«« tee —^ _ s __ _____ of district No. across troin Hotel Albany, Albany, Ore. care of the teeth, but if they do de­ .> . Nl| purpoaes d aring the y e a r..................... 7962.50 i flowers. ' 8ome‘ * rare and very __ _____________________ — beautiful specimens were brought ESTIMATED M e ' c e H ^ S i beck. A tired and dusty group From county school fund r l n n * . , of pieniokners returned b o n /e , t,rem ‘ U t e bom-- «choo. fund d uri'.g .1 _____ / “'“g.school school ......... year........ • about bout fi b that evening eesoing and end ell de- ds- 1 / J .’ 7 * 7 * " 1 — fuB<1 dur'M m «he commg school year — "«•■■■g e coming dared that they had had a really the conna/s^hool y e a r*'Ved fr<* B * ” o t h e T during i good time end were ready resdv to e 'o __________ - ............................................... on another trip the next day. Fifty.flreO akdale fermere. 35 at 38 at Berlin have ' signed the county agent’s Canada thistle extermination pledge, pub­ lished in the Enterprise last week 1 Berlin tinned up 100 per cent. »lofio 25 173 94 1412. ofi j Houston end 1 ‘ « »ou nt to be raised by "district ta7 Dated this 23d day of May, 1922 Atteet 2S30.35 B. M. Bond, District O rfc ° T V ’* , Ch>lrm* * Board of Directors.