halseyenterprise VO L. X HALSEY. L IN N COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. M A Y .’5, 1K2 Brownsville Briefs ( Regular Correspondeos«) The various churches of Browns­ ville are planning a children’s ween under the direction of the Union church, June 6 to 11. A feature of the celebration will be a picture of all the Sunday? schools ' on June V with a parade. Hakey Christian Church” W. T. Templeton this week dis­ posed of his residence io’ 8outh Brownsville to Charles Fullager. Church Announcements Brownsville lost to Sweet Home Christian : iast Friday on the latter’s field 10, Bible school. 11, Lord’s supper. Sermon, with a score of 8 to 7. The Church Made Plain.” Ernest and Kenneth 5(i>Crae 7, Christian Endeavor. Gene­ I formerly of Brownsville, came over vieve Wells, leader. from Jefferson Sunday for a brief 4 i 8, Sermon, ‘‘The Old Fashioned visit. W hen you need anything for your automobile we can give you real values. Look our stock over. Shedd Shots LIVE PRIMARIES (Regular Correspondence) Electrified By Olcott at the Ik ,lh er” W4 *1 i Q Grocery Specials The eighth grade baa selected patience. double oak soles. Munson l a s t __________ . ___________ yellow rosee as the class flower and He joined tbe Presbyterian Dependable Roasted Coffee, 3 pounds... Men's Brownstone Blucher. medium weight, half double O n r pnrple and gold as tbe colors for church when 18 years of age and in oak sole, grain leather inner soles, Munson l a s t ......................... « p O s a / d the graduating exoerciaea. later years went into tbe Evangel- Peet’s Washing Machine Soap. 3 for...... You will notice /ill the above shoos are «olid Two Creme O il free The Tangent Oddfellows bought •cal church, of which be wae a faith­ ful member. a radio set when they ware at N eptune Pie Peaches. 2;-lb. size. 6 for... leather. We have a full lino of good sh< os Eugene at the encampment thia A precious one from us has gone; A voice we loved is stilled; for women and children. week and will liatan in on all Pearl W hite or Silk Soap. 25 b ars......... A place is vacant in our home coast broadcasting. A ll price» less 5% for cash ^bich never can be filled At tbe Oddfellows* convention God io his wisdom has recalled ALBANY at Eugene this week Mrs. Mildred The boon hie love had given, OREGON McMahan of Halaev was elected Anu though the body slumbers here grand patriarch of the Oregon » Tbe soul is safe io heaven, MORTON & DOTSON Phone 65 Albany Jots andTittles x.-%. ■%. A u c tio n S a le ! MEN’S HEAVY WORK SHOES O p p o r tu n itie s a t H o m e $6.00 5.00 5.00 3.50 $3.89 $4.00 $3.50 $3.89 $4.50 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 M. V. KOONTZ CO. Ham ilton’s