H alsey E nterprise VOL. X H A I.S E Y , L IN N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 1, 1«>22 Shedd Shots Saturday and Suuday with his sister, Mrs. W. Y. Shearer. lop the team there but got beaten Brownsville Briefs 19 to 4. ( Regular Correspondence) The highway, builders will be _______________ _ George A. McCart and C. B. Mrs. B. Crawford went to En. ready to spread the hot stuff about ( Regular Correspondence) gene Monday to attend the Re- June 1. Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally h X ’ bekah convention. Grandma Starnes and grand­ Editor Enterprise: Will yon and in Halsey Particularly Pul business on iu feet. Mr. and Mrs? Howard of H >od daughter Esther Starnes ape nt Sat­ ------ ------------------------- kindly allow space for correction ---------------------- The Brownsville city council the statements in the item last Kiver, on their way to California urday anikSunday at the George bond -»Ho issue ro?°U'd could “Ot not of Dannen home. Numerous parties went from here haa an animal of exceptional value found legally that , a vai’ìed we* ‘k aboi,t spent n day with Mrs. Joeling. week about t,,‘* the Br(,"i»»iHe Brownsville "Good “Good to cemeteries at Brownsville, Pine MaybelJe lanes of Sweet Home Grove, Rowland and other place- A Joyous Graduation . who formally taught in Shedd, decoration day. p ,O,M.U the , h. animal is meetings provided came down Tuesday "after he/piano’ L Ç °°Irat“l i" in Ths risrll I new 1922 booklet "Oregon Out- speaker was Rev. A. M. Williams, „ n _ deplorable that the people of Mitih- Leeter Jones, pastor. w e . -wet late tl»e lake of H r. doors” which descril es the scenic D. D ., president of Albany college. Mr. Tomlin of Beaverton spent igau had to see 1195,000 spent be. end brim .fnue . . . and s k ill h . feature», and resorts of western Ore. Methodist: _____________________________ ; fore they understood that they examined day end night forever end A union service of all the Sunday School, 10. t . 'gon Tbe cover deaigD is a work of should elect Mr. Newberry.—Al ever. Preachiug, 11. iu four colors, and features in chuicbes was held yeeterdav at the bany Democrat. Rev. Mr. Mor­ le Jerusalem w ith It« Gehenna set. basntiful shades the intense big- Methodist church. Junior League, 8, ris gave the address, which was elde Ito w ells a picture of Now jo ru nets of the great outdoors and im- Intermediate League, 6:30. W e H ave On the Goldson-Beachly road followed by memorial day exer­ - U m -ftth I f lake e f H r . outeld. .te .„eiii.tely suggests . vacation. Epworth League, 6:80. 18 63 miles is to be macadamed at EVERY THING | It is for free distribution. Copies cises. Preaching, 7:30. once by A. D. Kearne for 386,850 O ptical M e tt B: 84, SB: Swear not . . . may be had ou request, to agents Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. This is about th9 first case of the The senior claea will hold com­ by Jerusalem, for It Is ftypeal the Southern Pacific lines, or bv writ mencement exercise« at tbe Prea- state Highway commission building E Y E S T R A IN Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor, Olty p f the great K ing lng Jobn M Je n # r# , Is tlie Cause of M any road where it will develop the hytenau church next Friday Pine Grove Church: Bines Gehenna outside of Jerusalem passenger agebt, Portland, state. night. H U M A N IL L S as ths la tta r '. »swage plant d e s tr o y e d ________________ If your eyes give you trouble or Grading of 3.46 miles of road ■ Sunday School, 10. Ite refuee, w hat w ill figurative Gthen your glasses are annoying Prayer-meeting, 7. from Harrisburg toward Junotion "■— the eeeond H e ll— w ith Ite figure, SEE US. We cin Relieve Yon C'ty has been contracted for by tlve Area eutslde of New Jerusalem {THE HELLS Bancroft Optical Co. de w ith Ite figurative refuee— thoee 18. S. Schell of Grants Pass with the J13 1st St. W. Albany. Phone H A M IL T O N 'S B A B Y S H O P unw orthy of being In New Jerusalem? ne ¿ s t a t e highway commission for Bp The One of the most iaterssting dep.irtment« in this big store is our babr 1388,987 60, work to begin at onoe. Rev. 22: IB : F o r without are . . . Awe, shop, where the wee ones may be outfitted from head to toe Added to Jots and Tittles sä ■ « s * .