Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 25, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    v u a iiiy , service ana workm anship
F ine ahoet repaired while you wait
annuity a t I.,I .
Jots an d I ittles
M M u u iu
s nt n a m * -
L H. C.
The new ice plant of the Browns­
(Continued from page 1)
ville creamery is making ice.
A. Allen is making regular
A lig h t frrst Monday morning
to Eugene in quest for better
marked the return of fair weather.
Mrs. J. J. Corcoran visited ¡the
T, J. Skirvin and Andrew Brown
and their wives spent Sunday in county seat Friday.
The Lebanon strawberry fair
and rose show will be June 9 and
Homer Speer, the Taugeut mer. 10.
chant, and B Alice Foster of
Waterloo were married Sunday,
W. W . Copey and Eva Walsuu
of Shedd have joiued fortunes for
A b c h ix F. W h i t * Proprietor
SatitfacUoa guaranteed,
Lyon street,’1
aero»» Irom Hotel.Albany, Albany, Or» trips
E. L. Stiff
K ill
th e
G ophers
at a small expense and no danger to
Non explosive, non-poisonous to
handle and sure to k ill. By parcel post,
1 D O Z E N 40c
Box of 1 2 8 - $ 3
$30 to $75
RED STAR Oil Stoves
Other Oil Stoves
M u rp h y ’s Seed Store
The Christian church people talk
of building an addition, two stories
high, to provide rooms for church
Mr. and Mrs. Guyer of Corvallis
and County Agent Claude Calkins
U P of Um atilla county and family, 16
persons in 'l l visited at Fred ja c k -
son’s at Lake Creek Thursday.
Everything at bargain prices.
422 West F irst et., Albany, Oregon
the Selig-Rorlt-
First National
screen version of
the famous play
Bruce could scarcely believe his
ears. H is little sister a victim o f
Ken ward W rig h t’s villainy?
I t was too monstrous to conceive,
yet she had attempted to end her life.
I t seemed hours to the stunned lad
before he could realize that Alice's
words were true. W hen she had
i finished her sad story, she sank back
in the chair exhausted, while the gen
tie Vera endeavored to console her
Bruce was overwhelmed with con­
flicting grief.
H e could not meet Vera's eyes.
realizing his utter unworthiness of
her love and respect.
V W h at a noble sacrifice had been
. hers, and he had failed her in her
greatest crisis ! Before either o f the
girls could prevent, he fled from the
Once outside, he ran like, a mad­
man, his whole being clamoring for
revenge upon thè dastardly W right,
who had brought ruin i
on his unfortunate sister.
Bruce had scarcely left the house
when Skeeters arrived to press his
suit, so well started earlier that day.
H e knew nothing o f the near-trag­
edy, nor suspected anything wrong
in Alice’s distress when he had '
with her.
» J iU l
Vera met him at the door. When
she saw the bashful lad she knew
Bruce W ilton and V era M ather, the young lovers, have rescued the
that the time had come to decide
the happiness o f the two young peo­
little sister from a w atery grave. A scene from “The Rosary," with
ple she loved. Before she allowed
Rebort Gordon, Mildred Juno end Jane N ^ w b
Skeeters to enter the room, she took
him to one side, and whispered :
e “Vou love her, don’t you?”
She didn’t have to go further, for lures departed on their errand o f mad, so raging was he to get at the
the love-li^ht shining in the awk­ evil, he sank back in his chair, with object o f his hate.
the smile o f the devil incarnate on
So intent did Bruce become in
ward youth s eyes was one o f perfect
his fa^e.
seeking to calm W rig h t’s possible
trust and understanding. Somehow
W h e t Bruce W ilto n had fled his fears in order that he would w ait
V era knew that Skeeters was a man,
big enough to forgive H e had been home, his conflicting emotions con­ for him that he failed to hear the
upon but one determination noise o f a mob outside his own can-
through the m ill himself.
