PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E M A Y 23, 1922 'MR. BOB,' RIALTO HALL A Comedy in two acts presented at the by the Tickets on sale at S tew a rt & P r ic e C o n fectio n ery Fra tk Walker sr. and wife and (liughter-in-)aw were over from Brownaville yesterday and called at the Wheeler home. r 3) Miss L illian Barber took train Monday for Eugene to attend re vival meetings. So many women of all ages have derived benefit from H ood ’s S a rsa p a rilla It may well be called the W om an ’s * M ed icin e * Its peculiar mild yet certain tonic effects especially adapt it to the needs of mothers daughters and grandmothers W A. Ringo, Druggist Lyle Standish of Portland trad­ ed his ranch at Troutdale for a 16- | acre tract at Washougal, Wash. He intends to develop the place I into a prune orchard The trade j was made the first of the week. Dennison and Stewart com­ menced Wednesday evening con­ ducting evangelistic meetings in their tent opposite the Baptist church and will carry on au active program for three or four weeks They belong to no denomination und preach strictly from the Bible They wish to announce that they are not connected iu any manner with the Mormons, as has been rumored. Services commence at 8 every evening except Saturday and everybody is welcome. Great Reductions PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS E a st T h rou gh C aliforn ia Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line O n Kale M ay 23 to A ugust J l — R e tu rn lim it October 31 L ib e ra l Stopover P riv ileg es “ H ig h P o i n t s ” on th e W ay I lie G lo rio us Siskiyous M a jestic M o u n t Shasta T h e R ugged Sierras “ P le a s u r e Saa P l a c e » ” You Must See Francisco— W o rld famous c ity th a t ' " t i s hard Io leave. " Los A n g e e s — W o n d e r e itv and noted to u ris t center, Sequoia, G e n e ra l G ran t. Scores of ( h a rm in g Seashore and M o u n ta in R eto rts. For far»», sleeping car reservation s o r b e a u tifu l fo lders ask any agent or w rite Southern Pacific JO H N M Lines SCOTT, G en eral Passenger Agent E X P E N D IT U R E S 1 item I I [¡ T o ta l Personal services II MATR8IAI. A SUPPLIXt | F u rn itu re (desks, etc.) Supplies (c h a lk , e t c .). ; L ib ra ry books________ Flags ........................ .. 1 P layg ro un d eq u ip m e n t (J a n ito r ’s s u p p lie s ____ 1 F u e l....... ........................... .. i L ig h t ----------------------------- W a t e r ................................. , Postage an d supplies S u its p riced Found, this side of the McMahan place, pair of auto goggles Pay for this uotice and get them. Cyutnia Stockley's novel, " W ild Honey," has been read by thous­ ands and liked because of its strongly dramatic plot construction and the human appeal of its cen­ tral character. Lady Vivienne The I'mrersal-Jewel picturualion of it will be at the Rialto Theater on Friday, with Priscilla Dean, the noted emotional star, in the princi­ pal role. Wesley Ruggles directed it E x p e n d itu res and E x p e n d itu re s fo r th re e fis­ budget allow ances cal years n e x t p recedin g for six m onths of th e last school year last school year M M *-• — 5 °S $4600 $4710 P br so na l S xmvicr : P r in c ip a l................... . . I Assistant P rin cip al - - I Teachers 1 , 7th and 8th G rades__ I I 5th and 6th C radea___ 1 1 3d and 3th G ra d e s .___ I 1st and 2d G rades......... I I J a n ito r ............................... C le r k ...................... J . . . . T o ta l m a te ria l and sup­ p lie s ................................ »1600.0« 1125.00 »1066.68 750 900.0« 900 900 900 720 10 600 600 540 600 ■ 480 6 60 7o,W »1066.68 750 4643.28 600 990 600 990 540 990 600 990 480 678 6.60 10 4643.28 ~72T5 50 300 125 10 » 75 50 10 25 75 325 25 22.50 20 *677.50 81350 1215 100 100 50 330 12 22.50 10 50 400 125 10 25 100 364 25 22.50 15 50 370 10 22.50 15 909.50 1136.50 677.50 10 6 7 250 627.50 500 1.50 5712.50 5487.30 M a INTINAKCI AMD R x pa ir s School b u ild in g s and grounds ................... .. T o tal m aintenance and repairs .......................... 150 175 200 50 150 175 200 50 I ndbbtxdm kss W a rra n t an d interest th ereo n .................... T o ta l in deb ted nes___ _ 2400 1045 1400 ~7i33 ~To45 30 M 30 30 30 7l57i78 8409.78 9012.50 1400 I nsu r an c k School b u ild in g , fu r­ n itu re and fixures . . . . 