4 PAG E 2 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E M A Y 25, 1922 BRO W N SV ILLE CLUBS H A LSEY E N T E R P R IS E | Agree with thine enemy An independent— N O T neutral—new*- quickly, whilst thou art in the way n u t e e r r . r published t i i h l I r v p every r v T h n r a s la v a. a ■ . .. _ . . . { « e p Thurxlay, with h im .” The bitter-ender by W m . H . A A. A. W H E E L E R . likely to be bitten, in the end. Wm. H. W mxk LXB Editor. FREE! F o r a lim ite d tim e o n ly we a r e g iv in g ABSO­ LU TELY F R E E w ith e v e r y r e g u la r V a c u u m C u p T ire p u r e n a s e d _ Sheep, Poultry, Canning, Homemaking, Sewing Money . to Loan L W e make farm oans for oue of the largest x a ITXX n in su sa ncb compa nibs and are prepared io give you any kino of a loan you desire Low in- teres» rates. Long term, ami prtDay- ment privilege of $100 or m ultiple o i l (Farm Bureau New») any interest date. W rite M u . A A. W11EBI.KK Buaineaa Manager and Local News Editor. Peterson A M cC ully, Eugene, Ote The Brownsville schools hare In the first article io the maga- organized through the help of Supt. rine section of last Sunday’s Port­ Subscriptions, $1.50 a year in advance land Journal is the statement that R. E. Baker the following clubs; Transient advertising, 25c an inch; per­ “ The *bear-hug' so often used in The Sewing club will be led by manent, 20c. N o discount for time or space. speech has no foundation in fact." Mrs. H. Wilson. The officers are In ' Paid-for Paragraph«," 5c aline. And in the same day’s Albany Mary Wooddy president, ,Lois Noadvertising disguised as news. G O O D R IC H , Democrat Rev. J. W. Craig of Henderson vice-president and Bon- Brownsville, 77 years old, is quoted nee Kitchen secretary. The other G O O D Y E A R a n d F I S K H A L S E Y , Linn Co., Ore.. May25, 1922 The extra thickness of the Vacuum Cap Tread, pins the extra plies of as saying; “ My uncle came to his members are Alice Hess, Nadine fabric an I the good measure tread ol hundreds of stuidy non-akid Vacu­ T IR E S death in a peculiar fashion. * Templeton, Clarissa Tindle, Oletlia i We _ U1 oo_n . . um Cups, make Vacuum Cup Tires, at prevailing prices, the biggest value g reat c r y , no wool „ 411 4 n ar w in De open event ngs from now A bear got hold of him out in on the market. Greene, Alberta Riffey, Florence on d uring the summer months Come in and get a copy of the latest price schedule. You w ill be Delegates dissolve the Genoa the hflle of southern Oregon and Please do not call Sunday u n its , neces- Hess, Gladys M itchell, Margaret agreeably surprised. G et your sea«on’s tire eq uipment today and a free eonference amid mutual congrat □rushed him to death.” Here we “ fy- Yours tru ly, Davis, Leta Tycer, Lola Tycer, tube with every tire purchased. illations on its success, though have both sides ot the story. Buena Samuel, Lucile Rauch, Ver- they know that it has failed of its nita Mitchell, Mary Hinton, M yr­ mam purpose.— Oregonian. Democrats are rejoicing over the I tle Kumler and Gennie Sullivan. The same may be said of the division of the republican camp in -I The officers of the Canning club F U R N IT U R E are Mrs. B. M. Hammond leader, Washington conference, whose to two factions on the K. K. K Helen McClain president, Marvel muni purpose was to allay the fear issue and predicting the election 1 We m ake a Lawrence vice-president and Clara of a democratic governor. Hate is I of war with Japan. The latter S p e c ia lty o f Dougherty secretary. The follow, LAW N M OW ERS O ur prices are mad* with pow.-r Il ia confirmed the Washing, more powerful than love in politics, ing are the other members of the F r ie n d s h ip , x-» . _ _ the object of m aking sales club: Edna Hedlund, Ruth Large, t o i denies and violated all of but the democracy would better a r d e n h o s e E ngagem ent and I Neva Large, Hulda Hammond, them. She baa promised to release not be too sure. Party hatred Come in and get prices. | Alice H ultz and Belle Burson. W e d d in g her hold on Chinese and Russian may over.balance faction hatred H. A. Wilsou will lead the Paul- territory, but is increasing her and dash their hopes. R in g s try club, of which Phillip Tussing military forces in those places and is president, H arry Sawyer vice- F. M. F ren c h & sons The