Skeeters assured her o f his love, — revenge upon the man who had nx
__:eeters carried the warning o f
\ era brought him into where Alice betrayed hU little sister and wrecked
sat in the big arm-chair, her eyes the hapnineee o f the community. H e Bruce’s actions to Father Kelly, and
cast down in shame. Gently, Ver» was only diverted from hie course the good man hastened to the can­
to apprehend W rig h t by the noise nery, hoping to reach the mad youth
took her hand.
"H e loves you’ Alice," she said end sight of a terrific fight between in time to prevent a tragedy. • On
his fishermen end W right's ruffians.
his way. Father Kelly met Vera, her
You must tell him all."
father and Isaac Abrahamson, all
U nder the guidance o f Mac Ta
She read A lice’s reply in her eyes,
so she turned quietly and left the two vish, the hirelings had picked a fight bent on the same mission. As they
together to work out their future. with the cannery men who were at rushed up to the cannery gates they
found themselves in the midst o f a
Kneeling beside his adored one, work on a floating dock. Bruce het
Skeeters poured out his devoti^ ùi Bated fo r a second, and then tore mob. Father K elly reached the cen­
o f the surging mass o f excited
tli ree words :
into the melee, followed by Skeeter«,
“I love you.
who had just put in an appearance. fishermen,
It required the greatest o f bravery
Skeeters kept his wits about him, wretches fast in the clutches o f the
for the broken little girl to relate and prevented every effort the mad­ Sandy Bay men
”W e found these devils sneaking
the story o f her downfall to her dened Bruce made to enter the fray.
wi,h dynamite,” explained the
She did not spare heraelf.
Perhaps that is what W rig h t want- spokesmen. “They were up to some
She had treated Skeeters abominably,
.« make
Sf .
| X "
ÏJ ” E Ä
In the face o f the threatening mob,
the frightened hirelings broke down.
out o f her story, but the lad never he thought o f the controls
In a
When the spokesman had inadver­
flinched. H e looked into his adored
second he and Skeeters had started
one’s eyes with an understanding the dock out into the ocean, and the tently started with h it captive into
cannery to find Bruce, the roan
born o f true love.
fighting men soon found themselves
‘T v e made mistakes, too, Alice," struggling in the water. H a d it not shrank back in terror.
“D o n ’t go in there," he screamed.
he said. “ I f you’d have me. I ’m sure
been so serious, the situation o f the
The dynamite is set to explode at
, we could get along together."
surprised men would have been ludi- six o’clock.”
Indeed, Father K elly’s work in the crout.
Bui Bruce had no time to
V e ra ’s sudden cry o f terror broke
village o f Sandy Bay had been well waste. H e had not forgotten W right.
the bewilderment
“Bruce is in
done. '
Into the cannery office he dashed there I ” »he cried, but before she
Meantime, Kenward W rig h t and
Donald MacTavish had worked out A subtle idea had dawned in Bruce’a could break away. Father K elly
the most dastardly o f plots, one that mind. H e would call W rig h t up on shoved her back into the arms o f her
made certain the complete destruc­ the telephone and endeaver to keep •Athcr, and ran into the cannery
The mob bolted in every
tion o f Sandy Bay.
Surely evil him where he was under pretext,
and with any suspicion he might
The explosion was due
forces thrive in revengeful minds.
Even W righ t had no idea when he
still vainly talking, try ­
triephone rang In the office of
began plotting that his insane thirst
The man ing to get away from that insidious
fo r vengeance would lead him into W right s new cannery.
Father K elly
the depths o f crime. When the im ­ himself answered, and the voice he vol,ce ° n the ,ine-
ported ruffians arrived in Sandy Bay heard on the line brought him to jerked him free, and pushed him out
to carry out W rig h t’s last scheme, the height o f his triumph. The voice the first door. Together, the man
and boy ran for their lives and they
which was to prove the culmination said:
o f his revenge, he and MacTavish
“This la Bruce W ilton.
