Chicken Pie Dinner G e t a good D in n e r Registered Jersey (Regular Correspondence) No. 18, 12:01 p. m. ». 23. 11:29. m. vania primaries, which means that R l l I I Orville Welch left last week 24, S.SU p. m. tJ ie re a n seat Friday. Friday, 6 2. The The . winning last . c,eanuP- week“ h ad ’’The*"in ALBANY, OREGON Willoughby in the butcher shop, Throughout the greater part of the T A L C U M POW DER team consisted of the two Overtons, Bides of his rooms kalaomined. Pompeian Mitchell, McFarland, Turner A email fire started in the home Melba C. H. Koontz and wife were pass Robertson. Kitcheu, Warren and W illiam s’ Eggleston, engers to Portland Thursday, Mennen's true. It Is customary to plant turnip« I j g 1 W M J ” 11 o u t before a n , the latter part of July on land from done. DjerKist H . Bryant tells the Albany Dem where they spent several days. Mavis r ‘e ? ““ ea.?T crop ot h ^u . Mrs. Ida Robson was an Albanv R. L. W inniford and wife were oorat that the goat is about the FURNITURE EXCHANGE Violet I r some other early vegetable has visitor last week most effective opponent to turn at the county seat Friday. K A IR R E S T O R E R 1 been removed. The securing of a good A F. Goodbrod went to Salem Danderine I loose against the Canada thistle «and of turnip« depends, first, upoa O.AU » • » F am ily by the name ol Mr. Bryant is correct. A flock of Goldman’, Hair Color Restorer Friday, having In excellent condition Kl°hardeon is occupying the C o w - the soil 7 --— «.»^«waaa, wruuil Wildroot Angoras will watch every thistle and. end. second, on weather conditions condition. at I house. M r. Richardson is con­ A new sawmill to work up oak Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur of any variety in a field and the the time of aowtnj the seed. Either nected with the paving plant. Parker's Heir Balsam ash, maple and white fir int^ moment a bud begins to show pink extremely wet or prolonged dry Hall's Hair Renewer Mrs. B. Clark, one of the grade they will eat it and then wait for handles and other parts of tools is weather will greatly Interfere with Walnutta H air Dye echooi teachers, spent the week end the next W ith goats around, causing the building at Peoria of getting a good stand of turnips. Liquid Arvon The usual custom Is to harrow the in Portland. never a thistle seed can ripen several residences fOr employes. ground to a smooth, even surface, then And, speaking of Canada thistles, D. S. M cW illiam s and family Mrs, Robinson, primary teacher •ow the seed broadcast, trusting te if you have a heavy stand of them, and Earl Frum visited the county Everything at bargain prices. «are a party in honor of Dori« put them in the silo just before’ seat Saturday. * 422 West First at., Albany, Oregon. Morgason’s birthday, also inviting the pupil, of Miss Stoddard’s room Peter Bither of Brownsville passed his eighty-third yearly Rex Davis and family of A l­ milestone Friday. bany were visitors at the Davig P r o f it B y home in Shedd recently. One of the landmarks of Browns­ Guy Powers of Albany spent the v ille , the residence built by Roy H. H . Spaulding in the ’forties, waek end with H arry Sprenger. caught fire Saturday, but was RnCd A* E“ ghl r a" d family spent saved by the fire department The Sunday with Mrs. Pugh’s father, Times office, in that city, is on the M r. Henry Sprenger of Albany. Spaulding donation tract. : G'J’ I'ge Coon of Astoria ie visit- J. D. Irvine of Brownsville, wl o once was county commissioner and seeks the republican nomination Three Reasons to ? Ur? Or> are, circulated that C lif- for the full term tomorrow, says why you should have examine m w r i2 ° n ‘ “d L° U C,rother8 are on his card: ’’County out of debt. your eye»: First, w» give On Sale May 25 to August J l— Return lim it October Jl scientific VVe paid cash when I was commis­ examination. Second, we never ad- Turnlpa Can Be vi»e glasses unless they Liberal Stopover Privileges are really