™ ä S ä a s W h a t symbolic te m i Reap the S t « * Bra. Aad who po cursed. Into everlasting Bra. pre- r * 1 aot feaad wvtttee la the pa sad fo r the devil and his angefa; book o i life waa saat ta la tke lake at . . . And these «hull go «wily Into Bre ero rlaatln g punlahm ent; [th e Greek here rendered everlasting punishment Wka* «s «he I Id Aoloein ninninn. which mennn ever- to the tote e f a« lake ef laatlng cutting off. The contrast In B ref the next dense snggeata an everlaat ( 1 ) W the t a l l . Rah. 2 : 14: T h a i tog cutting off from life, that Is ever through death H e m ight t a t r a y U a lasting death], Heh 2 : 14 That that had the power o f t a t h . tlm t ta. through death He m ight deatro, the devtt. Biltn th a t hath the power of death that ( 2 ) O f the heaat, 2 Itoeaa 2 : 8 : lie, the t a l l 2 Theos 1 : 8 : Who shall Then ahan that W icked ba revealed 8>e punished w ith everlasting destine whom the Lead . . . stoall destroy tlou Rom 8 : 28: T h e wages of sin w ith ths M gh ta a a a e f H ie e— tog Is death. (3) O f the (alee prephet. la. 8 : A W h a t are ooms Old Testament p a » 10. U : Aaaanata y t m t t a a O pa pa» aegas th a t refer to the second Hall? pie, aad pe sbaO ba brehaa la U t — Take enaaaal togefkav. and M t a l l Fa. 8 : 17: The wicked shall be (re ) «•me te aeogbt Bap pa set. a n o » turned (Hebrew , «hub, to turn or re­ federacp. te all to whom tbta pmple tu rn ) Into hell [Rheol], Pro» IB : 24. shall asp. a nrafedareep The wap of life le above to the wlee, (d ) O f death. 1 Oar U : 28: The that he map depart from hell (8heo|] laat easmp that t a l l ba dtotnw ad to heaeath. ta th , W ill there ever be a recovery from (B) O f the Brat ball. Hea. 18: Ids I w ill iwaaom toam from the pvwas the deetruetlen e f the second Hell? " f Rheol; I will redeem thmn from Job. 7 : 8 : A« the cloud 1» consumed Death O Death. I win ha top aad vaoleheth swap, an he that r * t h plegoee O. Rheol. I ertU ha top 8 » down to Rheol «hall come up no more Pro» 28: 1: He that being often ro atnictlea 1 (8 ) O f laoorrtgthte ta s a r a . F a 8 t proved bardeneth hie neck, t a l l sod 8; Tboa haat «aatroved the wtrhad deulp ha destroyed, and that without raiaedp. Fa IT: 38: The his we have a free mothers’ library w ith all the necessary instructions for the raising and care of the baby. Ignorance of these important matters is accountable for the great in fa n t m ortality in this and other countries So do not hesitate to make use of these books They are free and may he taken home for a period of two weeks. THINGS THAT BABY NEEDS Moccasins nwwl -I GATTER. W h ite k id moccasins w ith pink trim ; also tan k id flA . Priced . . . ....................... if U C Infants' Hose Pine white Mercerised cotton hose],................. QC« M fJC Silk hose in white and pink, eel- 60 and 85c Infants’ Garters ■Garters lik e picture, in white or ■ colors, plain or fancy, priced “JUST LIKE DADS” 10c, 20c, 35c, 60c ~ FOM h i s M A JE ST Y cK F O R H E R IIQHNESS Shoes and Moccasins Black patent slippers, 7 5 ” and $ 1 . 0 0 W h ite kid slippers 8 5 c and $ |. 0 0 W h ite and black patent combi na­ tion slippers , $ |2 5 High-top shoes in while kid or patent leather sod champagne kid Q 5c H i shoes in all black ...............B l.O O H i shoes in all white kid . . . . $ 1 O O Baby Blankets W in ter or summer, small babies need blankets. W e have ell kinds, priced from 75c up Blankets w ith pink and blue de­ signs, priced 98c, $1.15, $1.65 Small blankets lined w ith s a t i n . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 l.arge blankets lined w ith a e tin .. . . . . . . . $2.25 Double blankets of w h ite , . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 Double blankets with p in k or blue border $2.75, Hamilton’s