I want had barely gained the street when
there was a terrific explosion which
struck like lightning. The superior to see you immediately W a it there
almost knocked them to the ground.
education o f W righ t now made him
A ll o f Kenward W rig h t’s fiendish-
the master
H e gloried in i t
H e nese was aroused. H e could hardly Another and another followed and
the canneries o f Sandy Bay were no
mapped out his campaign o f destruc­ credit his good luck.
H e hastily
tion like « H u n general. T o Mac- glanced at bis watch and perceived more.
The good people o f Sandy Bay
Tavish he said:
with delight that it lacked five min
stood for moments stupefied by the
“ Mac, you take your men to the utes o f # o'clock.
sudden disaster.
And then they
canneries and start a fight Make it
“A re you at the cannery?" he awoke as suddenly to the tw o men
last, and that will keep their attention asked
until my men take care o f their little
"Yea," came the answer, “but------ they held captive. They would make
short work o f them. A t the cries
wait there! I mutt tee you.” ( A t for a rope, the wretches threw them­
Having started the counter-attack, the other end o f the line the crazed
W rig h t now turned his attention to buy was having a hard time conceal- selves on the ground before Fsther
screaming their confessions
two sinister rogues he had kept be­ ing his hatred )
To insure success, be gave
Wr right worked smoothly and fast. for mercy s sake.
"W e were hired by Wright,” they
thrm each a goodly turn o f money, I f he could only keep Bruce talking
h alf what they wrre tr> get for blow­ for five more minutes, his final re cried in unison
n d meantime at his own can­
ing up the Sandy Bay canneries rengs would be consummated, a re­
From the rascals' obvious greed and venge far greater than he had ever nery Kenward U right put down the
utter callousness to the taking o f dreamed possible »The man had been telephone with a demoniacal smile o f
human life, W n g h t knew that they trsBiioemed into an utter demon. H e exultation.
(Bruce was destroyed’ Sandy B a r
wo ild carry out his orders
stalled, pretending that he wanted
• “ Tim e the explosion for • o'clock Bruce to tell him over the telephone was no m o re ')
He started home.
•hasp," he said. And, as his
Hie persistence M a rly drove Bn<ce
(To be continued.)
g "b
c •t -h
Get repairs now „ ><•
New \\ indinillata G. W. Momhinweg
lu ip le iu v .it store, Halsey, O regon
The Brownsville Times promises
* big pioneer edition during the
pioneer picnic week.
We sell
Of the eight world-record Jersey
cows in the United States, seven
are in Oregon.— Albany Democrat.
the Claxton ola
Come in and hear it play
YV. D. Starr, principal of the
C. P. Stafford and wife spent Alsea school, has been engaged to
succeed Prof. Baker at Brownsville.
The Howe garage at Brownsville,
burned iu the big fire July 12,
1919, is to be rebuilt at once of
Fictionized from
F a rm M achinery j
D eerin g an,i
Tho standard makes of
M cCorm ick
the world
B in d ers
A ll
Stewart & Price Confectionery
C ap ital a n d S u rp lu s $35,000
Interest paid on time certificates of deposit
W e invite your banking business
(J. H. KOONTZ Pro«
r B.
M. . BOND.'caTsh il'i'OR’ V’ice-Pre8-
Brownsville will vote June 10
on the question of issuing $1500
bonds for repairs to the dam and
| ditch that furnish water for power,
Leonard Gilkey, who had charge
of the county exhibits at the Btate
fair last year, has been appointed
by the fair managers to repeat this
| year.
H ill & Co’s big stock of bigb
grade aluminum ware, advertised
I last week at bargain prices, went
like hot cakes, but there is still
part of it left.
No One Will Refuse. p,.„ ^
The Study club took in between
I $50 and $60 at the primary day
dinner and the girls sold $6.03 j
| worth of candy.
The Frank S. Walker family of.
Brownsville intend to go to low..