sioner. Can be done again,” Ho ■srly Crop of R. Morgason and wife and Mrs. needed, and Third, if if you need glasses was in town Monday. tsms Other Vogstahls. we w ill bave them m “ Baked Beans, Po- '" the books. Women’s Study Club 2 Holsteins Let Us Save You Money Men’s heavy blue denim bib Overalls, full cut, $1 Blue chambray work Shirts, twópocke ts, full cut, 75c Work Gloves, canvas- leather faced, All-leather Gloves, £ Spring Tonics goatskin - BLAIN CLOTHING T}1? store with a square deal for every customer, E. L. Stiff IED STAR Oil Stoves $30 to $75 Other Oil Stoves W. A. Ringo, Druggist $15 UP Great Reductions East Through California Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets “ H ig h P o i n t s ” on th e W ay The Glorious Siakiyous Majestic Mount Sheets The Rugged Sierras P le a g n r e P la c e .” You Must See S«a Francisco— World fatuo.,. f ,ty that •••»„ hard to leave. ” Ito. Angeles—Wonder - city and noted tounst center s.„ D ie g o -Ron, . nti<. d t y ” where Cklilornia began.” Three. National Parka- -Yfiwmito. Sequoia. General Grant. Ik-orw of Charming Seashore and Mountain Resorts. . « e n X ’wnto Southern folder. . , k Pacific Lines JOHN M »COTT. General Passenger Agrnt —""I"1’ an , W. A. Eastburn of Albany, can­ didate for the republican nomina­ tion for the unexpired term of Mr Butler, which D. C- Thom, now bold« by appointment, calls for "A I usitiese administration on strictly business principles,” B. M. Bond and hie wife, mother and sister drove to Portland Fri day, returning Sunday. R. K. Stewart, chairman, and J C. Bramwell, secretary and treasi urer, ot the board of directors of the Pine Grove Cemetery associa­ tion, issue a call for cleanup day. j May 23, at the cemetery, which every body and especially those di­ rectly interested, are requested to attend. sunal supervision. ade under our per- baSSSaT it ” t0 «t If a light shower falls ahortly after the sesd Is sown, this will not only tb* ' • * d but ,h* Plants « good sta rt Sometimes turnip- ar* Ray Duncan and wife of Tan­ Plante«! In rows with a semi drill and cultivated This method la desirable gent spent Sunday with Dal Dun­ e-peclsny where the crop to X n ,„ can and wife of Shedd. k / s .“« s ’SX*"'1 O p to m e /r te t. AL» AN Y ONi O N I& Harold Albro. Manufacturing optician. m e th L W* Z’ bUt 0,8 euwomsry . d ’ ° * ’W ,h* • * * « broadcast Turm l ° ‘° h *“’ ' « " *' " S Turnip, m a, remain In tbs ground « 1» «-Id enoJJh to freeze the soil about them. If left long, however, they become pith, The Oregon Growers’ Co-opera­ method of saving turnip, h tive association has withdrawn from £ T h . « " usual t Pu" them .nd thmw them S the market on fresh loganberries and other fresh fruits It j. pre. Piles, then with a sharp knife cut off «hs tope about one-fourth Inch above dieted that buying will be slow he turnip. The turnips can than be until eastern brokers learn of the " lrr i" Pl,' b*'n« - - - d poor prospects for a crop. straw then with earth, or placed In O l£“w,£ J. c . Bramwell sp«nt Monday at The league of nations has the county seat. straightened out the Silesian coal Miss Thelma Hayden Bowers ar­ mine quarrel. A joint commission rived on t o la r ’s noon train to akin of Germane and Poles will control t h .^ the mines under a fifteen year '«ough «raw and wHI , with Mrs. Wheeler for a time. P -v e n . than, fm m freezing ,p treaty. „Z For the convenience of sports­ men the Southern Pacific company compile, authentic and up-to-date information regarding fishing in th* varions ocalitie, traversed by tahnaa. Weekly report» are sent in by agente throughout the system •howing whal kind of fi,h are plentiful, kind of bait proving P°P“ l«r and size of catchX 7 ' information is then compiled into cioular form and ••n t oat to «11 agents for the in- (ormation of the public. J- W . Moore bae located his real in lh e b n ild i"« next t u t of th . Foote garage, formeriv occupied by Wright 4 P » k . T