Good Citzenship league at I it is reported that she is even president and James Wada secre­ I h a v e s o m e in q u ir ie s fo r tr a d e s o n fa rm s . ALBANY OREG. tary. The other members are building fortifications in Siberia. Brownsville is not confining its j C all a t m y office a n d le t’s ta lk it o v er. Harold Reynolds, Frank Hale, And ubile the Canton and Pekin combative efforts to windmills and I n s u r a n c e a n d fa rm lo a n s. Paul Rippey, Ralph Lawrence, A nong “ governments” are carrying on dancing schoolma’ams. Dave Callaway, Harold Howe, hopes to enrb art h u t slight hostilities against each real evils Archie Samuels, Merle Farrier, ot‘ier the Manchurians, recently bootlegging and juvenile thievery. W illiam Barr, Oliver Stevens and Donald Davis. deprive I of the dominance they ATTORNEY A T LA W The demands of the farmers | Mrs. C. B. Lawrence is leader had maintained for ages over all 201 New First N at’l Bank Bld’g, tur* is more easily cored than cow-I of the North Brownsville Sewing of China, are in revolt and are al­ were ignored in the consideration j peas alone, constitutes a well-balanced club, Wanda McHargue president Albany, Oregon. leged, though without confirming of the tariff bill in committee and ration. and Is relished by all kinds of and Luciie Davis secretary. Other farm stock. Both the sweet sorghums proof, to have Japanese backing. then came the Pennsylvania crash. members of the club are Thelma and the kafirs are used. T he Amber Fox, E m ily Peachy, Opal Ruch, I f Japan does not, a few years sorghum Is most generally favored. The “ farm bloc” may be voted Amor A. Tussing hence, have absolute power in Si­ When grown In rows, the Sumac and Ciara Bramwell, Mildred Rauch down in congress, but not in tht ■ru.d Nina Matlock. orange varieties o f sorghum are fully beria md Mauchuria, as now in The Homemaking club includes L A W Y E R AND NOTARY Greater Variety and Larger Yield as good as the amber since they grow country. Korea, the signs of the times are larger and stronger plants. The whip­ Miss P. I. Harrison leader, Jean of Feed Is Obtained and difficult to interpret. B rownsville , O regon In nominating Piuchot the peo- poorwill, Iron, unknown and clay va­ Baker president, Elsie Stevens vice- Easier to Cure. Isolation is getting the United pie of Pennsylvania have declared rieties of cowpea require about the president and Beatty Coshow sec« same time to m ature as the sorghums retaiy, with Alice Knight, Doris States nowhere except into the themselves free and independent and therefore should be used In place Wright, Laura Peachy, Virginia background, in diplomacy or in of the old state machine. But thit- j of the e a rlie r sorts. Harvesting with Shelton and Helen Hale members. action had no bearing on national commerce, and four-power and a mowing machine Is most satisfac­ Sewing club No. 2 consists policies.— Albany Herald. tory. nine power treaties will come to Two doors north of the hotel. of Mrs. Dorothy Stevenson leader, When sown "broadcast" fo r hay, the Excellent M ixture for 8llaga end Is Jessid Pyburn president, Helen naught, as they always have doue ” I « " ' ■ » » «“ « r y - E I . I . . Wood- I ,,p “ " " » - » •'» '■ « ‘ ¡on guar- Being Extensively Used on D airy in the past. One “ Ton Tested” Tube H ALSEY GARAGE "of corresponding size Foote Bros. P A IN T S and O IL S GENERAL HARDW ARE G it HILL & CO W. Moore, Realtor. C .C . B R Y A N T GROWING COWPEA IN COMBINATION Shoe Repair Shop CORN USED QUITE GENERALLY G o o d B a r g a in s During the month of June only we I are offering you a W altham A “ scientist’’ declares that apes h ii I monkeys can lie devoloped in­ to humans in 150 years by wise bidding and culture. Another » h i man says he knows how to make a man live forever, unless killed by accident. Still another sci.intist sajs he can build a gun th will shoot men up to the moon. If all these wise men would only take that trp l Movies are being reformed from the inside and the public approves Io a vote on movies favorites in New York 476,860 votes were cast mid no'divoreee or wild-life celeb­ rity got ten per cent of them (lie claim that naughty stuff is given because the people demand it is disproved, No movie censor grafters are needed. 