30 Total insurance ............. 30 30 MlSCXLLANXOUS The store with a square deal for every customer. ALBANY, OREG O N — ' y RIALTO S u n d r ie s .......................... 50 T o ta l m iscelaneous 50 G ran d t o t a l..................... 7962.50 I, B- M Bond, do hereby c e rtify th a t th e above estim ate o f ex pen ditures for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and th a t the expen d itu res and budget a l­ lowance for s ix m onths of th e c u rre n t y e ar and the ex pen ditures for th e th ree fiscal years n e x t preceding the c u rre n t ye ar a t shown above have been co m p iled from the records in m y charge and are tru e an d correct copies thereof. B. M . B o n d , D is tric t C le rk . Notice of School Meeting BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Paa sow a i Sxavick P rin c ip a l...................... - Assistant P rin c ip a l Teachers 7th and 8th Grades 5th and 6th G rades. 3d and 4th tirad es 1st and 2d G r a d e s . J a n ito r _________ C le rk ................................. One One $1600 1125 81600 1125 One O ne O ne One O ne Q ne 900 906 900 900 720 10 900 900 900 900 720 10 T o u t .............................. 1 »7055 a nd S e m it e s F u rn itu re (desks, stoves, cu rtain s , eke.) S upplies (c h alk , erasers, e t c . ) . . ........... Library b o o k s_____ . . . 50 . . 75 .. 50 . 10 . 25 . 75 .32 5 . 25 . 22.50, . 20 . . . . . j _____. . . . . . Flags . . . . __ Playground equipm ent . ...... .. .............. Janitor's s u p p lie s ___ i . F u e l ____ ____ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___ L ig h t .............................J .............. .. W a te r _____________ ________ Postage and s ta tio n e r y ____ . . . . . . . . . 677.50 M a in te n an ce and R p e a irt School b u ild in g and grounds j — — ..................................... 15o T o ta l _____ Insurance School b u ild in g , fu rn itu re and fix tu re s . T o ta l ................ ................... ............................. JO T o t a l .............. Total am onnt oi m oney fo r >11 purposes d a r in g the y e a r ...................... J962 5O Sewing Machine for sale. Mrs, W A. Ringo, Dr. E W . Barnum, dentist, at Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and Friday. O ak C ordw ood for Sale $7 a cord delivered. A. E. Whit beck ( N otice is hereby g iv e n to th e legal voters o f d is tric t N o . 41 o f L in n county, state o f O rego n, that a school m eetin g of said d is tric t w ill be h eld a t the rchool- house on the 19th day of Tune, 1928, at 2 o'c lo ck in the afternoon, for th e purpose of discussing th e budget h e re in a fte r set ou t w ith th e le v y in g board, aod to vote on th e p ro p o s itio n of le v y in g a special d is tric t tax. T h e total am ou nt o f m oney needed b y th a said tchool d is tric t d u rin g th e u ? . i ear be< ln !’ iDB on J un* l 9 - »923. an d e n d in g June 30, 19?3, is estim ated in the fo llo w in g budget and inclndes th e am o u n t received from th e county school fund, state school fund, e le m e n ta ry school fund, special d is tric t ta x and a ll n o n - eys o f the d is tric t. M a t e r ia l San Ih e g n — R om an tic c it y ” w h ere C a lifo rn ia b e g a n ." I hree National Parka— Y ueeraite, ness or professional career. The beauty of it is that you can be well dressed at moderate cost. Mrs. J. W Driukard went to Portland today for a few days' visit. Mr and Mrs. O. W . Frum at tended the Oddfellows grsnd lodge at Eugene this week. T b i t o rig in a l estim ate i t made ia com pliance w ith ta ctio n 231 -A of th e school taws of 1921 and »hows in p a rallel co lo ran t th e n n it costs o f th e several services, m aterial and »applies for th e three fiscal years n e xt preceding th e c u rre n t year, the d e tail ex pen ditures for the last one o f said three p recedin g fiscal years and the budget allow an ce and expen d itu res fo r six m onths o f th e c u rre n t ye ar. ( “ S ix m onths of th e c u rre n t year ” means six m onths of th e last school y e a r.) I Miss Cleona Smith was home from U, of 0 - and spent the week end with her father, W. L. Smith. Ba If Bond has bought thirty goats to eat the thistles off his farm. Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets a young man’s social life. You will find it an equally important asset in your busi­ G. T. Kitchen and fam ily, ac companied by Mrs. W. A. M uller, drove to the county seat Saturday. The W hite aho* garage an. M r. and Mrs. F. H Porter and nouncea elsewhere that it has moved from First etreet, Albany, daughter Amy came up from Port­ land Thursday no they might ex-1 to Lyons street. eroiae their right to vote on Fri-1 Thomas A. Powell of Halsey day. They returned to Portland died in a hospital at the county the first of the week. seat Tuesday evening. He went Mr. and Mre. Peter Whitaker I there a couple of weeks ago for treatment. He was 69 years old and James Newman and family of and had lived nearly all his life in Corvallis spent Sunday at the G. Halsey. Mrs. Powell, two brothers r. Kitchen home northwest of | in California and a sister whose town. home is in Seattle survive him. Charles P. Poole and family of I Funeral today at the Smith ceme­ Lebanon passed through Halsey [ tery. Tuesday on their way to the Odd- Mrs. C. M. Mishler (formerly ’ellows grand lodge at Eugene. Jean Savage of Halsey) writes from P. J. Ashton and fam ily of Al her present home at Chino, Cal.: bany visited at the home of Mis. The paper [Enterprise] certainly Ashton’s mother, Mrs. W. W has made a big improvement aod Bass, Tuesday. I enjov the good stories so much, as well as the Halsey news, as that Henry Mitsner and his two sis city was always my borne until ters, Ida aod Amanda, arrived nearly two years ago. I see some from Paisley, Lake county, Satur­ news once in a while about C ali­ day and will spend the summer in fornia, but let me tell you it has Halsey. Profit By You already appre­ ciate the part good appearance plays in Mrs. J. W. Rector and grandson W illis returned from Portland Monday niter a few days spent at the L . H. Wallace home in that city. Jots and Tittles (C o n tin u e d on page 1 be Nicholi hotel at Newport, ! which was bcught by a Portland [ Boidface, is being entirely refur- ' nished aod Bartcber & Rohrhaugb, who advertise the Albany Furni- I I ture exchange in these columns | | have the contract. Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet— School Dis- trict No. 41. F irs t year y e a rly totals 1918-19 Philip Royson.............................................DeLos Clark Robert Brown (clerk of Benson & Benson) •........•••■•....................... Glenn From Jenkins (Miss Rebeccas butler).......... Guy Merriam Rebecca Luke (a maiden lady).................(¿race Kirk Katherine Rogers (her niece).......... Alberta Koontz Marion Bryant, Katherine’s friend ...Geraldine Cook 1 atty, Miss Rebecca’s maid......................Alta Hayes Reserved seats.......................... 4 5 c A d m ission General admission ..... 3 5 e (Children...25f The Brownsville creamery has ■ bought the dairy that was Frank I W alker’s apd Ccleuian W arner’s cows, and with its new ice-making machine is making ice cream to sell at whole sale, in addition to its former regular creamery prod­ ucts. School Budget Election Second vear Y e a r ly totals 1919-20 CAST OF CHARACTERS Frank Walker of Brownsville will have an auction of his house­ hold goods and supplies Saturday at 2. He and his wife are goiug to travel during a we.¡-earned vaca­ tion. D eta iled e x ­ pe n d itu res fo r th e last y e ar of the th re e ,’2 0 -’21 Halsey High School May 27, 1922, at p. 8:15 m. To June Graduates C. J. Shedd of Shedd has been one of the official couniere after every election for 26 years. B udget a llo w ­ ance in d e ta il 1921-22 of the Jess Safley and family wera Al-1 The seventh and eighthjjgradee bany visitors Friday. 1 picnic today up tha Calapooia. E stim ated ex p en d itu res for th e en suing school year 1922-23 SENIOR CLASS been far from the land of snnthine thia wiuter and so far we have had only three warm days. estimated receipts ■^rO,n ~ ° “ ‘ 7 school fnnd d a rin g th e co m m a tchool * î * " *cho° I f 0011 d u rin g the com ing school r e / r »Io»o. 25 173 94 1412.08 ......... th e t o . , . , « . T O " L T Total estim ated re c e ip t, not m c tn d in g th e p r o p o s e d « » ........................ 513215 recapitulation r a ta l estim ated expenses fo r th e re a r Tot,I estim ated receipt, not Inclndm g p r o p o ^ 1 ' | jp ; Balance, am onnt to be ra s e d by d is tric t ta a " ........... 2830.35 B ated th is 22d day o f M a y, I <>22 A ttest ; B. M . Bond, D is tric t C le rk ° T ‘ T ’W C h‘ lrm “ <* Directors.