-or the summer and to spend
winter at Pasadena, Cal.
records aud
S m a r t « ; t r ic e s ice cream. Its d e li­
cious fla vo r, so pleasing to the palate
‘ I’ ? * * 1,*, ‘ ° • ’¡e r£on* ’'' taste, y o u n g o r
« if
<[ iy M
‘ ,hls’ try *o,,,e * * “ «■-
silt. Sold by the pint, quart or gallon.
Mr. and Mrs. Chance and grand -
Ison Harry drove to Brownsville
Friday and spent the day with
I the Elswicks.
Twins, a boy and girl, weighing
I eight and seven pounds, arrived
I at the home of Carl Sprenger of
I Crawfordsville M ay 12.
Be H o n est W ith Y o u rse lf
C I f yon have been d rillin g along- s p e n d in g a ll, s a v in g n o th in g — stop
•n d thin k.
“ Cann° ‘ K° ° n foreVCr’
O ne'8
<'»>’» »re
each pavdav
<7 ‘ ” y ° “ r e“ r n ,n < P °wer ,s tl11’ «real.-st, see to it
y F p a y i S o m k t h in o toward your future I n u k p k n o k n c k
W e w ill welcome your account and help you save.
T h e F irs t Savings B a nk o f A lb a n y , O re g o n
‘ Where Savings are s a fe ’ ’
Four per cent and no worry.
Alec Thompson, formerly of
Brownsville, has bought Dr. Shel
ton’s property in that city, denuded
by the 1919 fire, and will put up
a concrete business building.
There is a strip of about two
miles of the Pacific highway near
Shedd that will not be paved this
summer because the foundation
will not have settled sufficiently.
The Scandia Shipbuilding com
pany, which has the contract for
laying concrete pavement from
this city to Harrisburg, is getting
its plant ready for the job at the
latter city.
J. W. Craig, the veteran Browns­
ville mail carrier, evidently feeds
his horse too high. The animal,
though 27 years old, ran away and
threw Craig jrom the buggy, ln-
j uring his knee.
Lester McKamey foot McKav
vs we had it last week], who con
fesses robbing the Brownsville
drug stores, is a boy of good repu­
tation and is out on parole. Prob­
ably his lesson will break him of
any lawless tendney.
Brownsville always is interesting
and occasionally is profound. The
action of the Good Citizenship
League there in asking the school
board not to hire teachers who
dance must be profound— too pro­
found for us to follow. We bad
never suspected that good citizen
ship bad anything to do with
dancing. We cannot see that the
ordinary social life of school
teachers is anybody’s business but
their own. The kind of teacher
who is willing to sell to the board
not only his services but his per­
Hi i) STAR le e aarvetorie advancement for home» wltlM rt ma>
sonal and private judgment as
well will prove to be the kind of
I the c ity gas range. I t is w ickless, a sh le ts and d irtie s *, because it gen-
teacher who cannot hold a job in zv erates its own gas from cheap kerosene, g a so lin e o r d is tilla te , concentrât-
in g a double r in g o f heat beneath the c o o k in g u te n s il and s a vin g at least «
school.— Albany
ifk o n e -fo u rth of fuel b ill, Operates 19 h o u rs on a g a llo n o f fu e l.
The announcement by the civil
service commission of the post­
master examinatioms last fall said:
“ This is not an examination nodtr
the civil service act and rules, hut
is held under an executive order
of M ay 10, 1921. Approaching
vacancies in over 200 offices in the
euntry were scheduled. O n ly th n s
of these were in Oregon. They
were Halsey, vacant Jan. 24, 1921,
salary $1400, Troutdale, Oct. 1,
1921, $1000, and Turner, Jan. 1,
The Halsey commission
has not yet arrived, and it will
take about a month to make the
transfer after it does. Large bodies
move slowly, and the poetoflice
department is large.
(C o n tin u e d on page i)
b A
R O H R B A U C H *
415-421 W est First at., Albany, Oregon
£ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 x
A u to m o b ile In su ra n c e
Firo, theft, colli»ien, property damage and
personal liability. Protect yourself against
C. P . ST A FFO R D , A g en t.