310 size, 15-jewe,,with fine gold filled quality esse, for Regularly sella as high as $40 Also Prench indestructible $21 Pearl Necklace w ith diamond clasp 24 inches in length, for___ $10 I hese are real bargains, A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S Coming to Albany Dr. Mellenthin S p e c ia lis t of seed being well mixed and sown at the same time. Usually the beet rate to sow la about one bushel of cow­ peas and h alf a bushel of sorghum seed to the acre. W here the grain d rill la not available fo r sowing, the cow­ pea seed should be disked or harrowed In. and the sorghnm should then be sown while the land Is rough, the seed being covered w ith a drag h ar­ row or weeder. Farmers, Attention D och N o t O p e r a te FOR SALE TWO DAYS ONLY E . L M artin. Route X Box 77, Halt •V. weak patter editor and » nell-diager — Manfacturer. Is the rest of better? the eenate any to« fail to call, as improper measures | rather than disease are very often the auae of your long standing trouble. M arried women must be accompanied >v their husbands Address; Oll», Npuu. a Specialty I. O. 0 . F. in Real Estate. 336 Boston block, Mtneap- yell leader, Anna Heiuricb and Elactric H aircutting, Massaging Pearl Pebrason. and Shampooing. Officers this year have been in order Alberta Koontz, Louiee Rob- Cleaning a id Pressing. oetv, DeLoe Clark, Anna Heinrioh, Janet Boggs and W illis Kirk (ser­ geant-at-arms). The senior cless has planned to A R C H IE C O R N E L IU S give its play Saturday, May 27 From the work it has been put- ting on it, it promises to be an entertaining play The title ie E x p e rt workmanship. Watches and “ M r Bob” . You can’t afford to clocks a specialty. miss it! HALSEY OREGON The botany class took the hike to the hills near Brownsville last Tuesday afternoon for specimens. The weather has hitherto been too unfavorable to permit its going •‘ooner, consequently some of the hikes will have to be given up. VII work done promptly and The junior class haa been re- reasonably. Phone No. 26V.9 quested to give its play agaix, but on account of the rovaltv and the I interference with the senior play W R I G H T & P O O L E it has decided not to do so; uever- L IC E N S E D F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S ¡ess the compliment is greatly H A R R IS B U R G LEBANON tppreciated. The class also takes Fhooe 35 phone 15 this means of thanking the people Branches at of Halsey for the assistance given B row nsville, Phone .1 7 0 5 . m the production of the play, by the loaning of household goods, Hxlsey Phone 166, F rank K irk , M gr etc Don’t forget the senior play’ as this will be the last given by the high school this year. E. C . M IL L E R V fT F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Three Reasons why you should have n t examine your e yes: First, we give a scientific examination Second, we never ad­ vise glasses unless they are ¡really needed, and T h ird , if yon need glasses we w ill have them made under our per sunal supervision. lungs. . ’ ’ “ 1 b* rr,u« th» legislature rheumatism, sciatica. leg ulcers sad rev- ine worst and most inefficient mob | tai ailments we have ia the one we have sent I f you have been ailing (orany length to congress. if tim e and do not get any hetter, do I he terni bloc in the senate con­ sista of twenty lawyer», oae news Dress Shoes W ATCHMAKER & Jeweler Wo need leaders in Congrs.., He has to hia credit wonderful reaulte everywhere—the dream that ther> n diseases of the stomach. liv e r, bow la leail-r-hip in the mob ia ended I ela, blood, akin, nervea, heart, bladder, "—Manufacturer. catarrh, A. Peterson Dealer 1 Jersey Cow (fresh) 2 Holsteins Office hours 10 s. m. to 4 p. tn. wetting, C 0B B LER > BARBER SHOP M onday a n d T u esd a y J * u n e 12 a n d 13 l b* J th e Shire Stallion HOTEL ALBANY 'Citi», gall stones, ulcers ol stomach,Tm ila or adenoids , JE W E T T Zimmerman’s W ill be at No C h arg e fo r C onsultation .„ ,1 anteed. Although the cowpea can be satis- factortly grown alone. It Is more ad Practical Shoe vantageously grown fo r hay In com Repairing. binatlon with other crops. When grown F in e In this manner, not only Is a greater variety and larger yield of feed ob- ulned, but the mixed hay Is much Excellent results are obtained by more easily cured and handled. Oom is used quite generally w ith cowpeas, sowing cowpeas and sorghums togeth­ 501 Lyon i t , Albany, Oregon, but only to a slight extent for hay. er In celtlvated rows 2H to 8 feet The crop most w idely used w ith cow- apart- This method requires about pena for hay Is sorghum, both sweet 45 pounds of cowpeas and about one sorghums and kafirs, although other third of a bushel o f sorghum seed te crops, such as sudan grass, Johnson the acre. High School Notes grass, soy beans and m illet, are used. W IL D E Y LODGE NO. 65. Cowpeas and Com. The Junction City Times thinks ( Received week after the prin« Regular meeting next Saturday The cowpea Is an excellent crop to that if Conan Doyle is so certain ‘2LS were ovorrun with copy.) | night. grow with corn fo r silage, and It Is that dying ia a very pleaant ex- 8tudent body met last Friday being nsed extensively for this pur­ perience he might try a little of it and officers for the following year pose on many dairy farms, especially himself. He probably w ill, some! were nominated. Election will In the northern p art of the cowpea day. take place in two weeks. 1 hose area. nominated are as follow». Preei- I f grown w ith corn fo r other than Office 1st door south of school house ■r silage purposes, cowpeas are allowed dent, Kenneth Cross, Wayne Halsey. Oregon. to ripen a la ir percentage of pods, Robertson and Louiee Robinett:, which are gathered for seed and the vice-presideut, Preston Newton; Before you breed your mares see Handles Town and Country Property. remainder pastured. T ills method not secretary, W ilm etta Forster and G ive h im a call and tec i f he can fix only gives a crop of com but also Grace Robinson; treasurer, LaVelle you up. sufficient cowpea seed fo r sowing the Palmer and Anna Heinrioh (de­ next season, and the residue makes clined nomination); reporter, Janet either a hay crop or a fa ir amount of Boggs (declined nomination), De- grazing for stock. I d many parts of A t Halsey Fridays Etta Robnett and Mearle Straley; the South, especially In the sugar- Hot. p 't . j tuaubiiit- did urgt the voters to defeat Piochot it Dr. M elleothin is a regular graduate 1 Pennsylvania and thus indorse the I in medicine and surgery and is li* |c.*nsed by the state ol Oregon. lie national administration I And. • ) ..! P — u » u -------- I visits professionally the more important now t h a t Pmchot has (ba party’» L w „ . a n d « , , e. and o ff.,» to . » who nomination, how loudly they pro- I call on this trip free consultation except claim t h a t th e » q u ib b le w as purely I ’*1* expense of treatiuent when desired. a state affair and had nothing to According to his method of treatmen t he does oof operate for chronic append* do with national affaire! Y „ worth, Elsie Weed, Ellen Baker, Marie Darling, Dorothy M cC al­ lum, Vesta Matlock, Gladys Hayes, Veeta Cushman, Margaret Lane, Maude Ray, Ruth Large, Neva Large, Marvel Lawrence and Gretia Harrison members. The Sheep club is composed of Kenton Thompson president, Del­ bert Shea vice-president, Robert I McFarland secretary and Marion Davidson, Burnell White, Paul W right, Floyd Farrier, Ellia Fen- I nel, and Royal Ackerman mem­ ber». W. J. Ribelin in In te rn a l M edicine fo r th e p a st eleven y ears 1 wo ol the jurymeu who con . vioted seven I. W. W. member» of second degree murder at Centralia have signed a onnfeesioa that they violated their oaths in bringing in that verdict. Whether the con vioted uien get out of jail or not thoee juror» ought to be put in. One of those signers has already recanted his recantation. (P r e p a r 'd b r t h . U n ite d S ta te . D e p .r t t n .n l or A < rtc u ltu r e .) Wrist Watch, >t Farms— Sorghums end Kafirs Also Favored. C owpeas G ro w in g W ith Sorghum. nene districts o f Louisiana, cowpeas Instead o f being pastured ere harvest ed for hay a fte r the corn has been gathered. Cowpeas and Sorghum. Cowpea* grown In combination with sorghum make an excellent hay or Silage crog. As a har crop Hite mtx- CJo/ezrc e tris t. A l b a n y o acb , Harold Albro. Maaufactunng op'kiao. FA RM ERS i ” “2 , Metal Oil Barrel, Fifty-gallon , brass faucet ; $3. Enterprise office. articles wo longer^neevled. or succeeded oy b etter onea. which somebodv would 1»«» to obtain. An adveriisem rnt the •use o f thw . coating 25c, m ight find a tmyer end covert what is A Q XX ’ f a i r Hash into good V